Quotation Explorer - 'Condemns'

Behind everyday reality, there is a deeper reality so cruel that it condemns to death those who crime is no greater than the pursuit of their own curiosity.("Shem-El-Nessim: An Inspiration In Perfume") - Chris Bell
There’s no blade sharper than the truth under the Sun, it’s enlightens the mind, releases the captives, condemns the guilty and spares the innocent; it’s the only weapon a hero ever needs to fight a war, the one which is conducted without a need of any Iron blade! - Marcus L. Lukusa
Not everyone who condemns masturbation can masturbate. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Whether the Bible is Law or Gospel depends on the spiritual condition of the one hearing it. If someone is regenerate and loves God, then the whole Bible is Gospel to him. If someone is unregenerate and hates God, the whole Bible is Law to him, the whole thing condemns him. - Douglas Wilson
God condemns those who oppress and take advantage of others. - Jim George
You can be critical and not judgmental. The two are synonyms, but no the same. The critical man analyzes people, things, and issues, very carefully. The judgmental man presents the results of his careful analysis in a manner that condemns. - Kingsley C. Okei
You can be critical and not judgmental. The two are synonyms, but not the same. The critical man analyzes people, things, and issues, very carefully. The judgmental man presents the results of his careful analysis in a manner that condemns. - Kingsley C. Okei
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