I was completely astonished by the beauty of nature. Our eyes see just a small fraction of the light in the world. It is a trick to make a colored world, which does not exist outside of human beings. - Albert Hofmann
Everywhere I read, I see a rush for love, if it comes knocking and your not ready you'll miss it; bla bla fucking bla... If love is, LOVE it wouldn't miss me and if it did, it wasn't worth my time to begin with. Never should the most important emotion of our journey be rushed. - Nikki Rowe
Enlightenment is not about attaining a ultimate level of intelligence or intellect. It is regained by shedding all the ideas, illusion and binds thrust on you and that you then so readily accrue. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Many in America, as one social historian wrote, 'believed implicitly that New York's social leaders went to bed in full evening dress, brushed their teeth in vintage champagne, married their daughters without exception to shady French counts, and arrayed their poodle dogs in diamond tiaras.'... - Greg King
And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter and the sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed. - Kahlil Gibran
Every human being has the same right of achieving this Supreme knowledge (Brahmagyan). When this will be same with each man then only it will carry true value. Each and every man is tied with the same wire. Unless this communism of God is established this will not get its fulfillment. - Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
Existence is a series of footnotes to a vast, obscure, unfinished masterpiece. - Vladimir Nabokov
The ruling classes use broken and smashed up childhoods as weaponised instruments of domination around the world. This is why the government has no incentive to end child abuse; because the government needs abuse victims as enforcers. - Stefan Molyneux
We were bullied, broken, built up, bronzed and polished. We grew dull, dusty, doubtful, dark, and forgetful.Yet we still know that we can love deeply. - Antonia Perdu
True education will shape your life, but if you ignore education you will be punished by your life. - Debasish Mridha
I wished a companion to lie near me in the starlight, silent and not moving, but ever within touch. For there is a fellowship more quiet even than solitude, and which, rightly understood, is solitude made perfect. - Robert Louis Stevenson
A work of art is never finished. It is merely abandoned. - E.M. Forster
The patent system was established, I believe, to protect the lone inventor. In this it has not succeeded. … The patent system protects the institutions which favor invention. - Ernst Alexanderson
...the passage of time, which transformed the volatile present into that finished, unalterable painting called the past, a canvas man always executed blindly, with erratic brushstrokes that only made sense when one stepped far enough away from it to be able to admire it as a whole. -pg. 19 - Félix J. Palma
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds upon the heel that crushes it. - Mark Twain
I guess we'd be living in a boring, perfect world if everybody wished everybody else well. - Jennifer Aniston
If you have a strong purpose in life, you don't have to be pushed. Your passion will drive you there. - Roy Bennett
I am ashamed to say this, but as a child, neither my parents not my teachers pushed me to read. In fact, I did not read an entire book through until I was a grown man and had learned the awesome power of reading on my own. - Daniel Whyte III
To inspire is revealing the unpolished bits before perfection. - Gloria D. Gonsalves
When you are clearly-defined, deliberate with intention and operating at your highest level, your brilliance cannot be hidden, diminished or overshadowed. - Rhonda Louise Robbins
I believe almost every author have gone through the terribly uncomfortable period between the time of shedding the seeds of a story and waiting to see it flourish as a published book, spending hours watering and fertilizing it. This is a dreadful period, frustrating and depressing. - Ama H. Vanniarachchy
Neurons are built to better remember the incompleted, the unfinished, the uninvited & the unwanted! - Vishwanath S J
All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days . . .nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin. - John F. Kennedy
A nation of philosophers [might have no need for the steadiness of venerable institutions], but a nation of philosophers is as little to be expected as the philosophical race of kings wished for by Plato. - Madison, James
Don’t let affluence make you impoverished of God. - Jon Bloom
Always maintain the attitude of a student. When a person thinks they have finished learning, that is when bitterness and disappointment can set in, as that person will wake up everyday wondering when someone is going to throw a parade in their honour for being so smart. - Nick Offerman
When I was fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have him around. When I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years. - Mark Twain
In many instances, the failures of my greatest schemes ultimately lead to the fulfillment of my greatest successes. Therefore, God will allow our most cherished dreams to perish so that we might turn and seek out His most cherished plans. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Some losses never heal you just learn to carry the burden and shed a tear every now and then - Tina Gayle
He is the half part of a blessed man, Left to be finished by such as she; And she a fair divided excellence, Whose fulness of perfection lies in him. - William Shakespeare
Teddy Roosevelt "had relished "every hour" of every day as president. Indeed, (he was) fearing the "dull thud" he would experience upon returning to private life. - Doris Kearns Goodwin
You have a spark of anarchy in your spirit and that's not to be tolerated. Nothing wild or honest is tolerated her! It has to be extinguished... - Tennessee Williams
I do not know how to teach philosophy without becoming a disturber of established religion. - Baruch Spinoza
A proper bond between two people is severely damaged if the process is rushed. - James C. Dobson
All the three monotheist religions (Jewish, Christianity and Islam)claims that their God (Yahweh, God and Allah) created humans in a similar way: this indicates that creationist have not yet established the creator. - Ajay Kansal
Blaze with the fire that is never extinguished. - Luisa Sigea
Savers have to be punished so debtors can be saved.Why? Because if debtors are rescued, that makes it possible for more debts to be issued in the future.And why is that important? Because the banking system needs ever more loans in order to survive. - Chris Martenson
Aflame in black ecstasy, orders extinguished:after deathhow will I know my love was true,this sacrifice not an exercise in vanity? - Phan Ming Yen
Some things a heart won't listen to, I'm still holding out for you - SHeDAISY
A Spaniard and a Pole worked in the barbershop where we got our hair cut. An Italian shined our shoes. A Croat washed our car. This was America. - Ilya Ilf
Man is distinguished from all other creatures by the faculty of laughter. - Joseph Addison
As you begin to look deeply into the mystery of your own evolution, in place of good and evil you will find only stories, finished or unfinished. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for. - William G.T. Shedd
Enmeshed in the details of life, a diary rarely talks about the important things. It turns out that most of life happens off-screen. - Laura Moncur
To shame our sins He blushed in blood;He closed His eyes to show us God;Let all the world fall down and knowThat none but God such love can show - Bernard of Clairvaux
ICHOR, n. A fluid that serves the gods and goddesses in place of blood. Fair Venus, speared by Diomed, Restrained the raging chief and said: "Behold, rash mortal, whom you've bled -- Your soul's stained white with ichorshed!" Mary Doke - Ambrose Bierce
God has been pushed aside by the non-Self complex. Vibrations have arisen from vibrations. ‘We’ now give you the Knowledge of how to stop the vibrations. - Dada Bhagwan
Poems are never finished - just abandoned - Paul Valéry
The best things are never arrived at in haste. God is in no hurry; His plans are never rushed. - Michael R. Phillips
When we learn to read the story of Jesus and see it as the story of the love of God, doing for us what we could not do for ourselves--that insight produces, again and again, a sense of astonished gratitude which is very near the heart of authentic Christian experience. - N.T. Wright
Dare to DreamYes, if you can dare to dream.Surely you can catch the sunlight's beam.While all else seems to fail.Truth shall forever prevail.(Copyright excerpts from the poem and published poetry book 'From the Silence Within - Madhavi Sood
...'being published’ is not the same as being a real writer. - Scarlett Thomas
without the act of imagination humanity would have perished long back - Thiruman Archunan
....With pulleys and ropes and time to plan one could move anything. Now that she thought of it, why couldn’t anyone do anything he or she wished, given the tools and the time. - Walker Percy
Memory puts a halo around everything it thinks has vanished forever. - Marty Rubin
Over the course of human history, many items have briefly flourished as means of exchange, only to be demonetarized. Now, we have demonetarized money. - Markham Shaw Pyle
Jumping from failure to failure with undiminished enthusiasm is the big secret to success. - Savas Dimopoulos
Just finished [Capitalist in North Korea]—fascinating! What an experience. Wow. - Justin Rohrlich Emmy Award Winner Head Writer Minyanville's World In Review
The self may be extinguished, but there are many selves and the Will creates them. - S.R. Hardy
The first and final thing you have to do in this world is to last it and not be smashed by it. - Ernest Hemingway
Life is a thorough university; pain and hardship are its distinguished professors. - Matshona Dhliwayo
People are afraid of change. Change is inevitable to life. Change actually has the mask of pushing us out of comfort zone. Every time we learn, go through life experiences our perception/Emotional chemistry is changing. Embrace change because we are becoming a more polished version of ourselves. - Matthew Donnelly
I do not know the word 'quit'. Either I never did, or I have abolished it. - Susan Butcher
Tears have always been easier to shed than explain. - Marty Rubin
Distorted history boasts of bellicose glory... and seduces the souls of boys to seek mystical bliss in bloodshed and in battles. - Alfred Adler
From my mother's sleep I fell into the State,And I hunched in its belly till my wet fur froze.Six miles from earth, loosed from the dream of life,I woke to black flak and the nightmare fighters.When I died they washed me out of the turret with a hose. - Randall Jarrell
Good deeds must be rewarded by the system and crimes be punished - this is the essence of meritocracy. - Imran Khan
The youthful sparkle in Ronald Reagan's eyes is caused by his contact lenses, which he keeps highly polished. - Sheila Graham
I always wrote with the idea that what I put out there is going to stay there. Once I publish something, it has been published. I've never deleted more than one or two posts from my site. I don't think that there are takebacks. I don't feel right about it. - Alison Headley
Your eyes are like heavy rain falling from pregnant clouds. With one glance, you washed awaythe poems I chalked on the groundand drowned all my beliefs.Now, I only scribble your name and believe in your truth. I know nothing but you. - Kamand Kojouri
The soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond, and must be polished, or the luster of it will never appear. - Daniel Defoe
I heard an airplane passing overhead. I wished I was on it. - Charles Bukowski
The room flashed brighter still and then gasps filled the room. They were all gathered around Roxy and she was unsure why. She didn’t feel any different, Hadn’t the spell worked ? Roxy opened her mouth to speak and then she heard it…… a purr. - Amanda Turner
The limits are pushed by our resolve to succeed beyond tradition. - Dallas Palmer
Few ever live to old age, and fewer still ever became distinguished, who were not in the habit of early rising.
If you don't like your own character there may be a new one ready-made and waiting for you. The snake sheds its skin with impunity, relying on the same nature which you rely on.
We have a choice. We can be jaded by what we’ve lost, or joyous over what that thing had accomplished while we had it. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Nature is not our enemy, to be raped and conquered. Nature is ourselves, to be cherished and explored. - Terence McKenna
Prayer is in essence rebellion—rebellion against the world in its fallenness. Prayer is the undying refusal to accept as normal what is pervasively abnormal. It is the refusal of every agenda, every scheme, every interpretation that is at odds with the norm as originally established by God. - David G. Wells
There are some people who walk into your life and shed a new light in your entire being. Be grateful to such people. - Ogwo David Emenike
She never wished for the thing what she is experiencing. It is her inner voice that became her enemy. - Durgesh Satpathy
Death is an opportunity to shed all guilt; to step away from the dogma and contrivances of mankind; and to finally be unbound from all hindrances to knowledge. - Duane Hewitt
I swore that I would not suffer from the world's grief and the world's stupidity and cruelty and injustice and I made my heart as hard in endurance as the nether millstone and my mind as a polished surface of steel. I no longer suffered, but enjoyment had passed away from me. - Sri Aurobindo
She was crushed by society like a mosquito fending for its unborn young - Owen Jones
I barely trust established sources of information. I have a hard time finding [Wikipedia], an encyclopedia that anyone can alter, to be a safe way to learn about anything except how many idiots think their opinions are a suitable substitute for facts. - Randy K. Milholland
He does not regard the quantity of faith, but the quality. He does not measure its degree, but its truth. He will not break any bruised reed, nor quench any smoking flax. He will never let it be said that any perished at the foot of the cross. - J.C. Ryle
If for every well-intended prayer uttered in hopes of making the world a better place, there was instead a good deed accomplished, the world might look as though those prayers had been answered. - David G. McAfee
I am crying over the loss of something I never had. How ridiculous. Mourning something that never was – my dashed hopes, dashed dreams, and my soured expectations. - E.L. James
Do not be desirous of having things done quickly. Do not look at small advantages. Desire to have things done quickly prevents their being done thoroughly. Looking at small advantages prevents great affairs from being accomplished. - Confucius
I am, perhaps, too intellectual, too modern, for my own comfort! How lovely it would be to sink into the warm comfort of established religion. - Lisa Tuttle
Lawyers are the only persons in whom ignorance of the law is not punished. - Jeremy Bentham
Night-time is being brushed aside like so much cobweb. The day is wound up and begins even before the last haunted dreams, the last of the fog, those spectral and evanescent residues, have faded away. - Gregory Maguire
Everything have a foundation, even your fame; It started as little support from your family and immediate friends; Don't forget that because they saw the raw talent before everyone saw the polished act. Stay True instead of being a fame fool. - Unarine Ramaru
Crime should not pay, it must be punished. Unfortunately, in Pakistan big crimes do get rewarded. - Imran Khan
The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment.
