Quotation Explorer - 'Knew'

Know thyself? If I knew myself, I'd run away. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I never said I love you because I knew he would understand it differently. I loved him, and I still do, but it was as a chapter. It wasn’t as a fairytale ending. - Dominic Riccitello
ConnubialBecause with alarming accuracy she’d been identifying patterns I was unaware of—this tic, that tendency, like the way I've mastered the language of intimacy in order to conceal how I felt— I knew I was in danger of being terribly understood. - Stephen Dunn
But even then I knew it wasn’t me that saved her life. It wasn’t about me. I was just there while she was maybe going to die and maybe not, and then she just didn’t. - Lucy Corin
We swallowed the chaos because we knew we didn't want to be ordinary. - Robert M. Drake
When you have mental illness it's common to be shunned by your family or friends it wouldn't happen if they knew the pain you were in. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
I'm back... and you knew I was coming. On my way here I passed a cinema with the sign 'The Mummy Returns'. - Margaret Thatcher
the voice taunted, and threatened: "you are afraid, unhappy, dissatisfied, what if…."but I knew, this was not His language for motivating my heart,so I waited quietly to hear my Father's native tongue, "I love, I am satisfied, I trust, this is the way..." - and I moved. - Kate Mullane Robertson
The lines gradually become their own demiurges and, like some witless yet miraculous participant, I witness the birth on paper of sentences that have eluded my will and appear in spite of me on the sheet, teaching me something that I neither knew nor thought I might want to know. - Muriel Barbery
Not being a man of means, I knew that if I did not stay sober enough to earn money, I would run out of liquor. - Alcoholics Anonymous
I’d do anything for you. And she knew he meant it. Even before you healed me, you gave my life back, a reason for living. I adore you, I worship you. I love you beyond all reason. - Ava Gray
Violet sighed in the way you do when you know something bad is going to happen, but hope against hope that it won’t, but it does anyway and you realize that you always knew it would and were stupid for having made yourself believe that you could stop it. - Victoria Forester
Her whole existence was calling his name and she had no clue where SHE actually was... He continued his path on achieving his goals because he knew that was the source of her scream... Secretly or not she was the biggest of them all - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
I asked myself one day, 'Would it be humane of me to completely destroy my mind and soul for the music?' I knew immediately that the answer was no, so I knew I had to. - Matt Borneman
Few friendships would survive if each one knew what his friend says of him behind his back - Blaise Pascal
I always knew death of this relation would be the death of my life. - M. Ali
This guy and this guy and this guy… knew a lot of but couldn't find the words which could explain the "knowledge". - Deyth Banger
The first precept was never to accept a thing as true until I knew it as such without a single doubt. - Rene Descartes
PERIPATETIC, adj. Walking about. Relating to the philosophy of Aristotle, who, while expounding it, moved from place to place in order to avoid his pupil's objections. A needless precaution -- they knew no more of the matter than he. - Ambrose Bierce
If I'd written all the truth I knew for the past ten years, about 600 people - including me - would be rotting in prison cells from Rio to Seattle today. Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism. - Hunter S. Thompson
And she knew that her fate wasn't set by how or where she was born, but the decisions she made and the battles she fought. It didn't matter if she had eight toes or ten, amber eyes or blue. What mattered was what she set out to do. - Robert Beatty
Many people could say things in a cutting way, Nanny knew. But Granny Weatherwax could listen in a cutting way. She could make something sound stupid just by hearing it. - Terry Pratchett
Oh, friend, forget not, when you fain would noteIn me a beauty that was never mine,How first you knew me in a book I wrote,How first you loved me for a written line.... - Edna St. Vincent Millay
The dusty tombs of long-dead exorcist priests lay in the alcoves below, surmounted by stone effigies, the features eroded by the passing of time and the reverent caresses of their grateful parishioners, a reminder, she knew all too well, of the brevity of life. - Sarah Ash
There is much enjoy in vengeance than love, and we humans already knew that. - M.F. Moonzajer
And the wild regrets, and the bloody sweats, None knew so well as I: For he who lives more lives than one More deaths than one must die. - Oscar Wilde
She knew the way of things. She knew ifyou weren't always stepping lightly as a bird the wholeworld came apart to crush you. Like a house of cards.Like a bottle against stones. Like a wrist pinned hardbeneath a hand with the hot breath smell of want andwine. . . . - Patrick Rothfuss
Never knew what a friendship was, Never knew how to really love, You can't be what I need you to, & I don't know why I fuck with you - Erykah Badu
As soon as we left the ground I knew I myself had to fly! - Amelia Earhart
I knew, as soon as I woke up, that the dream had come from God and it was about the reality of Jesus. The truth of Him. The He was a person whose pronouns you had to capitalize. That He was God. - Lauren F. Winner
I melted into the dream as if I had always been there. I knew where I had come from; I knew where I was going. - Chelsie Shakespeare
Some part of me knew from the first that what I wanted was not reality but myth. - Stephen King
I knew a man who gave up smoking, drinking, and rich food. He was healthy right up to the day he killed himself. - Johnny Carson
God loves us. He's watching us, he wants us to succeed, and we'll know someday that he has not left one thing undone for the eternal welfare of each of us. If we only knew it, there are heavenly hosts pulling for us -- friends in heaven that we can't rememer now, who yearn for our victory. - Ezra Taft Benson
She knew all the indices to the idle lonely, never bought a small tube of toothpaste, never dropped a magazine in her shopping card. - Joan Didion
and when his lips touched mine forthe very first time . . . i knew he is theone - shivangi lavaniya
Sisyphus, I. I cling to my rock, you don’t have to chain me. Stand back! I roll it up—up, up. And down we go. I knew that would happen. See, I’m on my feet again. See, I’m starting to roll it up again. Don’t try to talk me out of it. Nothing, nothing could tear me away from this rock. - Susan Sontag
And at the instant he knew, he ceased to know. - Jack London
I have often reflected upon the new vistas that reading has opened to me. I knew right there in prison that reading had changed forever the course of my life. As I see it today, the ability to read awoke inside me some long dormant craving to be mentally alive. - Malcolm X
Harvey, Harvey, Harvey, I always wanted to be a hero in my life but i knew people won't let me to be a hero they only let you to be a villain, you know a villain, with a knife because these cheap maggots always want you to hurt them, hurt them badly." the joker said angrily. - Neymat Khan
Maybe I am everything I knew that I would never be. I looked back at Jay and smiled. - Holly Hood
What would you do in life if you knew you could not fail? What would you deeply regret never risking? - Mike Rabe
I always knew i would look back on my tears and laugh but i never tought i would look back on the laughter and cry - Unknown
I NEVER KNEW YOU.Only those who do not practice sin can stand in the presence of the holy God.1 John 3:6No one who remains in Him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has seen Him or known Him. - Mac Canoza
A sense of his own identity came upon him with sudden force, and he felt the power of it. He was himself, and he knew what he had been. - John Williams
I knew I wasn't the picture of health, but I didn't think I was headed for the last roundup. - Fannie Flagg
New ideas pass through three periods: It can't be done. It probably can be done, but it's not worth doing. I knew it was a good idea all along ! - Arthur C. Clarke
She wasn't entirely sure how she felt, All she knew was that he entered her world And she felt more alive than she had before, secretly wishing he was feeling the same. - Nikki Rowe
Did you knew that the key for heaven opens and the gate for hell. - Deyth Banger
When Socrates said he knew nothing he still thought he knew more than anyone else. - Marty Rubin
I had tried to express myself, but couldn't do that because I was afraid that it will hurt someone. I never knew that not expressing myself hurt myself. - Nutan Bajracharya
I knew that we would obtain it, I thought that what I had dreamed, had no reason to be complied. - Daniel Díez Ginestar
I feel sure that no girl would go to the altar if she knew all.
