Quotation Explorer - 'Medical'

What is the difference between a living thing and a dead thing? In the medical world, a clinical definition of death is a body that does not change. Change is life. Stagnation is death. If you don't change, you die. It's that simple. It's that scary. - Leonard Sweet
The toxicity of medical and industrial gas to the human depends on where it is used. A gas that is regarded as safe in a well ventilated environment at sea level may be a toxic gas in an indoor environment at high altitude. - Steven Magee
I have done so much medical and scientific research Crashing Life I am thinking about putting PhD behind my name or maybe B.S. - Juanita Ray
Translation software is not making translators obsolete. Has medical diagnostic software made doctors obsolete? - Nataly Kelly
The wages of sin are death, but the benefits include dental, major medical, two week paid vacation, pension fund, and stock options. Actually, taken as a package, it's a rather attractive deal.
Just as it would be madness to settle on medical treatment for the body of a person by taking an opinion poll of the neighbors, so it is irrational to prescribe for the body politic by polling the opinions of the people at large. - Plato
A mother does not become pregnant in order to provide employment to medical people. Giving birth is an ecstatic jubilant adventure not available to males. It is a woman's crowning creative experience of a lifetime. - John Stevenson
Her conclusion: "You just have to follow your own heart" when it comes to medical decision-making. - Emily Matchar
During my time in high altitude astronomy, I routinely witnessed workers breathing medical oxygen, industrial carbon dioxide, nitrogen and helium gas as part of their daily work routine. - Steven Magee
It must be frustrating to survive the gauntlet that is our western medical schooling system only to one day come to the realization that you have been taught only to manage illness and disease instead of curing it. - Gary Hopkins
Electricity should not be banned, it just needs much better government regulation and understanding by the medical profession of the full range of toxicity that it presents to the human. - Steven Magee
The majority of the common people do not realize that calling 911 may result in a stressed out armed police officer that has a range of medical issues and is taking potent prescription drugs being sent to out to them. - Steven Magee
HYENA, n. A beast held in reverence by some oriental nations from its habit of frequenting at night the burial-places of the dead. But the medical student does that. - Ambrose Bierce
I can honestly say to you, slaves of the press, that if I had as many love affairs as you have given me credit for, I would now be speaking to you from a jar at the Harvard Medical School. - Frank Sinatra
Broken hearts don't need medical treatment, they need a lover to mend them. - Dixie Waters
When we give government the power to make medical decisions for us, we in essence accept that the state owns our bodies. - Ron Paul
The medical system serves a very important purpose for many, but our most common lifestyle diseases are better served with use of the Self Care System. - Nina Leavins
When it comes to our most precious commodity, our own health, many of us are like sheep following whatever our doctors and insurance companies and other medical care providers tell us to do and not to do.about our health. - Archelle Georgiou
Americans have a tendency to take much of our long-term economic, technological, medical, and social progress for granted, while assuming problems will only get worse. This is unwarranted. - Rachel DiCarlo Currie
Stop using the medical system and start using the self care system - Nina Leavins
We have not lost faith, but we have transferred it from God to the medical profession. - George Bernard Shaw
If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Get off the Medical System and onto the Self Care System - Nina Leavins
It is very expensive to give bad medical care to poor people in a rich country. - Paul Farmer
It hurts because He is treating your spiritual disease, just as a good medical practitioner does for his patients. - Steven Chopade
Understand that legal and illegal are political, and often arbitrary, categorizations; use and abuse are medical, or clinical, distinctions. - Abbie Hoffman
It must be remembered that the forty hour work week until age sixty five was designed by governments and corporations and not the medical profession. - Steven Magee
Pregnancy and childbirth are not only physical and medical experiences, after all. They are also social experiences that, in modern America, just as when abortion was criminalized in the 1870s, serve to restrict women's ability to participate in society on equal footing with men. - Katha Pollitt
Is psychiatry a medical enterprise concerned with treating diseases, or a humanistic enterprise concerned with helping persons with their personal problems? Psychiatry could be one or the other, but it cannot--despite the pretensions and protestations of psichiatrists--be both. - Thomas Szasz
Institutions are not pretty. Show me a pretty government. Healing is wonderful, but the American Medical Association? Learning is wonderful, but universities? The same is true for religion... religion is institutionalized spirituality. Mother Jones November/December 1997. - Huston Smith
If we all started using the Self Care System, there would hardly be need for the Medical System - Nina Leavins
I think it’s important that (Roe v. Wade) remain legal for medical reasons and other reasons. - Laura Bush
HOMOEOPATHIST, n. The humorist of the medical profession. - Ambrose Bierce
The medical professionals should fight PTSD at every cost for those living in pain and the battles they've lost. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Altitude sickness, unregulated drugs and medical gas enabled workers to become drug abusers/addicts - Steven Magee
Thanks to President Obama, I am able to get medical treatment in the USA for the long term effects of very high altitude sickness and unnatural electromagnetic radiation exposures. - Steven Magee
He read me extracts from a medical journal describing the progress of a staphylococcus aureus infection. And then he pleasured me with a potato. - Grant Morrison
With medical science improving at roughly the same rate as our environmental situation worsens, the most likely scenario is that the world will become uninhabitable at the precise moment the human race becomes immortal. - Steve Toltz
There is a saying in the medical profession 'Inside everytablet is a little bit of poison'. Avoid medications if you can. - Steven Magee
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