Now that I've relinquished my fantasies of all the people I wish I could be, and stopped feeling guilty about [them], I have more time for the things that I truly enjoy. - Gretchen Rubin
Nature is an outcry, unpolished truth; the art—a euphemism—tamed wilderness. - Dejan Stojanovic
The Slave master named Mahmel Was a nasty kind of thug, so Stiggy dropped a rock on him and squashed him like a bug. - John Flanagan
You have not accomplished anything significant if no one envies you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
An honor is not diminished for being shared. - Lois McMaster Bujold
I bleed words.I dream in narrative. I live in infinite worlds.I befriend figmental characters.I wish on stars in other galaxies.I harvest stories from a brooding muse.I bloom under moonlight in hushed seclusion.I am a writer. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Unexamined thoughts, habits or action may offer some deceptive gain or pleasure but eventually it takes away something most valuable from our life ,which we have ever wished for. - Aditya Ajmera
Fell in love first,Fell in love quickly—Like I was pushed.Fell in love next,Fell in love slowly—Like I was strolling.Falling in love now And feeling crazy.Thinking of closing my eyesAnd jumping. - Kamand Kojouri
You've slipped away like a fistful of sand. You've vanished so quickly like a wind. Do you know how I long to hold you love of my life. - Euginia Herlihy
To truly strip a man of everything, one must take away his money, community, and the core of his beliefs until he is bathed in the agony of isolation. - Leinad Eibam, Published Poet
Each tear being shed holds a thousand pounds of truth. - Audrey Regan
Eyes can shed tears to reduce its pain while blubbering but what about my hearts, it does not have such capability...it only wept into frustration and frustration - Prakhar Srivastav
The genesis of life, unfold before us, the mere essence of our being……tarnished.Mankind can no longer survive on its own. - Robin Alleyna
Criticism is like dissecting a dead frog," Caleb said when the book was published. "They're examining all the guts and shit and organs, when the thing that really matters, whatever it was that animated the body, has long since left. It does nothing for the art. - Kevin Wilson
A little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisest men. - Roald Dahl
You’ll never know who you are unless you shed who you pretend to be. - Vironika Tugaleva
As long as people will shed the blood of innocent creatures there can be no peace, no liberty, no harmony between people. Slaughter and justice cannot dwell together. - Isaac Bashevis Singer
Twinkle twinkle..... I am that star you wished upon tonight.....loves rays.... ultra violet embers ignite - Bertice Hopkins
I have yet to see a genius or a hero who, if stuck with a burning match, would feel less pain than his undistinguished average brother. - Ayn Rand
At least half the mystery novels published violate the law that the solution, once revealed, must seem to be inevitable. - Raymond Chandler
Peace cannot prevail without bloodsheds. - Ala barakah
one captain, seizing the line-knife from his broken prow, had dashed at the whale, as an Arkansas duelist at his foe, blindly seeking with a six-inch blade to reach the fathom-deep life of the whale. That captain was Ahab. - Herman Melville
Though never as complex as we fear, life is also never as simple as we might wish - fairytales slashed vol. 3
John Smith: Mankind doesn't need warfare and bloodshed to prove itself. Everyday life can provide honour and valour. Let's hope that from now on this country can find its heroes in smaller places. In the most ordinary of deeds. - Paul Cornell
I’m not a lot of trouble, she said.His gaze slid to her mouth. You sure about that?Completely. And then she flashed him an indeed trouble-filled smile.And that’s when he knew. He was the one in trouble. Deep trouble. - Jill Shalvis
Exercise feels best after it is finished. - Toni Sorenson
I like my human experience served up with a little silence and restraint. Silence makes experience go further and, when it does die, gives it that dignity common to a thing one had touched and not ravished. - Djuna Barnes
My Dove, withhold not thy love, for my heart is dagger-ed and deeply pierced by thy silence. It is ravished, and its functions it call not to remembrance, for I am sick my Love, my Dove, I am with love...If you call I will answer, for I am not far from thee. - Solomon Debisette
Showing respect for others when they don’t agree with you, and during the times when you don’t agree with them as well, helps to avoid arguments that serve no good purpose. This approach can lead to getting things accomplished peacefully. - Ellen J. Barrier
It's not that I am not moved by these things, that I don't them in my life. But lately, their power has diminished." - 140 - Robin Romm
Your traditional EDUCATION is not going to CHANGE your life but the life you are experiencing that can change you. Choose a POSITIVE life STYLE with positive ATTITUDE which could bring you a life with HAPPINESS and WISDOM - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
The process of living, for each of us, is pretty similar. For every gain there is a setback. For every success, a failure. For every moment of joy, a time of sadness. For every hope realized, one is dashed. - sue atchley ebaugh
The only really good place to buy lumber is at a store where the lumber has already been cut and attached together in the form of furniture, finished, and put inside boxes. - Dave Barry
Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion. - Georg Wilhelm
For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imaginations, we learned to talk. - Stephen Hawking
I create lies for people in order for them to find something true about themselves. I teach people that lies are doors that opens up to truth. Either you accept the lie, or you run away from it, thus, eliminating the meaning behind it, and what is could have accomplished. - Lionel Suggs
It behooves every man to remember that the work of the critic is of altogether secondary importance, and that in the end, progress is accomplished by the man who does things. - Theodore Roosevelt
Union with [True] Knowledge is ‘Principle’ [Established Truth] and union with the three [mind, speech and body] is ‘non principle’ [absence of principle]. - Dada Bhagwan
In the silence of night I have often wished for just a few words of love from one man, rather than the applause of thousands of people. - Judy Garland
Sometimes when I'm faced with an atheist, I am tempted to invite him to the greatest gourmet dinner that one could ever serve, and when we have finished eating that magnificent dinner, to ask him if he believes there's a cook. - Ronald Reagan
The past is not complete until you are finished with it. - donnie harold harris
Their heartbeats rushed through his body. His arms circled around her, just so he could keep himself from falling. - Betsy Cornwell
If you make the world a little better, then you have accomplished a great deal. - Unknown
The brightest crowns that are worn in heaven have been tried, and smelted, and polished, and glorified through the furnace of tribulation. - Edward Chapin
When your beauty struck me, it dissolved me. Deep down, I am not different from you. I dreamed you, I wished for your existence. I see in you that part of me which is you. I surrender my sincerity because if I love you it means we share the same fantasies, we share the same madness. - Anaïs Nin
There's a word for an author who doesn't give up... published. - J.A. Konrath
Enlightenment is not about attaining an ultimate level of intelligence or intellect. It is regained by shedding all the ideas, illusion and binds thrust on you and that you then so readily accrue. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
There is a place called ‘heaven’ where the good here unfinished is completed; and where the stories unwritten, and the hopes unfulfilled, are continued. We may laugh together yet. - J.R.R. Tolkien
If naturalists go to heaven (about which there is considerable ecclesiastical doubt), I hope that I will be furnished with a troop of kakapo to amuse me in the evening instead of television. - Gerald Durrell
Well, Watson, what do you make of it?'Holmes was sitting with his back to me, and I had given him no sign of my occupation.'How did you know what I was doing? I believe you have eyes in the back of your head.''I have, at least, a well-polished, silver-plated coffee-pot in front of me', said he. - Arthur Conan Doyle
The whole thing could have been uncomfortable if all your wishes were to be drowned in to the sea or passed through a heart of a lion that shed not the innocent blood. - Auliq Ice
To conquer oneself is the best and noblest victory; to be vanquished by one's own nature is the worst and most ignoble defeat. - Plato
If you have accomplished all that you planned for yourself, you have not planned enough. - Edward Everett Hale
If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished? - Jalaluddin Rumi
When you become a raindrop in your mind Thunder is the closest friend you may find Wind lashed trees, dark clouds, lightning or the dust Everything you will bear once you adjust - Munia Khan
When the power falls on me, it buzzes in the warm, dark spaces of my skull. It stings like nettles at the tips of my fingers. The power is a fever I have felt since early childhood, a heat in the blood that leaves me flushed and unsteady, dreaming in daylight. - Victoria Lamb
To truly strip a man of everything, one must take away his community, money, and corrode the core of his beliefs until he is left bathed in the agony of isolation. - Leinad Eibam, Published Poet
Clearing your head of everything you thought you knew, even your mostcherished ideas, will give you the mental space to be educated by your present experience--the best schoolof all. You will develop your own strategic muscles instead of depending on other people's theories and books. - Robert Greene
when the press and problems of humanity become too much, I love to escape into books, where people are served up in digestible portions and can be pushed to one side when one is satiated. - Jane Wilson-Howarth
I finished the [blog] post reflecting on the fact that, despite all the changes in my life, maybe I wasn't so different after all. If I typed it, maybe I could believe it, too. - Stephanie Nielson
it was like staring at a whitewashed wall, but without all the emotion - Joe Abercrombie
Perfume is the scent that pours out of a flower's soul when crushed. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Assassination is an art, milord, and I am the city’s most accomplished artist - Durzo Blint - Brent Weeks
A man in love is incomplete until he has married. Then he's finished. - Zsa Zsa Gabor
A diamond doesn't start out polished and shining. It once was nothing special, but with enough pressure and time, becomes spectacular. I'm that diamond. - Solange nicole
War is unlike life. It's a denial of everything you learn life is. And that's why when you get finished with it, you see that if offers no lessons that can't be bettered learned in civilian life. You are exposed to horrors you would sooner forget. - Robert Graff
Many of us have heard opportunity knocking at our door, but by the time we unhooked the chain, pushed back the bolt, turned two locks, and shuts off the burglar alarm - it was gone.
The Cloudy VasePast time, I threw the flowers out,washed out the cloudy vase.How easily the old clearnessleapt, like a practiced tiger, back inside it. - Jane Hirshfield
Give winter nothing; hold; and let the flake Poise or dissolve along your upheld arms. All flawless hexagons may melt and break; While you must feel the summer's rage of fire, Beyond this frigid season's empty storms. Banished to bloom, and bear the birds' desire. - James Wright
He who labors diligently need never despair; for all things are accomplished by diligence and labor. - Menander
Give yourself a great self-respect to know who you are then your confidence will shine on you - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
People who excuse their faults and claim they didn't deserved to be punished - there are lots of them. But those who don't excuse their faults and admit they didn't deserve to be spared - they are few. - Zhuangzi
It drives on with a courage which is stronger than the storm. It drives on with a mercy which does not quail in the presence of death. It drives on as proof, a symbol, a testimony that man is created in the image of God and that valour and virtue have not perished in the British race.
I wasn’t finished with you, Pru, he said softly. I had plans.Oh boy. Maybe I had plans, too.Yeah? Closing the gap between them, one of his hands went to her hip, the other slid up her back to anchor her to him. Tell me. Tell me slowly and in great detail. - Jill Shalvis
Once there was The People - Terror gave it birth; Once there was The People, and it made a hell of earth! Earth arose and crushed it. Listen, oh, ye slain! Once there was The People - it shall never be again! - Rudyard Kipling
To the corruptions of Christianity I am, indeed opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian, in the only sense in which he wished any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines, in preference to all others. - Thomas Jefferson
It is more dangerous that even a guilty person should be punished without the forms of law than that he should escape. - Thomas Jefferson
Science Magazine wouldn't in a dream think about publishing a single Chinese term. Chinese words and brands must be suppressed, crushed even, hold back at all costs. - Thorsten J. Pattberg
There is a language in the world that everyone understands. The language of enthusiasm, of things accomplished with love and purpose, and as part of a search for something believed in and desired.
But the wild things cried, Oh please don’t go - we’ll eat you up - we love you so!And Max said, No!The wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws but Max stepped into his private boat and waved goodbye. - Maurice Sendak
The Who got paid 4000 pounds during those days, but we always smashed our equipment that cost more than 5000 pounds. - Pete Townshend
A college degree is not a sign that one is a finished product but an indication a person is prepared for life. - Reverend Edward A. Malloy
It is difficult for me to commit to an manuscript. Once, I get finished writing it. I get this feeling of adrenaline, and satisfaction. This is when the amusement begins, for the writer's side of me. - Mary Sage Nguyen
The thing about memories wasn't that many of them inevitably faded, but that repeated recall of the ones you remembered burnished them into shining, gorgeous lies. - Dexter Palmer
Off... my mom is again home, it's really fucked up I can't talk... however I finished watching Limitless the series so now I'm going on "Lie to Me"! - Deyth Banger
Senescent judges show how patriotic they are by passing out hard sentences for tearing up a draft card or following one's conscience according to the principles established by our country at the Nuremburg trials. - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
There was a footpath leading across fields to New Southgate, and I used to go there alone to watch the sunset and contemplate suicide. I did not, however, commit suicide, because I wished to know more of mathematics. - Bertrand Russell
Nature is often hidden, sometimes overcome, seldom extinguished. - Francis Bacon
I earned my place,With the tidal waves.I can't escape this feeling,That something ain't right.I called my nameAs I crashed the gates,Still I can't escape this feelingThat something ain't right. - All Time Low
In an era of global abundance, our world has the resources to reduce dramatically the massive divides that persist between rich and poor, if only those resources can be unleashed in the service of all peoples.
I have often wished I had time to cultivate modesty... But I am too busy thinking about myself. - Edith Sitwell
Maybe is wasn't love so much as a fear of losing everything I'd accomplished. I was afraid to let go. - Dee Williams
Darkness had been essentially banished from the Earth. It had become a choice. - Anne Rice
Some of the most polished ideas are discovered through healthy, honest debate, so if you don't argue with yourself every once in a while, other people will gladly point out if, in any sense, you missed a spot. - Criss Jami
We cannot see the beauty of life with our eyes closed. Only when we cry with our eyes open can we begin to shed tears of joy. - Tehya Sky
When you pray to God asking for something, make sure you are asking for the things that are driven by love and passion rather than the ones that are pushed by hate and anger. - Sameh Elsayed
POLYGAMY, n. A house of atonement, or expiatory chapel, fitted with several stools of repentance, as distinguished from monogamy, which has but one. - Ambrose Bierce
All persons ought to endeavor to follow what is right, and not what is established. - Aristotle
They say you start weaving clearer, sharper memories after you've been to a place at least twice. Because then the reflection is more of validation. Let the rush come to you and let your senses be flushed the first time. There will be time for reflection after you've had your fill. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
To dress up today in the threadbare garments of yesterday is to create an impoverished tomorrow. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
In my hands I held gold dust and tarnished rust, but looking further in, I saw the few diamonds I've come to know as soul mates in my life. They sparkled a little brighter and I'd notice the lack of weight if they were gone. They would leave not as a loss, but as a hole in my palm. - Hubert Martin
God's love preceded His washing us. He washed us from sin because He first loved us. - Joseph Sayibu
Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save. - Will Rogers
MATERIAL, adj. Having an actual existence, as distinguished from an imaginary one. Important. Material things I know, or fell, or see; All else is immaterial to me. Jamrach Holobom - Ambrose Bierce
A man should not leave this earth with unfinished business. He should live each day as if it was a pre-flight check. He should ask each morning, am I prepared to lift-off? - Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
You can read in the space of a coffin, and you can write in the space of a toolshed meant for mowers and spades. - Annie Dillard
Being here to witness the beauty, to learn, to be astonished, to love - is enough. Being able to create in addition is a delightful honour. - Jay Woodman
If a writer stops observing he is finished. Experience is communicated by small details intimately observed. - Ernest Hemingway
Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If you're alive, it isn't. - Richard Bach
A gem is not polished without rubbing, nor a man perfected without trials. - Chinese Proverb
One I love is taken from me, we will never walk together over the fields of earth, never hear the birds in the morning. Oh, how I have lived with you and loved you, and now you are gone away. Gone where I cannot follow, until I have finished all my days. - Victoria Hanley
Church was never meant to be a place for gods to gather, but for devils wanting to shed their horns for halos. - Richelle E. Goodrich
DELUGE, n. A notable first experiment in baptism which washed away the sins (and sinners) of the world. - Ambrose Bierce
Truly creative people in all fields can temporarily suspend their ego and simply experience what they are seeing, without the need to assert a judgment, for as long as possible. They are more than ready to find their most cherished opinions contradicted by reality. - Robert Greene (Author) Joost Elffers (Author)
I have been astonished that men could die martyrsfor their religion--I have shuddered at it,I shudder no more.I could be martyred for my religion.Love is my religionand I could die for that.I could die for you.My Creed is Love and you are its only tenet. - John Keats
Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination. - Voltaire
RIME, n. Agreeing sounds in the terminals of verse, mostly bad. The verses themselves, as distinguished from prose, mostly dull. Usually (and wickedly) spelled "rhyme." - Ambrose Bierce
Our ancient Indian Rishis realized that SPACE is a distinct entity with its own properties and called it AAKASA...The West realized it only when Einstein published his Theory of Relativity.... - Ankala V Subbarao
There is always an emergency light behind load-shedding...!!! - M.Rehan Behleem
I have become an orchidwashed in on the salt white beach.Memory,what can I make of it nowthat might please you-this life, already wastedand still strewn with miracles? - Mary Ruefle
We need the books that affect us like a disaster, that grieve us deeply, like the death of someone we loved more than ourselves, like being banished into forests far from everyone, like a suicide. A book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside us. - Franz Kafka
The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe. - Albert Einstein
For several days after my first book was published, I carried it about in my pocket and took surreptitious peeps at it to make sure the ink had not faded. - James M. Barrie
The Screamingflashed me back to a timewhen mom and dad were still togetherif you could call miles apart together. - Ellen Hopkins
Instead of being proud that you led someone to God, be more concerned with the person you pushed away from Him. - Donna Lynn Hope
One discovers that destiny can be diverted, that one does not have to remain in bondage to the first wax imprint made on childhood sensibilities. Once the deforming mirror has been smashed, there is a possibility of wholeness. There is a possibility of joy. - Anaïs Nin
If one only wished to be happy, this could be easily accomplished; but we wish to be happier that other people, and this is always difficult, for we believe others to be happier than they are.