I was brought up in that other service; but I knew from the first that the Devil was my natural master and captain and friend. I saw that he was in the right, and that the world cringed to his conqueror only from fear. - George Bernard Shaw
As I inched sluggishly along the treadmill of the Maycomb County School system, I could not help receiving the impression that I was being cheated out of something. Out of what I knew not, yet I did not believe that twelve years of unrelieved boredom was exactly what the state had in mind for me. - Harper Lee
Learning, learned people knew, was a multilingual enterprise ["Absolute English," Aeon, February 4, 2015]. - Michael Gordin
One of the reasons God did not make a lover for Himself when He made one for Adam is because He knew that fewer people would take Him seriously once He had an ex. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Who knew Demon Child would have such a normal name? I expected something exotic like Serena or Destiny or the Evil One That Comes in the Night to Make Us Chilly. - Darynda Jones
I made dangerous choices in those years, thinking myself bold and adventurous. Later I would come to understand that I hadn't been daring at all, just driven by confusion and hormones. The person capable of true daring, I knew now, possessed two admirable qualities: curiosity and courage. - Alice Steinbach
I can breathe easier now that the appointments are behind me.I missed them all, through deliberate negligence,Having waited for the urge to go, which I knew wouldn’t come.I’m free, and against organized, clothed society.I’m naked and plunge into the water of my imagination. - Fernando Pessoa
The worst-tempered people I've ever met were the people who knew they were wrong. - Wilson Mizner
If he knew so much then why? Because he wanted to know more... He knows his heart cannot betray her ... But he knows now more than he ever dreams of... And is hoping that what he would offer to be worthy of his AAA+ - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
I think the biggest achievement of my life is that I followed my heart when I knew what it wanted, and had faith in destiny when I didn't know what it held. - Mansi Laus Deo
If the path set before her feet was to be narrow she knew that flowers of quiet happiness would bloom along it. The joy of sincere work and worthy aspiration and congenial friendship were to be hers; nothing could rob her of her birthright of fancy or her ideal world of dreams. - L. M. Montgomery
When I interviewed at Yale, the admissions committee asked me why they should let me into the program. I looked at them unblinking and said, 'Because I'm going to change the world some day. And I'm giving you the chance to say, We knew her when. - Sarah Thebarge
He smiled then, and that smile was like the sunset, stretching from one end of her existence to the other, lighting her way not by sight, but with a slow kindle inside she knew would never leave her bereft for the sun's warmth. - Joey W. Hill
The last I knew you were going to a party. just a few friends at the McEvoys' you told me. The science club, you told me. What happened? You got into a fight about the theory of relativity? Did creationists crash the party and start a rumble? - Tami Hoag
Not watching the path where his legs took him, he walked on because he knew he had to walk ahead, leaving his past behind. - Faraaz Kazi
David was "a star, the Elvis of the Bible." An unusually for such a rockstar with his lust for power, lust for women, lust for life, he had humility of one who knew his gift work harder than he ever would. - Bono
Stop expecting the world to affirm you as a person. Half of the world will like you and the other half will hate you, despite what you say or do. Christ knew this truth, but he did his life mission anyways. - Shannon L. Alder
Adventures kept hidden, words kept silent. You became my greatest secret. And when you left, no one knew the source of the pain I felt. No one knew you existed, except my writhing heart. - Hubert Martin
Fight for the only thing she knew was good enough, noble enough, powerful enough to be worth risking everything... Love. - Lauren Kate
Being married definitely took work. When we fought, I felt like I wanted to float away and drown, whereas before I knew I could walk away without any strings attached. - Brenda Perlin
She didn’t need hope anymore because she knew the things you wanted weren’t necessarily the things that you needed. She knew that the things that were meant to be just happened. You couldn’t control them like she once thought. - Holly Hood
Like the very young, she knew a little bit about a lot of things and a whole lot about nothing.
And she called him a stranger. Whose name still echoed in her mind like a war cry. Who had seen each bit of her naked soul and knew how scarred her soul is. Whose reflection still stood, smiling at her every time she stood in front of the mirror. - Akshay Vasu
Resurrection hope turned those who believed it into a counter-empire, an alternative society that knew the worst that tyrants could do and knew that the true God had the answer. - Bible Review
He had a word, too. Love, he called it. But I had been used to words for a long time. I knew that that word was like the others: just a shape to fill a lack; that when the right time came, you wouldn't need a word for that anymore than for pride or fear. - William Faulkner
You are always in my thoughts. When you were little, I knew your whereabouts at any given moment. Now that you are...off on your own, I still always know where you are, because I keep you in my heart. - Elizabeth Berg
REVELATION, n. A famous book in which St. John the Divine concealed all that he knew. The revealing is done by the commentators, who know nothing. - Ambrose Bierce
All I knew is that sometimes my father was sad. I hated that he was sad. It made me sad too. I didn't like sad. - Benjamin Alire Sáenz, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
This is the great world, and I am only Kim. Who is Kim?' He considered his own identity, a thing he had never done before, till his head swam. He was one insignificant person in all this roaring whirl of India, going southward to he knew not what fate. - Rudyard Kipling
Can't you see? Before you knew the truth, we were happy. What's the god in ferreting out the truth all that time? It's always unpleasant.""Is it only lies that are Pleasant?""Usually. That's why people tell them. To make life bearable. - Penelope Mortimer
And everything I thought I knew - you made me trade it all for you...but, frankly, you're not worth it. - Phar West Nagle
All my life I had thought that if you worked hard you would be rewarded. If you worked your ass off, there would be some reward for you. But now I knew that the reward was just the chance to work your ass off. - Don J. Snyder
I'd watched too many schoolmates graduate into mental institutions, into group homes and jails, and I knew that locking people up was paranormal - against normal, not beside it. Locks didn't cure; they strangled. - Scott Westerfeld
If they knew how much you kept inside to keep from hurting them, but hurting yourself instead, maybe they’d love you more. - Darnell Lamont Walker
I knew I was putting you under immense pressure when I rejected your work the other day. I set an impossible deadline - yet you have met it with work that I can only call outstanding. As your teacher, I had to push you to your limits so that you could recognize your own true potential. - A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
His whisper was the softest sound I ever knew, which seemed to bring the loudest heartbeat. - Dominic Riccitello
She knew there was something dark in her then, when she left the alley and the shadows followed. - Daniella Michalleni
Only those who do not practice sin can stand in the presence of the holy God." -"I NEVER KNEW YOU - Mac Canoza
Happiness is already in the future because your heart and mind took you there a million times already. It knew. - Shannon L. Alder
I traveled across the world to rescue her, but when she held me as I cried I knew...... I was the one that was rescued. - Shannon L. Alder
I never knew how much I missed pickles and pickle juice. It's like, an overwhelming feeling that I can't even explain. - Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi
She knew herself, how she had slowly, over years, become a cat, a wolf, a snake, anything but a girl. How she had wrung out her girlhood like death. - Catherynne M. Valente
Richard Papen: As it happened, I knew Gartrell. He was a bad painter and a vicious gossip, with a vocabulary composed almost entirely of obscenities, gutteral verbs, and the world "postmodernist. - Donna Tartt
They sought the pain they knew so well and called it love. - David W. Earle
He knew the things that were and the things that would be and the things that had been before. - Homer
And as she knew more and more, all her fears became her strength - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
He cared less, so they cared more. He said it was beautiful. I knew he was broken.This was his game. - Coco J. Ginger
Seven times have I despised my soul: The sixth time when she despised the ugliness of a face, and knew not that it was one of her own masks. - Kahlil Gibran
Democracy is, first and foremost, a spiritual force, it is built upon a spiritual basis - and on a belief in God and an observance of moral principle. And in the long run only the church can provide that basis. Our founder knew this truth - and we will neglect it at our peril.
