Quotation Explorer - 'Blade'

If a tiny bud dares unfold to a wakening new world, if a narrow blade of grass dares to poke its head up from an unlit earth, then surely I can rise and stretch my winter weary bones, surely I can set my face to the spring sun. Surely, I too can be reborn. - Toni Sorenson
Every heart needs a cutting part sharper than a blade to stab agony - Munia Khan
You will know him by the blade he carries and the Dark-born skill with which he wields it, for none who know the love of the Father may defeat the Darkblade, yet all must stand against him. - Anthony Ryan
The rain out again, hammering the puddles full of holes, pocking the black-and-silver world with shining darkness. Rain soaks each leaf and blade of grass, bloating the lawns until they seem to roll and swell. Houses recede. The wind rises. The eyes and ears of God come down for the walk". - Mary Gatskill
Hate is a curved blade, and the harm that we do to others is also harm we do to ourselves. - Mitch Albom
Sometimes the most important conversation we can have is with the waves of the ocean or the dewdrops on a blade of grass. Sometimes the easiest way to love yourself is to realize that you are all these things. You are everything you’ve ever loved. - Vironika Tugaleva
The life of man is like the life of a blade of grass. Death comes, the grass withers, and behold life ends, and the flower falls of all greatness and all worldly goods. - Alfonso Maria de Liguori
It felt good to be the one holding the blade; the role reversal gave him a much desired feeling of control. - S.R. Ford
God made the world like a knife. We have the choice to take it by the handle or the blade. - C.J. Langenhoven
The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the scythe.
Mishaps are like knives, that either serve us or cut us, as we grasp them by the blade or the handle. - James Russell Lowell
Our past is the forge upon which we are hardened and tempered, to prepare us for the present. We are like a fine blade that must be hammered into shape before it can be ready to make its finest cuts. - Larry Atchley Jr.
Having a relationship with people of questionable character is like playing with a razor blade on your skin, and pretending to observe that it is harmful to your body. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Affliction caused by the tongue is worse than that caused by the strike of the blade of a sword. - Anonymous
Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from the inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves. - Mitch Albom
Loss of empathy might well be the most enduring and deep-cutting scar of all, the silent blade of an unseen enemy, tearing at our hearts and stealing more than our strength.
Temper is a weapon that we hold by the blade. - James M. Barrie
From an author's point of view, the most painful and dangerous weapon ain't no gun or blade, but a piece of paper with the word rejected on it. - Anonymous
Fear not the waking world, my mortal, Fear not the flat, synthetic blood, Nor the heart in the ribbing metal. Fear not the tread, the seeded milling, The trigger and scythe, the bridal blade, Nor the flint in the lover's mauling. - Dylan Thomas
The anvil is hard so that it can help shape the blade. If life were easy, we would all be soft and misshapen shards of metal, tossed into a bin. - J.M. Bush
When love is strong, a man and a woman can make their bed on a sword's blade. When love grows weak, a bed of 60 cubits is not large enough. - The Talmud
It doesn't matter how green a blade of grass is expected to be, when it's already smashed beneath the feet. - Munia Khan
All things are a living message from creation to mankind; all things, even the smallest blade of grass or the smallest insect. Each carries its own message about life and has an understanding of its role and what it is to accomplish during its lifetime. - Janet G Nestor
Every blade in the field - Every leaf in the forest - lays down its life in its season as beautifully as it was taken up. - Henry David Thoreau
I let loose a guttural roar-the cry of a man who has been deprived of his rightful kibbeh. I drew my sword and smacked the eagle with flat of the blade - Rick Riordan
I can't even enjoy a blade of grass unless I know there's a subway handy, or a record store or some other sign that people do not totally regret life. It's more important to confirm the least sincere. The clouds get enough attention as it is... - Frank O'Hara
one captain, seizing the line-knife from his broken prow, had dashed at the whale, as an Arkansas duelist at his foe, blindly seeking with a six-inch blade to reach the fathom-deep life of the whale. That captain was Ahab. - Herman Melville
There's a fine edge to new grief, it severs nerves, disconnects reality--there's mercy in a sharp blade. Only with time, as the edge wears, does the real ache begin. - Christopher Moore
Vengeance is the outer shell of a blade which carries the core named Justice. Justice is the wind that decides Vengeance’s course. - LordBloodySoul
Better stop short than fill to the brim. Oversharpen the blade, and the edge will soon blunt. Amass a store of gold and jade, and no one can protect it. Claim wealth and titles, and disaster will follow. Retire when the work is done. This is the way of heaven.
There is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice. - John Calvin
How much power is there in a thousand noisy engines? I tell you, there is more power in a single blade of grass. - John Kremer
A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it. - Rabindranath Tagore
I want you here. I don't care if it's a hundred degrees and every blade of grass dies. Without you, none of that matters to me. - Kami Garcia
How readily our thoughts swarm upon a new object, lifting it a little way, as ants carry a blade of straw so feverishly, and then leave it. - Virginia Woolf
The landscape looks different from every blade of grass. - Marty Rubin
There’s no blade sharper than the truth under the Sun, it’s enlightens the mind, releases the captives, condemns the guilty and spares the innocent; it’s the only weapon a hero ever needs to fight a war, the one which is conducted without a need of any Iron blade! - Marcus L. Lukusa
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