In times of joy, all of us wished we possessed a tail we could wag.
Truth is so obscure in these times and falsehood so established that unless one loves the truth, he cannot know it. - Blaise Pascal
Liberty of imagination should be the most precious possession of a novelist. To try voluntarily to discover the fettering dogmas of its own inspiration, is a trick worthy of humna perverseness which, after inventing an absurdity, endeavours to find for it a pedigree of distinguished ancestors... - Joseph Conrad
I feel like a nineteen forties teenager at a Frank Sinatra concert! (On finally being published) - Katrina D. Miller
Heresy is usually quite sophisticated, actually has a meaning, and is to be taken very seriously. It is therefore to be carefully distinguished from turgid, pretentious, badly-written Bullsgeshichte, to use the technical German theological term. - Carl R. Trueman
...we could think or feel as we wished toward the characters, or as the poet, discounting history, invited us to; we were the poet's guest, his world was his own kingdom, reached, as one of the poems told us, through the 'Ring of Words'... - Janet Frame
It is raining in my heart.Humanity is shedding a tear.I asked, Who is suffering?Is it my mother?Silence.No answer.Everyone has a mother,And she always suffers.Why as a child do we let our mothers suffer?I could not get an answer. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
She can feel her vanished talent like a phantom limb, the empty ache of its subtraction from the short list of her assets, and she knows with spiteful certainty that it is gone for good. - Christina Moracho
The sea waves stirred before methey dashed against the rocksLike a mermaid rising from its depthscurled white sea foam were her locks... - Giselle V. Steele
Shed the tears.Shed the blame and guilt too.So that your heart mends and heals. - Khang Kijarro Nguyen
When in place of love you have grieves. And in place of glory nonfulfillment of hopes you earn, know that it's a natural catastrophe preparing you for distinguished conditions." - - Darmie Orem
But still, he reflected, I ought to wash my pajamas more often. Life is so uncertain: you never know what could happen. One way to deal with that is to keep your pajamas washed. --Tengo, IQ84 - Haruki Murakami
"If the victor had the gods on his side, the vanquished had Cato."
There is no happiness where there is no wisdom;No wisdom but in submission to the gods.Big words are always punished,And proud men in old age learn to be wise. - Sophocles
He spoke in polished honesty free of liar's filth. He said the hardest words with an unshakable voice, a wide smile, with fear and doubt freezing over his core. The truth was the best route, but the truth could always be costly... another truth. A sad truth. - Hubert Martin
Grace is all that God is free to do for you, in you, with you and through you only because of the finished work of Jesus Christ. - Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed. - Bible
Protecting our kids from sexual abuse is not accomplished in a single conversation, but in ongoing conversations grounded in honesty and trust. - Carolyn Byers Ruch
PLEBEIAN, n. An ancient Roman who in the blood of his country stained nothing but his hands. Distinguished from the Patrician, who was a saturated solution. - Ambrose Bierce
She looked away. Her attitude seemed to suggest that she had finished with him, and would be obliged if somebody would come and sweep him up. - P.G. Wodehouse
People with too high an opinion of themselves get cut down; people with too low an opinion of themselves get pushed around.... - Lolly Daskal
Never allow your dreams to die. Hold on tightly to your most cherished dreams. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Skepticism, like chastity, should not be relinquished too readily. - George Santayana
They have no discipline. They’ll still need us. Ha! said Postel. No discipline? Behold!!!! My cat has written a book! ...And she's published!" — Amok 2015 - Fred Barnett
Most of us are brainwashed by our society so we become the reflection of that society. - Debasish Mridha
When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years. - Mark Twain
Growing up, I have discovered over time, is rather like housework: never finished. - Lois McMaster Bujold
Smile. Give Earth the biggest smile you've got. See every glimmer of light in the scariest, darkest sky. And when people think you're crazy, then you know you've accomplished something very few dare to try. - Lana M. H. Wilder
Impression — I was certain of it. I was just telling myself that, since I was impressed, there had to be some impression in it … and what freedom, what ease of workmanship! Wallpaper in its embryonic state is more finished than that seascape. - Claude Monet
The fire and passion in a militiaman’s eyes has not been extinguished; the brightness and eagerness remain. I want to be around such men, for they are the only ones worth knowing. - Mike Klepper
The employed are punished by having to do what they do not love. The self-employed are punished by the opposite. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
You can be all that you wish and desire to be.Take the challenge and pursue your most cherished dreams. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I set down in a chair by the window and tried to think of something cheerful, but it warn't no use. I felt so lonesome I most wished I was dead. - Mark Twain
A book is never, ever finished. You simply get to a point where you and your editor are reasonably happy with how it is and you go with that. Left to our own devices, a writer would endlessly fiddle with a book, changing little thing after little thing. - Kimberly Pauley
It is said that if Noah's ark had had to be built by a company; they would not have laid the keel yet; and it may be so. What is many men's business is nobody's business. The greatest things are accomplished by individual men. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
The LAW points you to self-efforts. GRACE points you to the finished work of Jesus Christ. - John Paul Warren
If you are not EXCITED enough at your present life its mean your future is not EXITING. Excitement will give you ENTHUSIASM and enthusiasm will give you a positive energetic LIFE STYLE which could give you a successful exiting life… - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
Shed who you think you are, to experience who you really are. - Evita Ochel
People that are lazy don't get anything accomplished. It's People like me that are reliable. - Richard W. Todd
I wish to live without hate, whim, jealousy, envy, and fear. I wish to be simple, honest, frank, natural . . to face any obstacle and meet every difficulty unabashed and unafraid. - Elbert Hubbard
KEEP, v.t. He willed away his whole estate, And then in death he fell asleep, Murmuring: "Well, at any rate, My name unblemished I shall keep." But when upon the tomb 'twas wrought Whose was it? -- for the dead keep naught. Durang Gophel Arn - Ambrose Bierce
Without an acquaintance with the rules of propriety, it is impossible for the character to be established. - Confucius
I’m still lonely and it’s a glorification of something I’m not finished with. I don’t want to be distracted from my work by other people, but the absence of it all distracts me from my work and that’s why I run towards the city, to get a little glimpse of it. - Charlotte Eriksson
Live as you will have wished to have lived when you are dying.
As ages passed we the people, were all blinded and misled in their ventures, by the heralds of the past. In the art of suppression apartheid and slavery were born and raised. In the final stage we established our earth as a drain of fuel and the religion of money made his appearance. - Nynke Visser
Laurie herself was more focused on the years when her kids were little, when she felt so necessary and purposeful, a battery all charged up with love. Every day she used it up and every night it got miraculously replenished. Nothing had ever been as good as that. - Tom Perrotta
Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake. - Victor Hugo
It was a curious day, slashed abruptly with fleeting, familiar impressions. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Holiness is God's "special gift" to His people who believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. Holiness is the everyday work of the Holy Spirit in the heart and life of believers. - Pazaria Smith
A book gets rejected because it's not ready to be published. - Gina B. Nahai
How to Draw a Picture (XII)Know when you're finished, and when you are, put your pencil or your paintbrush down. All the rest is only life. - Stephen King
So I am not at all interested in this whole 'she-shed' thing, I love my 'man-cave' - after all, cave is much more sturdy than a shed and there is always a chance that it's the entrance to Batman's secret hideout. - C.S. Woolley
Begin -- to begin is half the work, let half still remain; again begin this, and thou wilt have finished. - Ausonius
I have suffered through enough illnesses, trauma and heartbreak to finally understand that life will keep moving forward inexorably, if terribly at times. I am starting to realize that it can be delightful too, if I let it. My love is not diminished if I let go of sorrow. I almost believe that. - Jenny Qi
Thus it is, we sow motions of hatred out of our own impoverished understanding of love. Yet we do so in the name of love. The perplexing precipice of the illusory infirmity. - Steven Storm
You are A MAN, not just a man; don't be diminished. Live up to your grand potential. - Richelle E. Goodrich
No one understands now. Those who couldhear a song this deeply vanished long ago. - Li Bai
I wind up stretched across the couchstill nodding with Sherlock Holmesexamining our crushed veins - Jim Carroll
Unless the relationship of law to Christianity is re-established, there is no future except destruction for Western culture. - R. J. Rushdooney
REJECTION is kind of your negative ILLUSION which has no value but it’s give you a CLUE to go for next level of your ACTION. - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
I fell for you.You fell for me.Our friendship was just meant to be.I asked if you loved me, and you said you did.The next day you said that you wish you never did.I fell apart that very day, begging you to stay.You said no and pushed me away.Now this very day im glad you didnt stay - Emma Taylor
I think that every reader on earth has a list of cherished books as unique as their fingerprints....I think that, as you age, you tend to gravitate towards the classics, but those aren't the books that give you the same sort of hope for the world that a cherished book does. - Douglas Coupland
Life is an unfinished art, few master it, most just bark. - Fakeer Ishavardas
A book is never finished; it's abandoned. - Gene Fowler
The poet believed that 'Beauty' first entered the world not at its creation, nor with the first garden, the first sunrise, the birth of the first man and woman and their first sexual act. The poet believed that 'Beauty' entered the world the day the first child blushed. - Roman Payne
Tears shed for self are tears of weakness, but tears shed for others are a sign of strength. - Billy Graham
When virtue has slept, she will get up more refreshed. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Some days some times are remembered by me, in life’s all moments they are cherished by me - Amit Abraham
Reshuffllng of thoughts - facilitates a refreshed perspective to a mental deadlock! - Deeba Salim Irfan
A sure way to have someone crushed by their doubt is to preach a sermon on how to remove your doubt. - Matt Chandler
You can know the name of a bird in all the languages of the world, but when you're finished, you'll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird... So let's look at the bird and see what it's doing -- that's what counts. - Richard Feynman
When you meet your antagonist, do everything in a mild and agreeable manner. Let your courage be as keen, but at the same time as polished, as your sword. - Richard Brinsley Sheridan
No wise man ever wished to be younger. - Jonathan Swift
I have always pictured accupuncture like falling into a box of sewing needles, and then standing up refreshed and free of pain. - Neil Leckman
... I think this Law, by which I am punished, is both unreasonable in itself, and particularly severe... Polly Baker - Benjamin Franklin
I haven't a clue as to how my story will end. But that's all right. When you set out on a journey and night covers the road, you don't conclude that the road has vanished. And how else could we discover the stars? - Unknown
SCRIPTURES, n. The sacred books of our holy religion, as distinguished from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based. - Ambrose Bierce
It doesn't matter how green a blade of grass is expected to be, when it's already smashed beneath the feet. - Munia Khan
The best game ever played was in Monday 3/21/2016, 2 games were played for 40 minutes class sport and in both I win and I and my friend we were going on the 3 game, but unfortunately we didn't finished it. But from here it can be see that I'm the winner! - Deyth Banger
When u dont value the tears shed in your absence , you dont deserve the smile which begets the fragrance in life . - Sucher chaturvedi
Her brain is like a filing cabinet – everything neatly stored in categories. My brain is more like soup – everything all blended and mushed together. - Cat Clarke
If mankind had wished for what is right, they might have had it long ago. - William Hazlitt
Seriously, this old woman had no idea how close she came to being squashed like a roach. -Sage Hannigan, Contingency - P.S. Martinez
My weakness has always been to prefer the large intention of an unskilful artist to the trivial intention of an accomplished one: in other words, I am more interested in the high ideas of a feeble executant than in the high execution of a feeble thinker. - Thomas Hardy
The contact between beings is established only by mute presence, by apparent non-communication, by that mysterious and wordless exchange which resembles inward prayer. - Emil Cioran
A bear does not change its nature because it shed its fur. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Kate's Speciality: Killing things, with much bloodshed. Talking trash, infuriating authority. Driving Beast Lord crazy. - Ilona Andrews
While doing an enquiry on renowned horror author, Edgar Allen Poe I was astonished to notice how more successful his biographical books sold compared to his own books. - Chris Mentillo
If you want to treat your book as a child, the finished book should be an adult, capable to stand on its own legs and able to weather the thunder. Not a baby that still needs to be defended. - Martyn V. Halm
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. - Thomas Jefferson
A poem is never finished, only abandoned. - Paul Valery
War can only be abolished by war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun. - Mao Tse-Tung
Foe unvanquished, I will not perish in the field; I will be born again to take up the halberd seven more times. - Kuribayashi Tadamichi
The past is finished. There is nothing to be gained by going over it. Whatever it gave us in the experiences it brought us was something we had to know. - Rebecca Beard
Give me liberty or give me death."[From a speech given at Saint John's Church in Richmond, Virginia on March 23, 1775 to the Virginia House of Burgesses; as first published in print in 1817 in William Wirt's Life and Character of .] - Patrick Henry
Understanding Scripture in a language other than the heart language in which we think and experience emotion is "like trying to eat soup with a fork. You can get a little taste, but you cannot get nourished. - William Cameron Townsend
The great lie can only be defeated by the New World Order. The sooner the New World Order is established by the institutions of the world, the sooner the suffering caused by the lie will end. - Compton Gage
This assignment could damn well project all the words across my face and the ink stain my hands a gory mess before I finished it. - Jazz Feylynn
It's not your painting anymore. It stopped being your painting the moment that you finished it. - Jeff Melvoin
Pessimists are usually right and optimists are usually wrong but all the great changes have been accomplished by optimists. - Thomas L. Friedman
Standards are not established by your proclamations they are established by your routines. - T Jay Taylor
Deep is a wounded heart, and strong A voice that cries against a mighty wrong; And full of death as a hot wind's blight, Doth the ire of a crushed affection light. - Felicia Hermans
Men are not punished for their sins, but by them. - Kin Hubbard
Your every positive action in your life will increase your self-esteem and this self-esteem will boost you for more positive action to take you on success - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
For it is probable that when people talk aloud, the selves (of which there may be more than two thousand) are conscious of disserverment, and are trying to communicate but when communication is established there is nothing more to be said. - Virginia Woolf
Have the courage to love yourself like you always wished someone would. - Vironika Tugaleva
Say what men may, it is doctrine that moves the world. He who takes no position will not sway the human intellect. - William Thayer Shedd
He asked me IF I MISSED YOU. I didn't answer and walked away keeping my eyes closed. And then shedding a tear whisper: So much - Elena ristic
A friend is more to be longed for than the light; I speak of a genuine one. And wonder not: for it were better for us that the sun should be extinguished, than that we should be deprived of friends; better to live in darkness, than to be without friends - John Chrysostom
A mind, like a home, is furnished by its owner, so if one's life is cold and bare he can blame none but himself. - Louis L'Amour
Time engraves our faces with all the tears we have not shed.