When she was a child, my love carried a road-map in her hand the way other girls carried handkerchiefs. She always knew the way. Her feet were little wings. And her beautiful head was a compass. - Roman Payne
Two great things happened to me. One was that I survived. The other was that I met you, because I knew why - Kamand Kojouri
You were the poem I never knew how to write because no words could describe the wind you cannot see, but feel. - Shannon L. Alder
I never knew what it meant being a slave until I quitted religion - Moses Tiko Lungu
Years ago there was an old man I knew that told me he didn't trust me, because people with beards were hiding from something. I told him, "That's true, I'm hiding from the barber!! - Neil Leckman
But if you knew about this... conspiracy, why did you cooperate with it? Why did you allow Hae-Joo Im to get so close to you? Why does any martyr cooperate with his judases?Tell me.We see an end beyond the endgame. ... - David Mitchell
Oh, readers. If only you knew what we've gone through for you. - Harry Olsen
Her heart had grown so familiar to the pain of life without him, that to respond now seemed too large a pleasure she could not endure. If pain was love, then she loved fiercely. Yet knew she could not be near that boy again. - Coco J. Ginger
I never had any doubts about my abilities. I knew I could write. I just had to figure out how to eat while doing this.['s Venomous Fiction, New York Times, April 19, 1992] - Cormac McCarthy
No gasp at a miracle that is truly miraculous because the magic lies in the fact that you knew it was there for you all along. - Toni Morrison
We have done with Hope and Honour, we are lost to Love and Truth,We are dropping down the ladder rung by rung,And the measure of our torment is the measure of our youth.God help us, for we knew the worst too young!from "Gentleman Rankers - Rudyard Kipling
Never forget that we were enslaved in this country longer than we have been free. Never forget that for 250 years black people were born into chains-whole generations followed by more generations who knew nothing but chains. - Ta-Nehisi Coates
Freud, one of the grand masters of narrative, knew that the past is not fixed in the way that linear time suggests. We can return. We can pick up what we dropped. We can mend what others broke. We can talk with the dead. - Jeanette Winterson
It was just a job. It wasn't any special interest in consumer affairs. I needed a paycheck and the Attorney General said that I would be best to go down there, because he knew I was anti-consumer. - Dan Quayle
I watched you try on suits in Hugo Boss.‘For the big job,’ you said. And I laughed, because I knew I would never see it. I’d never get up and watch you put it on and walk out of the door. I would never be the one that you came home to. - Kate Chisman
The greatest thinker we can ever think of is Jesus Christ. He knew how to make His contenders ponder in awe - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
All things considered, the happiest epitaph to have etched on one's headstone is this: 'He never knew what hit him'. - Thomas Ligotti
I knew I loved youwhen 'home' went from being a placeto being a person. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
Why are you leaving me?He wrote, I do not know how to live.I do not know either but I am trying.I do not know how to try.There were some things I wanted to tell him. But I knew they would hurt him. So i buried them and let them hurt me - Jonathan Safran Foer
Part of the pleasure has to do with a sense of efficiency, of materials exactly allocated and completely used. Another part has to do with a sense of inevitability, the feeling that someone knew where we were headed all along, even if we and the characters did not. - Wendy Lesser
I should not talk so much about myself if there were anybody else whom I knew as well. - Henry David Thoreau
It was the forest’s fault. Those two handsome woodcutters. An evil place, the forest, everyone knew it, full of temptations and imps... - Tanith Lee
Those who know how one should die knew how one should live. - Alireza Salehi Nejad
Perhaps a physicist would know at once why this whole idea was absurd. But then, perhaps a physicist would be so locked into the consensus of his scientific community that it would be harder for him to accept an idea that transformed the meaning of everything he knew. Even if it were true. - Orson Scott Card
I have no God to hold me up. And I believe that when they shatter the body they shatter everything, and I knew that all of us—Christians, Muslims, atheists—lived in this fear of this truth. - Ta-Nahisi Coates
I knew what he felt. The huge buoyant air sack of love that filled his body had just exploded and the collapse was devastating. - Katherine Dunn
My mother had a kindness that embraced all life.She knew her place well and was comfortable in giving everything she had.This is the tradition of native women. - Dan George
I knew then that the fewer items I was acquiring, dusting, packing, moving, and lugging around in life would free up my energy and time to create... - Dorothy Breininger
I don't think of myself as a poor deprived ghetto girl who made good. I think of myself as somebody who from an early age knew I was responsible for myself, and I had to make good. - Oprah Winfrey
there is something magical and addicting about going somewhere, being alone, and finding yourself in parts of the world you never knew existed, finding parts of yourself you never knew you would find. - Ava
What could we accomplish if we knew we could not fail? - Eleanor Roosevelt
I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better. - Maya Angelou
I remember my own childhood vividly..I knew terrible things. But I knew I mustn't let adults know I knew. It would scare them. (In conversation with Art Spiegelman, The New Yorker, September 27, 1993) - Maurice Sendak
This was the book I read over and over. I really felt so in tune with them- I knew all the dates of their lives, what they had been doing, whre they had been. They were always my heroes, creating something fantastic against all odds, and against their real life. - Christian Tetzlaff
George Macdonald said, 'If you knew what God knows about death you would clap your listless hands', but instead I find old people in North America just buying this whole youth obsession. I think growing older is a wonderful privilege. I want to learn to glorify God in every stage of my life. - Elisabeth Elliot
Only someone you loved could make you wear that kind of expression. Someone who had once loved you knew how to get to the part of you where the pain lived. - Dorothy Koomsoon
I knew that I did not want to go to that juvenile diversion program because I had an intuitive sense that it would turn me irrevocably into the kind of character that I was now only rehearsing to be. - Gabrielle Hamilton
As a young girl I was told the truth. I knew about death. I was afraid to lose but not afraid to die. - Kayko Tamaki
As I looked out at the glittering waters of the Pacific I was seeing for Carl. He knew that it's not for any one generation to see the completed picture. That's the point. The picture is never completed. There is always so much more that remains to be discovered. - Ann Druyan
I remember my own childhood vividly...I knew terrible things. But I knew I mustn't let adults know I knew. It would scare them - Maurice Sendak
...I was shocked and astonished when a daring little girl -- a cousin I think -- having waited under a group of trees in the avenue, where she knew [my grandfather] would pass near four o'clock on the way to his dinner, said to him, 'If I were you and you were a little girl, I would give you a doll. - W.B. Yeats
I knew it was going to hurt. No one sends such a long text, using so many words just to say "I love you. - Katherine Intac
I wasn’t anything special as a father. But I loved them and they knew it. - Sammy Davis Jr.
I think it would shock most people if they really knew what we have each survived by the time we graduate high school. - Jennifer Elisabeth
I'll find my own way, when I was no longer able to survive. and when I knew that's where I can get up turning point - Handi Priyono
Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree. - Martin Luther
The day I understood everything, was the day I stopped trying to figure everything out. The day I knew peace was the day I let everything go. - C. JoyBell C.
Oh, they knew it was something, but it couldn't be that -- not that. That was imagination, that was superstition, there was no such thing as that. And before science had caught up with the legend, the legend had swallowed science and everything. - Richard Matheson
If you knew how great is a mother's love, you would have no fear. - J.M. Barrie
I am happiest when I clear my mind and allow the world around me to reteach me what I thought I already knew. - Vironika Tugaleva
The proof of how real Jesus knew hell to be is that He came to earth to save us from it. - Peter Marshall
His priority did not seem to be to teach them what he knew, but rather to impress upon them that nothing, not even... knowledge, was foolproof. - J. K. Rowling
If I knew your thoughts, I would know what you are, for your thoughts make you who you are. By changing our thoughts, we can change our lives. - Dale Carnnegie
I should have liked to be asked to say what I knew. They always tried to ask what I did not know. When I would have willingly displayed my knowledge, they sought to expose my ignorance. This sort of treatment had only one result: I did not do well in examinations - Winston S. Churchill
Much of our understanding of God's action in outlying is achieved in hindsight. When a particular crisis or event in our life has passed we cry out in astonishment like Jacob, "The Lord is in this place and I never knew it. - Sheila Cassidy
An idea is like a spark to creativity, which turns to a wild conflagration of thoughts, burning every ignorance. When the fire burns, the creative power is awake, and comes out to join the ideas in your head to bring out the hidden valuables the world never knew - Michael Bassey Johnson
I asked her what a true story was because I thought that all stories were made up. She said a true story was called fact, and a made-up story was called ficton. Auntie May said a made-up story is a bit like telling lies, only the people who read them knew that already and so it didn’t matter - Rebecca Lloyd
What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? - Robert H. Schuller
432In the end, grace may prove irresistible, but love can never be forced. Augustine knew this. - James Wetzel
We knew our Father. There was no need for persuasion. Would not His Fatherliness be longing to give us our hearts' desire (if I may put it so)? How could we press Him as though He were not our own most loving Father? - Amy Carmichael
Forever?"Sam's lips smiled, but above his grin, his yellow eyes turned sad, as if he knew it was a lie."Longer. - Maggie Stiefvater
April and May were painful, lonely months for me because I couldn't talk to you. I never knew that spring could be so painful and lonely. Better to have three Februaries than a spring like this. - Haruki Murakami
It is impossible to satisfy self. Self always wants more and more. It is an ugly monster that will devour you if you don't devour it. Stop feeding it an watch the pressure be released. Self deprivation is much more fulfilling than self gratification. Who Knew? - Randa Manning-Johnson
