PLOW, n. An implement that cries aloud for hands accustomed to the pen. - Ambrose Bierce
We, the human race, are so accustomed to having instead of being. What wastage of the revelations and magic in every moment. - Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana
I'm accustomed to reading Georgian and Victorian letters and sometimes you simply know in your gut that a blithe sentence is covering up a deeper emotion. - Sara Sheridan
Accustomed to motion, he was forced to be still. - H.W. Brands
Each instant brought them, more momentous than the explosion of Krakatoa. It was only that no one noticed. We are to accustomed to the absurdity of existence. The loss of a universe is not worth taking seriously. - Yukio Mishima
I wept because I could not believe anymore and I love to believe. I can still love passionately without believing. That means I love humanly. I wept because from now on I will weep less. I wept because I have lost my pain and I am not yet accustomed to its absence. - Anaïs Nin
I fear I've become a "confirmed solitary" after all, despite everyone's best attempts at getting me more socialized. One becomes accustomed to one's solitude, and it begins to seem rather phony to try to reach out. - Louisa Hall
It is distressing how often we repeat ourselves. When we ask questions, we know the answers already. We've grown accustomed to horizontal communication, flatlining banalities and droning insignificance. - Louisa Hall
Accustomed to the veneer of noise, to the shibboleths of promotion, public relations, and market research, society is suspicious of those who value silence.
We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others, that in the end, we become disguised to ourselves. - Francois de la Rochefoucauld
I'm accustomed to toxicity and can’t control myself when I’m near it. - Dominic Riccitello
He was too well accustomed to suffering, and had suffered too much where he was, to bewail the prospect of change very severely. - Charles Dickens
What happens when you shut your eyes? The images you have been accustomed to look at suddenly disappear. See through the images by closing your eyes and opening your heart. - J.R. Rim
It's every American's duty to support his government but not necessarily in the style to which it has become accustomed. - Thomas C. Mann
For Nature is accustomed to rehearse with certain large, perhaps baser, and all classes of wild (animals), and to place in the imperfect the rudiments of the perfect animals. - Marcello Malpighi
We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
The first half of your life goes in selecting the best and odd ones, the second half in getting used to the other.The first half of your life you dream how best you can live, the second half in getting accustomed with the other. - Ramana Pemmaraju
When the music note grows tired we will land on the wings of a guardian - One already accustomed to my attempts to fly One aware of my weakness for a beautiful try - Phibby Venable
Liberty is like rich food and strong wine: the strong natures accustomed to them thrive and grow even stronger on them; but they deplete, inebriate and destroy the weak. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
MAGNIFICENT, adj. Having a grandeur or splendor superior to that to which the spectator is accustomed, as the ears of an ass, to a rabbit, or the glory of a glowworm, to a maggot. - Ambrose Bierce
Never give anything so easily. Life is not a gift, life is a struggle. Make him dream of it and it will make him more and more happy while getting it. If anybody has already become accustomed to the happiness, it is not happiness yet. - Elmar Hussein
[F]or grief is felt not so much for the want of what we have never known, as for the loss of that to which we have been long accustomed. - Pericles
Reading teaches us receptivity....It teaches us to receive, in stillness and attentiveness, a voice possessed temporarily, on loan....And as we grow accustomed to receiving books in stillness and attentiveness, so we can grow to receive the world, also possessed temporarily. - Lynne Sharon Schwartz