Courage was something John Reckless only ever wished he had. Courage was not a given; it was acquired, earned. You had to take the difficult paths, and John had always picked the easy ones. - Cornelia Funke
The instant formal government is abolished, society begins to act. A general association takes place, and common interest produces common security. - Thomas Paine
Dying is a troublesome business: there is pain to be suffered, and it wrings one's heart; but death is a splendid thing—a warfare accomplished, a beginning all over again, a triumph. You can always see that in their faces. - George Bernard Shaw
We have shed many tears to toughen the soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves. - Carl Jung
Yet all experience is an arch wherethroughGleams that untraveled world whose margin fadesForever and forever when I move.How dull it is to pause, to make an end,To rust unburnished, not to shine in use!As though to breathe were life! - Alfred Tennyson
A big lemoncolored cat watched him from the top of a woodstove. He turned his head to see it better and it elongated itself like hot taffy down the side of the stove and vanished headfirst in the earth without a sound. - Cormac McCarthy
Man, the living creature, the creating individual, is always more important than any established style or system. - Bruce Lee
[Stieg] was describing Sweden the way it was and the way he saw the country: the scandals, the oppression of women, the friends he cherished and wished to honor. - Eva Gabrielsson
Uncertainty is a quality to be cherished, therefore – if not for it, who would dare to undertake anything? - Villiers de L'Isle-Adam
No flower of art ever fully blossomed save it was nourished by tears of agony.
I started writing a story twenty years ago..yet remain unfinished until this time..'.couldn't not think how I end this story because it covers entirely pain, grief, and sorrow... If one story like this, how should it end...? - J.B. AC
This mysterious path is described in the holy books, but it cannot be found simply by the study of sacred texts. It is found by the grace and guidance of an accomplished teacher. - Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj
I'm the wave pushed by the wind, always receding before reaching the shore. - H.U.
I looked directly in front of me, and there he was, Sitting. Dark, Handsome, Distinguished, and waiting on me.Without ever knowing it. - Andrea L'Artiste
After all my erstwhile dear, my no longer cherished; Need we say it was not love, just because it perished? - Edna St. Vincent Millay
Do anything totally and it is finished; you will not carry a psychological memory of it. Do anything incompletely and it hangs with you. - Osho
In 2008, when almost every other investor got crushed, and even the Wall Street 'experts' were down by almost half, I was up 17 percent - beating the S&P Average by over 50 percent.Reminiscences of a Stock Market Flea - James J. Houts
When I'm working on a problem, I never think about beauty. I think only how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong. - R. Buckminster Fuller
SCEPTER, n. A king's staff of office, the sign and symbol of his authority. It was originally a mace with which the sovereign admonished his jester and vetoed ministerial measures by breaking the bones of their proponents. - Ambrose Bierce
Never plant a seed that seems good to eyes despite plant a seed that will be a shed in the sunlight. - merlin8thomas
If I were to begin life again, I would devote it to music. It is the only cheap and unpunished rapture upon earth. - Sydney Smith
Men are punished by their sins, not for them. - Elbert Hubbard
It's good to be vanished and remembered than to remain and become forgetful. - Xainee
The mother who lay in the grave, was the mother of my infancy; the little creature in her arms, was myself, as I had once been, hushed for ever on her bosom. - Charles Dickens
Each painting has its own way of evolving...When the painting is finished, the subject reaveals itself. - William Baziotes
MotherHushed and sacred silencefills the dawning skyI ponder in this momentof our journey which is nigh... - Muse
Sex was the main component of her thoughts now. But love - and her desperate longing for it - had vanished from her heart like a migraine after a painkiller. - Augustine Sam
Don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
To say that 'prayer changes things' is not as close to the truth as saying, 'prayer changes me and then I change things.' God has established things so that prayer, on the basis of redemption, changes the way a person looks at things. - Oswald Chambers
Sometimes in life, we need to be pushed to conquer our fears, challenge our nightmares, realized our dreams and achieved our goals, in order to be the best we can be. - CG Murphy - Courtney Murphy
The land flourished because it was fed from so many sources--because it was nourished by so many cultures and traditions and peoples. - Lyndon B. Johnson
Empires do not suffer emptiness of purpose at the time of their creation. It is when they have become established that aims are lost and replaces by vague ritual. - Frank Herbert
you deserve foryour heart to be heard-because love lights afire in us all.it can make us warm withwonder or melt from itsintense power.nevertheless it is magic-and that alone is worthyof being unleashed. - Alexandra Elle
Do we find ourself or does our self get demolished? - Donna Goddard
Everything stinks till it’s finished. - Dr. Seuss
It is not the rich man you should properly call happy, but him who knows how to use with wisdom the blessings of the gods, to endure hard poverty, and who fears dishonor worse than death, and is not afraid to die for cherished friends or fatherland. - Horace
May our land be a land of liberty, the seat of virtue, the asylum of the oppressed, a name and a praise in the whole Earth, until the last shock of time shall bury the empires of the whole world in one common undistinguished ruin! - Joseph Warren
Not all that have fallen are vanquished. - J.R.R. Tolkien
I enjoy load shedding in Nepal, when it allows me to witness the dancing of fireflies in the next field, and at the same time to hear children playing a chanting clapping game because there is no TV to waste their time on. - Andrew James Pritchard
CRUEL HARVEST by is a compelling, riveting, unforgetable memoir that will keep you turning the pages. Published by Thomas Nelson and due for release August 2012. Kidnapped from an orphanage Frances is dragged across the country working in the fields. Youtubefrangrubb to see video book trailer. - Fran Elizabeth Grubb
Men feel cherished when they are needed. Women feel cherished when they are loved.Indonesian version (Bahasa):Kaum pria jadi termotivasi dan bersemangat kala mereka merasa dibutuhkan.Kaum wanita jadi termotivasi dan bersemangat kala mereka merasa dicintai. - John Gray
If you wrote something for which someone sent you a cheque, if you cashed the cheque and it didn't bounce, and if you then paid the light bill with the money, I consider you talented. - Stephen King
Smile wide to receive many smiles in return. But if you want a good laugh, smirk like a wicked, little imp and watch the range of expressions you're flashed. - Richelle E. Goodrich
The day she was born,her grandfather made her a ring of silver and a polished stone, because he loved her already. - Aliki
Man takes root at his feet, and at best he is no more than a potted plant in his house or carriage till he has established communication with the soil by the loving and magnetic touch of his soles to it. - John Burroughs
Treasure the love you have received above all. It will survive long after your gold and good health have vanished. - Og Mandino
If God sets your speed limit high, don't be afraid of your life-car being crashed. - Munia Khan
No good deed goes unpunished. - Oscar Wilde
The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials. - Chinese Proverb
The gem cannot be polished without friction, not a man perfected without trials. - Chinese Proverb
Often we can achieve an even better result when we stumble yet are willing to start over, when we don't give up after a mistake, when something doesn't come easily but we throw ourselves into trying, when we're not afraid to appear less than perfectly polished. - Sharon Salzberg
Principle’ [Established Truth] means everywhere applicable; when there is nothing else, it is called Principle. - Dada Bhagwan
In stirring up tumult and strife, the worst men can do the most, but peace and quiet cannot be established without virtue. - Cornelius Tacitus
She dreamed of autumn. Of chilly autumn winds and soft fall rains. She could even feel the cool moisture as the rain drops touched her face and ran down her cheeks. Her denim skirt and work boots felt heavy as the rain in her dreams splashed cold water against them - Grace Willows
Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it. - Mary Oliver
Men are rewarded or punished not for what they do but for how their acts are defined. That is why men are more interested in better justifying themselves than in better behaving themselves.
People ask me if I've ever been called a Nazi. I answer that no one has ever had dreams of being tied down and sexually ravished by someone dressed as a liberal.
Pointing to another world will never stop vice among us; shedding light over this world can alone help us. - Walt Whitman
This is the wonder of Christmas, that in the solitary form of an impoverished infant God has handed me everything that I could never create so that I can be everything that I could never be. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
To find everything profound - that is an inconvenient trait. It makes one strain one's eyes all the time, and in the end one finds more than one might have wished. - Friedrich Nietzsche
The paradox of choice; the more options there are, the harder it is to chose and the higher the expectations and so, the satisfaction is diminished. - R.A.Delmonico
Goals are only ever a guide; a winding, changing path. It's your heart that will really keep you on tack... and nourished along the way. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
ALONE, adj. In bad company. In contact, lo! the flint and steel, By spark and flame, the thought reveal That he the metal, she the stone, Had cherished secretly alone. Booley Fito - Ambrose Bierce
To Fred, those years seemed to pass like quickly skimming a book and then finding the ending wasn't what he expected. He wished he'd paid more attention to the story. - Sarah Addison Allen
You don't know what it means to live the life that you could have lived, if an event over which you have no control, an unforeseeable circumstance, had not distracted and diverted you, and at times crushed you, as has happened to me. - Luigi Pirandello
You ever noticed how people who believe in Creationism look really un-evolved? You ever noticed that? Eyes real close together, eyebrow ridges, big furry hands and feet. "I believe God created me in one day". Yeah, looks like He rushed it - Bill Hicks
He looked at his watch and knew he had to get going. He wished he could spend forever staring at her, but he was not meant to have that much happiness; he never thought he deserved it. Not after spending centuries as he did. - Daniele Lanzarotta
Unless you have great parents or some inspirational teacher from a movie that pushes you to follow your dreams, you can't expect a kid to be smart enough to realize they can do what they want with their life before they've been pushed through the school system into having an average life. - Dan Howell
Do you think people have evolved too far, because I do; oh their ability to heal is indeed a wonder and I do praise them for that, but in many other things I think evolution has been a bit rushed, like getting to the bus stop before the wheel was invented. - conversations with a pigeon
Their lips brushed like young wild flowers in the wind. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
You can't understand depth of science, unless you challenge the published scientific data. - Amit Ray
A noble leader answers not to the trumpet calls of self promotion, but to the hushed whispers of necessity. - Mollie Marti
When the effective leader is finished with his work, the people say it happened naturally.
The problem with communication…is the illusion that is has been accomplished. - George Bernard Shaw
When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty........ but when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong. - R. Buckminster Fuller
Atlas was permitted the opinion that he was at liberty, if he wished, to drop the Earth and creep away; but this opinion was all that he was permitted. - Franz Kafka
Since no one is perfect, it follows that all great deeds have been accomplished out of imperfection. Yet they were accomplished, somehow, all the same. - Lois McMaster Bujold
Suddenly, the double doors of the parlor whooshed open. A large fleshy woman stood before me in full regalia. Her eyes were all made up, earrings and bracelets jangling. The sign in the window said Miss Sadie was a medium. From the look of her, I'd say that was a bit wishful. - Clare Vanderpool
I received your letter of June 10th. I have never talked to a Jesuit priest in my life and I am astonished by the audacity to tell such lies about me. From the viewpoint of a Jesuit priest I am, of course, and have always been an atheist. - Albert Einstein
The stars are threshed, and the souls are threshed from their husks. - William Blake
So, what is my story? I don't know. It's long and twisted and not quite finished yet. - Caitlyn Paige
A relationship has to be nourished with passion, and built upon the foundation of trust, to be one that last a lifetime. - Ellen J. Barrier
Alone, I relished the bird songs, the drone of hushed conversation from neighboring tables, and the gentle lapping of waves sliding on the shore. I didn't feel the passage of time. There was no destination propelling me forward, no past and no future. Each glorious moment was replaced by the next. - Marilyn Berman
You are an unfinished work in progress. One of the good things about life's challenges: you get to find out that you're capable of being far more than you ever thought possible. - Karen Salmonsohn
Today, in the face of abjection and solitude, his heart said: 'No'. And in the great distress that washed over him, Mersault realised that his rebellion was the only authentic thing in him, and that everything elsewhere was misery and submission". - Albert Camus
Don't fall before you're pushed. - English Proverb
At present there is not a single credible established religion in the world. - George Bernard Shaw
Competition is simply an unestablished paternship. - Tyler Wagner
I write to shed my tears. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Autumn is a momentum of the natures golden beauty…, so the same it’s time to find your momentum of life - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
And after that, I watched our house collapse in on itself and I spent some time lying in the rubble. Then I vanished completely. I wasn't here at all. Then you phoned. - Ali Smith
There’s that fallen heart feeling that you rushed right through the moments where you should’ve been paying attention. Well, get used to that feeling. That’s how your whole life will feel some day. This is all practice. None of this matters. We’re just warming up. - Chuck Palahniuk
It is so beautiful to see a relationship that is nourished and fueled by a love expressed with action. - Steve Maraboli
Sometimes I feel that the wars in my country ended so early, we are still thirsty of bloodshed, murder and killing. We lost too many but not enough, the transformation from barbarian society to a human didn’t complete yet. - M.F. Moonzajer
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess. - Mark Twain
She opened her eyes. "Is this real?""Very real." I brushed the soaked strands off her cheek, wondering if I was lying or not and if I should care if I was. "Angel, let me kiss you. - Jennifer L. Armentrout
Crying in the rain. No one sees your tears and your pain gets washed away. - Elizabeth Bourgeret
There is no sin that will be left unpunished. - Sunday Adelaja
A Ship in Harbor Is Safe, But that Is Not What Ships Are Built For-John A. Shedd - John Shedd
Without courage, little is done and accomplished. - Auliq Ice
Let a clear understanding of your identity In Christ shed light on all the ways you can live out your purpose. - Elizabeth George
From open sea she's chosen meand dashed the hopes of many.A life with her is worth the hopesmy love for her may bury. - Uzoma C. Azuonye
HEBREW, n. A male Jew, as distinguished from the Shebrew, an altogether superior creation. - Ambrose Bierce
Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible. - Doug Larson
Muhammad introduced the concept of such Glorious and Omnipotent God in Whose eyes all worldly systems are pieces of straw. Islamic equality of mankind is no fiction as it is in Christianity. No human mind has ever thought of such total freedom as established by Muhammad. - Mawde Royden
I was making pancakes the other day and a fly flew into the kitchen. And that's when I realized that a spatula is a lot like a fly swatter. And a crushed fly is a lot like a blueberry. And a roommate is a lot like a fly eater. - Demetri Martin
There are more tears shed over answered prayers than over unanswered prayers. - Saint Theresa of Jesus
It was a symposium of horror and heroism, the like of which has not been known in the civilized world since man established his dominion over the sea. - The Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters
People open bookstores because they want their souls back.(from "Two Women" published in Do Me: Tales of Sex & Love from Tin House) - Elizabeth Tallent
It's as hard to get from almost finished to finished as to get from beginning to almost done. - Elinor Fuchs
So I’m alone. I have no one. Is that what you’re telling me? - Junco, Range (to be published April 2013) - J.A. Huss
His talent was as natural as the pattern that was made by the dust on a butterfly's wings. At one time he understood it no more than the butterfly did and he did not know when it was brushed or marred. - Ernest Hemingway
Chameleon Is The Animal Which Change According To Surrounding, Feature Similar To Human - Ax-n Arshed
I had an immense advantage over many others dealing with the problem inasmuch as I had no fixed ideas derived from long-established practice to control and bias my mind, and did not suffer from the general belief that whatever is, is right. - Henry Bessemer
When it is mid week, pause and ponder! The very single days we disregard are what become the very years we wished to have used effectively and efficiently. If we disregard today, we shall remember our had I know tomorrow. Time changes therefore think of the changing times. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Christianity has from its beginning portrayed itself as a gospel of peace, a way of reconciliation (with God, with other creatures), and a new model of human community, offering the 'peace which passes understanding' to a world enmeshed in sin and violence. (1) - David Bentley Hart
When a rock transforms into a diamond, lesser stones will not speak of its beauty, but speak of its unpolishedness. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I determined to learn to pray so that my experience conforms to the words of Jesus rather than try to make his words conform to my impoverished experience. - Richard Foster
Statistics are like lampposts: they are good to lean on, but they don't shed much light.
