Quotation Explorer - 'Increasing'

The human has genetic adaptation to natural electromagnetic radiation. Increasing, reducing or removing the natural radiation exposures results in a sickened human that may progress onto a diseased state. - Steven Magee
The capital amassed in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries through various forms of slave economy is still in circulation, said De Jong, still bearing interest, increasing many times over and continually burgeoning anew. - W.G. Sebald
Utility electricity is a known hazardous biological toxin and the toxicity of it is increasing as it progresses into harmonic electronic power generation (Wind & Solar) and wireless radio frequency (RF) radiation smart/AMR/AMI meters. - Steven Magee
There is also hope that even in these days of increasing specialization there is a unity in the human experience. - Allan McLeod Cormack
Liberate yourself from unconstructive beliefs forced upon you by others for imprisonment sake. Allow into this space a new-fangled reality which warrant viewpoints increasing a new understanding. - Michaelson Williams
We live in times where the speed of our life is increasing but leading us nowhere. - Apoorve Dubey
There is no 'the truth,' 'a truth'--truth is not one thing, or even a system. It is an increasing complexity. - Adrienne Rich
Things can be fixed. Relationship CANNOT.Its like standing on a cracked glass plane, you might just adjust yourself for the time being but there will always be a fear of increasing the cracks, fear of falling through, fear of being destroyed. - Hanif Hassan Barbhuiya
If we blind them to The Adversary —decrease their desire for The Desire— while at the same time encourage them to do anything else they desire with increasing freedom of choice, then eventually we snuff out desire while leaving demand in tact. - Geoffrey Wood
By increasing the size of the keyhole, today's playwrights are in danger of doing away with the door. - Peter Ustinov
A woman with vision is unstoppable, a woman who is always increasing her skills multiplies. Along with passion this woman is undeniable. - Janna Cachola
"Coast Guard Sees Increasing Need for Icebreakers"—headline, Associated Press, March 1 James Taranto - Do You Come Here Often?' and 'Be Part of the Action' Have Become Clichéd
Thus the metric system did not really catch on in the States, unless you count the increasing popularity of the nine-millimeter bullet. - Dave Barry
...Material goods have gained an increasing and finally inexorable power over the lives of men as at no previous period in history. - Max Weber
The more you worry about your spending, the less you focus on increasing your capacity. - Sola Kosoko
Too many young Indigenous members of our community are being caught up in the criminal justice system, with an increasing number of cases resulting in notably unjust and undue outcomes, primarily due to the lack of resources available - Abdullah Reslan Lawyer
Science and technology multiply around us. To an increasing extent they dictate the languages in which we speak and think. Either we use those languages, or we remain mute. - J.G. Ballard
There is more to life than increasing it's speed
A wealth of experience and wisdom doesn't have to be a dead giveaway to your increasing years. The spin you put on it is what will keep you young. Don't let it make you bitter. Learn from it, and let it make you better. - Jayleigh Cape
There is more to life than simply increasing its speed. - Mahatma Gandhi
Unsuccessful people think the end justifies the means. Successful people understand that the means justifies the end; if the means isn't available, the end can wait. Successful people simply cut their coat according to their size, then grow by increasing their size. - Asuni LadyZeal
TRUTH, n. An ingenious compound of desirability and appearance. Discovery of truth is the sole purpose of philosophy, which is the most ancient occupation of the human mind and has a fair prospect of existing with increasing activity to the end of time. - Ambrose Bierce
There is more to life than increasing its speed. - Mahatma Gandhi
World trends are changing at an increasing pace.Does that mean you need to move faster to achieve your goals? No...you don't have to match the speed of your prey. You just need to stop chasing and start anticipating. Don't aim for where your target is...focus on where it will be. - Sola Kosoko
Lord my heart is filled with ever increasing praise for the wonderful blessings and joy in my life. - Lailah GiftyAkita
Stephen Hawking says we will not survive another 1,000 years without escaping beyond our planet. This existence problem can be solved by increasing the number of people with free-minds! Because just like the free birds only the free minds can reach the new horizons! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The lamentable expression: 'But it was only a dream", the increasing use of which - among others in the domain of the cinema - has contributed not a little to encourage such hypocrisy, has for a long while ceased to merit discussion. - André Breton
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