Quotation Explorer - 'Already'

During my life journey I've discovered an interesting thing; once you stop seeking outside you discover what already resides within. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
If you participate in a competition, you have a chance to lose. If you don’t participate, you are already a loser. - Debasish Mridha
It turns out that what money buys has rapidly diminishing emotional returns ... As long as we're not destitute, happiness depends less on getting what we want than appreciating what we already have. - Robert B. Reich
There is no greater despair, than to tread with care upon ice that is already broken - Johnathan Jena
Sometimes am so worried,i complain to God that He's not been listening to my prayers,and then my son comes and says,"hey dad,why are you not mom?"ilook at him and say,God.you've already answered my prayers with the best..who knows whats on the way for me?. - Matovu Jonathans Eriah
I'm already crazy. I'm a fearless person. I think it creeps up on you. I don't think it can be stopped. If my destiny is to lose my mind because of fame, then that's my destiny. But my passion still means more than anything. - Lady Gaga
Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. - Martin Luther King Jr.
All truly wise thoughts have been thoughts already thousands of times; but to make them truly ours, we must think them over again honestly, till they take root in our personal experience. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
It is tedious to tell again tales already plainly told. - Homer
But what's in a name? We have named all of the stars and all the planets, even though they might already have names of their own. What a nerve! - Stanislaw Law
‎"We shouldn't wait to be happy until we reach some future point, only to discover that happiness was already available--all the time! - Dieter F. Uchtdorf
You've already got everything you need to succeed right in-front of your tits - Runa Magnus
Serious problems are those we don't know we already have. - Samer Chidiac
No matter how many times audience has already applauded, the sound of their applause will get louder with the better quality of your magic effect. - Amit Kalantri
All of the great achievers of the past have been visionary figures; they were men and women who projected into the future. They thought of what could be, rather than what already was, and then they moved themselves into action, to bring these things into fruition. - Bob Proctor
You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe it is the only reason you do not see it. - Neville Goddard
I started to find out the path to the HELL in a decent way. Then I realized that now it's been called SOCIETY, and I'm already part of it. - Balakoteswara Panchakshari
Reinvent new combinations of what you already own. Improvise. Become more creative. Not because you have to, but because you want to. Evolution is the secret for the next step. - Karl Lagerfeld
Our legal system does not grant adults a right to liberty, because they already possess that right; it only revokes the right to liberty (for certain offenses) or restores it (if the deprivation did not conform to due process). - Thomas Szasz
The moment you stop trying to become a better person, is the moment you start to become worse than what you already are. - Carroll Bryant
The fact that Iam writing to youin Englishalready falsifies what Iwanted to tell you.My subject:how to explain to youthat I don't belong to Englishthough I belong nowhere else,if not herein English. - Gustavo Perez Firmat
When you're already going through a rough patch of life; a slight wave from past thrash you down so gracefully that journey bcms an unending shore ! - Monika Arora
Telescopes and bathyscapes and sonar probes of Scottish lakes, Tacoma Narrows bridge collapse explained with abstract phase-space maps, some x-ray slides, a music score, Minard's Napoleonic war: the most exciting new frontier is charting what's already here. - Randall Munroe
All truly wise thoughts have been thought already thousands of times; but to make them truly ours, we must think them over again honestly, until they take root in our personal experience. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If one dies to inspire, believe it or not he's already inspiring one's self - Bela Anĝelo
She already loved me too much to see me as I was. - André Gide
Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love. We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us. The world changes when we change. the world softens when we soften. The world loves us when we choose to love the world. - Marianne Williamson
When we discover that the truth is already in us, we are all at once our original selves.
Why try to have pigs flyWhen ducks already can - Ella C.
I know have lived, so many times, that the only thing I have left to remember is my writing, cause every single moment in life it's already written. - Piroska Rodriguez
Thatcher set ordinary people free, but into a landscape that her other policies had already shaped to suit other, more powerful interests, such as large corporations or Britons with inherited wealth. - Andy Beckett
Any person that has LEARNED the use of his subconscious powers is in HEAVEN already, But any person that has UNLEARNED the use of his subconscious powers is already in HADES. - Auliq-Ice
You only get one life.Too bad you already made a mess of it. - Peter James West
The rich man may never get into heaven, but the pauper is already serving his term in hell. - Alexander Chase
Never ever let a stupid criticise you. And as we already know, everyone is stupid. - Sarvesh Jain
Power does not corrupt; it merely elevates the degree in which something is done that has already been pursued. - Felix O. Hartmann
Don't settle. If you settle, you already know it's below your standards. You are entitled to the best this life has to offer. - Karen A. Baquiran
Your past has already been written and the words cannot be changed, but your future is waiting to be written; make it a bestseller. - Abigail Landsbrook
It is sobering to consider that when Mozart was my age he had already been dead for a year. - Tom Lehrer
You are already saved.You are already forgiven.Stop looking for things you already have.Like looking for glasses that you are already wearing. - Anjali Prabodh
We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already. We have the power to imagine better. - J. K. Rowling
Think about the truth in terms of the best and the worst that can be said about the people’s nature and, most probably, it might have been said by a person already earlier. - Anuj Somany
If you have a definite purpose, if you have a driving desire to achieve it and if you go with passion, then don't wait for success because you are already a success. - Debasish Mridha
If you wish to make good art, then you must believe you already do. Otherwise, you will never be good enough. - Luhraw
December's wintery breath is already clouding the pond, frosting the pane, obscuring summer's memory... - John Geddes
We all possess certain talents and gifts that are unique to only us. You already have everything that you need to start living an extraordinary life. It's up to you to turn on the switch and let your light shine. - Randa Manning-Johnson
Prayer is not a court hearing, so when you pray don't aim to prove before God how others wronged you; because He knows every heart already. - Gugu Mona
Men can know more than their ancestors did if they start with a knowledge of what their ancestors had already learned....That is why a society can be progressive only if it conserves its traditions. - Walter Lippmann
For me, it’s not just about blessing my generation, I've done that already, I also have to be a father to the fatherless. - Onyi Anyado
He who doesn't know how to put his will into things at least puts a meaning into them: that is, he believes there is a will in them already. - Frederich Nietzsche
There is no new knowledge, it already exists in the universe. - Stephen Richards
Learn to adapt like a bird. We can only dream of flying but the bird has already grown her wings. - Debasish Mridha
Many things that I am experiencing I already remember. - Karl Kraus
If you have to convince someone to stay with you then they have already left. - Shannon L. Alder
To the extent that in one's act of faith one participates in the truth through reason and heart, faith already implies a particular level of knowledge and of certainty. - Osman Bakar
Each time a man looks into your eyes, he is only searching to find himself; for he knows already, that he is part of you - Jeremy Aldana
Success takes many forms. Most people strive for something unattainable without realizing that it's already theirs. - Lada Ray
Pick the paper off the floor, throw it in the trash, study—even if you think you already know the subject, say thank you for an act of kindness, and be the support you want to receive. You want to become a master of the mundane, making it easier to be a sorcerer of success. - K. Abernathy Can You Action Past Your Devil's Advocate
Most of our so-called thinking processes are devoted to finding excuses for going on believing as we already do. - Herbert M. Shelton
Strength we think to be a virtue in government, but we do not find our defense against disintegration either in arbitrary or in very great power. Indeed, we are inclined to see in both these the symptoms of an already advanced decay - Michael Oakeshott
I often come across this question. "Which is the best camera in the world?". I would always say, "Well. You already own two of it, since your birth. - Kowtham Kumar K
People often speak of hell, not wanting to go there, avoiding it..etc. I never had that problem because hell is a state of mind. Look around you; rape, murder, wars, hatred, envy...my friend; you're already there!! - Sandra Chami Kassis
We can't look to the world to restore our worth; we're here to restore our worth to the world. The world outside us can reflect our glory, but it cannot create it. It cannot crown us. Only God can crown us, and he already has. - Marianne Williamson
The rich man cannot enter the kingdom of heaven because he is already there. - David P. Gontar
When one realises one is asleep, at that moment one is already half-awake. - P.D. Ouspensky
Beneath her self-control, though he did not guess it, was the impatience of the keen brain watching a slower brain laboriously cover the ground it had already traversed in a flash. - Agatha Christie
We are too focused in our differences to see how much we already share. - iMad Black
They've Already Won (the modern day crusade) - Seyed Moussavi (self)
She took time to think on things; but time had already moved on without her. - sdparsons//IG poet
Don’t waste your precious time in worrying about someone taking your place. You know God has already planned something for you. Focus on your job and you will reach the place you deserve! - Syed Mustafa Faraz Ahmad
Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow. - Ronald E. Osborn
The human tendency toward confirmatory thinking - all of us are bias to seek information that fits what we already believe. - Valerie Tarico
It is difficult to describe paths of thought where there are already many paths laid down, and not fall into one of the grooves - Ludwig Wittgenstein
The only thing we need to heal is the belief that we are not already whole. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
There is no need for me to worry, I've already been here somany times and each time I have made it throughalive - Michael Dodson Jr.