Cold air clawed at my face, ripping tears from my eyes. I buried my face deep into Daniel's back and breathed in a mixture of familiar scents - almonds, oil paint, earth, and a hint of varnish. I didn't even question why I was on that bike. I just knew I was suppose to be. - Bree Despain
I turned to the window. A single raindrop fell against it, and seeing my reflection in the glass, I suddenly knew why Finn’s eyes were familiar.They were exactly like mine. - Pamela Nicole
Even from a very early age, I knew I didn't want to miss out on anything life had to offer just because it might be considered dangerous. - Nicole Kidman
I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves. - Harriet Tubman
Anytime I was denying my inner self, I knew absolutely nothing. - A.D. Posey
There is no one so grateful as the man to whom you have given just the book his soul needed and he never knew it. - Roger Mifflin - Christopher Morley
You knew that what makes me very glad is that you are an artist. - mohammad rishad sakhi
Whoever that came up with the idea of people having to have 'a dream' sure knew how to keep these creatures called human beings preoccupied. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
So I figured I'd leave the area, because I had no ties there anyway except for this girl I was seeing. We had conflicting attitudes: I really wasn't into meditating and she wasn't really into being alive. I told her I knew when I was going to die because my birth certificate has an expiration date. - Steven Wright
The censors don't bother with fantasy books, especially old ones. They can't understand them. They think it's all kids' stuff. They'd die if they knew what The Chronicles of Narnia were really about. - G. Willow Wilson
This is pretty much what journals are all about, at least to me. I knew as I wrote them that even though they provided an excellent place for brain (and heart, and psyche) dump, they were mainly a map of me. - Colleen Wainwright
If we knew how to use the power of our thoughts, we could travel the world in a second. - Debasish Mridha
The years teach us much, which the days never knew. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
He knew that all the hazards and perils were now drawing together to a point: the next day would be a day of doom, the day of final effort or disaster, the last gasp. - J.R.R. Tolkien
Already she knew that an idea could pain him like a bruise. He had grey eyes that showed every thought, and sometimes Charlotte worried that he might be hurt in some way that she would not be able to prevent. - Lauren Owen
I always knew death of this relation would beat the death out of my life. - M. Ali
I knew I loved you before I met youI think I dreamed you into lifeI knew I loved you before I met youI have been waiting all my life - Savage Garden
She had willed herself open to him and knew that the chemistry of love was all within her, her doing. Even his power to wound her with neglect was a power she had created and granted ... - John Updike
...she knew, with all her heart that running away from the country’s top relationship coach was as good as saying, 'there’s no hope for me, ever'! - Diane Hall
A hundred years ago, an average teenager knew countless authors, and, a sex position or two. Today, an average teenager knows countless sex positions, and, an author or two. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I knew with certainty now—I could say no, and he would stop. Above all, I felt the fierce beauty of the choice. I knew now what it was that had held me from falling into my desire to be with him fully: I first needed to make sure he was a man who would respect my 'No. - Aspen Matis
How many of us readers say this quote and mean it. "If I knew what I know now life would be different".... - Robert Reed
She realizes she doesn't know as much as God but feels she knows as much as God knew when he was her age. - Dorothy Parker
She had blue skin. And so did he. He kept it hid, And so did she. They searched for blue Their whole life through, Then passed right by - And never knew. - Shel Silverstein
She is not fair to outward view As many maidens be; Her loveliness I never knew Until she smiled on me; Oh! then I saw her eye was bright, A well of love, a spring of light. - Hartley Coleridge
He touched my soul long before I knew what his hands felt like. - Nikki Rowe
It was strange how fear had gone,now that we knew the worst and had a fighting man by our side. - John Buchan
In that nanosecond of enlightenment I knew that the human spirit survives the death of the physical body and I understood that my wandering soul needed to get back into its earthly habitat. - Janet Bettag
In private life I never knew anyone interfere with other people's disputes but he heartily repented of it. - Thomas Carlyle
We used to think that if we knew one, we knew two, because one and one are two. We are finding that we must learn a great deal more about 'and'. - Sir Arthur Eddington
I only knew what was in my mind, and I wished to express it clearly - Ulysses S. Grant
But, deep in her heart she knew more than what the words read or heard seemed to say. She knew that every letter in every word in every war bulletin was, somewhere, first written in blood of men, of human beings, who had once smiled and sung songs, eaten, drunk, slept and loved. - Kate Seredy
Every once in a while, large cities have narrow streets, silent passageways that allow your footsteps to echo in the stillness of the night, and it seems like everything is going back to the way it was, when there were only a few of us and we all knew each other and greeted each other on the street. - Jaume Cabré
What a good thing Adam had. When he said a good thing he knew nobody had said it before. - Mark Twain
Hey everyone. This is , the one who wrote a A BOY I ONCE KNEW and BLACK SHEEP AND KISSING COUSINS. To those of you who read either one, thanks! But another , not me, wrote WOMEN AND THE CUBAN REVOLUTION and VALLEY OF THE SHADOW. Just setting the record straight! - Elizabeth Stone
Whatever became of the moment when one first knew about death? There must have been one. A moment. In childhood. When it first occured to you that you don't go on forever. It must have been shattering, stamped into one's memory. And yet, I can't remember it.
I began to write because of love. I wrote to understand what I felt and what I knew. - Kamand Kojouri
I think I was very often bored as a child, but boredom is not what I knew it as—what I knew was that I worried a lot - David Foster Wallace
Faithfully, Calvi was following the rules to the letter. He knew one thing: Whatever was in that document had caused the death of the leader of the Catholic Church. Who’d be next? - Peter J. Tanous
In the morning, that moment, when I knew it was you. When I could feel you breathing and we opened our eyes at the exact same time. - Kate Chisman
I knew I belonged to the public and to the world, not because I was talented or even beautiful, but because I had never belonged to anything or anyone else. - Marilyn Monroe
I went to sit in the bus station and think this over. I ate another apple pie and ice cream; that’spractically all I ate all the way across the country, I knew it was nutritious and it was delicious, ofcourse. - Jack Kerouac
I hadn’t understood at the time. If sinners were so unhappy,why would they prefer their suffering? But now I knew why.Without my wounds, who was I? My scars were my face, my pastwas my life. - Janet Fitch
and he suddenly knew that if she killed herself, he would die. Maybe not immediately, maybe not with the same blinding rush of pain, but it would happen. You couldn't live for very long without a heart. - Jodi Picoult
Because the fact of not being understood by other people had become my only real source of pride, I was never confronted by any impulse to express things and to make others understand something that I knew. - Yukio Mishima
From the moment I held the box of colors in my hands, I knew this was my life. I threw myself into it like a beast that plunges towards the thing it loves. - Henri Matisse
If I knew what I was so anxious about, I wouldn't be so anxious. - Mignon McLaughlin
Act like everyone you meet is an angel, because sometimes they will be an angel. Would you cuss out that person if you knew that they were an angel that was about to save your life in a few seconds? - Preston Wagner
I took a heavenly ride through our silenceI knew the moment had arrivedFor killing the past and coming back to life". - Pink Floyd
The 'magic' is the known and unknown quiet, spiritual, invisible thread which links and reveals harmonic elements to a universe of high vibrational sensory. And our beloved Bro. Maurice David knew it's undeniable creative power, from within. - T.F. Hodge
I knew I’d be troubled, but who knew awhile meant forever? - Dominic Riccitello
I had to piece together a diet for her, too. I knew which combinations of which foods on which days would rehang everything that was draped so delicately beneath her skin. In a matter of months, the body under the smock was organized anew, redistributed - Gary Lutz
Dear Mary: We all knew you had it in you. - Dorothy Parker
I threw my 20th birthday party at Brown, and I didn’t even have to say to anyone not to put pictures on Facebook. Not a single picture went up. That was when I knew I’d found a solid group of friends, and I felt like I belonged. - Emma Watson
The waves of regret were gentle, but I knew they would ripple on forever. - Yōko Ogawa
ERUDITION, n. Dust shaken out of a book into an empty skull. So wide his erudition's mighty span, He knew Creation's origin and plan And only came by accident to grief -- He thought, poor man, 'twas right to be a thief. Romach Pute - Ambrose Bierce
I never knew an early-rising, hard-working, prudent man, careful of his earnings, and strictly honest who complained of bad luck. - Henry Ward Beecher
He was himself, and he knew what he had been. - John Williams
And He watched over me before I knew Him and before I learned sense or even distinguished between good and evil. - St. Patrick
There was something appealing in thinking of a character with a secret life that her author knew nothing about. Slipping off while the author's back was turned, to find love in her own way. Showing up just in time to deliver the next bit of dialogue with an innocent face. - Karen Joy Fowler
Like a kite, carried by the wind, he followed her into the fluffy white clouds of her imagination. He didn't think her silly for living in the sky, but rather, he marveled at the wondrous life she had created on the outskirts of reality. He knew her love would elevate him to new emotional heights. - Jaeda DeWalt
She realized all at once that Doon, thin, dark eyed Doon, with his troublesome temper and his terrible brown jacket, and his good heart---- was the person she knew better than anyone now. He was her best friend.--City of Ember-- - Jeanne DuPrau
Like all bitter men, Flint knew less than half the story and was more interested in unloading his own peppery feelings than in learning the truth. - John Cheever
When I began to write fiction that I knew would be published as science fiction, [and] part of what I brought to it was the critical knowledge that science fiction was always about the period in which it was written. - William Gibson
