Quotation Explorer - 'Weapon'

Silence is a deadly weapon - M TERESA CLAYTON
Jewish vampires: Garlic? As a weapon? No its a spice silly human - Tasha Turner
The religion that empowers you to lie on god's behest is the most powerful weapon one can ever find. - Vishwanath S J
(The Purge),... A lot of movies say that the silence is a deadly weapon yeah.... it's true!You, never know from where somebody is going to came out and how is going to came out. - Deyth Banger
We fought back with our music; it was the only weapon we had. - Michael Morpurgo
The chief weapon of sea pirates, however, was their capacity to astonish. Nobody else could believe, until it was too late, how heartless and greedy they were. - Kurt Vonnegut
Never think you can convince God through prayer for a blessing. Praying for prosperity is a wrong weapon for war. If prayer could bring money, all intercessors would be billionaires. - Apostle T. Vutabwashe
Morality without kindness is the most dangerous weapon. - Debasish Mridha
I am furiously happy. It's not a cure for mental illness...it's a weapon, designed to counter it. It's a way to take back some of the joy that's robbed from you when you're crazy. - Jenny Lawson
Doctor Who: You want weapons? We're in a library. Books are the best weapon in the world. This room's the greatest arsenal we could have. Arm yourself!(from Tooth and Claw in Season 2) - Russell T. Davies
Temptation is a strong weapon that Satan uses against the children of God - Sunday Adelaja
Education is a weapon that doesn't create destruction, that creates peace - Kip Keino
Prayer is the secret weapon that restores your trust in God. - Jim George
From an author's point of view, the most painful and dangerous weapon ain't no gun or blade, but a piece of paper with the word rejected on it. - Anonymous
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela
When you start speaking the "TRUTH" it creates enemies out of Ignorance. But always learn to speak the truth, though, it should be a solid weapon to a positive progression. - Henry Johnson Jr
creativity is our only weapon against entropy - Dean Cavanagh
Contempt is the weapon of the weak and a defense against one's own despised and unwanted feelings.
Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have. - Ronald Reagan
We have weapons of mass destruction we have to address here at home. Poverty is a weapon of mass destruction. Homelessness is a weapon of mass destruction. Unemployment is a weapon of mass destruction.
Now the sirens have a still more fatal weapon than their song, namely their silence... someone might have escaped from their singing; but from their silence, certainly never. - Franz Kafka
Thieves and liars kill indirectly, unintentionally, and with no other weapon than their tongues and malice. - A.E.H. Veenman
If you win the battle in the mind, you have the weapon of life. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Love is a weapon of Light, and it has the power to eradicate all forms of darkness. That is the key. When we offer love even to our enemies, we destroy their darkness and hatred... - Yehuda Berg
The devil's weapon is an illusion of our imagination. - Sunday Adelaja
The body is poisoned through the mouth, even so is the heart through the ear ... And even if we do mean no harm, the Evil One means a great deal, and he will use those idle words as a sharp weapon against some neighbor's heart. - Francis de Sales
Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality. - Jules de Gaultier
Love is the weapon of the wise. - Matshona Dhliwayo
There are people dying from famine on the roads, and you do not issue the stores of your granaries for them. When people die, you say, 'it is not owing to me, it is owing to the year.' In what does this differ from stabbing a man and killing him, and then saying, 'it was not I, it was the weapon? - Mencius
The greatest weapon that one can have is a simple...smile. - Lionel Suggs
Education is the best weapon to fight against the adversity of life. - Debasish Mridha
A truth should exist,it should not be usedlike this. If I love youis that a fact or a weapon? - Margaret Atwood
A positive MIND is a solid WEAPON. - Henry Johnson Jr
Let Art be your weapon, and you would never be defeated. - Bam Zakariya
Satire's my weapon, but I'm too discreet To run amuck, and tilt at all I meet. - Alexander Pope
A weapon is a device for making your enemy change his mind. - Lois McMaster Bujold
The general instrument by which God interferes in the affairs of men is by the weapon of LIGHT - Sunday Adelaja
Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed. - Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin
Fasting is a weapon in a Christian's spiritual arsenal and you need to know when to use it - Osunsakin Adewale
He's like Super Librarian, y'know? Everyone forgets, Willow, that knowledge is the ultimate weapon. - Joss Whedon
Silence is the biggest weapon sometime.. - Debolina Bhawal
The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart; the most powerful weapon you can be is an instrument of peace. - Carlos Santana
A smile can express more than a thousand feelings, but to me The Unknown, its the deadliest weapon i was created with and have control over - Ryan Leonard
Logic in all its infinite potential, is the most dangerous of vices. For one can always find some form of logic to justify his action, and rest comfortably in the assurance, that what he did abides by reason. That is why, for us brittle beings, Intention is the only true weapon of peace. - Ilyas Kassam
If peace is our ultimate goal, love should be our only weapon. - Debasish Mridha
The slanderer and the assassin differ only in the weapon they use; with the one it is the dagger, with the other the tongue. The former is worse that the latter, for the last only kills the body, while the other murders the reputation.
Books won't stay banned. They won't burn. Ideas won't go to jail. In the long run of history, the censor and the inquisitor have always lost. The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas.
