Quotation Explorer - 'Infallible'

...I swear Dev your cock is going to be the death of us all.'Dev just sat back and smiled unrepentantly. 'I beg to differ. My cock is like a finely tuned homing device. He led me straight to the person I needed to see. His judgement is infallible... - Lanie Malone
QUOTATION, n. The act of repeating erroneously the words of another. The words erroneously repeated. Intent on making his quotation truer, He sought the page infallible of Brewer, Then made a solemn vow that we would be Condemned eternally. Ah, me, ah, me! Stumpo Gaker - Ambrose Bierce
SAUCE, n. The one infallible sign of civilization and enlightenment. A people with no sauces has one thousand vices; a people with one sauce has only nine hundred and ninety-nine. For every sauce invented and accepted a vice is renounced and forgiven. - Ambrose Bierce
The laws of men are not infallible. - Wayne Gerard Trotman
Mankind's biggest blunder, ignorance. Mankind's second, infallible. - M.T. Dismuke
Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
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