New ideas pass through three periods: - It can't be done. - It probably can be done, but it's not worth doing. - I knew it was a good idea all along! - Arthur C. Clarke
For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
99 percent of every beautiful thing you ever knew escaped and went back out into the world where you vaguely remembered it. - Ron Padgett
I knew that Sundays in England aren't just ordinary dull Sundays, the same the world over, which demand that one simply tiptoe through without disturbing them or paying them the least attention, they are vaster and slower and more burdensome than anywhere else I know. - Javier Marías
Jamin knew that by morning, when he was done paying the girl in exchange for her slipping out without causing a fuss, he would be flat broke. But that did not matter. It was money well spent. - Stanley Gazemba (Bahati Books)
He is always doing something--the very best thing, the thing we ourselves would certainly choose if we knew the end from the beginning. He is at work to bring us to our full glory. - Elisabeth Elliot
If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? - Albert Einstein
When time passes, it's the people who knew you whom you want to see; they're the ones you can talk to. When enough time passes, what's it matter what they did to you? - John Irving
I knew someone had to take the first step and I made up my mind not to move. - Rosa Parks
You heard me cry long before I knew my voice. - A.D. Posey
When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew. - William Shakespeare
I knew that something profound was coming my way and I was just treading water, waiting for it. I didn't know what it was. I didn't know where it was. I didn't know if it was coming next year or next month. But I knew I was different from my friends in where I was going. - Diana Princess of Wales
She knew that nothing was ever as overwhelming or final as he seemed to think - that if he would wait, instead of shouting, there'd be less to shout over in the end. - Josephine Johnson
Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people who never knew each other, citizens of distant epochs. Books break the shackles of time. A book is proof that humans are capable of magic. - Carl Sagan
I knew I was alone in a way that no earthling has ever been before. - Michael Collins
Loss was like that, Gamache knew. You didn't just lose a loved one. You lost your heart, your memories, your laughter, your brain and it even took your bones. Eventually it all came back, but different. Rearranged - Louise Penny
Sleep is often the only occasion in which man cannot silence his conscience; we forget what we knew in our dream. - Erich Fromm
If all men knew what each said of the other, there would not be four friends in the world. - Blaise Pascal
I could smell death in the air and I knew it was mine. I could see the world spinning around me and I could sense the blows being thrust into my body. I blacked out. - Anna M. Aquino
i didn't call myself a writer until everyone else did. i knew it was real then. - Darnell Lamont Walker
Acting like someone you're not is exactly what it takes to realize you're capable of more than you ever knew. - Rob Sheridan
He ate and drank the precious words,His spirit grew robust;He knew no more that he was poor,Nor that his frame was dust.He danced along the dingy days,And this bequest of wingsWas but a book. What libertyA loosened spirit brings! - Emily Dickinson
Every time someone tells me I can't do something the more I want to do it, not to prove them wrong but because I always knew I could do it. - Justin Bienvenue
I think grief and fear are going to come to him suddenly. They'll be undiluted and words won't work. We're all going to get hit and won't know how to hit back. I wish I knew the answers, how to help myself and the people who will hurt all around me. - Kaui Hart Hemmings
If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it would not seem so wonderful at all. - Michelangelo Buonarroti
These places I traveled through, they were a lot like the people I knew. Some abodes I muddled about for a day or two, others entertained my thoughts for a year or a few. Each place and person gave me wisdom or growth, and, if I was lucky, sometimes I'd get both. - Hubert Martin
The bare knowledge of God's will is inefficacious, it doth not better the heart. Knowledge alone is like a winter sun, which hath no heat or influence; it doth not warm the affections, or purify the conscience. Judas was a great luminary, he knew God's will, but he was a traitor. - Thomas Watson
I will always love you Drizzt Do'Urden my life was full and without regret because I knew you and was completed by you. Sleep well, my love. - R.A. Salvatore
We are all happy if we but knew it. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
People change,' Sara said.'True enough,' Tsukuru said. 'People do change. And no matter how close we once were, and how much we opened up to each other, maybe neither of us knew anything substantial about the other. - Haruki Murakami
You must confront your past. At some time or other you must confront your past. It doesn't flash before your eyes, I knew that, but it's always there. We are our past. There is nothing else, and none of it can be undone. - The Fall
There was no better way to sell a lie, she knew, than to sprinkle it with truth. - Kaede Lazares
Clearing your head of everything you thought you knew, even your mostcherished ideas, will give you the mental space to be educated by your present experience--the best schoolof all. You will develop your own strategic muscles instead of depending on other people's theories and books. - Robert Greene
Another remarkable thing about the dead is that they are all ages, preserved at every age you ever knew them, and at no age at all. - Dara Horn
They knew each other. He knew her and so himself, for in truth he had never known himself. And she knew him and so herself, for although she had always known herself she had never been able to recognize it until now. - Italo Calvino
In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite. - Paul Dirac
If I knew I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself. - Mickey Mantle
If you knew you were going to lose your memorybut you could choose five things you’d never forget, what would they be—a certain face, a taste, a scent,a touch; how deepin this, the middle of your life? - Kristen Henderson
You broke me bodily.The heart ain't the half of it,And I'll never learn to laugh at itIn my good natured way.In fact, I'm laughing less in general,But I learned a lot at my own funeral.And I knew you'd be the death of me,So I guess that's the price I pay. - Ani DiFranco
They believed that prediction was just a function of keeping track of things. If you knew enough, you could predict anything - Michael Crichton
When the chips are down, you are giventhe chance to find the strength you never knew you had and put it toward the greater good. Or go over to the dark side. You know, if that’s how you roll. - Jessica Lave
I was with a friend of mine recently who was dying and while he was lying there with his family around his bed, I just knew that was it, that was the best you can hope for in life - to have your family and the people who love you around you at the end. - Ewan McGregor
Inside, I screamed for help but the words knew better than to escape my lips. - Brima Lamin & Chantale Wesley-Lamin, The Walk - Memoir of a Liberian Civil War Survivor, 2016
She isn't like any of the girls I ever knew, or any of the girls I was myself. - L.M. Montgomery
Just imagine the silence in the world, if people talked only what they knew - Karel Čapek
The inspector had interviewed boys before, boys from the poorest parts of town. He had the habit of not specifying "mam" or "dad" or even "parents." They were things he knew not every child possessed and so he was careful. - Sylvia Waugh
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness," O'Brien had said to him. He knew what it meant, or thought he knew. The place where there is no darkness was the imagined future, which one would never see, but which, by foreknowledge, one could mystically share in. - George Orwell
If I knew what two and two were I would say Four! - Idries Shah
Those who know who one should die knew how one should live. - Alireza Salehi Nejad
Once again I had the desolating sense of having all along ignored what was finest in him. Perhaps it was just the incongruity of seeing him aloft and stricken, since he was by nature someone who carried others. I didn't think he knew how to act or even how to feel as the object of help. - John Knowles
It was almost May. I knew that New York was getting warm now, that London was wet, that Rome was hot -- and I was on Vieques, where it was always hot and where New York and London and Rome were just names on a map. - Hunter S. Thompson
I knew just being a girl in the world handicapped your ability to believe yourself. Feelings seemed completely unreliable, like faulty gibberish scraped from a Ouija board. - Emma Cline
With slouch and swing around the ringWe trod the Fools’ Parade!We did not care: we knew we wereThe Devils’ Own Brigade:And shaven head and feet of leadMake a merry masquerade. - Oscar Wilde
I knew her before she was a virgin. - Oscar Levant
I could tell he was just as scared to love as I, But we still both carelessly climbed into eachothers arms and before we knew it, love had found us. - Nikki Rowe
Sometimes I'd yell questions at the rocks and trees, and across gorges, or yodel - "What is the meaning of the void?" The answer was perfect silence, so I knew. - Jack Kerouac
Sometimes a book isn't a heartbreaking work of staggering genius.Sometimes it's the only story you knew how to tell. - Tahereh Mafi
But secretly I knew I had been transformed, moved by the revelation that human beings create art, that to be an artist was to see what others could not. - Patti Smith
I didn’t go to religion to make me happy. I always knew a bottle of Port would do that. If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don’t recommend Christianity. - C.S. Lewis
It’s just proper for old people to die. Otherwise, they’d go insane in a world too different from the one they knew. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
If I knew me as somebody else, I would hate me just as much. Why have a double standard? - David Wong
The postgrad at least knew enough to know that he would never know enough, lying under the stars which hung from the inky sky like bunches of inconceivably heavy, lustrous grapes, dusted with the yeast of eternity. - Will Self
Who knew that dog saliva can mend a broken heart? - Jennifer Neal
She slept with wolves without fear, for the wolves knew a lion was among them. - R.M. Drake
So she became a woman who held her head high, not in arrogance, or contempt, but because she knew that it was a form of cowardice to make a choice and then pretend you didn’t really make it - Kamila Shamsie
I NEVER KNEW YOU."Only those who do not practice sin can stand in the presence of the holy God. - Mac Canoza
Comme l'on serait savant si l'on connaissait bien seulement cinq à six livres. ( How wise one might be if one knew thoroughly only some half of a dozen books - Gustave Flaubert
You lost your innocence when you grew up, all right, everyone knew that, but did you have to lose your hope, as well? - Stephen King