We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing. - R.D. Laing
With an attitude of gratitude, you can't go wrong. You are already putting it out there into the universe that you are ready to receive more. This is the universal truth. Be thankful for what you have. Your life is already abundant. - Karen A. Baquiran
No kid in the world, no woman in the world should ever raise a hand against a no-good daddy. That's already been taken care of: A Man Who Destroys His Own Home Shall Inherit the Wind. - Dick Gregory
I’ll never forget the magic of our Saturday nights. Special moments carved in my mind by you the sculptor of my love. Let’s dance the night away. Who needs music, when your heart already sings to me. - ~ Fidelis O Mkparu (2016), author of ‘Love’s affliction’
We pay attention to what we are told to attend to, or what we're looking for, or what we already know...what we see is amazingly limited. - Daniel Simons
I don't know," Jason said with a shrug. "Maybe it's too late for me. Maybe my heart is already too far good."With a smile she said softly, "It's never too late to be good. - Randall Arthur
The Occupy Wall Street movement faltered when activists realized that traders were quite busy already. - The Covert Comic
New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without anyother reason but because they are not already common. - John Locke
The man unwilling to brave the test has already shown himself to be much more craven than the man who fails. - Brandon Mull
Many of us spend our whole lives running from feeling with the mistaken belief that you can not bear the pain. But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is feel all you are beyond that pain. - Kahlil Gibran
Be ahead of all parting, as though it already were behind you, like the winter that has just gone by. For among these winters there is one so endlessly winterthat only by wintering through it will your heart survive. - Rainer Maria Rilke
Girl next to me at the baggage counter said she wrote her way to liberation. How did you handle first person narrative, I asked her. And said she knew the hole of depression, had been there. But I am out now, I escaped, I told her. 'You will fall into it again,' she said. Already I was sliding. - Kate Millett
Rewards of life lived with principles; bloom, when life is about to end or has departed already. - Aniruddha Sastikar
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't. - Erica Jong
Can miles truly separate you from friends... If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there? - Richard Bach
We are not in a position in which we have nothing to work with. We already have capacities, talents, direction, missions, callings. - Abraham Maslow
But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun! Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief, That thou her maid are far more fair than she. - William Shakespeare
Sand did not suddenly come into being because we had need for glass and silicone. Neither did wild flowers suddenly spring up because a bunch of environmentalists in Texas wanted alternative ways of helping the world without dumping more chemicals into it - these things were already there. - Stephen Richards
For example, it is only by work we extract gold from the soil. It takes work to discover the oil that is already deposited in the ground. It is work that turns a hill of coal into karats of diamond. - Sunday Adelaja
In the end, no one can seek God unless he has already begun to find him. - Thomas Merton
There are people who, instead of listening to what is being said to them, are already listening to what they are going to say themselves. - Albert Guinon
You asked me to be an open book. As I've already told you, I am. Anything you need to know about me can be found. Don't confuse me, a paperback, with a book on tape. - Darnell Lamont Walker
Gratitude for all the beauty and blessings that we already enjoy fills our lives with abundance. - Debasish Mridha
You’re here, I continued. At least you look as if you’re here. But maybe you aren’t. Maybe it’s just your shadow. The real you may be someplace else. Or maybe you already disappeared, a long, long time ago. I reach out my hand to see, but you’ve hidden yourself behind a cloud of probablys. - Haruki Murakami
You cannot take what I already know from me. You cannot withhold what I do not know from me because I have no knowledge of that which I do not know. And you cannot prevent me from knowing what I am supposed to know because the universe will find a way to reveal it to me. - Shantelee R. Brown
It’s okay to aspire to a better life,but don’t let it stop you fromenjoying the life you already have. - Domonique Bertolucci
But already it is time to depart, for me to die, for you to go on living; which of us takes the better course, is concealed from anyone except God. - Socrates
The future is already here. It's just not evenly distributed yet. - William Gibson
The inner dimension and the hidden time have already been discovered. - Compton Gage
Like vanishing dew,a passing apparitionor the sudden flashof lightning -- already gone --thus should one regard one's self. - Ikkyu
No one dreamed them up. No one needed to. The vampire clawing at the window, the werewolf prowling the moor, the hags at the crossroads they lurked here already. Some nightmares are ancient, as old as civilization. Some are older still. - Robert Dunbar VORTEX
Live as if you already are what you wish to become. - William Jones
When I pray for another person, I am praying for God to open my eyes so that I can see that person as God does, and then enter into the stream of love that God already directs toward that person. - Philip Yancey
Before you ever clasped your hands to pray God was already within your heart to stay. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
if you let tragedy change you, You have already lost. - Nikki Rowe
Do you want to live under someone else’s life? Nearly everything we get to do is because of politics. Everything else not open to us is because of the politicians. We don’t have much say already. Don’t make it we don’t even get to see - George Stamatis
The mouse that fears the trap has already been trapped. - Marty Rubin
CONSULT, v.i. To seek another's approval of a course of action already decided on. - Ambrose Bierce
I wanted to tell her happy was hard for me. But I think she already knew that. - Benjamin Alire Sáenz
He who does not hope to win has already lost.
Your voice is your identity. If you don't use it, your halfway to Asphodel already. - Rick Riordan
To create reality, focus beyond the outcome, as if it has already happened. - Gregg Braden
I already know sorrow. Today I choose joy. - Lynda Cheldelin Fell
A good friend will help you to discover the potentials you haven't uncovered. A bad friend will help you to cover up the potentials you have already recovered. Make your choice! - Israelmore Ayivor
We're reaching for death on the end of a candle We're trying for something that's already found us - Jim Morrison
When we all are already Traveling In Meridian of Earth \↑/ .... then how it could be possible for us, going back to the previous Meridian without stopping next Meridians !! ... - \↑/ - Tanveer Hossain Mullick
Those that dare not to dream big are cowards, for they fear to expose the already great potentials embedded inside of them. - Auliq-Ice
I have found my today because my tomorrow has already come. - Steven Cuoco
Confidence doesn't come from what you think you know, it comes from what you already know. - Abdulkadir Abdullahi Mohamed Mirre
We'll all be better off the day we stop letting unhappy, unsuccessful people tell us how to be happy and successful. You already know the way... follow it. - Steve Maraboli
Happiness is already in the future because your heart and mind took you there a million times already. It knew. - Shannon L. Alder
Body and soul can never be marriedI need to become who I already am and will bellow forever at this incongruity which has committed me to hell - Sarah Kane
We may run into many downfalls in life, but with a mighty God on our side those downfalls have already been defeated. - Pauline Seaport
To be agreeable in society, you must consent to be taught many things which you already know. - Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
Humility is recognizing we can't give anything to God that He hasn't already given to us. - Benjamin Lotter
If you only do what others have already done, you will only feel what others have already felt. However, if you choose to achieve something that no one has ever done, then you will have a satisfaction that no one else has ever had. - Edmund Hillary
Before we set our hearts too much upon anything, let us examine how happy those are who already possess it. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
One cannot conceive anything so strange and so implausible that it has not already been said by one philosopher or another. - Rene Descartes
Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have. - Anonymous
I already knew to eat clean and listen to my body, to only eat when I was in a calm mental state. Everyone knew. But when you're fat in the head, it's never about knowing the answers. It's about living them. - Stephanie Klein
It is morally appalling for the so called liberators of South Sudan to keep liberating their own people from a war that has already been won. - Duop Chak Wuol
Watch birth and death:The lotus has alreadyOpened its flower. - Natsume Soseki
It takes your knowing to decide on your going. If you know where you are going, you will keep going because you have already seen yourself gone - Israelmore Ayivor
Ultimately, nobody can get more out of things, including books, than he already knows. - Friedrich Nietzsche
He can neither read nor write and in him broods already a taste for mindless violence. All history present in that visage, the child the father of the man. - Cormac McCarthy
The task of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there. - John Buchan
God, grant me the serenity to stop beating myself up for not doing things perfectly, the courage to forgive myself because I’m working on doing things better, and the wisdom to know that You already love me just the way I am. - Eleanor Brownn
From the top of the bus she could see the vast bowl of London spreading out to the horizon: splendid shops with mannequins in the window, interesting people and already a much bigger world. - Julia Gregson
Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did. - Newt Gingrich
An old doting fool, with one foot already in the grave. - Plutarch
Experience is a comb that is given to you, when you have already lost you hair.
Why hasn't someone lassoed a few teenagers and had them sit down and write out all the supposed answers they have so we can solve the world's problems already? - Richelle E. Goodrich
Money will make you more of what you already are. If you're not a nice person, money's going to make you a despicable individual. If you're a good person, money's going to make you a better person. - Bob Proctor
Religion is for people who're afraid of going to hell. Spirituality is for those who've already been there. - Vine Deloria Jr.
