Quotation Explorer - 'Motion'

When he stood up, it was a very complicated motion. If the deck chairs on the Ship to the Sea of Night had opened up, they would have done so like that. It was like he was unfolding himself forever. - Neil Gaiman
All motion is time, time is all motion. - Khalid Masood
Words are to be taken seriously. I try to take seriously acts of language. Words set things in motion. - Toni Cade Bambara
Mach-S, the speed at which stress can't keep up, is simply forward motion. But it has to be self- propelled. Note that people in cars are still stressed. - Jef Mallett
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but those well-arranged words are worth a multi-million-dollar motion picture. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Music is poetry in motion. - P.M. Terrell
I don't like romance, I don't like sadness. The sadness motion is negative one... as much you are sad as more deeper you go and you want to return the thing which you can't. - Deyth Banger
A motion to adjourn is always in order. - Robert Heinlein
The best antidote I have found is to yearn for something. As long as you yearn, you can't congeal: there is a forward motion to yearning. - Gail Godwin
And then, the unspeakable purity and freshness of the air! There was just enough heat to enhance the value of the breeze, and just enough wind to keep the whole sea in motion, to make the waves come bounding to the shore, foaming and sparkling, as if wild with glee. - Anne Bronte
Unlike clocks, hours have no reverse motion.. - Anonymous
Exercise is life in motion. MOVE to LIVE! - Toni Sorenson
...although the universe itself isn't a conscious entity, it possesses the raw materials that, when properly set into motion, create consciousness. It has the ability to create intelligent life, which is capable of understanding the universe... It can know itself indirectly - Arthur Byron Cover
Free societies...are societies in motion, and with motion comes tension, dissent, friction. Free people strike sparks, and those sparks are the best evidence of freedom's existence. - Salman Rushdie
A static action is never an action. A real action is an action in motion! Dare to do something! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Progress and motion are not synonymous. - Tim Fargo
The aim of every artist is to arrest motion, which is life, by artificial means and hold it fixed so that a hundred years later, when a stranger looks at it, it moves again since it is life. - William Faulkner
The most fatal illusion is the settled point of view. Since life is growth and motion, a fixed point of view kills anybody who has one. - Brooks Atkinson
Success is 3Ms: Your vision produces the Map; your actions produce the Motion; your persistence produces Monetary rewards. - Orrin Woodward
In the end, we must remember that no one can become what they need to be by remaining where the are. Until there is motion nothing can change. - GE Paulus
A static hero is a public liability. Progress grows out of motion.
He had the entertainment of thinking that if he had for that moment stopped the clock it was to promote the next minute this still livelier motion. - Henry James
Moving forward implies MOTION when in all actuality it may be simply standing STILL and seeing the salvation of the Lord. - John Paul Warren
If you are uncomfortable with any law or procedure, propose a motion for its amendment. Until it is amended, going against it for whatever purpose automatically makes one a rebel - OMOSOHWOFA CASEY
Fiction inhabits the zone between the real and the impossible. The tug of those two poles is what gives it motion, vitality. Tethering fiction too tightly to the real produces plodding, lifeless stories. Letting it float too far from that anchor produces stories that are arbitrary and unpersuasive. - Vinnie Tesla
I am what no one else is, and in the hands of God I can do what no one else does. And if I dare set such a truth in motion I will change my world. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Swirling in a squirrel cage of perpetual motion, the head-committee meets, argues, votes out the guidance available from emotions, and successfully keeps serenity at bay and chaos close at hand. - David W. Earle
The whole world is in constant motion. The earth moves, the clouds move, the waves move and we too must move. Move and reach the destination of your choice. - RVM
Hugging is a motion of hope. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Traveling in the company of those we love is home in motion. - Leigh Hunt
A vow is a heavenly created obligation in motion that only ends when fully completed. - Lizelle DuPlessis
There is a big difference between motion and action. Just because you get out of bed doesn't mean you are making progress. Taking action requires decisiveness, dedication, and clear direction. - Farshad Asl
Even though we express emotions and feel motion, life is nothing but a dream and a magical illusion. - Debasish Mridha
Never mistake motion for action. - Ernest Hemingway
when your emotions are in motion, take a break and ponder! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion. - Isaac Newton
Soulful love, is poetry in motion. A contemplation of beauty from the deep arises and the mere struggle to express the rapture of the soul. - Angie karan
But we have reason to think that the annihilation of work is no less a physical impossibility than its creation, that is, than perpetual motion. - George Gabriel Stokes
I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people. - Isaac Newton
Your motive influences your motion. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Life is in infinite motion; at the same time it is motionless. - Debasish Mridha
Sex is an emotion in motion. - Mae West
The pools had been written onto the fields by the rain. The pools were a magic worked by the rain, just as the tumbling of the black birds against the grey was a spell that the sky was working and the motion of grey-brown grasses was a spell that the wind made. Everything had meaning. - Susanna Clarke
When asked about which scientist he'd like to meet, said, "Isaac Newton. No question about it. The smartest person ever to walk the face of this earth. The man was connected to the universe in spooky ways. He discovered the laws of motion, the laws of gravity, the laws of optics. Then he turned 26. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
The magic of life is its imprecision, the multiple narratives constantly unfolding before us. Every step we take, every decision we make, reshuffles the deck of our lives and sets a new trajectory of possibility in motion. - Jamie Metzl
Alas, their love may be call'd appetite. No motion of the liver, but the palate. - William Shakespeare
Some say the bible teaches that with our tongues we can speak, set things into motion both good and bad, life and death. What we bind and loose on earth will be bound and loosed in heaven. - William Elias
Painting is concerned with all the 10 attributes of sight; which are: Darkness and Light, Solidity and Color, Form and Position, Distance and Propinquity, Motion and Rest. - Leonardo da Vinci
Accustomed to motion, he was forced to be still. - H.W. Brands
People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the seas,at the long course of the rivers,at the vast compass of the ocean,at the circular motion of the stars,and yet they pass by themselves without wondering. - Augustine of Hippo
The human mind and body are truly extraordinary. They are the quintessence of excellence in motion. We talk, touch, see, hear, taste, smell, and feel. We dream, aspire, and become. All that we are is mind and body and spirit—that is our universe. - Lorii Myers
It is by will alone that I set my mind in motion.
Money alone sets all the world in motion. - Publilius Syrus
But penance need not be paid in suffering...It can be paid in forward motion. Correcting the mistake is a positive move, a nurturing move. - Barbara Hall
Between the idea And the reality Between the motion And the act Falls the Shadow - T. S. Eliot
A republican government is slow to move, yet once in motion it's momentum becomes irresistible. - Thomas Jefferson
Do you think that anger is a sincere emotion, or just the timid motion of a fragile heart trying to beat away its pain? - Andrea Gibson
The author likens crisis, and particularly war, to stop motion photography in its capacity to make changes plain that are ordinarily too gradual to be seen. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
We're not talking about historical accuracy, we're talking about art. I've set in motion a geometric inevitability. If I start chiseling there, chipping here, the whole form is compromised. - David Assael
Motion is the sign of life. Stagnation is the prerequisite of death. - Debasish Mridha
Dance less in motion and more in spirit; awaken the dreamer within. - Shah Asad Rizvi
America is a land of wonders, in which everything is in constant motion and every change seems an improvement. - Alexis de Tocqueville
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