I saw the bruises, the burns, the cuts— I knew which ones had been done to you by someone you thought you could trust. Someone you thought loved you. I knew which ones you gave yourself. - Abby Norman
The sound was like a gentle breeze of joy on a warm summer day. It wrapped around his senses and his heart. That was the moment, and he knew he’d be telling her about it fifty years from now when she asked him when it was that he knew that he loved her. - Grace Willows
I didn’t know what it was, who I was or who he was. I just knew what we could have become as one. - Dominic Riccitello
When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew - William Shakespeare
If you knew all about it, it wouldn't be the leading edge. - Karl H. Pribram
Every situation you conquer, you find the strength, your never knew you had. - Lailah Gifty Akita
In a land that knew only dark beauty, she was something of a hybrid no one dared touch. But the tall Arab did not appear in the least daunted by her abnormality. No, she saw his eyes. He was not daunted in the least. - V.S. Carnes
He knew how to say many false things that were like true sayings. - Homer
I knew you would do me good in some way, at some time--I saw it in your eyes when I first beheld you. - Charlotte Brontë
The thing is to become a master and in your old age to acquire the courage to do what children did when they knew nothing. - Ernest Hemingway
Oh no-"she began.It shocked her to be right. Parent's were right, not children. Children could say anything, Arriety knew and enjoy saying it- knowing always they were safe and wrong. - Mary Norton
If I knew where poems came from, I'd go there. - Michael Langley
Her hands crept around his neck, tangling in his hair to keep him closer, even though she knew that beautiful boys with expiration dates couldn't be held, only borrowed for a time. - Martina Boone
Her date was pleasant enough, but she knew that if her life was a movie this guy would be buried in the credits as something like "Second Tall Man". - Russell Beland
I’m not a lot of trouble, she said.His gaze slid to her mouth. You sure about that?Completely. And then she flashed him an indeed trouble-filled smile.And that’s when he knew. He was the one in trouble. Deep trouble. - Jill Shalvis
Those of us who are brave enough to venture out, find so many things that we never knew within. - Linda Poindexter
When all the kids answered "fireman", "dentist", "mother", "want to marry a rich guy" and "astronaut", mine was "rockstar" when we grow up. Half of that was met. I knew I wouldn't be happy with any other occupation that was not in the entertainment business. - Nona Sebastian
Life really could be an enjoyable experience, if we only knew what it demands of us. - Sunday Adelaja
When people say "If I only knew then what I know now" makes me wonder why they aren't using that wisdom now. - Rob Liano
As a kid, I knew I wanted to be either a cartoonist or an astronaut. The latter was never much of a possibility, as I don't even like riding in elevators. - Bill Watterson
From ... the age of five or six, I knew that when I grew up I should be a writer. ... I tried to abandon this idea, but I did so with the consciousness that I was outraging my true nature and that sooner or later I should have to settle down and write books. - George Orwell
I'm convinced my heart knew who it belonged to, long before I met her. - Karla Campos
The way to fight a woman is with your hat. Grab it and run.The guy who said that was a wise man. He knew what most men don't - Women are powerful creatures who should be handled with care, or they can become very, very dangerous. - Christina Dodd
Einstein gave us a problem he knew we would never solve. - Eric John Mancini
There are few things we should keenly desire if we really knew what we wanted. - François de La Rochefoucauld
We lied to ourselves thinking in our minds we knew everything. We were deceived in believing that youthful enthusiasm could replace wizened maturity. - Anna M. Aquino
He smiled, and suddenly she knew that his words were true. Everything would be all right. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow, but soon. Tragedy couldn't coexist in a world with one of Colin's smiles. - Julia Quinn
Good Things Never Stay ..This what People Say..So,When I met you I knew That Oneday ,You Will just Go Away !STILL...I'll pray & prayThat we walk The Same WAY ( : - Mohammed Abdel-Mohsen
I came from a real tough neighborhood. Once a guy pulled a knife on me. I knew he wasn't a professional, the knife had butter on it. - Rodney Dangerfield
God has to work in the soul in secret and in darkness because if we fully knew what was happening, and what Mystery, transformation, God and Grace will eventually ask of us, we would either try to take charge or stop the whole process. - San Juan de la Cruz
Do you love me, Rain?""More than I knew it was possible to love. All the stars will fall from the heavens before I ever stop. - C.L. Wilson
I know half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. Now, if I only knew which half. - John Wanamaker
I never knew what life was until it ran out in a red gush over any lips, my hands! - Anne Rice
And her soul died in her for fear: she knew she had never seen him, he had never seen her, they had met in the dark and had fought in the dark, not knowing whom they met nor whom they fought. - D.H. Lawrence
History is littered with the wars everybody knew could never happen. - Enoch Powell
I pushed him against his Jeep, looked him dead in the eye and kissed him. He asked if he could come up, and I just walked up the steps and said, not yet. That was the moment I knew I loved him. - Dominic Riccitello
You knew I would find you and you knew what I'd do when I did." -Cort (The Carver's Problem) - B.L. Brooklyn
If you knew what I know about the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way. - Buddha
I only knew to treat the male asshole as if it had a grenade buried inside of it that could ignite a deadly explosion of anger, trauma, and sexual confusion. - Maggie Young
And I knew that in spite of all the roses and kisses and restaurant dinners a man showered on a woman before he married her, what he secretly wanted was for her to flatten out underneath his feet like Mrs. Willard's kitchen mat. - Sylvia Plath
Just that I have loved you, even when I was nothing and no one to you, when you didn’t know my name and barely knew my face.- Leo - Sherry Thomas
She might be a natural-born cynic, but she knew the right word when she heard it. - Kate DiCamillo
We each joked to close friends that the secret to saving a relationship is for one person to become terminally ill. Conversely, we knew that one trick to managing a terminal illness is to be deeply in love—to be vulnerable, kind, generous, grateful. - Paul Kalanithi
The burned corpses of the doppelgängers of Hitler and Braun, numerous false leads, meticulously orchestrated evidence, misdirection, and other diversions now being set in place will confuse the Americans and Russians, Zeller knew, and, in the end, put them at each other’s throats. - Paul Majkut
In Kilanga, people knew nothing of things they might have had - a Frigidaire? a washer-dryer combination? Really, they'd sooner imagine a tree that could pull up its feet and go bake bread. It didn't occur to them to feel sorry for themselves. - Barbara Kingsolver
I never liked hearing anyone say I was the new George Gershwin, because I knew I could have never even carried that man's music case. If George Gershwin hadn't died when he was thirty-nine years old, there is no knowing how much more great music he would have written. - Burt Bacharach
I neither knew nor cared whether my experience was insanity, dreaming, or magic; but was determined to gaze on brilliance and gaiety at any cost. - H.P. Lovecraft
Most people which died poor or rich or other types of people knew something they written it and in the near future when they revive they will somehow reach to this knowledge and will start looking from this view... - Deyth Banger
Journalism largely consists of saying 'Lord Jones is Dead' to people who never knew that Lord Jones was alive. - G. K. Chesterton
Growing up, I knew where the world ended. I could see it, at the horizon, where the sky touched the corn. My life was bounded and known. I *knew* the edges of the world. And then I went to college. - J. Michael Adams
The love I knew was from books.. - Pramoedya Ananta Toer
I knew such a woman once,She gave me everything.Her love like a soft riot singing,She knew how to shine. - Scott Hastie
I hated these visits, because I kept feeling the visitors measuring my fat and stringy hair against what I had been and what they wanted me to be, and I knew they went away utterly confounded. - Sylvia Plath
In that moment, we knew that we were all weird, all in this together, and that addressing our own suffering, while learning not to inflict it on others, is part of the work we’re all here to do. So is love, which comes in so many forms and can be directed at so many things. - Rebecca Solnit
If you knew the power within yourself to be truly happy, to be truly whole, then you would never ask another to become the image you desire for yourself, in order to be happy and whole. - Stephen Richards
Finn?Yeah?Remember how you said the ball was in my court?He pressed his forehead to hers for a beat, like he was working on control. She knew she should be as well but she didn’t want him to leave, didn’t want to be alone in this. Don’t go, she whispered softly. - Jill Shalvis
I arrived in the USA in 2001 and by 2015 I knew through experience that I was living in a country of corporate incompetence and blatant frauds. - Steven Magee
As I was sitting in my chair,I knew the bottom wasn't there,Nor legs nor back, but I just sat,Ignoring little things like that. - Hughes Mearns
Instead of writing my rules, I followed his. And that’s when I knew it all went wrong. - Dominic Riccitello
I turn off the radio, listen to the quiet. Which has its own, rich sound. Which I knew, but had forgotten. And it is good to remember. - Elizabeth Berg
Girl next to me at the baggage counter said she wrote her way to liberation. How did you handle first person narrative, I asked her. And said she knew the hole of depression, had been there. But I am out now, I escaped, I told her. 'You will fall into it again,' she said. Already I was sliding. - Kate Millett
Howl said, I think we ought to live happily ever after, and she thought he meant it. Sophie knew that living happily ever after with Howl would be a good deal more eventful than any story made it sound, though she was determined to try. - Diana Wynne Jones
He knew me in all the ways that truly mattered: the shape of my fears, the contours of my dreams. - Justina Chen
My marriage had its ups and downs like anyone's, but when it came down to it, I knew it was solid. I miss that sort of security, and that sort of connection with someone. - John Scalzi
He wanted revenge and I knew he would not stop until he got it. I had to hope he would run out of fuel. - Brenda Perlin
God made certain people part of your life because he knew his purpose for your lives will be achieved through your bond. - Unarine Ramaru
I never believed in Santa Claus because I knew no white dude would come into my neighborhood after dark. - Dick Gregory
I knew I'd been living in Berkeley too long when I saw a sign that said 'Free firewood" and my first thought was "Who was Firewood and what did he do?'