Jesus Christ has already come to suffer in the hands of men and He shall least entertain anyone who will disturb Him in eternal eternity in the Kingdom of God! If you want to join Him, ponder! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Your kids pissing you off is an inborn instinct. It's nature's way of getting you to kick them out when they turn 18!Okaaay. ~sigh~ Due to the times, you can kick them out between the ages of 28-38. Can someone please dramatically reduce the cost of housing, already?~SHEESH~ - Dakota Dawn
So, a word to all you Femin-Idi-Amins: Stop liberating moms by trying tomake them join the workforce. They’re already doing the job that God putthem here to do: Everything. - Stephen Colbert
Don't seek love externally, it's fleeting. Go beyond the ego and awaken thelove that already exists within; it will encompass everyone andeverything in your life; it will permeate your very being. - Danielle Pierre
When you’re given the gift of truth, you spend a lot of time trying to tone it down because it is already offensive enough. - Shannon L. Alder
Not going home is already like death. - E. Catherine Tobler
Even the self-assured truth-finders and self-proclaimed freedom-fighters reject Truth. As admirable as such endeavors may be, they still only really want it so long as it to some extent confirms what they had already presumed to be true. - Criss Jami
Already a congressman, to a mentor "I hope sometime you run across something you think I can do well 24 hours per day. - Lyndon B. Johnson
You never know whether you've already experienced your greatest moment or your worst - Dean Cavanagh
Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become. - C.S. Lewis
Past is a picture that has been viewed already, and there's nothing more to learn from it, so we need to stop looking at the same picture again and again and start making a better picture for the future, so that when someday we look back the picture's made by us, instead of regretting we cherish it. - Alamvusha
Or is what remains in me like a defeated army,Fleeing in disarray from victory already won? - Bonhoeffer Dietrich
Enlightenment is nothing more than moments of self-awareness. Don’t let cultural spiritual hierarchy intimidate you into the mindset of unworthiness. You are divine already, you just need to realize and accept it - Gary Hopkins
Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue what you want. - Roy Bennett
People who worry that nuclear weaponry will one day fall in the hands of the Arabs, fail to realize that the Islamic bomb has been dropped already, it fell the day MUHAMMED (pbuh) was born. - Joseph Adam Pearson.
My house burned downBut anyway, it was afterThe flower petals had already fallen - Tachibana Higuchi
And what’s the use of talking, if you already know that others don’t feel what you feel? - Louise Bourgeois
ANOINT, v.t. To grease a king or other great functionary already sufficiently slippery. As sovereigns are anointed by the priesthood, So pigs to lead the populace are greased good. Judibras - Ambrose Bierce
The decision to kiss for the first time is the most crucial in any love story. It changes the relationship of two people much more strongly than even the final surrender; because this kiss already has within it that surrender. - Emil Ludwig
A man of vision cannot question his potentials. He does not doubt his capabilities. He keeps going because he had seen himself gone already in his visions. - Israelmore Ayivor
I should probably get a stone. A stone would be good. A stone would save me, would salvage all the damage we had already done, all the things we had given up or lost. - Dave Eggers
Look, there is nothing you can say about this show that I don't already know - Craig Ferguson
Our identity has already been chosen for us; but it is up to us to accept it, or fight and change it. - Afnan Ahmad Mia
We can learn from history, but we can also deceive ourselves when we selectively take evidence from the past to justify what we have already made up our minds to do. - Margaret MacMillan
The Web is the national MLS already. It’s happened. You’re arguing over yesterday’s news. - Rich Barton-Founder Expedia and Zillow
Do the duty which lieth nearest to thee! Thy second duty will already have become clearer. - Thomas Carlyle
My wife is always trying to get rid of me. The other day she told me to put the garbage out. I said to her I already did. She told me to go and keep an eye on it. - Rodney Dangerfield
All of the years I spent trying to be someone you could be proud of would have been better spent being proud of myself for who I already was. - Paula Heller Garland
Sometimes the reason God doesn't show up to win your battles is because he already put inside of you the power to end it. - Shannon L. Alder
In this world, it is too common for people to search for someone to lose themselves in. But I am already lost. I will look for someone to find myself in. - C. JoyBell C.
There's no need to tell me who you are; you're already showing me. - Steve Maraboli
The room had lost its morning light, the glow of expectation and potential. The daylight was now gray, and the new day was already used, a little soiled by mistaken thoughts and makeshift undertakings. - Tove Jansson
We hear and apprehend only what we already half know. - Henry David Thoreau
Most paths of self-correction purposely increase the effort and struggle to achieve these states or vibrations. They insist that you must ‘earn it’ or ‘handle it’ or ‘surrender to it’ or ‘get it’ when the truth is you already have immediate access to all of it. - Frank Natale
Nurse Duckett found Yossarian wonderful and was already trying to change him. - Joseph Heller
countries who have a longer past are better able see further forward into the future and think about extending the time period that they've already been around into the distant future. - Hal Hershfield
Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. - G.K. Chesterton
Being content with what you have already is an art form that leads to a peace that can’t be replaced by anything else. - Elizabeth Gilbert
There are days when writing is within my power and a story unfolds along a course I've already chosen. And then there are days when the words breathe on their own and take me by the hand, leading me along unfathomed paths. Either way, the end result is this author's fairytale. - Richelle E. Goodrich
The word "Christianity" is already a misunderstanding; in reality there has been only one Christian, and he died on the cross. - Friedrich Nietzsche
To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already 3-parts dead. - Bertrand Russell
It’s not more time you need. It’s more quality use of the time you already have. - Alan Cohen
There's nothing man can imagine that nature hasn't already created a zillion times better. - Stewart Stafford
It doesn't matter what Church you belong to. If you don't believe in yourself you're Already Damned - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Even if someone is already dead in front of you, knock twice on the heart who knows they might answer. - Auliq Ice
A questioning man is already half wise. - Fakeer Ishavardas
When the music note grows tired we will land on the wings of a guardian - One already accustomed to my attempts to fly One aware of my weakness for a beautiful try - Phibby Venable
I wondered if there was anything [the doctor] could do to to make the pain disappear and my arms work again. I wondered if I was going to get any worse than I already was. If so, I wondered if he could fix that, too. - Jennifer Starzec
Never give up hope! If you do, you be dead already. - Rose in The Inspired Caregiver
Intelligent individuals learn from every thing and every one; average people, from their experiences. The stupid already have all the answers. - Socrates
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde
Ache my bones, flame my muscles, tingle my nerves, but you will never taint my beautiful mind & I will overcome this condition with the belief that I already have. - CRPS AWARENESS - - Nikki Rowe
Everything you are seeking is seeking you in return therefore, everything that you want is already yours. It is simply becoming more aware of what you already possess. - Bob Proctor
When it comes to being famous, you’re usually the last to know, and the first to deny it. Unless you were already famous in your head. In which case, party on, Wayne! Party on, Garth! - Carroll Bryant
We can only find those faults in others that already exist within us, and the same goes for those things we admire about them. - Stephen Richards
I do not know who God is; but I have witnessed the Healing Power of Love, the Beauty of Nature, and the Wisdom of my Soul. If God can be understood in those terms, then don't you think, we all have already found the truth? I feel humanity needs to Stop Searching and Start Living the Truth. - Manprit Kaur
Energies are to be expressed precisely with the person you don’t get along with. The energies are already there in dealing with the person you do get along with. ‘Not being able to get along’ is a weakness. - Dada Bhagwan
My emotions have already spilled out on a canvas; I need you my king, to rescue me from the madness! - Delano Johnson
If silence of the days and darkness of the nights is the indicator of the doomsday; we are already in it. - M.F. Moonzajer
Oh dear…then they must already be on the march! We have to hurry and get to the Hamblings…before nightfall!’ - Phillip Celeste from Curse of Ancient Shadows - Rod Tyson
If Wagner lived today, he would probably work with film instead of music. He already knew back then that the Great Art Form would include a sort of fourth dimension; it was really film he was talking about. - Harmony Korine
I Don't Write Because God Gives Me A Fresh Word Everyday, I write Because of The Words He Has Already Spoken Yesterday That Changed Today. - The Prolific Penman
You can't kick me down, I'm already on the ground. No, you can't, but you couldn't catch me anyhow.Blue skies, but the sun isn't comming out, no. Today, it is like I'm under a heavy cloud." (Runaway) - Avril Lavigne
It's as if my footprints were already on the road before I even got there.I walk into them, my waiting footprints. - Jackie Kay
Someone had given my daughter a doctor's kit. Carefully, she takes her own temperature, places the pressure cuff around her arm. Then she takes the cuff off and examines it. "Would you like to be a doctor when you grow up?" I ask her. She looks at me oddly. "I'm already a doctor," she says. - Jenny Offill
Hypocrisy has its place in the ages of strong belief: in which even when one is compelled to exhibit a different belief one does not abandon the belief on already has. - Frederich Nietzsche
Writing to corroborate what you already think is the essence of bad writing. - Victor LaValle