Every silver spoon is tarnished. - Beverley Sylvester
You actually, waste time when you cry over wasted time. Time should be a guide that helps you focus. All you should worry about is ageing with unfinished business. - DaVyshka
Living in a world where people measure their happiness by self-indulgence and decadence, Is like watching a whole society being pushed into the abyss of perpetual decay and aberrations. - Husam Wafaei
I am telling himwhat he wants to hear: antsdying of love underthe constellation of the dandelion.I swear that a white rose,sprinkled with wine, sings.I am laughing, tiltingmy head carefullyas if checking an invention.I am dancing, dancingin astonished skin, inan embrace that creates me. - Wisława Szymborska
I only knew what was in my mind, and I wished to express it clearly - Ulysses S. Grant
I have brushed my teeth.This day and I are even. - Vera Pavlova
Conservative. noun. A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from a liberal, who wishes to replace them with others. - Ambrose Bierce
Henry Kissinger may have wished I had presented him as a combination of Charles DeGaulle and Disraeli, but I didn't....out of respect for DeGaulle and Disraeli. I described him as a cowboy because that is how he describes himself. If I were a cowboy I would be offended.
All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin. - John F. Kennedy
The greater the gap between self perception and reality, the more aggression is unleashed on those who point out the discrepancy. - Stefan Molyneux
Those little nimble musicians of the air, that warble forth their curious ditties, with which nature hath furnished them to the shame of art. - Izaak Walton
When you've found your inner artist, suddenly nothing is ever finished - Damond Jiniya
The rich, the poor, the high professor and the prophane [sic], seem all to be infected with this grievous disorder, so that the love of our neighbor seems to be quite banished, the love of self and opinions so far prevails. - Christopher Marshall
I was astonished at the effect my successful landing in France had on the nations of the world. To me, it was like a match lighting a bonfire.
Repression is not the way to virtue. When people restrain themselves out of fear, their lives are by necessity diminished. Only through freely chosen discipline can life be enjoyed and still kept within the bounds of reason. - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
The grey of a bitter, starved-looking morning. The town like a mortally wounded creature, torn by shells, gashed open by bombs. Dead streets - streets of death - death in streets and their houses; yet people still able to sleep and still sleeping. - Radclyffe Hall
Surely your longings and feelings arise from the God who created you. They were created in order to be filled, not crushed. Surely we shall find peace not by eliminating desire, but by finding its fulfillment and satisfaction in the One who created it. - Sundar Singh
There are ghosts of yourself scattered everywhere,Whispers of a moment suspended in time,Where every life that you've brushed up againstNow lives with a piece of you trapped in their mind. - Erin Hanson
A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men. - Anonymous
The August noon in us works to stave off the November chills. We survive by what little Fourth of July wits we’ve stashed away. But there are times when we’re all autumn people. - Ray Bradbury
Free will? Either you follow the word of God, or you'll be punished with eternal hellfire. That's the same kind of "choice" an abuse boyfriend gives you: 'Either you do exactly what I say, or I'll beat the shit out of you. - Oliver Gaspirtz
The way we can replenish our memories is to look back at textual information that we have either written or read before. If that method is accomplished, we can comprehend and complete tasks that require us to use more critical thinking. - Saaif Alam
There is no alternative way, so far discovered, of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by a free enterprise system... - Milton Friedman
All that may be wished for, will by nature fade to nothing. - Śāntideva
By acquiescing in an act that causes such suffering to a living creature, who among us is not diminished? - Rachel Carson
I am really Chloe Anthony Wofford. That's who I am. I have been writing under this other person's name. I write some things now as Chloe Wofford, private things. I regret having called myself when I published my first novel, The Bluest Eye. - Toni Morrison
An atheist believes that a hospital should be built instead of a church. An atheist believes that deed must be done instead of prayer said.An atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death. He wants disease conquered, poverty vanished, war eliminated. - Madalyn Murray O'Hair
When a man is pushed, tormented, defeated, he has a chance to learn something. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Your comfort zone is a place where you keep yourself in a self-illusion and nothing can grow there but your potentiality can grow only when you can think and grow out of that zone. - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
Feelings of guilt are the worst punishment. You are being punished by yourself. - Debasish Mridha
The cry has been that when war is declared, all opposition should be hushed. A sentiment more unworthy of a free country could hardly be propagated. - William Ellery Channing
I lost my sense of trust, honesty and compassion. I crashed down and became what I consider an emotional mess. I've never been so miserable in my whole life. I just wanted to go to bed and never get up. - Shania Twain
Has someone or something pushed your anxiety button? Answer it with prayer! - Evinda Lepins
L'artGreen arsenic smeared on an egg-white cloth, Crushed strawberries! Come, let us feast our eyes. - Ezra Pound
The prospect of success in achieving our most cherished dream is not without its terrors. Who is more deprived and alone than the man who has achieved his dream? - Brendan Francis
So celebrate what you're accomplished, but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed.
The annihilating strokes slashed across my penned heartfelt words. - Jazz Feylynn
But down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid. - Raymond Chandler
The wind languished. The floral curtain ceased flapping. The moonlight streamed through, lighting up her face. It was a young, animated face. At that moment, it touched a string, a peg, deep inside him. - Qiu Xiaolong
I believe that God has planted in every human heart the desire to live in freedom. And even when that desire is crushed by tyranny for decades, it will rise again. - George W. Bush
Pre-high tech, objects thunked and crashed and clopped, amid a thunder of drums, a tumult of trumpets. Today things beep and cheep and whistle. We have come from the roar of the lion to the chirp of the tree frog, ceaselessly bleating our identities while the frog-eating bats hover above us. - A.J. Orde
This sheaf of paper with gaudy cover glued to the spine is not the book. The book is not an object on the table, it is an event in the readers mind.... The book, therefore is only finished when someone reads it. - Lois McMaster Bujold
I will argue that every scrap of biological diversity is priceless, to be learned and cherished, and never to be surrendered without a struggle. - Edward O. Wilson
If you wrote something for which someone sent you a check, if you cashed the check and it didn't bounce, and if you then paid the light bill with the money, I consider you talented. - Stephen King
Ronald Reagan and George Bush pushed through programs that raised taxes on the middle class. I think it's time to cut them. And in my administration I'll offer a middle-income tax cut that will cut rates on the middle class. - Bill Clinton
A lot of childhood effort, worry, and whispering goes into cracking the codes of adult life. Children have to be accomplished spies. - Vera B. Williams
? If you are not awed in the presence of a Holy God, then I say you may be like the crowds we have been observing in the Gospel of Mark and think of Jesus as no more than a winning lottery ticket to solve your immediate problems. Once the ticket is cashed, you take the money and go your own way. - Jonah Books.com
To accomplish your goals and purposes in life you must be constantly refreshed by Him. - Sunday Adelaja
Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again. - Henri Cartier-Bresson
To become a distinguished entrepreneur, you need to have an undeniable, unquestionable and unmovable passion for your vision. - Onyi Anyado
If you find yourself wondering if you can go on, remember how much you’ve accomplished. Then raise your head high and be proud. YOU GOT THIS! - J.D. Crighton
If I die today, will you remember me tomorrow?The love I'm leaving behind, will you care to borrow? From a snake-shed-skin or from the sky unknownIn all living and the dead I'll dwell to groan - Munia Khan
It is possible to believe that all the past is but the beginning of a beginning, and that all that is and has been is but the twilight of the dawn. It is possible to believe that all the human mind has ever accomplished is but the dream before the awakening. - H.G. Wells
My son hit his head on a couch and pushed it away. He never went near that couch again. It is amazing what and 1 year old boy can teach you about life. - E. Obeng-Amoako Edmonds
When a new book is published, read an old one. - Samuel Rogers
I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance that I should have been by any epaulet I could have worn. - Henry David Thoreau
In it's purest form, an act of retribution provides symmetry. The rendering payment of crimes against the innocent. But a danger on retaliation lies on the furthering cycle of violence. Still, it's a risk that must be met; and the greater offense is to allow the guilty go unpunished. - Emily Thorne
living eulogy.she danced.she sang. she took.she gave.she loved.she created.she dissented. she enlivened.she saw. she grew. she sweated.she changed.she learned. she laughed.she shed her skin.she bled on the pages of her days,she walked through walls,she lived with intention. - Mary Anne Radmacher
To establish oneself in the world, one has to do all one can to appear established. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
It washed all over me and through me, into the floor and then it was gone. I never cried for my Da again after that, and God's presence has been with me ever since. - Adien MacRae, BETWEEN - Cyndi Tefft
My family of friends has kept me alive through lovers who have left, enterprises that have failed, and all too many stories that never got finished. That family has been part of remaking the world for me. - Dorothy Allison
Darwin abolished special creations, contributed the Origin of Species and hitched all life together in one unbroken procession. - Mark Twain
Once a woman stands for a cause, the sounds of her stilettos echoes to the far ends of the earth that the world has no choice but to listen to her voice. Yes, she could be supple,flexible… but she is resilient. She is established. - Omoakhuana Anthonia
I just can't get with this idea that literature is a 12-step program. If someone wants to read a book to see good people get rewarded and the bad people get punished, essentially what they want is a fairy tale. - China Miéville
No man is demolished but by himself. - Richard Bently
A crow is no whiter for being washed. - French Proverb
I nodded, trying to imagine the very particular sadness of a vanished childhood yogurt now found only in France. It was a very special sort of sadness, individual, and in its inability to induce sympathy, in its tuneless spark, it bypassed poetry and entered science. - Lorrie Moore
How you think and create your inner world that you gonna become in your outer world. Your inner believe manifest you in the outside - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
So it’s fate then? I asked with him so close my lips brushed the line of his jaw with each word, Us being together?Absolutely, Calvin said with a low growl. Then he lifted my chin, tilting my head back, and kissed me deeply.Who was I to argue with Fate? - E.J. Stevens
Wealth will always find their way out of societies where truth and honesty are not established into the societies where there are principles of honesty and truth. - Sunday Adelaja
There is neither happiness nor unhappiness in this world; there is only the comparison of one state with another. Only a man who has felt ultimate despair is capable of feeling ultimate bliss. It is necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good life is to live. - Alexandre Dumas
Never accept yourself as a finished product. Be a finished product when you die. As long as you have breath in your lungs, expand yourself. - Brandi L. Bates
I write to shed my sacred sorrows. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Achieving accomplishments without first making a sacrifice to gain them does not make you accomplished. That just makes you a lucky bastard. - Adam Copeland
The eyes were damned, the staring, glaring eyes of one who sees but does not see, eyes ever turned inward to the sterile hell of dreams beyond control, dreams unleashed, risen out of the stinking swamps of the unconscious. - Stephen King
There was nothing physical she could do to stop Mario from carrying out whatever he wished. She shivered at the thought of what that sleazy, other world leftover might do should she launch an attack on him. - G.G. Collins
A man in love is incomplete until he is married. Then he is finished. - Zsa Zsa Gabor
It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. - Abraham Lincoln
No need to look to see if your former home has vanished yet into the humdrum gray behind you; you'll be able to feel it, the sudden eclipse of the tractor beam the house puts out. Of its forcefield of sadness. - Garth Risk Hallberg
And the matron sighed over the destiny of ladies in good society, whose moral judgement led them to love unabashedly and whose depravity led them to pay for it. - Michelle Franklin
Small minds have always lashed out at what they don't understand. - Dan Brown
Cry as much as you want to, but make sure when you're finished, you never cry for the same reason again - Wiz Khalifa
A ship in harbor is safe--- but that is not what ships are for. - John A. Shedd
Let the warning of the tyrants of the past be recognized for it shall be the same one ringing out when the tyrants of the present are unleashed. - Sai Marie Johnson
No fairy tale, this. This was by no stretch of the imagination a polished fantasy. This was a searing, living force, rough around the edges, unfamiliar and bittersweet.And precious. - V.S. Carnes
Something had lubricated us. Something had washed us clean. I understood, and at the same minute I understood that that they all understood, too. Hate had passed away, and in its place was the other word that's just as big. ("Golden Baby") - Alice Brown
Fantasy isn't about escape; it's a survival mechanism. It's a way to deal with things that are so much bigger than you are. So I think fantasy is special, something to be cherished and protected because it's a very fragile thing and without it, we're so defenseless, we're paralyzed. - The Martian Child David Gerrold
The concept of portraying evil and then destroying it - I know this is considered mainstream, but I think it is rotten. This idea that whenever something evil happens someone particular can be blamed and punished for it, in life and in politics is hopeless. - Hayao Miyazaki
I fear living a life where I could have accomplished something and didn't. That's what I fear. I don't fear death. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
Does marriage have such a revolutionary power that a long-established habit can be overthrown in such a short time? - Yiyun Li
A ship in harbor is safe -- but that is not what ships are built for. - John A. Shedd
During my three years in Vietnam, I certainly heard plenty of last words by dying American footsoldiers. Not one of them, however, had illusions that he had somehow accomplished something worthwhile in the process of making the Supreme Sacrifice. - Kurt Vonnegut
Revenge is a dish best served published! - Lisa Kovanda
Let your soul be washed by the waves of love to feel the joy of life. - Debasish Mridha
Dr. Morris believes, and I strongly agree, that couples are most likely to bond securely when they have not rushed the dating experience. Time is the critical ingredient. - James C. Dobson
The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrant. It is its natural manure. - Thomas Jefferson
Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed. - Mao Tse-tung
In a story, you must always listen for the voice you cannot hear, the one that has been ignored or silenced. In that crushed voice, there is a strain of truth, as a crushed grape yields a drop of wine. - Patricia Storace
One evening, after a particularly terrible row, the prince smashed his princess over the head with an old wooden clock and she tumbled to the floor, dead. - Brooke Warra
The re-establishment of an ecological balance depends on the ability of society to counteract the progressive materialization of values. The ecological balance cannot be re-established unless we recognize again that only persons have ends and only persons can work towards them. - Ivan Illich
When you leave New York, you are astonished at how clean the rest of the world is. Clean is not enough. - Fran Lebowitz
In literature as in love, we are astonished at what is chosen by others. - Andre Maurois
I testify that He is utterly incomparable in what He is, what He knows, what He has accomplished and what He has experienced. Yet, movingly, He calls us His Friends - Neal A. Maxwell
Obsolescence is a fate devoutly to be wished, lest science stagnate and die. - Stephen Jay Gould
233Life is for the living and the dead, she said in a smile,And flashed me a bit of pale thigh in the summer time - Derek Keck
No book can ever be finished. While working on it we learn just enough to find it immature the moment we turn away from it - Karl R. Popper
Nature cares nothing for logic, our human logic: she has her own, which we do not recognize and do not acknowledge until we are crushed under its wheel. - Ivan Turgenev
There is one thing we are sure: For the honor of humanity, all the kings and all the queens, all the kingdoms and all the monarchies must be abolished! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Prepare yourself for some bad news: Ronald Reagan’s library just burned down. Both books were destroyed. But the real horror: He hadn’t finished coloring either one of them. - Gore Vidal
No pain is too small if it hurts, but any pain is too big if it's cherished. - Edward St. Aubyn
I have one major rule: Everybody is right. More specifically, everybody — including me — has some important pieces of truth, and all of those pieces need to be honored, cherished, and included in a more gracious, spacious, and compassionate embrace. - Ken Wilber
Only eyes washed by tears can see clearly.
