Quotation Explorer - 'Undeniable'

Each of us has an undeniable responsibility to ourself and the rest of the world to be our personal best on any given day. - Laurie Buchanan, PhD
Undeniable obsession of words that quickens my spirit. - Euginia Herlihy
The 'magic' is the known and unknown quiet, spiritual, invisible thread which links and reveals harmonic elements to a universe of high vibrational sensory. And our beloved Bro. Maurice David knew it's undeniable creative power, from within. - T.F. Hodge
A woman with vision is unstoppable, a woman who is always increasing her skills multiplies. Along with passion this woman is undeniable. - Janna Cachola
Dark circles under my eyes sink deeper and deeper into my skull, in contrast to my pale skin there is an undeniable resemblance to a fresh corpse. - Dee Remy
There is nothing more powerful than truth. It is undeniable and should always be appreciated. The truth gives you unlimited freedom to be who you are and express how you feel. The truth offers you peace of mind which is something we all love. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
The key to happiness? Find someone who would rather you be happy than themselves and then you treat them the same way. That way, no matter what, you are both trying to insure the OTHER person's happiness and in turn, yours is undeniable. - Sharon Swan
The quest of validation is undeniable. Yet let your search begin where it should end, always within. Or seek endlessly. - Tyconis D. Allison Ty
Undeniable chemistry and horrific timing. They love each other. - Darnell Lamont Walker
I’ve grown up defined by this desperate, undeniable, ‘can’t breathe’ kind of space inside of myself and I’m afraid that the diagnosis is fatal. - Jennifer Elisabeth
To become a distinguished entrepreneur, you need to have an undeniable, unquestionable and unmovable passion for your vision. - Onyi Anyado
The fact is that a person has to not only often unwillingly retract from own right words, but also many times apologize for the same ,in fact, on telling the people the undeniable, altruistic fact. - Anuj Somany
There is a deep and undeniable sadness in all this: whenever we see the dawn of an eternal good that will never be overcome by evil an evil that is itself eternal but will never succeed in overcoming good whenever we see this dawn, the blood of old people and children is always shed. - Vasily Grossman
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