Some part of me knew that I could play this part well, or better than well. But I was almost afraid to play it. The line between stage and life was so fragile here that I felt a risk of losing myself somehow. - J.B. Cheaney
You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew." - Pocahontas - Walt Disney Company
What if deep down inside you...you knew you were more amazing and magnificent than you thought you were? - Roger James McDonald
I would cling to unhappiness because it was a known, familiar state. When I was happier, it was because I knew I was on my way back to misery. I've never been convinced that happiness is the object of the game. I'm wary of happiness. - Hugh Laurie
All I knew was that in a way I couldn't explain, his hug matched his stare. - Juliana Mae
I realise people exist who don't read. But it's like I knew there were people who didn't breathe or eat: I can't imagine a life like that. - Sarah Rees Brennan
Alvin didn't cry, didn't curse, didn't holler.... He was too far gone to roar on that day or even to crack. Only I did.... Only I cracked, alone, later in the one place in our house where I knew I could go to be apart from the living and all that they cannot not do. - Philip Roth
If you knew what I would become in the future, would you have treated me the same way today?. - Gugu Mona
It is not the path that you have trouble finding. You knew your path since your first daydream. It's courage you're searching for - courage to trust yourself and stop searching for a travel partner who knows better than you where to go. And courage is only built in action. - Vironika Tugaleva
We'd be the safest country in the world if the world knew we didn't have a gun. Men are not killed because they get mad at each other. They're killed because one has a gun. - Jeannette Rankin
Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason. - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
The severest test of character is not so much the ability to keep a secret as it is, when the secret is finally out, to refrain from disclosing that you knew it all along. - Sydney J. Harris
My passions were all gathered together like fingers that made a fist. Drive is considered aggression today; I knew it then as purpose. - Bette Davis
They were going to die. They knew it, and their last words were I love you. Even in great pain, their last words were of love... People who could have saved themselves and they ran back in to save others instead. If humanity is capable of that, how can I lose hope in humanity? - Elie Wiesel
I have been praying, too, for the first time in my life. That parson, Tugwell, he helped me see - not the error of my ways, for I knew them all to well already - but what was wanting in me. I am far from perfect, I know, but I am changed and changing still - Julie Klassen
We only knew then that there was always the war, but that we were not going to it anymore. - Ernest Hemingway
Work, Mrs. Hill knew, might not be a cure for all ailments, but it was a sovereign remedy against the more brooding kinds. - Jo Baker
She didn't know what would happen because of this. But she knew that today, she would hurt no one. She threw back her blankets and though only of today. - Kristin Cashore
I knew I was different. I thought that I might be gay or something because I couldn't identify with any of the guys at all. None of them liked art or music. They just wanted to fight and get laid. It was many years ago but it gave me this real hatred for the average American macho male. - Kurt Cobain
Who knew hitting my head and passing out would be so much fun? - P.C. Cast
The children of the 1960's that you call the 'Manson Family' wanted to stop a war and turn the government and world to peace. They gave their lives when they took lives and they knew it. - Charles Manson
If we knew all the answers, we won’t ask questions. - Lailah Gifty Akita
It wasn't exactly love at first sight, but it was deeper than that. A sense of belonging to a place I never knew I wanted but somehow always needed. It was a home that carried a heartbeat. - Nikki Rowe
I could feel the warmth of his presence as if a soft blanket had been wrapped around my soul, around my heart. It held me and protected me. It sheltered me and I knew I wasn’t alone anymore. - Colleen Houck
When you play music you discover a part of yourself that you never knew existed. - Bill Evans
It has always been my custom to treat words with respect. I can recall the time...when I knew words would be my life's work - Margaret Edson
God's Will is what we would choose if we knew what God knows. - Nancy Leigh DeMoss
More and more I knew my budding world was ruined if he were free in it. As a specimen Mr. Wallace might be my pride. Glory to him in a jar. But free! Better to release the sweet moving tiger or the delicate snake, the monumental elephant. I was just a castaway to be devoured. - William H. Gass
Who are you and why are you here?''I'm here to kill you.''Oh. I knew there was something about you I liked. - Greg Farshtey
Curious things, habits. People themselves never knew they had them. - Agatha Christie
My death granted immortality.With one look, I knew he’d be my undoing… Forgotten, book #1 of the Fate Trilogy - Sarah J. Pepper
He wept bitter tears over the death of his enemy. It was his enemy, after all, who knew him best and kept him up at night. - Donna Lynn Hope
They sicken of the calm, who knew the storm. - Dorothy Parker
The thing about books was, the more you read and liked them, the more you wanted to have on hand to read. Before you knew it you needed more bookshelves, and then all of the sudden they filled your house. - Sui Ishida
Out of the seven billion people sharing the planet with her, not one of them knew what was going through her head. Not one of them knew she was lost. Not one of them asked. - Amy Zhang
Didn't know where I was going. Didn't care where I ended up. I knew I'd be okay though. - Darnell Lamont Walker
I wish I knew how to quit you, Tumblr. - John Green
If Layla and Majnoon had seen Rasoolallah and Sayyiduna Abu Bakr, they would have bowed their heads and admitted they knew nothing about love and sacrifice. - Shaykh Mohammed Aslam
He wanted to be so many people all at the same time. He feared to be a nobody.Only years later did he realize that all he knew was what he didn't want to be - a disappointment. - Sanhita Baruah
It was a burden on all her muscles. A hollow deeper than her bones. She braced herself though, she knew why Atlas stood so tall. - Hubert Martin
If only I knew now what I know in the future. - Shawn-Dutton Manchester
We always felt as if every show was the most important thing in the world, but knew if we bombed, we'd live. - Raymond Joseph Teller
One is alone when the last one who remembers is gone. I have nephews and nieces and kind friends---but there's no one who knew me as a young girl---non one who belongs to the old days. I've been alone for quite a long time now. - Agatha Christie
He looked at his watch and knew he had to get going. He wished he could spend forever staring at her, but he was not meant to have that much happiness; he never thought he deserved it. Not after spending centuries as he did. - Daniele Lanzarotta
They'd taken everything. Everything, and people simply had let them. People had meekly surrendered the world to them in hopes those CEOs would finally have enough, finally have reason to leave them be. But Tom knew better. - S.J. Kincaid
My God had not spoken to me again. But neither had He forsaken me. I knew that. For damned sure, I knew that. - Marcus Luttrell
It was nothing but a hole, a mouth open wide. You could lean over the edge and peer down to see nothing. All I knew about the well was its frightening depth. It was deep beyond measuring, and crammed full of darkness, as if all the world’s darkness had been boiled down to their ultimate density. - Haruki Murakami
I don't think much about guys from the past. I'm glad I knew them, but there's a reason they didn't make it into my future. - Lorraine Zago Rosenthal
If I knew what I know today, years ago, I wouldn’t change a thing about anything. I would not have appreciated what I know today if it hadn’t been for what I didn’t know. - E. Obeng-Amoako Edmonds
When you run a business, your business is totally different from others. This means your lifestyle, your routine and what you make out of your business is totally different. You lead a different life compared to those in your neighborhood and the people you knew around your business circle. - Dee Dee Artner
If Wagner lived today, he would probably work with film instead of music. He already knew back then that the Great Art Form would include a sort of fourth dimension; it was really film he was talking about. - Harmony Korine