I asked her what a true story was because I thought that all stories were made up. She said a true story was called fact, and a made-up story was called ficton. Auntie May said a made-up story is a bit like telling lies, only the people who read them knew that already and so it didn’t matter - Rebecca Lloyd
Horse was already in the heart of the Trojans. (Cheval était déjà dans le cœur des Troyens.) - Charles de Leusse
Why do we have to die to got to heaven? The earth is already in space. - Prince Ea
To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead. - Bertrand Russell
The world is already yours - why try to conquer it? - Rasheed Ogunlaru
No person, relationship, or religion should complete you. They can enhance whatever is already there, but completion of the self comes from within, not from anything beyond that. - Pamela Morris
There is nothing wrong with revenge. The wrong has already been done, or there would be no need to even the score. - Ashly Lorenzana
BE the light you already are. - Sheri Bessi
Some say we’re already damned, Nathanial replied coolly, sitting back in his chair. So you’re too late to send him to Hell. -- BLOOD KNOT - Tracy Cooper-Posey
You tried to change didn’t you? Closed your mouth more, tried to be softer, prettier, less volatile, less awake... You can’t make homes out of human beings. Someone should have already told you that. - Warsan Shire
A great many people are trying to make peace, but that has already been done. God has not left it for us to do; all we have to do is enter into it. - D.L. Moody
If you do not have enemies on your way to the top, you are already a celebrated failure. - Osunsakin Adewale
It is hard to befool a fool who has already been fooled so many times - Munia Khan
What you are trying to let go of...is already gone. - Sanober Khan
Taking care of yourself isn’t about trying to become perfect. It’s about realizing and honouring,in every moment, thatyou already are. - Vironika Tugaleva
The ‘doctrines’ we get out of the true myth are of course less true: they are translations into our concepts and ideas of that which God has already expressed in a language more adequate, namely the actual incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection. - C.S. Lewis
It is impossible to begin to learn that which one thinks one already knows. - Epictetus
Your intended?" Dakota demanded. "You mean to say he already had a mate staked out and he's been encroaching on my preserve? - Madeline Montague
War is a need by a country that wants power, but the USA is already great - Tim Clisch
When one does not die for the other, then we are already dead_ - Tasos Livaditis
Level, is spelled the same forward and backwards. Those on the upper level can always hit the bottom, and those on the bottom can always rank to the top. Envision your footprints up there already trailing, and your feet will soon follow suit. - Anthony Liccione
The world and everyone in it is always ready to blame a man for anything when he is already knocked down. - Therese May
Stop spending so much time trying to prove what you already know to people who don't really matter. It just makes you look insecure and lacking self-confidence. - Karen E. Quinones Miller
I can already feel myself falling hard, something I've been known to do. All because she smiled at me. - Jennifer Niven
Through the practice of meditation, of calming and focusing our mind, as well as developing greater clarity and a sense of awareness, we train ourselves to recognize the wealth that was already there - the very wealth others fail to recognize. - Stephen Richards
Everything you want lies on the other side of learning to trust yourself. Take a chance. Have faith. You already know who you are, what you want, and where you want to go. - Vironika Tugaleva
Late, by myself, in the boat of myself,no light and no land anywhere,cloudcover thick. I try to stayjust above the surface, yet I'm already underand living within the ocean. - Jalaluddin Rumi
If you are a believer you are not supposed to begin to convince God to use you. God already desires to use you. - Sunday Adelaja
There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened. - Douglas Adams
The only really good place to buy lumber is at a store where the lumber has already been cut and attached together in the form of furniture, finished, and put inside boxes. - Dave Barry
The art of investing is not about figuring out what has already happened. It’s about anticipating the futureand creating the future that others will read about in The Wall Street Journal. - Joshua Rogers
We are caught in the in between of what we already are what we are yet to be. - Tenth Avenue North
The dictators, commanders or emperors who want to conquer the world soon realize that the world has already been conquered by the artists and their arts! - Mehmet Murat ildan
It's okay not to know all the answers. It's better to admit our ignorance than to believe answers that might be wrong. Pretending to know everything closes the door to finding out what's already there. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
When the politicians complain that TV turns the proceedings into a circus, it should be made clear that the circus was already there, and that TV has merely demonstrated that not all the performers are well trained. - Edward R. Murrow
My Message is already out, what has left is to go and to do your part of the work. - Deyth Banger
If it makes you happy, then you succeeded already. - Tyrolin Puxty
I'm falling apart, one part after another. Falling down on the world like snow. Half of me is already on the ground, watching from below. - Ashly Lorenzana
A capacity, and taste, for reading, gives access to whatever has already been discovered by others. It is the key, or one of the keys, to the already solved problems. And not only so. It gives a relish, and facility, for successfully pursuing the [yet] unsolved ones. - Abraham Lincoln
When we treat man as he is, we make him worse than he is; when we treat him as if he already were what he potentially could be, we make him what he should be. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
When you claim to be what you're not, you're deliberately killing opportunities, because those who would have help will shun you, thinking that you had it all already. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Remember: If someone's trying to pull you down that means they're already beneath you. - Karen Salmansohn
TreeIt is foolishto let a young redwoodgrow next to a house.Even in this one lifetime,you will have to choose.That great calm being,this clutter of soup pots and books--Already the first branch-tips brush at the window.Softly, calmly, immensity taps at your life. - Jane Hirshfield
Get out of bed and feed me already, person! - Rachel Cohn
First conscious thoughts to wake,first guided steps to take. What walk of path not known..... of many moments already born? - L.G. Space
I am naïve and I have fucked up but I tell you something else. I believe in change. I don't mind getting my hands dirty because my hands are dirty already. I don't mind giving my life to this because I'm only alive because of the compassion and love of others. - Russell Brand
I don't want prizes. I turned down the National Institute of Arts and Letters when I was elected to it in 1976 on the grounds that I already belonged to the Diner's Club. - Gore Vidal
I find the concept of Hell to be more honest than that of everyday life. In Hell, no one can lie to you, because you already know what to expect for the rest of eternity. Nothing more and nothing less. - Lionel Suggs
When you love and already have someone,you should keep the promise you take!Because you don't know, how dangerous or weak can love do.-when you hurt someone's heart.You don't notice but suddenly you losing that person. - Redzel Romulo
Authenticity is not a metaphysically distinctive way of being human; it is just a way of taking responsibility for what one has already been given. - Peter E. Gordon
If you can wait for success for days,you want it.If you can wait for success for weeks,you desire it.If you can wait for success for years,you need it.If you can wait for success for decades,you deserve it.If you can wait for success for a lifetime,it is already yours. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The true masters of the art of living are already happy if they are not unhappy. - Jean Anouilh
That is because no one could ever hate me as much as I hate myself, okay? So any mean thing someone's gonna think of to say about me, I've already said to me, about me, probably within the last half hour. - Lena Dunham
If you want to do something great, remember someone out there trying already to get that, I want you to be that some one. - Sivaprakash Sidhu
Stop giving yourself permission to fail;start giving yourself permission to succeed.You cannot win battles you have already lost in your mind.You cannot lose battles you have already won in your heart. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Good sense is, of all things among men, the most equally distributed: for every one thinks himself so abundantly provided with it, that those even who are the most difficult to satisfy in everything else, do not usually desire a larger measure of this quality than they already possess. - Rene Descartes
The assumption that the gospel can be reduced to a note card is already off on the wrong track. - Scot McKnight
It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority. By definition, there are already enough people to do that. - G.H. Hardy
Little girls who hang around with vampires need to get used to dead things...In fact, little girls who hang around with vampires already are with dead things. - Vivian Vande Velde
You do not need any more strength. You only need to realize how strong you already are. - Vironika Tugaleva
Some of us have great runways already built for us. If you have one, take off. But if you don't have one, realize it is your responsibility to grab a shovel and build one for yourself and for those who will follow after you. - Amelia Earhart
What moves men of genius, or rather, what inspires their work, is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said is not enough. - Edouard Delacroix
It’s a great feeling to do what you want and do what you love. Everyone should try it sometime if you’re not doing it already. - Jason Landry
Rightness of limitation is essential for growth of reality.Unlimited possibility and abstract creativity can procure nothing. The limitation, and the basis arising from what is already actual, are both of them necessary and interconnected. - Alfred North Whitehead
Every true thing has already been said, but each new generation must find a way to say it in their own words. - Marty Rubin
We who engage in nonviolent direct action are not the creators of tension. We merely bring to the surface hidden tension that is already alive - Martin Luther King Jr.
Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia. - Charles M. Schulz
A vision we give to others of who and what they could become has power when it echoes what the spirit has already spoken into their souls. - Larry Crabb
The truths of the one subject have already been discovered, but have not been accepted because they spell the death of the faith in the lie. - Compton Gage
A person who knows spiritual principles will walk confidently in God’s path, to fulfil what God has already planned to do - Sunday Adelaja
Nico was wrong. The Book of Fate isn't already written. It's written every day.Some scars never heal.Then again, some do. - Brad Meltzer
I already won. - A.D. Posey
We already live on the planet of war, we already live on the red planet, and it's a war against children. All the other wars are just the shadows of the war on children. - Stefan Molyneux
I'm already inside your head. And your body's most definitely next. - Lindsay J. Pryor
Money and success don't change people; they merely amplify what is already there.
People enjoy convincing others, if others are wrong they convince them towards right, if others are already right they still want to convince them towards wrong. - Amit Kalantri
The day she was born,her grandfather made her a ring of silver and a polished stone, because he loved her already. - Aliki
Science affects the average man and woman in two ways already. He or she benefits by its application driving a motor-car or omnibus instead of a horse-drawn vehicle, and being treated for disease by a doctor or surgeon rather than a witch. - J.B.S. Haldane
I’ve been working hard to become the kind of man she needs, the kind of man she already believes me to be. - Colleen Houck
Never close your lips to those whom you have already opened your heart. - Charles Dickens
The excellence of the soul is understanding; for the man who understands is conscious, devoted, and already godlike. - Hermes Trismegistus
What if you already are the person you wish you were but you just don't know it yet? - Debra Formo
When you are searching, don't loose what you already have. - John Latchett
Experience, n. The wisdom that enables us to recognize as an undesirable old acquaintance the folly that we have already embraced. - Ambrose Bierce
For he who sees a need but waits to be asked is already set on cruel refusal. - Dante Alighieri
If you're not grateful for what you already have, why should you be blessed with more... - Germany Kent
We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
When you read without an open mind, you're already filtering ideas and intended message. Selective reading contributes to wilful ignorance. - Unarine Ramaru
France, stop throwing awards at me! I have so many already, give them to people who need them. - Nuno Roque
When we are unable to change an event that has already been written in the stars, we are always presented the opportunity to surrender to the heart and find a new pathway to peace. Understanding Divine Reason allows us to honor God’s Divine Plan. - Molly Friedenfeld
Nothing is as misleading as time just think about it and you've alreadygotten old. - Eraldo Banovac
The moment you start arguing with an ignorant fool, you have already lost. - Ali ibn Abi Talib
Redeemed humanity is still young, it has hardly come to its full strength. But already there is joy enough in the little finger of a great saint such as yonder lady to waken all the dead things of the universe into life. - C.S. Lewis
It is distressing how often we repeat ourselves. When we ask questions, we know the answers already. We've grown accustomed to horizontal communication, flatlining banalities and droning insignificance. - Louisa Hall
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full. - Henry Kissinger
Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. - Michael Crichton
I don't do regrets. Regrets are pointless. It's too late for regrets. You've already done it, haven't you? You've lived your life. No point wishing you could change it. - Lemmy Kilmister
Education is the manifestation of perfection already existing in man. - Swami Vivekananda
Good deeds may not lead to heaven...still do deeds that make you feel like you are in there already. - Palle Oswald
People are all diamonds. They are already valuable, brillant and unique in their own right. Sometimes a person can do with a buff, a fluff and a polish to bring out the natural brillance and clarity that has always existed within them. - Evette Rose
For a man who is in poverty, doomsday is already there! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I have already made up my mind, don't confuse me with facts. - Philip A. Fisher
You are believing not in your god but in yourself if your god knows no better than you do...and yet, in this alone, I am afraid, you have already been fooling yourself. - Criss Jami
Never be afraid to offer a smile; sure the risk is that a few foolish people may misinterpret your kindness as weakness, but the sweet reward is that as you make new friends and encourage others, the foolish have ignored the fact that you have already shown them your teeth. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
What matters is to live in the present, live now, for every moment is now. It is your thoughts and acts of the moment that create your future. The outline of your future path already exists, for you created its pattern by your past. - Sai Baba
The now reality is our only home, where everything already is. There is no other home we came from, and we might think we shall return to. - Raphael Zernoff
The alternative to pain may be worse. When you live with an open heart, you will inevitably get hurt. The alternative of living a life closed off from experience, however, is barren. Ironically, it also still involves suffering. In fearing pain, we already feel the pain from our fear. - Ann Brasco
She saw how the mind makes forever, in order to store the things it had already lost. - Richard Powers
Many people will try to Sell you a Dream, its Your place to let them know you Already have one! - Kalon Jackson
Why waste time for a love partner, while you've already wasted a lot of time for your self. - D.DelaTorre
Social Media isn't creating the problems in our relationships; it's only exposing the ones that already existed. - Steve Maraboli
The law that will work is merely the summing up in legislative form of the moral judgement that the community has already reached. - Woodrow Wilson
Freedom, joy or bliss doesn't come from the situation that we think we should be, but it derives from the one that we are already in. - Aditya Ajmera
You are never too old to learn more than you already know and to become able to do more than you already can. - Isaac Asimov
For the Three Percent:You may sometimes feel like you were born in the wrong century, or that the struggle for freedom is already lost, but weren't, and it isn't. Your day is coming. Now is the time to prepare. - Oliver DeMille
The move towards the extension of personhood to children is already underway, and is utterly, completely and totally unstoppable! - Stefan Molyneux
And then the finale, its four modest notes. Do, re, fa, mi: half a jumbled scale. Too simple to be called invented. But the thing spills out into the world like one of those African antelopes that fall from the womb, still wet with afterbirth but already running. - Richard Powers
Writing isn't a choice. It's a calling. So answer the damn phone already! - T.N. Suarez
Choices can help create the human desire for their future. But there are some, who's fate has already been decided. - Michelle Goncalves
Sometimes a writer simply finds new ways of saying what has already been said because, ultimately, truth is unoriginal. - Kamand Kojouri
I have no use for your body, for within its youth lies a rotten wench already deceased. - Keisha Keenleyside
If anything normal were useful it would have been done already. That's why my motto is "Dare to Differ." Who know's what you'll find ? - Matthew Goldfinger
Waiting for God to give you want He has ALREADY decided for you and waiting for someone to decide on you--is NOT the same. - Adrianne D. Pless
All the inspiration that you need is already inside you. You just have to be determined enough to let it out. - Jason Landry
Everyone changes so slowly, they don't even know that they have. And everyone likes to pretend that things are just the same yet they look at you like you could bring something back that's supposed to already be here. But home is a time. Not just a place. - Iain Thomas
Creativity is...seeing something that doesn't exist already. You need to find out how you can bring it into being and that way be a playmate with God. - Michele Shea
When I was your age...I wish I'd known that I already had everything I needed within myself to be happy, instead of looking for happiness at beauty counters. - Ilene Beckerman
If you want to live like a normal person, you are already part of history. - M.F. Moonzajer
You need not to hate most of the people, life already hates them. - Amit Kalantri
A Plan B life can be just as good or better than a Plan A life. You just have to let go of that first dream and realize that God has already written the first chapter of the new life that awaits you. All you have to do is start reading! - Shannon L. Alder
At times it is so enjoyable to mire your neighbor into the filth you already got stuck in long ago! - Igor Eliseev
Well, now,if little by little you stop loving meI shall stop loving you little by little.If suddenlyyou forget medo not look for me,for I shall already have forgotten you. - Pable Neruda
By the time most people say 'I'm sorry' it is already too late. - Ken Poirot
Everything you need is already within you. The beauty of life is that your DESTINY lies always in your hands. The time has come for you to STEP UP and BE GREAT - Pablo
... A man's wife can hold him devilish uneasy, if she begins to scold and fret, and perplex him, at a time when he has a full load for a railroad car on his mind already. - David Crockett
When you ask for assistance from your guides and the Masters of LightKnow that they already help you as much as they can.It is you who must come to meet them halfway. Do not ask them as if they had power to change your life.They only can guide you to be your own best guide. - Raphael Zernoff
We tend to think of future inventions and discoveries, but in reality, these things already exist in the knowledge bank of the universe. - Stephen Richards
When YOU Say YOU Love Me, I Don't Hear With My Ears Or Read YOUR Lips As I Already Know That By Looking In YOUR Eyes.... - Muhammad Imran Hasan
Be yourself, you're already fully equipped to succeed at that. - Rob Liano
You might think that you're ruined. You might think you're defeated. If you love what you're doing you've already succeeded. - George Watsky
She did not talk to people as if they were strange hard shells she had to crack open to get inside. She talked as if she were already in the shell. In their very shell. - Marita Bonner
I have already settled it for myself so flattery and criticism go down the same drain and I am quite free. - Georgia O'Keeffe
Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals. - Roy Bennett
Gratitude opens our eyes… We are often praying for something God has already given us. - Steve Maraboli
God has already provided all you need to live this one day His way! - Elizabeth George
People with power listen less carefully, and have difficulty taking into account what others already know. - Dean M. Schroeder
gratitudenoun \ˈgra-tə-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd\ 1. The word thrown in your face by people who covet what you want and believe that your lack of contentment is a sin. Often, these people believe success is what you have already and obtaining anything else is optional, but not required. - Shannon L. Alder
For any given problem, if there's a simple solution it will already have been applied. So, perhaps, the solution isn't as simple as you think. - Stuart Aken
Anyone can plot a course with a map or compass; but without a sense of who you are, you will never know if you're already home. - Shannon L. Alder
You can achieve in your life more power and wealth, health and happiness through telling you connect strongly your subconscious mind and out of the place is it required to possess this power you already have, but you need to learn how to use them. - A.Bounda
The really magical things are the ones that happen right in front of you. A lot of the time you keep looking for beauty, but it is already there. And if you look with a bit more intention, you see it. - Vik Muniz
Already she knew that an idea could pain him like a bruise. He had grey eyes that showed every thought, and sometimes Charlotte worried that he might be hurt in some way that she would not be able to prevent. - Lauren Owen
What is the first business of one who practices philosophy? To get rid of self-conceit. For it is impossible for anyone to begin to learn that which he thinks he already knows. - Epictetus
If fear alters behavior, you're already defeated.