The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed. - Stephen Bantu Biko
Love is the best weapon. - Debasish Mridha
The weapon of life is the word of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
When distrust is so profound that it makes you wary of every word dripping from honeyed lips...It sharpens your instincts...Now for a woman, THAT is a powerful weapon... - Virginia Alison
Fervor is the weapon of choice for the impotent. - Frantz Fanon
Silence is the ultimate weapon of power. - Charles de Gaulle
There is no bigger weapon than brain, yet the time is more powerful in the World. - Sam pen
The most effective weapon is love. - Debasish Mridha
If you have to have your weapon, at least run it through the grandma test. Take the weapon and hit your grandma with it. If she dies or writes you out of the will, don't bring it! - Kent Nichols and Douglas Sarine
Books won't stay banned. They won't burn. Ideas won't go to jail. in the long run of history, the censor and the inquisitor have always lost. The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas. The source of better ideas is wisdom. The surest path to wisdom is a liberal education. - Whitney Griswold
Self-criticism is the secret weapon of democracy, and candor and confession are good for the public soul - Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.
Stories are the single most powerful weapon in a leader’s arsenal - Howard Gardner
Poverty is a weapon of mass destruction.
Valour needs first strength, then a weapon. - J. R. R. Tolkien
Temper is a weapon that we hold by the blade. - James M. Barrie
Time is your weapon, If you lose it, you will lose the battle. - Khaled Ibrahim
I’m not going, he said. He held up the Third key like a weapon. Sensing his mood, it grew longer and sharper, till he was holding a trident as long as he was tall... And anyone who tries to make me is going to suffer. Twice, added the voice under the table. - Garth Nix
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD. - Isaiah 54 17 KJV
Love' is the only weapon I have, I will defend with love, I will attack with love. - Amit Kalantri
Knowledge is the Best Weapon, Experience is the Best Teacher,Respect is the Best Admirer, But Life Is the Best Answer - Look Im A Cat
WISDOM is the STRONGEST weapon you could EVER acquire in your LIFETIME. - Anonymous
silence is not a langauge, its a weapon to make your dear one to feel - William Shakespeare
There’s no blade sharper than the truth under the Sun, it’s enlightens the mind, releases the captives, condemns the guilty and spares the innocent; it’s the only weapon a hero ever needs to fight a war, the one which is conducted without a need of any Iron blade! - Marcus L. Lukusa
Perspective was my secret weapon, and books gave me plenty of ammunition. - Ian McNulty
Unless a man has considerable skill with and reliance in his weapon, he will not remain cool in the presence of dangerous game close by. - Townsend Whelen
love is your greatest weapon against your enemies. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Experience has taught us that we have only one enduring weapon in our struggle against mental illness: the emotional discovery of our truth about the unique history of our childhood.-, author of The Drama of The Gifted Child - Alice Miller
There are two kinds of science: The black science and the white science. The science of weapon production is the black one. Working in this category of science is a great betrayal to humanity! - Mehmet Murat ildan
HATCHET, n. A young axe, known among Indians as a Thomashawk. "O bury the hatchet, irascible Red, For peace is a blessing," the White Man said. The Savage concurred, and that weapon interred, With imposing rites, in the White Man's head. John Lukkus - Ambrose Bierce
Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from the inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves. - Mitch Albom
Prayer is a powerful weapon. - Lailah Gifty Akita
During the Vietnam War, every respectable artist in this country was against the war. It was like a laser beam. We were all aimed in the same direction. The power of this weapon turns out to be that of a custard pie dropped from a stepladder six feet high. - Kurt Vonnegut
The truth that is suppressed by friends is the readiest weapon of the enemy. - Robert Louis Stevenson
Oh external worshiper, know that worship without heart is motions. Oh seeker of knowledge, know that knowledge without purification is a dangerous weapon of the ego. Oh activist, know that work without orientation of heart is fruitless. Oh lover, know that love without God is pain. - Yasmin Mogahed
Abortion should be listed as a weapon of mass destruction against the voiceless. - E.A. Bucchianeri
Anger is a super weapon given by god...with a catch...the more you use it the less effective it becomes. - ketan r shah
Any tool is a weapon if you hold it right.
An open mind, is the best weapon, in the fight between light and darkness - Soke Behzad Ahmadi
LOVE is the greatest weapon for the ones who don't believe in it and for the ones who do its an emotional exploitation. - Amit Abraham
Your silence will never protect you,Indeed, Silence is the ultimate weapon of power, but It destroy us first.......... - sahil nazim
Knowledge is a weapon. I intend to be formidably armed. - Terry Goodkind
The stiletto is a feminine weapon that men just don't have. - Christian Louboutin
The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter. - Mark Twain
Angriness is one the powerful weapon to stand up again. - viral panchal
There is no nonsense so gross that society will not, at some time, make a doctrine of it and defend it with every weapon of communal stupidity. - Robertson Davies
Music is the weapon in the war against unhappiness. - Jason Mraz
Reproach is infinite, and knows no endSo voluble a weapon is the tongue;Wounded, we wound; and neither side can failFor every man has equal strength to rail. - Homer
There is nothing in the world more powerful than an idea. No weapon can destroy it; no power can conquer it except the power of another idea.
Our liberty will not be secured at the sword's point... We must secure it by making ourselves worthy of it. And when the people reaches that height, God will provide a weapon, the idols will be shattered, tyranny will crumble like a house of cards, and liberty will shine out like the first dawn. - José Rizal
Hungry man, reach for the book: it is a weapon. - Bertolt Brecht
Let's live to regret this" ( [Mel Gibson] to Lorna Cole [Rene Russo] in Lethal Weapon 3) - Martin Riggs
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