Quotation Explorer - 'Vow'

Guess it's high time we add the 8th vow in marriage promising that we shall spend time with our husband or wife more than with social networking sites! - Manasa Rao Saarloos
Yvette had never talked about her marriage - she was a smart girl, and she knew you had no right to complain about someone you got all the way to the altar with. You made that choice, even if you were a child when you did it, and the marriage vow was sacred. - Maile Meloy
In a world of lovelightning and rainbow are lovers now. They arc and strike upon the horizon of credence to rise above their cloudy vow - Munia Khan
Now a soft kiss - Aye, by that kiss, I vow an endless bliss. - John Keats
He clung to the story as to a vow whose abandonment might bring down on his head all kinds of grief and misfortune. He felt very alone, on an interminable day full of evil omens, and the story, though resistant to some of his intentions, was at least a testimony to reality and coherence - José María Merino
QUOTATION, n. The act of repeating erroneously the words of another. The words erroneously repeated. Intent on making his quotation truer, He sought the page infallible of Brewer, Then made a solemn vow that we would be Condemned eternally. Ah, me, ah, me! Stumpo Gaker - Ambrose Bierce
He should not vow to walk in the dark, who has not seen the nightfall. - J. R. R. Tolkien
I remember making that vow, the one not to forget. Not to remember what happened, but to remember who I was and how I felt. - Neil Gaiman
A vow is a heavenly created obligation in motion that only ends when fully completed. - Lizelle DuPlessis
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