Money & success don't change people; they merely amplify what is already there. - Will Smith
You don't get to become someone's hero unless you are already another's monster. - Adhish Mazumder
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t. - Erica Jong
precious laughing time is wasted, because I have to put up with Satan's stupid minions who smile without attempting to anger somebody else - leave us alone already. - A Gentlemen
I have already given two cousins to the war and I stand ready to sacrifice my wife's brother. - Artemus Ward
There is much enjoy in vengeance than love, and we humans already knew that. - M.F. Moonzajer
Physics is becoming so unbelievably complex that it is taking longer and longer to train a physicist. It is taking so long, in fact, to train a physicist to the place where he understands the nature of physical problems that he is already too old to solve them. - Eugene Paul Wigner
If knowing something got you where you needed to go, you'd be there already. Put your hand to your heart, take a deep breath in...listen to your heart. It knows. - Eileen Anglin
Being a Christian, for some other people, is not cool-praying, reading bible, lifting your hands while singing Christian songs, listening to a boring sermon? But would it still be cool if you're already in hell? Think about that. - Aby Santos
Like a child standing in a beautiful park with his eyes shut tight, there's no need to imagine trees, flowers, deer, birds, and sky; we merely need to open our eyes and realize what is already here, who we already are - as soon as we stop pretending we're small or unholy. - Bo Lozoff
I already gave my best. I have no regrets at all.
All the good music has already been written by people with wigs and stuff. - Frank Zappa
Never fight for a girl; while pounding each other, someone is already making plans to whisk her away. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Money should be ones demand and not command, one should not become a slave of Money because we made money to help us trade and not to make us, we're already made even without money. - Auliq Ice
There is no way to undo something already done, or to dress up a naked truth. - Dixie Waters
Don’t live in the past you’ve already been there. And don’t live in the future, either. Tomorrow will be here soon enough. Live in this moment now it is sacred and unrepeatable. This moment alone holds valuable gifts that should not be missed. - Steve Goodier
When you wake up each morning with a burning passion to accomplish a goal, you've already won the day. - George Alexiou
The one surefire way to get me not to hire you is to send me your resume, especially if you've already got a good job. I won't be interested, because in a couple years, you'll be doing the same thing to me that you're doing to your current boss: looking for a better deal. - Bo Schembechler
One of the ways I know I shouldn't be online is when I'm looking to get something that I already have in abundance as a child of God. - Sammy Rhodes
Some days you must learn a great deal. But you should also have days when you allow what is already in you to swell up and touch everything. If you never let that happen, then you just accumulate facts, and they begin to rattle around inside of you. - E.L. Konigsburg
To establish oneself in the world, one does all one can to seem established there already. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
I have been praying, too, for the first time in my life. That parson, Tugwell, he helped me see - not the error of my ways, for I knew them all to well already - but what was wanting in me. I am far from perfect, I know, but I am changed and changing still - Julie Klassen
Just understand that the good that you want is already here. All you have to do is get in harmony with it. And you do that through your own thinking. - Bob Proctor
Never give anything so easily. Life is not a gift, life is a struggle. Make him dream of it and it will make him more and more happy while getting it. If anybody has already become accustomed to the happiness, it is not happiness yet. - Elmar Hussein
I think most of us would be horrified to meet ourselves and discover what everyone else already knows about us. - Bill Watterson
Fiction books give the reader a chance to step away from their own reality and into the shoes of the characters, and they show you a world that isn't the one you already know. And sometimes the story's not so different from your own, and it lets you get closer to your own feelings. - Shin Towada
Dreams link us to those who have already left this life. - Doug Dillon
Those who fixate on what could have been are bound to miss what already is. - Sara Secora
You do not need any more strength. You need only to realize how strong you already are. - Vironika Tugaleva
It is all about trusting your choice that you have already made. - Jasz Gill
I do not wish to travel around the world. I already have the world trying to travel around me. - Lionel Suggs
My only struggle has been trying to empower people who falsely believe that they are already empowered. - Paul Bamikole
Art needs no victory because it is already the victory of the meticulous mind! - Mehmet Murat ildan
When I’ve lost my way or when I am confused about a path to take, I remember that most answers I need I already possess deep inside. I am naturally creative, resourceful and whole. If I consult my invisible compass, I’ll know what to do. - Steve Goodier
You say, it's dark. And in truth, I did place a cloud before your sun. But do you not see how the edges of the cloud are already glowing and turning light. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Whoever is trying to bring you down is already beneath you. - Habeeb Akande
Remember you come here having already understood the necessity of struggling with yourself only with yourself. Therefore thank everyone who gives you the opportunity. - G.I. Gurdjieff
Many of us spend our whole lives running from feeling with the mistaken belief that you cannot bear the pain. But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is feel all you are beyond the pain.
Whoever said Success is 80% Joy and 20% Hardwork must have chased the latter 20% not ignoring the first 80%. Follow the Joy route and the power is already lost. - Priyavrat Thareja
Reading is the multiplier of success. Reading instantly gives you access to a treasure trove of wisdom and experience laid out by those who have gone before you, especially those who have already walked the road you’re walking on right now. - Kevin J. Donaldson
Know this: whenever you think of leaving, a part of you has already left. But it’s never too late to get it back. - Kamand Kojouri
When you've already broken the rules of the universe, fear becomes only a feeling of disconnection, distant. - Jonas Samuelle
Learning is finding out what you already know - Richard Bach
And how shall you punish those whose remorse is already greater than their misdeeds? - Kahlil Gibran
What can a little town teach you? It can teach you how a little place already contains the whole features of the entire world! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A man on a date wonders if he'll get lucky. The woman already knows.
Even before you start regretting it, it is already in the past. - Harshvardhan Malpani
If you are opportunist, then you are already one step closer to achieve your target! - PRIYANSHU JOSHI
In the course of our Journey we need to realize that we do not need to become anything, because we are already in possession of the characteristics that we have been looking for so far, pursuing an image projected into the future. - Frank Wanderer
Short stories are great start, but if they are true that's the best start so far in about 222 short stories I have viewed and I have already shared them in the book series Reddit Collection. - Deyth Banger
You have left a trail of breadcrumb clues which will lead you to the place where your purpose and passion have already met and are simply waiting for you to find them. - Jacob Nordby
Most of our so-called reasoning consists in finding arguments for going on believing as we already do.
Religion is for those who don't want to go to Hell. Spirituality is for those of us who have already been through it. - Anonymous
Nobel prize money is a lifebelt thrown to a swimmer who has already reached the shore in safety. - George Bernard Shaw
We often lose ourselves to where we think we should be, rather than celebrate where we already are. - Chris Burkmenn
You have to lead people gently toward what they already know is right.
We are already abundant, we have everything we need within us, to live a purposeful and fulfilling life. - Avis J. Williams
If we weren’t already doing it this way, is this the way we would start? - Paul Depodesta
Try to put well into practice what you already know. In so doing, you will, in good time, discover the hidden things you now inquire about. - Rembrandt
Wednesday had come and gone in a single breath. As I dreamt of divine love, Picasso, and a vast field of gold, a new dawn had already begun. - Terry A. O'Neal
Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.