Nevertheless, I sought counsel from my leaders and obeyed, even when I knew their advice would make my life more complicated. I decided it was not for me to question and that if some advice caused temporary pain for me, it must be something I should experience. - Gordon B. Hinckley
If people only knew how hard I work to gain my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful at all. - Michelangelo Buonarroti
Apparently these new rulers of the world did not indulge in any drinking or smoking to soften their moods when they met, which Menelaus knew to be a big mistake. The Congress of the United States, back before the Disunion, always met sober, and look at what had come of that. - John C. Wright
Very early, I knew that the only object in life was to grow. - Margaret Fuller
He had let me know time after time that he was a thinking man, a man of intellect and wit. Yet one unintended hungry look into my eyes and he betrayed each of his words he had carefully spoken to me. I knew it in that instant. He was a viscerally driven man. And one day, he would possess me. - Coco J. Ginger
Never knew the word Goodbye could scatter my heart into pieces. Just 1 word, could made me cry over you. - Fi.Z
I think I saw you in an ice-cream parlourdrinking milk shakes cold and longSmiling and waving and looking so finedon't think you knew you were in this song - David Bowie
I've never been in love. I will die without knowing what it feels like to need to see one person's face when you go to sleep at night, to crave seeing it when you wake up. I wish I knew. - Libba Bray
Be that strong girl that everyone knew would make it through the worst, be that fearless girl, the one who would dare to do anything, be that independent girl who didn't need a man; be that girl who never backed down. - Taylor Swift
I always knew the woman i wanted to be- I knew I wanted to be a woman who was independant - Diane Von Furstenburg
I Used to think that I knew everything, I was alone. My heart was empty, a single soul experience of life. When I discovered in a pair of eyes, a light reflection of mine, I found my mate, my match, my soul. - Katia M. S.
It was a broken world, I knew then, that would allow a boy such as me to bury a boy such as William K. - Dave Eggers
To all what we have not tried, we would never wish to try if we knew that we would fail. - Auliq Ice
Who knew that the path to a womans heart was through the soul of an honest man? - Melissa de la Cruz
There would be no salvaging this. I was going to die a spinster with cobwebs feasting on my vagina, I just knew it. - R. J. Lewis
He said he liked my rhythm. I said I liked his heartbeat, and it was within that moment I knew our corners would never meet. - Dominic Riccitello
She always had that about her, the sparkle in her eye, she was unshakeable and what made her so admirable was; her ability to shine bright when no one knew of her pain. - Nikki Rowe
I've always looked at America like a foster mother doing it only for the check. At any minute, I just knew she'd be ready to give up on me. - Darnell Lamont Walker
I wanted to tell her happy was hard for me. But I think she already knew that. - Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Yvette had never talked about her marriage - she was a smart girl, and she knew you had no right to complain about someone you got all the way to the altar with. You made that choice, even if you were a child when you did it, and the marriage vow was sacred. - Maile Meloy
If the young only knew; if the old only could. - French Proverb
His older self had taught his younger self a language which the older self knew because the younger self, after being taught, grew up to be the older self and was, therefore, capable of teaching. - Robert A. Heinlein
As he stood in the darkness, his eyes glistened and that’s when I knew my light found its traction. - Dominic Riccitello
It's going to come true like you knew it, but it's not going to feel like you think. - Rosie O'Donnell
I already knew to eat clean and listen to my body, to only eat when I was in a calm mental state. Everyone knew. But when you're fat in the head, it's never about knowing the answers. It's about living them. - Stephanie Klein
I love you," she told him, and he knew that this was true, and she knew that he believed her; but when she said it she saw the chain around his ankle, a length of links that let him wander, but not far. She did not see the chain around her own ankle, because love is blind. - Sonya Hartnett
If people knew what they were missing, they would give up everything they have to achieve it. - Belsebuub
Muhammad is the greatest man that history ever knew - Gustave Le Bon
If we knew all the answers, there will be no research. - Lailah Gifty Akita
She knew that it was better to have a dream and pay a price for it than to be lukewarm. - regarding St. Teresa of Avila - Mark Salzman
In olden days people were worse than us but knew much more than us. - Vladimir Odoevsky
She knew full well the enormity of her offense, but because her desires were stronger than the code she was breaking, she persisted in breaking it. - Harper Lee
That was the moment when Alice knew for sure that she and Charlie Erdling would be friends for the rest of their lives. - Sarah Weeks
The adults said the only good food was the bacon, but the kids knew better. They had never had a more fun breakfast in their lives. Although they had to agree the bacon was very good. Then again, it was bacon. It was always good. - Ella Minster
I never knew I liked to be outside so much. I never knew I liked lochs and views and that, but I could seriously handle living in a cottage by the side of somewhere like this."The Panopticon - Jenn Fagan
A thousand years ago, everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, they knew the Earth was flat. Fifteen minutes ago, you knew we humans were alone on it. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow. - Tommy Lee Jones
She knew now that no one could be neutral - not anymore - and as afraid as she was of risking Sophie's life, she was suddenly more afraid of letting her daughter grow up in a world where good people did nothing to stop evil, where a good woman could turn her back on a friend in need. - Kristin Hannah
As I feel into a darker sleep, I understood that I had learned something. Now that I knew fear, I also knew that it was not permanent. As powerful as it was, its grip on me would loosen. It would pass. - Louise Erdrich
Corum knew that he was mad, in Vadhagh terms. But he supposed that he was sane enough in Mabden terms. And this was, after all, now a Mabden world. He must learn to accept its peculiar disorders as normal, if he were going to survive. - Michael Moorcock
That we must all die, we always knew; I wish I had remembered it sooner. - Samuel Johnson
Hate is strewn like confetti by the fear-fueled, specious, tiny- dicked (or un-tender) vacuous dictators, of any gender, whom never knew true love, only sadism. They ALL need some good pharma. - Elizabeth Lucye Robillard
I just knew there were stories I wanted to tell. - Octavia E. Butler
I'd started calling my parents but only when I knew they wouldn't be home. - Angus McLinn, "Baby Teeth" Songs of my Selfie
[Jane] Austen was not a novelist for nothing: she knew that our stories are what make us human, and that listening to someone else's stories -- entering into their feelings, validating their experiences -- is the highest way of acknowledging their humanity, the sweetest form of usefulness. - William Deresiewicz
Like a wild flower; she spent her days, allowing herself to grow, not many knew of her struggle, but eventually all; knew of her light. - Nikki Rowe
If only I knew... If only baby... If only... - Anya
Part of her revolted against the insanity of the rules. Part of her was grateful. In a world of chaos, any guidelines helped. And she knew that each day she remained alive, she remained alive. One plus one plus one. The Devil's arithmetic... - Jane Yolen
I was well aware of her ghosts. I'd met them, once or twice, during her darkness nights. "I knew you were my one when you wouldn't run," she said. How could I? Of course I stayed, when her ghosts scared my own away. What others were too afraid to see, meant everything to me. - J. Raymond
They would not find me changed from him they knew Only more sure of all I thought was true. - Robert Frost
Imagination just wasn't up to the task of understanding unique and foreign sensations. It knew only how to dampen or augment what it already knew. - Juliette, Pg. 139 - Hugh Howey
As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison. - Nelson Mandela
i would've done anything to make you happy.i think you knew that.i think this is why you knew you had to let me go. - Ava
When you're living, just living, dreams come true you never knew you had. - Marty Rubin
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