It is finished. - Jesus Christ
I can sense your love,why leave me in darkness?Beguile me for your amusement,stealing my soul without kisses. You are the sun and I, the moon. Your beauty is reflected in my eyes.When we are apart, I am extinguishedin the blackness of these skies. - Kamand Kojouri
I smile and shed tears of joy when I see someone being kind to others. - Debasish Mridha
What I learned in Rwanda was that God is not absent when great evil is unleashed. Whether that evil is man-made or helped along by darker forces, God is right there, saving those who respond to His urgings and trying to heal the rest. - James Riordan
Often and often afterwards, the beloved Aunt would ask me why I had never told anyone how I was being treated. Children tell little more than animals, for what comes to them they accept as eternally established. - Rudyard Kipling
Sometimes a policeman must confront people about lying. No one likes to be called a liar. But it is what it is! A fact is a fact! If someone is a liar, put them on notice. You should not be punished for doing the right thing. It is the job of a good investigator to get the truth. - C. Snyder
America had often been discovered before Columbus, but it had always been hushed up. - Oscar Wilde
It is to these two discoveries by that we owe the exactness of modern astronomy. .... This double service assures to their discoverer the most distinguished place (after Hipparchus and Kepler) above the greatest astronomers of all ages and all countries. Jean-Baptiste Joseph Delambre - Bradley
Just finished [Capitalist in North Korea]—fascinating! What an experience. Wow." —Justin Rohrlich, Emmy Award Winner, Head Writer, Minyanville's World In Review - Felix Abt
A person who has proper guidance from his or her early childhood can himself or herself expanding his or her horizons living in a well established environment with great level of knowledge and being financially stable. - Saaif Alam
CONFIDENCE is not showing off your VANITY, it’s about to be HUMBLED and KIND to others what are you truly SKILLED and PROFESSIONAL about… - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
Mission accomplished' I said.Pudge my friend we are indefuckingstructable. - John Green, Looking For Alaska
We are the living whole of the fragments from the things we've experienced and people we've encountered. Each interaction changes us in a subtle or massive way. The masterpiece we are sheds it's weathered skin, becoming even more than it was before. - Hubert Martin
The youth gets together his materials to build a bridge to the moon, or, perchance, a palace or temple on the earth, and, at length, the middle-aged man concludes to build a woodshed with them. - Henry David Thoreau
I dream that one day I would be a published writer and people would read my books - if not, I would be living in the mountains in a small hut, near a pond where swans swim, writing a diary for myself. - Srinidhi.R
At best we are but clay, animated dust; but viewed as sinners, we are monsters indeed. Let it be published in heaven as a miracle that the Lord Jesus should set His heart's love upon people like us. - Alistair Begg
A rose’s beautiful scent is extracted only when it is crushed. - Matshona Dhliwayo
After the collapse of socialism, capitalism remained without a rival. This unusual situation unleashed its greedy and - above all - its suicidal power. The belief is now that everything - and everyone - is fair game. - Günter Grass
One’s story isn’t a skin to be shed— it’s inescapable, one’s body and blood. You go on pumping it out till you die, the story veined with the themes of your life, the ever-recurring story that’s at once your invention and the invention of you. - Philip Roth
ALLAH, n. The Mahometan Supreme Being, as distinguished from the Christian, Jewish, and so forth. Allah's good laws I faithfully have kept, And ever for the sins of man have wept; And sometimes kneeling in the temple I Have reverently crossed my hands and slept. Junker Barlow - Ambrose Bierce
We get a little further from perfection, each year on the road,I guess that's what they call character,I guess that's just the way it goes,better to be dusty than polished,like some store window mannequin,why don't you touch me where i'm rusty,let me stain your hands - Ani DiFranco
Don't talk much and save your dignity. - Ashraf Ali Jamshedpur
You don't get drown by falling into a river. You get drown by remaining there. Falling accidentally and rising immediately was what distinguished Thomas Edison and Abraham Lincoln from the rest. - Israelmore Ayivor
Man ceased to be an ape, vanquished the ape, on the day the first book was written.
Devotees of grammatical studies have not been distinguished for any very remarkable felicities of expression. - Amos Bronson Alcott
We write to shed our sorrows and give strength to our spirit. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Teachers' favorite color ink, splashed and dripped down his face a grisly reminder of mistakes bruising his life. - Jazz Feylynn
Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your good health has vanished. - Og Mandino
My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary. - Martin Luther
I regret all the prayers that do not shed tears. - Davi Oliveira
There were differences between memories and dreams. He had only dreams of things he had wanted to do, while Lespere had memories of things done and accomplished. And this knowledge began to pull Hollis apart, with a slow, quivering precision. - Ray Bradbury
Sometimes when you dig deep into the past, you shed uncontrollable tears. - Adeyemo Akin
Some days I feel more like a scribe than a creator. I will have the major points fleshed out, but there is always a turn or two that I didn't see coming, or which came earlier than I expected it to, or not at all... - J. Neven-Pugh
Sometimes you read a book so special that you want to carry it around with you for months after you've finished just to stay near it. - Markus Zusak
A revolution does not have to eat its children. In fact, it is those who are in power who could very well initiate revolutions. Let us not be old-fashioned and think only of armed uprisings of minorities as revolutions. Any movement that seeks to overhaul established attitudes is a revolution. - F. Sionil José
fierce lovers.and battle warriorsboth comefrom the same place. there is bound to be,some bloodshed. - Sanober Khan
That's why the firm foundation of every land must be morality untarnished which, if destroyed, Rome will fall and founder. - Dániel Berzsenyi
Aggression unchallenged is aggression unleashed. - Phaedrus
Why rush through things when life should be cherished? Take a step back and see the big picture. - Atlanta Hunter
Wealth will always find a way of escaping from societies without an established system of truth and honesty, into societies that are well established in truth and honesty. - Sunday Adelaja
The sun rises each morning to shed light on the things we may have overlooked the day before. - Tyler J. Hebert
When we age we shed many skins: ego, arrognace, dominance, self-opionated, unreliable, pessimism, rudeness, selfish, uncaring ... Wow, it's good to be old! - Stephen Richards
art is never finished, only abandoned - Leonardo da Vinci
You've got to make a conscious choice every day to shed the old - whatever 'the old' means for you. - Sarah Ban Breathnach
When words have vanished, when daily habits have extinguished emotional exchange, only killing silence remains and indifference takes over. ( "Words had disappeared" ) - Erik Pevernagie
I don't like shit too perfect. I want some human stake in my shit. If it's too perfect I ain't really with it. If it's too clean I ain't really with it. If it's too polished I don't really like it. - Madlib
History is an amazing presence--it is the place where vanished time gathers. While we are in the flow of time, it is difficult to glean its significance, and it is only in looking back that we can recognize the hidden dimensions at work within a particular era or epoch. - John O'Donohue
If you make someone suffer today, without any doubt, you will be punished by your conscience. Don’t hurt anyone in anyway or form. - Debasish Mridha
I do not think that I will ever reach a stage when I will say, "This is what I believe. Finished." What I believe is alive ... and open to growth - Madeleine L'Engle
The hopelessness of life is like a weak fire, that can only be extinguished using the fire extinguisher called hope. - Auliq-Ice
We are just misguided ghostsTravelling endlesslyThe ones we trusted the mostPushed us far awayAnd there's no one roadWe should not be the sameBut I'm just a ghostAnd still they echo meThey echo me in circles - Paramore
Some things must remain the same in order for the universe to flow properly. One pebble dashed out across the ocean leaves a lifetime of ripples. They call it the butterfly effect. - Louise Mullins
So this had been all I wanted, a boy who understood how I felt. Now, though, I sometimes wished for more. - Sarah Dessen
...occasionally I wished I could walk through a picture window and have the sharp, broken shards slash me to ribbons so I would finally look like I felt. - Elizabeth Wurtzel
Life crumples me like paper,Tight, smashed, discarded. But crumpled paper soon unfolds, Opening slowly, sharing what was once hidden inside,Allowing my story to be revealed. - Robert Clifton Storey Jr
In a world full of polished and perfected final drafts, she was the raw and honest scribbled story. - Kavya Janani.U
In 1969 I published a small book on Humility. It was a pioneering work which has not, to my knowledge, been superceded. - Frank Pakenham
Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith. - Alexis de Tocqueville
Blake gave Selena a nudge "Remember what I taught you, itsy-bitsy-babe-ette"She flashed him a mischievous grin and raise the hose." Boom goes the dynamite!"-Demons In Disguise - A&E Kirk
Democracy is always an unfinished experiment, testing the capacity of each generation to live freedom nobly. - George Weigel
The artist's greatest creation beganthe night he washed his memory of his failuresrubbed opium on his lipsdrank the wine that women offered himand lay down and wept. - Roman Payne
Why is it that beautiful women never seem to have curiosity? Is it because they know they're classical? With classical things the Lord finished the job. Ordinary ugly people know they're deficient and they go on looking for the pieces. - Penelope Gilliatt
Growing older is a precious commodity. Only a few can endure to achieve that distinguished distinction and quality. - Debasish Mridha
How dull it is to pause, to make an end, To rust unburnished, not to shine in use. - Alfred Tennyson
All those who try to unveil the mysteries always have tragic lives. At the end they are always punished. - Anaïs Nin
Attempts to wake before our time are often punished, especially by those who love us most. Because they, bless them, are asleep. They think anyone who wakes up, or who, still asleep, realizes that what is taken to be real is a ‘dream’ is going crazy. - R.D. Laing
If he's not real, you'll know. Men have never washed a rented car. - Saleem Sharma
Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs, Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers’ eyes, Being vexed, a sea nourished with lovers’ tears. What is it else? A madness most discreet, A choking gall and a preserving sweet. - William Shakespeare
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. - Voltaire
We are pushed towards eternal silence from the moment we are born. So when sadness tries to stifle us, we must not give in. We must keep whispering. - Shaun Hick
People will tell you that writing is too difficult, that it's impossible to get your work published, that you might as well hang yourself. Meanwhile, they'll keep writing and you'll have hanged yourself. - John Gardner
Okay, I said. As long as I've got you here, we're going to use and appreciate this present moment. Because I wish, and I've wished a thousand times since you went, that we'd known it was the present, and that we were living in it. - Ali Smith
And He watched over me before I knew Him and before I learned sense or even distinguished between good and evil. - St. Patrick
I barely brushed towards her cheek as I moved towards her mouth, her nails tickled my chest, driving me insane. Kissing her became my single reason for breathing. - Katie McGarry
Someone smashed a flutterfler and without even thinking she touched her Stone and used Wyrd to piece its broken body back together. She filled its empty vessels with dreams and it became the stuff it used for blood. It brushed her cheek with its wings, then flew off -- dancing in the hot air. - Robert Fanney
We are certainly descendents of the sea for our tears are salted and when we shed them on the jowl of time, the sea that has always been within us flows on our face. - Sorin Cerin
The world is 3 days: As for yesterday, it has vanished along with all that was in it. As for tomorrow, you may never see it. As for today, it is yours, so work on it. - al-Hasan al-Basri
Good is never accomplished except at the cost of those who do it, truth never breaks through except through the sacrifice of those who spread it. - John Henry Newman
How I wished after all the hardships, you will immediately attain your reward. But it's not that easy. You need to wait for the right time to come in your life. Always bear in mind that diligence is nothing without perseverance. - Joe Mari Fadrigalan
A statue stands in a shaded placeAn angel girl with an upturned faceA name is written on a polished rockA broken heart that the world forgot - Martina Mcbride
Violence is the tool of the barbarian; aggression is the method of the primitive; bloodshed is the way of the savage; cruelty is the manner of the brutish! To be called as a ‘civilised,’ man must be peaceable! - Mehmet Murat ildan
With Epcot Center the Disney corporation has accomplished something I didn't think possible in today's world. They have created a land of make-believe that's worse than regular life. - P. J. O'Rourke
America has been discovered before, but it has always been hushed up. - Oscar Wilde
Good values that are cherished,bind and attract both friends and enemies to greatness of life. - JOEL NYARANGI AKOYA
You and I my love will always have unfinished business - M.H.S. Pourri
I want to celebrate the sadness that makes you feel everything so deeply. I want to throw a party for the wounds that make you so unabashedly human. - D. Antoinette Foy
Be not astonished at new ideas; for it is well known to you that a thing does not therefore cease to be true because it is not accepted by many. - Baruch Spinoza
If more people recognized the difference between friendship and mere attraction, or how love must partake of both to prosper, I expect there'd be more happy people." "And a lot fewer poems and plays," I said, laughing as I splashed about in the scented water. - Sherwood Smith
When I began to write fiction that I knew would be published as science fiction, [and] part of what I brought to it was the critical knowledge that science fiction was always about the period in which it was written. - William Gibson
For a writer, I'm not sure that feeling of knowing you've just written something good and strong can be trumped. Not because it means I did something right. But because it proves how many wrongs I pushed through to get there. - Cara Rosalie Olsen
He was the ocean and I was the sand, i lived content in stillness and he washed a shore everytime, as a better man. - Nikki Rowe
I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood. I had, as I now think vainly, flattered myself that, without very much bloodshed, it might be done. - John Brown
Go to the people. Live with them. Learn from them. Love them. Startwith what they know. Build with what they have. But with the bestleaders, when the work is done, the task accomplished, the people willsay 'We have done this ourselves. - Lao Tzu
Life is a wall, you have to climb it by pushing others to climb over and you will be pushed as well. Give a helping hand today. - Bernard Kelvin Clive
It is not important that how you are crushed, it is important that how much time you sustain it. Be sustainable !! - Aditya Pandya
Your youth is certainly finished and old age has definitely arrived if you feel that you are losing enthusiasm, excitement and energy towards your dreams and goals. - Amit Kalantri
Finished crap can be edited. Unfinished greatness languishes forever. The only bad writing is the thing you didn't write! - Margarita Gakis
The ruler cannot mobilize the army out of personal anger. The general cannot engage in battle because of personal frustration. Anger can revert to happiness, annoyance can revert to joy, but a vanquished state cannot be revived, the dead cannot be brought back to life.
