Quotation Explorer - 'Exposures'

The correct action as we all know is to back off from EMF/RF exposures as a global society. - Steven Magee
The scary thing about the protective properties of dietary intake regarding abnormal human radiation exposures is that NASA has understood this for decades! - Steven Magee
Arguably insane utility workers that blatantly harass law abiding customers is likely to become more frequent as the long term effects of biologically toxic radio frequency (RF) radiation exposures from their transmitting smart meters continues to emerge. - Steven Magee
As a sea level adapted human, I am more fearful about the radiation levels on top of high altitude mountains, mile high modern cities and inside jet aircraft than from nuclear reactors and bombs, as that is where I get the most radiation exposures in the modern world. - Steven Magee
Humans would become very sick without natural radio frequency (RF) exposures. - Steven Magee
The human has genetic adaptation to natural electromagnetic radiation. Increasing, reducing or removing the natural radiation exposures results in a sickened human that may progress onto a diseased state. - Steven Magee
Radiation has properties of both God and Satan. Like God as the correct exposures give excellent health. Like Satan because too little or too much will make you sick and may lead to disease and premature death. - Steven Magee
Thanks to President Obama, I am able to get medical treatment in the USA for the long term effects of very high altitude sickness and unnatural electromagnetic radiation exposures. - Steven Magee
The vitamin, mineral, metal and oil content of the human body drastically alters its reactivity to radiation exposures. - Steven Magee
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