Strong anger can only make you weaker than you already are - Munia Khan
If you can live while doing what you love, then you are already a success. - Debasish Mridha
Prayer does not alter that which God has determined; it never changes anything. It merely achieves what He has already foreordained. - Watchman Nee
It is pointless waiting for the moment because you are already in the moment so just get started! - Stephen Richards
No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals. - Brian Tracy
An affirmation is a strong, positive statement that something is already so. - Shakti Gawain
Already my life was not mine, Now someone has made my Dreams the Tenement so, I have no way other than to love the Patron....! - M.H. Rakib
First, stop making formula films that people have already started rejecting.This year, several big budget films haven't been entertained by the audience.Still stars continue to dictate terms.The youth wants new good content.From htcafeSaturday,Dec.20,2014 - Anurag Kashyap
You cannot fix a problem in the world unless you've already resolved the underlying conflict within yourself. - Auliq Ice
Today is your wright-time. Anything worth writing will be, or has been written already. A great story chooses its writer lest no wright should boast. Just write! If you don't, you will come right in contact with your thoughts someplace soon. - Amah Lambert
He who is afraid of suffering, is already suffering fear. Out of fear, true creativity is blocked. - Chinese Proverb
I Couldn't Look Straight In HER Eyes As I Already Know SHE Can Read My Eyes Without Reading My Lips.... - Muhammad Imran Hasan
Life knows what you want, and gives you exactly the same thing, at the moment. You attract exactly what you want in the moment. You have to remain present in the moment. If you are already lost in yourself, you can never understand the ways of life. - Roshan Sharma
Some things you cannot see or explain, but they are there, lurking.Some things dwell in the dark: waiting…watching…haunting.Sometimes evil takes on many forms, many faces.And silence is the last thing you hear, when it’s already too late.THE SILENCE - Barry Brickey
His thoughts were hemmed in. One can only draw curved lines on the terrestrial sphere which, as they extend, forever meet with themselves. At such intersections we always encounter what we have already seen. - Raymond Queneau
Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.
The thing has already taken form in my mind before I start it. The first attempts are absolutely unbearable. I say this because I want you to know that if you see something worthwhile in what I am doing, it is not by accident but because of real direction and purpose. - Vincent van Gogh
Whenever you become aware of a conflict in the world, realize that you only perceive it as a conflict because it resonates with something that's already inside of you. - Auliq Ice
Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet.It is a way of entering into the quiet that is already there -buried under the 50,000 thoughtsthe average person thinks every day - Deepak Chopra
Human kind is already perfect, Technology is getting stronger but we are getting weaker - Pak Ho
Nature already uses the language of mathematics, so why not work with the environment instead of against it. We need to start mimicking the mathematical logic that occurs in the landscape, identify existing systems, and out of those concepts create new ones. - Yafreisy Carrero
When we are no longer children we are already dead - Constantin Brancusi
You will never forgive anyone more than God has already forgiven you. - Max Lucado
The past is already documented and the present is taking shape with every moment, but the future is always in-view. - Seun Ayilara
It's too late to apologize for I have already forgiven you." -FitzChivalry Farseer - Robin Hobb
Stop searching for that perfect person you hope for. Stop searching for someone who would meet the standards you set as spouse material, instead love the one who's already next to you, who has always been there for you, and never done you wrong. Perfection doesn't exist in anyone, including you. - John Yang aka Private83
At the crossroad in my life, I didn't know which way to go. I just mindlessly choose a random direction... then, after regretting my decision I tried to retrace my steps. However, without even realizing it the sun had already set. - Nobuyuki Fukumoto
All types and levels of art are beautiful, because art is beautiful, creativity is gorgeous and the artist itself is a masterpiece already. - Kelly Palmen
If you have enthusiasm, boldness, and confidence, you are already a success. - Debasish Mridha
If we do not feel grateful for what we already have, what makes us think we would be happy with more? - JohnA Passaro
You already made the choice, you are simply here to walk it. - L.J. Vanier
I don't worry about getting old. I'm old already. Only young people worry about getting old. When I was 65 I had cupid's eczema. I don't believe in dying. It's been done. I'm working on a new exit. Besides, I can't die now - I'm booked. - George Burns
I like life, it's wonderous and chaotic and somewhere in the middle I've created a safe place to do my thing in the world ~ I can't ask for much more & I am already so thankful when everything I got - Nikki Rowe
The most difficult aspect of moving on is accepting that the other person already did. - Faraaz Kazi
First, I do not sit down at my desk to put into verse something that is already clear in my mind. If it were clear in my mind, I should have no incentive or need to write about it. We do not write in order to be understood; we write in order to understand. - Cecil Day-Lewis
We can not paint that in a more positive way if it is already negative, we have to take it that way and think of other means for reaching there. - Auliq Ice
Anyone who limits her vision to memories of yesterday is already dead. - Lily Langtry
You can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth without it. - G. K. Chesterton
Don't get yourself arrested and make your day worse! If you need to vent, just smash something that's already broken! You can't get in trouble for wrecking the unsalvageable! - R. Stevens
Stop asking God to bless what you're doing. Find out what God's doing. It's already blessed. - Bono
Some live life passionately, some live just to be alive, while some are already dead and are waiting for it to be official. Live your life to the fullest so your legacy won't ever die. - Farshad Asl
No, not me....no.........because I've already ended, and been given a new life, one that never ends - TheImmortals3000
Before you speak... I have already heard. Before you see... I had seen a million times. Before you reach... I came and departed, so is the way and life of a versatile soul. - Michael Bassey Johnson
...God is already out there in the world ahead of us. In our teaching, therefore, we must do more than merely help people learn how to be good church members. We are directors preparing people for roles in a drama that encompasses every part of their lives. - Richard Robert Osmer
People believe that Noah's Ark is a legend when we are already apart of this legend, look around what do you see? - Abdulkadir Abdullahi Mohamed Mirre
Be wonderful! Because you are already beautiful. - Debasish Mridha
Now and then women should do for themselves what men have already done—occasionally what men have not done—thereby establishing themselves as persons, and perhaps encouraging other women toward greater independence of thought and action. - Amelia Earhart
To know yourself, you must first sacrifice the illusion that already you do. - Vironika Tugaleva
Imagination just wasn't up to the task of understanding unique and foreign sensations. It knew only how to dampen or augment what it already knew. - Juliette, Pg. 139 - Hugh Howey
It is never hard to convince a man of something he already wants to believe - Tonny K. Brown
You can lose your past by forgetting it but you can never lose your future because you can lose only the things you already own! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Dare not to criticise self, lift yourself up and set the boundaries for your worth. Speak kindly to self and hand your worries over to the wind,if you are here; you are successful already, start believing in your story, the destination will be meaningless if the journeys never been truly lived - Nikki Rowe
When Malingeau drew himself from his long sleep, the music was still droning in his head. Christelle was already gone. She had taken care to scribble a line on a scrap of paper."I drank your body until my thirst was worn. - Fiston Mwanza Mujila
I am happiest when I clear my mind and allow the world around me to reteach me what I thought I already knew. - Vironika Tugaleva
If you think you already know what you're looking at, you might not see what's really there. - Nancy Werlin (Author)
Most good things have already been said far too many times and just need to be lived. - Shane Claiborne
Shit, I have already read this.... - Michael Pollack
Kids don't care about rock and roll as much as they used to, as the other generations have. It's already turned into nothing but a fashion statement and an identity for kids to use as a tool for them to fuck and have a social life. - Kurt Cobain
EUCHARIST, n. A sacred feast of the religious sect of Theophagi. A dispute once unhappily arose among the members of this sect as to what it was that they ate. In this controversy some five hundred thousand have already been slain, and the question is still unsettled. - Ambrose Bierce
there is no girl we are not always already making into a woman from the moment she is born making a city in the dirt next to the boot of a man. It could be rage or love in his feet. The girl could be me or any other girl. - Lidia Yuknavitch
I was reading in the paper today that Congress wants to replace the dollar bill with a coin. They’ve already done it. It’s called a nickel. - Jay Leno
Too often my solution is to let something die because I can’t keep it alive, when God’s solution is to let something live because His Son already died for it. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
And I'm not going to get any thinner or any younger, my ass is going to hit the ground, if it hasn't already--and I want to be with somebody who can still see me in here. I'm still in here. And I don't want to be resented or despised for changing...I'd rather be alone. - Zadie Smith
One of the symptoms of having a broken-heart is the fact that even ghosts will give up on the hope of scaring you as you have already lived through your worst fear. - Faraaz Kazi
Why keep on enacting laws when we already have more than we can break.
My plan is to continue teaching many more years than the 32 years I've already enjoyed and continue writing, and promoting my books and websites if it's God will. - Ana Monnar
One of the most amazing things that we often forget is this: God never forgets us! Face it; you could hide under a rock, BUT, God will still be beside you saying, "Rock bottom, already? - Mary Kate
No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! That first book is already closed, ended, and tossed into the seas; this new book is newly opened, has just begun! Look, it is the first page! And it is a beautiful one! - C. JoyBell C.