Pursued by grace and supernatural power from God, I will passionately pursued my most cherished dreams. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Past shouldn't always be treasured, becausePresent and Future become trashed. - Bradley B. Dalina
Woe to us if we get our satisfaction from the food in the kitchen and the TV in the den and the sex in the bedroom with an occasional tribute to the cement blocks in the basement! God wills to be displayed and known and loved and cherished and worshiped. - John Piper
Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening. - Dorothy Sarnoff
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. - Dale Carnegie
He never wanted to see that look of disppointment in her eyes again, yet he couldn't allow himself to be crushed under his own yearning. - Frank Lee
In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love; they had five hundred years of democracy and peace and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock. - Orson Welles
she delighted in being of the same substance as them, and in knowing that when she died her flesh would nourish other lives as they had nourished her. - Philip Pullman
Just as a snake sheds its skin, we must shed our past over and over again. - Gautama Buddha
The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything except our thinking. Thus, we are drifting toward catastrophe beyond conception. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive. - Albert Einstein
One sheds ones sickness in books- repeats and presents again ones emotions, to be master of them. - D.H. Lawrence
All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they really happened and after you are finished reading one you feel that it all happened to you and after which it all belongs to you. - Ernest Hemingway
You have to take an interest in something in life, I told myself. I wondered what could interest me, after I was finished with love. I could take a course in wine tasting, maybe , or start collecting model aeroplanes - Michel Houellebecq
DEINOTHERIUM, n. An extinct pachyderm that flourished when the Pterodactyl was in fashion. The latter was a native of Ireland, its name being pronounced Terry Dactyl or Peter O'Dactyl, as the man pronouncing it may chance to have heard it spoken or seen it printed. - Ambrose Bierce
A finished person is a boring person. - Anna Quindlen
In the sweetness of friendship; let there be laughter and the sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed. - Kahlil Gibran
For the next century, no elf is to be banished to the human world. No more Star Wars, no more Harry Potter, no more Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, and no more body-doubling for Tom Cruise. Elves shouldn't be treated like shit. We're not Mexicans. - Adam Millard, the Human Santapede
Fear cannot be banished, but it can be calm and without panic; it can be mitigated by reason and evaluation. - Vannevar Bush
You find yourself refreshed by the presence of cheerful people. Why not make an honest effort to confer that pleasure on others? Half the battle is gained if you never allow yourself to say anything gloomy. - Lydia M. Child
Shed who you think you are, in order to experience who you really are. - Evita Ochel
I learned to write by reading the kind of books I wished I'd written. - Barbara Kingsolver
Be kind, for whenever kindness becomes part of something, it beautifies it. Whenever it is taken from something, it leaves it tarnished. - Mohammad PBUH
Kent steepled his fingers in consideration. Blood-red rubies flashed in the sunlight, like the eyes of a demon clutched in his hands. - V.S. Carnes
The Sun-Dial at Wells CollegeThe shadow by my finger castDivides the future from the past:Before it, sleeps the unborn hourIn darkness, and beyond thy power:Behind its unreturning line,The vanished hour, no longer thine:One hour alone is in thy hands,--The NOW on which the shadow stands. - Henry Van Dyke
With a metal heartI came to this life,My head was a crucible, full of elixir.Pearl by pearlMy heart was poured,Drop by dropMy head was splashed.The world was entirely a magnet. - Hersh Saeed
All your life you live so close to truth it becomes a permanent blur in the corner of your eye. And when something nudges it into outline, it's like being ambushed by a grotesque. - Tom Stoppard
At the center of each human heart is goodness, layered over with hurt, confusion, and mistaken ideas. Our task is to gently peel off layer after layer until the unfettered heart can shed its love upon the world. - Sue Patton Thoele
My person says I don’t understand cause and effect. That’s not true, I get it: roll in the mud, you get the bath. But what shedoesn’t understand is, sometimes it’s just plain worth it. - Belle, Dog Only Knows - Terry Kaye
No man was ever a great success traveling an easy pre-made road. All great things REQUIRE sweat, tears and maybe even some blood spilled to be accomplished. The average man walks the easy road, the innovators CREATE the road! - Levon Peter Poe
I think like a genius, I write like a distinguished author, and I speak like a child. - Vladimir Nabokov
I wished I hadn’t majored in women filling their pockets with stones and sticking their heads into ovens. Maybe tomorrow the pinhole would widen and I would want to be a marine biologist. - Kat Clark
We all cannot do everything or solve every issue. "It's impossible", however, if we each simply do our part. Make our own contribution, regardless of how small we may think it is.... together it adds up and great things get accomplished. - Mark W. Boyer
I can't imagine a romance novel published today where the hero rapes the heroine and she falls in love with him. - Julia Quinn
CONNOISSEUR, n. A specialist who knows everything about something and nothing about anything else. An old wine-bibber having been smashed in a railway collision, some wine was pouted on his lips to revive him. "Pauillac, 1873," he murmured and died. - Ambrose Bierce
HARMONISTS, n. A sect of Protestants, now extinct, who came from Europe in the beginning of the last century and were distinguished for the bitterness of their internal controversies and dissensions. - Ambrose Bierce
I have a hundred times wished that one could resign life as an officer resigns a commission. - Robert Burns
The light was frozen, dead, a ghost. Only from the yellow barrels of the microscopes did it borrow a certain rich and living substance, lying along the polished tubes like butter, streak after luscious streak in long recession down the work tables. - Aldous Huxley
He, in a few minutes ravished this fair creature, or at least would have ravished her, if she had not, by a timely compliance, prevented him. - Henry Fielding
If a man is to shed the light of the sun upon other men, he must first of all have it within himself. - Romain Rolland
Th tree sheds a memory with every leaf. - Marty Rubin
By their own follies they perished, the fools. - Homer
My heart is crushed, my knees are weakened. My tears drench my pillow, my tears flood my bed every night. Do you know how much I miss you father of my children. - Euginia Herlihy
I believe that when I am dead, I am dead. I believe that with my death I am just as much obliterated as the last mosquito you and I squashed.(from Who's Who in Hell) - Jack London
The journey is the mystery…the destination the answer. If you don’t have a happy ending yet, you have not finished reading the right book. - Shannon L. Alder
We do not know today whether we are busy or idle. In times when we thought ourselves indolent we have discovered afterward that much was accomplished and much was begun in us. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. - Henry David Thoreau
To most of us nothing is so invisible as an unpleasant truth. Though it is held before our eyes, pushed under our noses, rammed down our throats- we know it not. - Eric Hoffer
Truth crushed to the earth is truth still and like a seed will rise again. - Jefferson Davis
When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sandpaper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end you end up polished and they end up useless. - Andy Biersack
Disinformation is distinguished from misinformation in that it is intentionally fraudulent. - Ellen P. Lacter
When true trust has been established, you become one - Michael Tennant
Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enought to know they were impossible. - Doug Larson
Don't just think out of the box, stand on the box to see new possibilities and opportunities in becoming distinguished. - Onyi Anyado
What does the anticipation feel like? The sensation of staring into the void, the awareness of an end’s impending arrival? Burning and being extinguished simultaneously? - Teo Yi Han
Love is a nonexistent myth; a precious commodity cherished by the dying and the weak in spirit - Levi Cheruo Cheptora
After establishing anything as the absolute truth, its’ conclusion is reached. It doesn’t have to be established as the truth again. What is proven as the eternal established truth for past, present and future is known as the Principle [Siddhant]. - Dada Bhagwan
The humanity of all Americans is diminished when any group is denied rights granted to others. - Julian Bond
Auden is an accomplished rhymer and Shakespeare is not. - Peter Porter
I have often wished I had time to cultivate modesty...But I am too busy thinking about myself. - Edith Sitwell
Greatness is unleashed when you develop faith in the power of your faith. - Phumi Ngwane
Friendship is a living thing that lasts only as long as it is nourished with kindness, empathy and understanding.
In a culture of hyper-consumption the advertising industry has brainwashed many people into believing they can raise their status just by driving a particular brand of whatever it is they are pushing at you. - Stephen Richards
It is our task in our time and in our generation to hand down undiminished to those who come after us, as was handed down to us by those who went before, the natural wealth and beauty which is ours. - John F. Kennedy
As he spoke, the wind whistled through the gaps in his teeth, creating an odd musical accompaniment to his words. -- unpublished as of Jan 11 2016, but surely due to appear in one of my works eventually. - Kira Stone
The habit of giving up when the present task is half finished and try something else is one of the chief causes of failure. - Christian D. Larson
You were on the other side of the world, but I often woke with the scent of you surrounding me. I ached for you, Kells. No matter how much Kishan thrashed me, it couldn’t diminish the pain of losing you. I’d dream of you and reach out to touch you, but you were always just out of reach. - Colleen Houck
The tears we shed are sacred prayers. - Lailah Gifty Akita
No one can be really esteemed accomplished who does not greatly surpass what is usually met with. - Jane Austen
God will bring the right person into your life at the right time. Always believe that! If they are not there, God isn't finished yet! - Shannon L. Alder
Pain halts you sometimes to take a moment and potentiate yourself again, pain breaks you sometimes to shed what is faulty in yourself!Pain has a meaning for those who search the answers - raja shakeel mushtaque
Maybe we feel empty because we spend so much of our own time watching other people live their lives, chase their dreams, express their love, and navigate their relationships. And when we turn off our TV or put down our phone... We've nourished nothing of our own. - Steve Maraboli
Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your gold and good health have vanished. - Og Mandino
Do not believe that you will get punished for the things you do. Just be honest to yourself and the people you love. - Poonam Dhandhania
Bow your head down and SEE, Your Ego will vanish.Shed your EYES a little, Your heart will MELT. Resten your Teeth and SEE, Your health will improve. Stop your Tongue and SEE, Conflicts will be passed away.Shorten your desires and SEE, There will be a world of Happiness. - Sandy Raman
Oh, is that my report, father?' said Mike, with a sort of sickly interest, much as a dog about to be washed might evince in his tub.' - Mike and Psmith - P.G. Wodehouse
Love is not all about loving everything perfect, it is when someones corrosive nature is the only thing that glues you to them which you wished it were never there. - Michael Bassey Johnson
You normally have to be bashed about a bit by life to see the point of daffodils, sunsets and uneventful nice days. - Alain de Botton
Running in the relay of life sometimes makes me notice that faith takes over the baton when reason finished its part. - Hasse Jerner
Nothing great is ever accomplished by following standards. - Geoffroy Birtz
Bootlicking is only a way to get published, not to become a writer - Himmilicious
An unpublished writer should doubt themselves. They should constantly wonder whether what they’re creating has merit. And then, having doubted, they should take up their pen and see if they can’t make it better. - Johnny Rich
Looking at my life through the lens of history has made me increasingly grateful to standout women who pushed those boundaries to make the changes from which I have benefited. - Sara Sheridan
In 2008, when almost every other investor got crushed, and even the Wall Street "experts" were down by almost half, I was up 17 percent - beating the S&P Average by over 50 percent.Reminiscences of a Stock Market Flea - James J. Houts
You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger. - Gautama Buddha
Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
And yes, I’ll admit, I am jealous. I’m jealous of every minute you spend with him, of every concerned expression you send his way, of every tear shed, of every glance, every touch, and every thought. I want to rip him to pieces and purge him from your mind and from your heart. But I can’t. - Colleen Houck
The New World Order is established by degrees. The first degree is truth of the one subject, which follows from the existence and the oneness of the universe, and from the ancient belief that God is all-knowing. - Compton Gage
Having once decided to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs of tedium and distaste. The gain in self-confidence of having accomplished a tiresome labor is immense. - Arnold Bennett
If I give with the motive to get, regardless of the degree to which that motive besets me, I will walk away impoverished and I will leave those to whom I have given just as impoverished as I have now found myself. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Travel the world until your Facebook's check ins finished...!!! - M.Rehan Behleem
Heaven’s Tao is impartial,yet those who follow its compassionate waywill always be nourished - Lao Tzu
Certainly virtue is like precious odors, most fragrant when they are incensed, or crushed: for prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth best discover virtue. - Sir Francis Bacon
It's red hot, mate. I hate to think of this sort of book getting in the wrong hands. As soon as I've finished this, I shall recommend they ban it. - Tony Hancock
Only those who are brainwashed and foolsbelieve in the existence of a god.Those who are indifferent just pretend. - A.J. Beirens
How ridiculous and unrealistic is the man who is astonished at anything that happens in life. - Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
This nation was founded by many men of many nations and backgrounds. It was founded on the principle that all men are created equal, and that the rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened. - John F. Kennedy
Remember to have a little faith. When you die, I believe, God isn't going to ask you what you published. God's going to ask you what you wrote. - T.M. McNally
Shed the pains of yesterday and seize the plans of tomorrow.-Catherine N. Crumber - Catherine Crumber
When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong. - Arthur C. Clarke
What have I done to her?" Gabriel muttered to himself as he crossed the room to crank open a window. Cool air washed over his skin. "What the devil did she do to me? - Olivia Parker
When she wished for love, she wanted a perfect concoction of - respect, care and understanding. You dusted kisses, and hoped she would find all those in the debris.Love, my dear, is more mental than physical. - Saru Singhal
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. - Mark Twain
Hope is a flower which refuses to be crushed under life's brutal heel. - John Mark Green
Remember the days when you let your child have some chocolate if he finished his cereal? Now, chocolate is one of the cereals. - Robert Orben
Many people find bald, unvarnished truths so disturbing, they prefer to ram their heads in the sand and start dreaming at the first sign of scientific reality. - Charlie Brooker
The last of the cherry blossom. On the tree, itturns ever more perfect. And when it’s perfect, it falls. And then of course once it hits theground it gets all mushed up. So it’s only absolutely perfect when it’s falling through the air,this way and that, for the briefest time!.!.!. - David Mitchell
Suppose that we could close our eyes today and see the real certainties and uncertainties of tomorrow, we would have never wished to open our eyes again for the real certainties and uncertainties of tomorrow never ends! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Society is now one polished horde, --- Formed of two mighty tribes, the Bores and Bored. - Lord Byron
CS Lewis's humor supported his exposition but never dominated or diminished it. - Greg Cootsona
He felt a kind of bridal expectation, sweet and sensuous yet vaguely mingled with anticipatory fear of its own fulfilment, with the mysterious shiver felt when something endlessly desired suddenly comes physically close to the astonished heart. - Stefan Zweig
And do I still have that look?" he asked."Yes just there," she kissed his eye. "The desire to love me is still there. If you look closely you can see mine for you, my tears never washed it away. - Racquel McDonnell
To establish oneself in the world, one does all one can to seem established there already. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
How can a society that exists on instant mashed potatoes, packaged cake mixes, frozen dinners, and instant cameras teach patience to its young? - Paul Sweeney
He’d thought it would be the right thing to say, but she scoffed a little… and that, more than anything—more than the prospect of having his ribs crushed in or his face pulled off or his neck stretched on a rope—scared him out of his wits. - V.S. Carnes
Study for Knowledge, not for marks. If you have the Knowledge, you will get the marks. - Khurshed Batliwala
There is a deep and undeniable sadness in all this: whenever we see the dawn of an eternal good that will never be overcome by evil – an evil that is itself eternal but will never succeed in overcoming good – whenever we see this dawn, the blood of old people and children is always shed. - Vasily Grossman
The young, free to act on their initiative, can lead their elders in the direction of the unknown... The children, the young, must ask the questions that we would never think to ask, but enough trust must be re-established so that the elders will be permitted to work with them on the answers. - Margaret Mead
My new album that I'm creating, which is finished pretty much, was written with this new instinctual energy that I've developed getting to know my fans. They protect me, so now it's my destiny to protect them. - Lady Gaga
& may you shine on in the sky with diamonds & dreams...do it for the suit behind the platform, who only wished he were free.have strength in freedom. - L V HALL
I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure. - Mark Twain
Drive-in banks were established so most of the cars today could see their real owners. - E. Joseph Cossman
Mistaken ideas always end in bloodshed, but in every case it is someone else's blood. This is why our thinkers feel free to say just about anything. - Albert Camus
The stars are but tears shed by a miriad of unrequited dreams; each sparks with fire and guides its light homeward when a dream is revealed - Basith
There's a sin, a fearful sin, resting on this nation, that will not go unpunished forever. There will be a reckoning yet. . . there's a day coming that will burn as an oven. It may be sooner or it may be later, but it's a coming as sure as the Lord is just. - Solomon Northup
Everything thing I have ever achieved in life I have accomplished on my own – I've earned it - even the bad stuff. - Peter Cimino
The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. - Harriet Beecher Stowe
The paper is my savior, the pen my blood, to words that shed my world. - Anthony Liccione
I furnished the body that was needed to sit in the defendant's chair.[Explaining his role in the Scopes Monkey Trial.] - John T. Scopes
And much like the despairity of the woman who can never bear children, my dreams can never bear fruit. They are the mountains I can never climb.The hurdles I can never leap.The seas I can never cross. The skies I can never look up to.Yet, I adopt them. Unblemished.Guilt-free. - Chirag Tulsiani
You need two things to write a great book: imagination and inclination. Without one, your book will be boring; without the other, your book won't get finished at all. - Ellie Firestone
I've got daughters. Nine years old and six years old. First of all, I'm gonna teach them about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them PUNISHED with a baby. - Barack Obama
The past is finished. There is nothing to b gained by going over it. Whatever it gave us in the experiences it brought us was something we had to know. - Rebecca Beard
There comes a time when something changes you... No matter the impact... Where the world no longer beats in time with you. You no longer feel amongst the fray.. And the feeling of loneliness is a brandished armor you wear the rest of your life. - Solange nicole
Literature should be a kind of revolutionary manifesto against established morality and established society. - Guo Moruo
We want to avoid suffering, death, sin, ashes. But we live in a world crushed and broken and torn, a world God Himself visited to redeem. We receive his poured-out life, and being allowed the high privilege of suffering with Him, may then pour ourselves out for others. - Elisabeth Elliot
I dread success. To have succeeded is to have finished one's business on earth, like the male spider, who is killed by the female the moment he has succeeded in his courtship. I like a state of continual becoming, with a goal in front and not behind. - George Bernard Shaw
Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing; a confusion of the real with the ideal never goes unpunished. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Life is a beautiful dream to be cherished, as long as it lasts. - Krishna Saagar
She was part of the machine she tended, and every faculty that was not needed for the machine was doomed to be crushed out of existence. - Upton Sinclair
We are whiplashed between an arrogant overestimation of ourselves and a servile underestimation of ourselves. - Parker J. Palmer
Don't be too busy climbing the ladder of success and forget your most cherished relationships (friends, family, spouse, etc). EnjoyLife! - Bernard Kelvin Clive
As long as there is Fear, Faith is not to be found.Believe the finished work of Christ. Rise Up to Faith! - Pazaria Smith
Doing nothing is very hard to do ... you never know when you're finished. - Leslie Nielsen
Some of us make it out. But the game is played with loaded dice. I wish I had known more, and I wished I had known it sooner. - Ta-Nehisi Coates
It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong. - Voltaire
Courtly love-poetry may first have been written during long periods of abstinence on the Crusades, but it would not have flourished in the cold of northern Europe without some help from the chimney.
