Quotation Explorer - 'Abortion'

A moral judgment of abortion is the usage of a man-made ideology to judge a man-made technology. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Senator John Kyle claiming that over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does is abortion.: Over 90 percent, that is unbelievable...in that it is not true. Only 3 percent of what Planned Parenthood does is abortion. Kyle just rounded it up to the nearest 90. - Stephen Colbert
A government that kills its own citizens is like a parent that kills their own kids aka filicide or like a mother that kills her unborn by abortion . - Youns Hussein
We are totally opposed to abortion under any circumstances. We are also opposed to abortifacient drugs and chemicals like the Pill and the IUD, and we are also opposed to all forms of birth control with the exception of natural family planning.
If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament. - Florynce Kennedy
Fear is an abortion of good thoughts - Nomthandazo Tsembeni
Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born. - Ronald Reagan
The greatest form of abortion is not letting the man put it there in the first place! - Onuoha Adanma
Radical Muslims fly planes into buildings. Radical Christians kill abortion doctors. Radical Atheists write books. - Hemant Mehta
I feel about Photoshop the way some people feel about abortion. It is appalling and a tragic reflection on the moral decay of our society…unless I need it, in which case, everybody be cool. - Tina Fey
Christians.....expend more moral energy opposing abortion than fighting genocide. - Sam Harris
Abortion should be listed as a weapon of mass destruction against the voiceless. - E.A. Bucchianeri
If we conservatives of color refuse to promote the welfare state, unfettered abortion, affirmative action, and massive immigration, we are guilty of selling out. - Michelle Malkin
Social justice has to do with issues such as poverty, inequality, war, racism, sexism, abortion, and lack of concern for ecology because what lies at the root at each of these is not so much someone's private sin but rather a huge, blind system that is inherently unfair. - Ronald Rolheiser
Abortion is not allowedbecause apparently it is against the law of god.Yes, that butter-wouldn't-melt deitywho ordered babies to be slaughtered,killed all the first-born in EgyptAnd caused an entire human race to drown.From: "Gesels van een imaginaire god"(Scourges of an imaginary god) - A.J. Beirens
Just as the unwanted pregnancy, there are unwanted people in your life you should strive to abort, and such abortion is not sin, nor harm, but the eradication of a destructive foetus. - Michael Bassey Johnson
People often say that abortion is a woman's choice, and they're right;they choose life the moment they have sex. - Preston Wagner
Pregnancy and childbirth are not only physical and medical experiences, after all. They are also social experiences that, in modern America, just as when abortion was criminalized in the 1870s, serve to restrict women's ability to participate in society on equal footing with men. - Katha Pollitt
What drives abortion bans and restrictions? The belief that women who have sex for pleasure rather than procreation are sluts. - Leora Tanenbaum
If unconventional ideas = sperm, then public opinion = abortion. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
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