Humans have already experienced eternity. Sin has forced us to settle for time. If you want your eternity back, you have to spend time with the Eternal one! - Garrett McCoy
Our mothers were largely silent about what happened to them as they passed through this midlife change. But a new generation of women has already started to break the wall of silence. - Trisha Posner
Cut off from the land that bore us,Betrayed by the land we find,Where the brightest have gone before us,And the dullest are most behind - Stand, stand to your glasses, steady!'T is all we have left to prize:One cup to the dead already - Hurrah for the next that dies! Bartholomew Dowling - http://www.charlieipcar.com/lyrics/re...
If you want a quality, act as if you already had it. - William James
He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice. - Albert Einstein
There is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, 'See, this is new?' it had been already of old time, which was before us. - Compton Gage
The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are. - Jalaluddin Rumi
...Actually all women are psychic. When a man cheats on a woman and lies to her, she already knows; she just lies to herself. - Josefina López
Q. How soon do you expect Argentina to be returned to democratic government?A. We believe we are already within a democratic system. Some factors are still missing, like the expression of the people's will, but nevertheless we still think we are within a democracy. - Roberto Eduardo Viola
You are guaranteed failure if you accept it. Victory is almost in your hands if you are willing to die for it. Success is already yours if God has ordained it. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The aim of flattery is to soothe and encourage us by assuring us of the truth of an opinion we have already formed about ourselves. - Edith Sitwell
Better to teach a man to fish who already loves to fish. - Richie Norton
Y’know, it’s not that we need equality. Because everyone’s already equal, it’s just that a ton of idiots lost the memo. Indeed, everyone just needs to be TREATED like the equal they already are. - Ellie Rose McKee
Out of ten people that desire a girl, five people are actually willing to do something to win her heart and from this five, one already has the girl while the other has to fight to win her heart. - Winston Samuels
In our desire to impose form on the world and our lives we have lost the capacity to see the form that is already there; and in that lies not liberation but alienation, the cutting off of things as they really are. - Colin E. Gunton
you’re already naked in this worldin this timein this lifebeacause your next loveyour next hungeryou next laughterand even your next tearmay never come - Baharak Sedigh
To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he aspires to do. - Kahlil Gibran
The future is already here it's just not evenly distributed.The Economist, December 4, 2003 - William Gibson
Shame on you. Don't tell me you've been married for an hour and you've already got eyes for another woman. - Mordecai Richler
People are already disappointed by their acquaintances, they can not handle anymore hate from stranger, so show some instantaneous kindness and forgiveness to them. - Amit Kalantri
I have become an orchidwashed in on the salt white beach.Memory,what can I make of it nowthat might please you-this life, already wastedand still strewn with miracles? - Mary Ruefle
Life's already a gamble. Don't let love be one, too. - Max Hawthorne
I don't care for moon to be on my side, I already have his Master. - Jawwad Zafar
Most times when folks ask for advice, they already know what they should do. They just want to hear it from someone else. - Jeannette Walls (Author)
You can’t stop loving someone if you had already fallen; all you can do is hurting yourself - M.F. Moonzajer
Talking to strangers is very panic fear, to be fearless and good communicator in long term try talking to strangers with courage like you already know them. - Amit Kalantri
Work towards a goal, but try not to visualize the successful result: if you don’t achieve success, you will be disappointed; if you do achieve success, you will already have experienced it in your mind’s eye. - Clifford Cohen
The problem with saying or feeling 'sorry' is that it often comes after the damage is already done. (..........and a damage is a damage, small or big, it always leave an ugly mark on one's soul) - Asma Naqi
Every word that i utter had already been said in the spirit realm. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The problem with thinking that you are the absolute best, is that it leaves no room for you to become any better and while you live life thinking that you're the best, truth is a lot of people around you are already better and becoming even more better. - C. JoyBell C.
Those who most obstinately oppose the most widely-held opinions more often do so because of pride than lack of intelligence. They find the best places in the right set already taken, and they do not want back seats. - François de La Rochefoucauld
Never get married while you're going to college; it's hard to get a start if a prospective employer finds you've already made one mistake. - Kin Hubbard
We should have had socialism already, but for the socialists. - George Bernard Shaw
All what is existing already existed. We are together for a while pondering in agile world. - Santosh Kalwar
Never think of hurting anyone else, if you do, you are already hurting yourself. - Debasish Mridha
Try to be "good", you'll be judged. Try to be yourself, you'll be criticized. Therefore, choose the second option. Evil uses the "nice good people" as puppets. It appears dressed as a poor guy, telling them that he needs help...When these people realize they have been used, it is already too late. - Paulo Coelho
We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already. - J.K. Rowling
It's precisely in despair that you find the most intense pleasure, especially if you are already powerfully conscious of the hopelessness of your predicament. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
My spirit has been around far longer than my soul--I've lived several lifetimes already. And one this novel has been written, I will have lived several more. - Terry A. O'Neal
No one is destined for greatness. Everyone is just destined to express the greatness that already exists within. - Aunna Pourang
Pop is about speaking everybody's language. The imagery and iconography we instantly recognize. When you can rely on things that the public already knows, you're dealing with Pop. - Nuno Roque
Bargaining with God is pointless. He already has a thousand followers that will do what you bargained to do for free. - Shannon L. Alder
It doesn't matter how green a blade of grass is expected to be, when it's already smashed beneath the feet. - Munia Khan
Thank God I've wasted my youth already. I don't want to do that again. - Greg Deane
Today, I don't want to ask for anythingI just want to give thanks for Everything I already have. - Nikki Rowe
Latter-day scepticism is fond of calling itself progressive; but scepticism is really reactionary. Scepticism goes back; it attempts to unsettle what has already been settled. Instead of trying to break up new fields with its plough, it simply tries to break up the plough. - G.K. Chesterton
The philosophers have already perceived the world in various ways; the point is to change it. - Karl Marx
Everybody is born so that they can learn to live a good life-like loving everybody and being nice, right? Well animals already know how to do that, so they don't have to live so long - Robin Downing
RECONSIDER, v. To seek a justification for a decision already made. - Ambrose Bierce
focus your intention on what your building, not whats already fallen away. - Nikki Rowe
Change isn’t a choice; it’s already happening. You are atoms and molecules in motion… you can’t avoid change; you ARE change. The question is whether you will EMBRACE the power of change to enhance your life or continue to exhaust yourself in the pointless endeavor to halt it. - Steve Maraboli
... From want of foresight men make changes which relishing well at first do not betray their hidden venom, as I have already observed respecting hectic fever. Nevertheless, the ruler is not truly wise who cannot discern evils before they develop themselves, and this is a faculty given to few. - Niccolò Machiavelli
Spirituality is not about being God, but about being your self. God is an imagination. Self is already that - one with all and within all. Self is the essence l, the source and the manifestation too. What else is God? - Rashmit Kalra
You won't ever build your confidence from a perception of lack. For it grows and evolves from realising who you are and what you already have. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians. The danger already exists that mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and confine man in the bonds of Hell. - Augustine of Hippo
There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened. - Douglas Adams
Even when a thing's already nice there mostly is some other thing that would have been nicer - or as to which we wonder if it wouldn't. - Henry James
If knowing something got you where you needed to go, you'd already be there. Put your hand to your heart. Take a deep breath in. It knows. - Eileen Anglin
Without the dreamers who write science fiction and other imaginary material we'd still be sitting in caves ... if we weren't already extinct. - William C. Samples
Latin is already a dead language, man... don't make it any deader. - Jerry Scott
Simply to render oneself able to understand what other Christian thinkers have themselves come to understand and to more or less felicitously communicate requires that one's mind not be a blank slate but already properly formed, disciplined, and exercised. - Gregory B. Sadler
There is only one way in which a person acquires a new idea; by combination or association of two or more ideas he already has into a new juxtaposition in such a manner as to discover a relationship among them of which he was not previously aware.
You go to movies to see people you love suffer - that's why you go to the movies. You don't go to see a movie about a guy who already knows he has a wonderful life. - Joss Whedon
Men forget everything; women remember everything. That's why men need instant replay in sports. They've already forgotten what's happened. - Rita Rudner
I believe there is a hero in each of us. The best books are the ones that remind us of who we already are and empower us to embrace our own story. - Marilynn Halas
We judge ourselves by what we are capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Anything you could ever want or be you already have and are. - David Russell
You are nature. You are already perfect, peaceful, and powerful. You don’t need to become anything. You simply need to remember yourself. - Vironika Tugaleva
Thrills are much more about anticipation than action. An unfired bullet is more dangerous than one that has already met its target. - Ashwin Sanghi
The Revolution won't be televised. It's already available on Amazon in ebook format. - Kenya Wright
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