If you avoid your truthful emotions and pain you will implode and contract into a diminished and feeble state. - Bryant McGill
Anger swirled in him, a tempest readying her strike. And like a helpless vessel caught in her fury, he felt himself dashed against the rocks without mercy. - V.S. Carnes
A mistake does not make a shadow. The people who you hurt through the mistake and what they decide to say about it is what leaves a shadow. The only way to erase that shadow is to shed light on it. If that is not possible, moving on to somewhere brighter is always an option. - Justin David Nevins
It is the present living generation that gives character and spirit to the next. Hence the paramount importance of accomplished and energetic teachers in forming the taste the manners and the character of the coming age. - Alexander Campbell
There is no nation in the history that has not experienced bloodshed and murdering. We all have committed the same mistakes in a different manner. - M.F. Moonzajer
The lights of stars that were extinguished ages ago still reaches us. So it is with great men who died centuries ago, but still reach us with the radiations of their personalities. - Kahlil Gibran
Once I finished reading a good book, it gives me a hard time coping up with reality. - Nathalie M. Llanto
A state is not a mere society, having a common place, established for the prevention of mutual crime and for the sake of exchange...Political society exists for the sake of noble actions, and not of mere companionship. - Aristotle
Many existing top 20 Scottish writers have flourished in part because of good turns done by institutions, arts community, libraries and bookshops. - Sara Sheridan
Whatever it takes to finish things, finish. You will learn more from a glorious failure than you ever will from something you never finished. - Neil Gaiman
To read is to empower,To empower is to write,To write is to influence,To influence is to change,To change is to live". - Jane Evershed
She was a music I no longer heard, that rang in my mind, itself and nothing else, lost to all sense, but not perished, not perished. - Marilynne Robinson
The problem with doing nothing is that you never know when you're finished. - Nelson DeMille
In India we never distinguished between history and myth. Our Puranas as well as Itihasas contain fantastical tales. They are lies that convey deeper truths. - Ashwin Sanghi
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. - Plato
When you maintain long-term relationships with the people and things you value most, this dedication reveals worth, reliability, trustworthiness, beauty, and integrity. Be someone who adds value and cares for cherished loved ones and belongings in this moment or for life. - Laura Staley
Sometimes... Reason and Love are met with a violent ignorance that even what's right gets lost. Our heart bleeds, but when does the blood shed end and the healing begin? - Solange nicole
Sometimes a noble failure serves the world as faithfully as a distinguished success.
She could feel something unnatural following her every movement as she washed her bountiful Huzza and Wahzoozie" — BATS - Fred Barnett
Sometimes being pushed to the wall gives you the momentum necessary to get over it!
There was never anything by the wit of man so well devised, or so sure established, which in continuance of time hath not been corrupted. - Book of Common Prayer
The Spice Girl Victoria Beckham has just published the story of her life. I confess that it is not in my reading table. - Mick Jagger
Use your intellect to guide you, and you will end up putting peopleoff. Rely on your emotions, and you will forever be pushed around.Force your will on others, and you will live in constant tension. Thereis no getting around it—people are hard to live with. - Natsume Soseki
Finish the work, otherwise an unfinished work will finish you. - Amit Kalantri
The power of prayer is priceless. Great things can be accomplished by prayer. - Lailah Gifty Akita
You can find Calcutta anywhere in the world. You only need two eyes to see. Everywhere in the world there are people that are not loved, people that are not wanted nor desired, people that no one will help, people that are pushed away or forgotten. And this is the greatest poverty. - Mother Teresa
When the Bible itself becomes irksome, inquire whether you have not been spoiling your appetite by sweetmeats and renounce them; and believe that the Word is the wire along which the voice of God will certainly come to you if the heart is hushed and the attention fixed. - F.B. Meyer
(A point of view of a stupidy of mankind)...Hey... did you check out the book by Stephen King in 7 June published??... (I was talking to one friend if I can put him as a friend...)The teacher says "Stop with this books.."... pff I said once not twice, why to stop? - Deyth Banger
Practice unfettered living from the heart, abandoning all self-imposed limitations to emerge a new, creativity unleashed, giving of yourself like never before. - Pooja Ruprell
Diversity of character is due to the unequal time given to values. Only through each other will we see the importance of the qualities we lack and our unfinished soul's potential. - Shannon L. Alder
Your VISION and your self-willingness is the MOST powerful elements to conquer your goal - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
Nothing is pending in the world…nothing is finished, yet nothing is unresolved…Everything is filled to the brim. - Carlos Castaneda
Leaving town I sat next to a senseless and beautiful boywho asked where I live.His unwashed hair or the way his eyes were just eyes…the soul is a tiring thing. You can have it.I don’t know what you mean’s what I told him.It’s more simple than that. I’m just passing through. - Alex Dimitrov
...I was shocked and astonished when a daring little girl -- a cousin I think -- having waited under a group of trees in the avenue, where she knew [my grandfather] would pass near four o'clock on the way to his dinner, said to him, 'If I were you and you were a little girl, I would give you a doll. - W.B. Yeats
All she wanted was a family, all he wanted was fame; as their relationship famished. - Anthony Liccione
I was admonished to adopt feminine clothes; I refused, and still refuse. As for other avocations of women, there are plenty of other women to perform them. - Jeanne d'Arc
My teacher asked my favorite color. ... I said ‘Rainbow’.... and I was punished to stand out of my class. - Saket Assertive
I am always chilled and astonished by the would-be writers who ask me for advice and admit, quite blithely, that they "don't have time to read." This is like a guy starting up Mount Everest saying that he didn't have time to buy any rope or pitons. - Stephen King
I think that true horror is accomplished by slowly getting into your brain. The old way is much more scary. - Sergio Aragonés
Really good fiction could have as dark a worldview as it wished, but it'd find a way both to depict this world and to illuminate the possibilities for being alive and human in it."[Q&A with Larry McCaffery, Review of Contemporary Fiction, Summer 1993, Vol. 13.2] - David Foster Wallace
I just wrote a book. But don't go and buy it yet, because I don't think it's finished. - Lawrence Welk
The greater the pain, the greater the fun. - Leinad Eibam, Published Poet
The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomplished; and it would have done somewhat more, if the government had not sometimes got in its way. - Henry David Thoreau
It's better to be burnished with use than rusty with principle. - Garrison Keillor
Little faith sees God's hand in great things. Established faith sees God's hand in little things. - Ralph Bouma
I am more modest now, but I still think that one of the pleasantest of all emotions is to know that I, I with my brain and my hands, have nourished my beloved few, that I have concocted a stew or a story, a rarity or a plain dish, to sustain them truly against the hungers of the world. - M.F.K. Fisher
And she had pushed, or she hadn't. The result was all the same. There had been no forgiveness for her. But she'd been so very young. And how was it possible, how could parents do this? How could she not have been forgiven? - Lauren Groff
The past is a ghost that haunts us. Ghosts must banished. Lingering on the past is weakness, Lord Vader. - Paul S Kemp
If I never shed a tear or wondered what happened to someone I actually loved, what makes you believe I'd think twice about you, someone I never even cared for? - Donna Lynn Hope
Freedom is something that should not be washed away in time leaving the essence alone in time. - Sarvesh Murthi .D.D
A person feels the pain in judicious proportion to the sensitive nature cherished in own world; otherwise there is enough fun, happiness, enjoyment and pleasure in life. - Anuj Somany
he wished for freedom and heaven was granted to him". - -sanika ullalkar
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. - Bible
Guy of Gisborne: I understand the king is winning, thanks be to God. Robin Hood: He’s killing more people.Gisborne: Is that not winning?Robin: Show me an argument ever settled with bloodshed, and then I’ll call it winning. - BBC Robin Hood
The only kind of dignity which is genuine is that which is not diminished by the indifference of others. - Dag Hammarskjold
He had never been a religious person. Even as a child he had found the notion of an omnipotent creator who punished his crations inconsistently for minor infractions of a vaguely defined moral code to be unthinkable to anyone with an ounce of sense. - Michael Thomas Ford
A classic is a book that has never finished what it wants to say. - Italo Calvino
In the end, I decide that the mark we've left on each other is the color and shape of love. That the unfinished business between us. Because love, love is never finished. It circles and circles, the memories out of order and not always complete. - Sara Zarr
What we become depends on what we read after all of the professors have finished with us. The greatest university of all is a collection of books. - Thomas Carlyle
I feel proud that I have been counted worthy to have blood shed by a traitor, and to suffer torture at the hands of those who have undertaken to trail our Flag in the dust. Signed, Yours as Ever, Franklin M. Haven. - Franklin Marion Havens
I pushed him against his Jeep, looked him dead in the eye and kissed him. He asked if he could come up, and I just walked up the steps and said, not yet. That was the moment I knew I loved him. - Dominic Riccitello
The reserve of modern assertions is sometimes pushed to extremes, in which the fear of being contradicted leads the writer to strip himself of almost all sense and meaning. - Sir Winston Churchill
It is far more important to me to preserve an unblemished conscience than to compass any object however great.
We photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing, and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again. We cannot develop and print a memory. - Henri Cartier-Bresson
A few days ago I walked along the edge of the lake and was treated to the crunch and rustle of leaves with each step I made. The acoustics of this season are different and all sounds, no matter how hushed, are as crisp as autumn air. - Eric Sloane
Don't fall asleep yet. Contrary to popular belief, that's not where dreams get accomplished. - George Watsky
Your heart is the roots to God.Your heart is nourished by truth, by God, but you have forgotten the heart.Come back to the heart, and you will be able to know the truth.You will be able to know the truth as the truth and the false as the false. - Swami Dhyan Giten
when you become addict in to MATERIAL things in life then the TRUE natural life start to run away from you, YES! it's can give you certain pleasure in the society but in the same time it will sabotage your true HAPPINESS of life which we could have simply with GRATITUDE and FORGIVENESS - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
To stop the bleeding i pushed back the blood that was bleeding out of the hole in my heart. It kept overflowing when i missed you and im dying, not literally, but my heart is. - Nicole
The evolution of higher and of lower forms of life is as well and as soundly established as the eternal hills. It has long since ceased to be a theory; it is a law of Nature as universal in living things as is the law of gravitation in material things and in the motions of the heavenly spheres. - Henry Fairfield Osborn
The perfect journey is never finished, the goal is always just across the next river, round the shoulder of the next mountain. There is always one more track to follow, one more mirage to explore. - Rosita Forbes
Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it. - Blaise Pascal
Why is compassion not part of our established curriculum, an inherent part of our education? Compassion, awe, wonder, curiosity, exaltation, humility - these are the very foundation of any real civilization. - Yehudi Menuhin
Ever since childhood, when I lived within earshot of the Boston and Maine, I have seldom heard a train go by and not wished I was on it. Those whistles sing bewitchment: railways are irresistible bazaars... Anything is possible on a train... - Paul Theroux
Since the whole affair had become one of religion, the vanquished were of course exterminated. - Voltaire
I suppose no matter what I'm drawing, there will always be some sort of question in my mind about it. A work of art (even cartoon art)is never really finished; it is abandoned. - Brooke McEldowney
All great writers share one thing in common:They finished their books. - M. Kirin
He stood in rain and the storm, watching a demon with his face standing and laughing at him on a chariot run by drunk horses. The storm threw dust into his eyes, while the demon unleashed the horses one after the other at him. - Akshay Vasu
It was a subtle refinement of God to learn Greek when he wished to write a book – and that he did not learn it better. - Friedrich Nietzsche
We ought not be over anxious to encourage innovation, in case of doubtful improvement, for an old system must ever have two advantages over a new one; it is established and it is understood.
Certainly virtue is like precious odours, most fragrant when they are incensed or crushed: for prosperity doth best discover vice; but adversity doth best discover virtue. - Sir Francis Bacon
Setting a goal is like to set your destination point in your life GPS which could take you to your desire position as you dreamed about... - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
I sometimes wish I could spontaneously combust. Burn until nothing but ash is left, to be washed away by the wind and the rain. - A.B. Shepherd
Nor is it always in the most distinguished achievements that men's virtues or vices may be best discovered: but very often an action of small note, a short saying, or a jest, shall distinguish a person's real character more than the greatest sieges, or the most important battle. - Plutarch
A miracle is a violation of the laws of nature; and as a firm and unalterable experience has established these laws, the proof against a miracle, from the very nature of the fact, is as entire as any argument from experience as can be imagined. - David Hume
The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened. - John F. Kennedy
No occupation in this world is more trying to soul and body than the care of young children. What patience and wisdom, skill and unlimited love it calls for. God gave the work to mothers and furnished them for it, and they cannot shirk it and be guiltless. - Isabella MacDonald Alden
The European talks of progress because by the aid of a few scientific discoveries he has established a society which has mistaken comfort for civilisation. - Benjamin Disraeli