Quotation Explorer - 'Silver'

If the shining sun blinds the eye,it makes sense. But to be blinded by gold and silver! - I.R. Shankar
If silver is used and gold is hoarded than how can gold be of higher monetary value. - Willi Way
I go to de One who says silver n gold is Mine - Kingsley ofosu-Ampong
To attempt to increase the wealth of any country, either by introducing or by detaining in it an unnecessary quantity of gold and silver, is as absurd as it would be to attempt to increase the good cheer of private families by obliging them to keep an unnecessary number of kitchen utensils. - Adam Smith
If a cone had dropped on velvet needles, if a star had lain a silver track across the sky, if the dead had turned in their graves - I swear, I would have heard it, that's how silent it all was. - Martha Grimes
A child who was born with a silver spoon is likely to not appreciate all he is provided with.And it is likely that a child who grew up from the dust to look down on others once the floods gate of success opens up for him.It is NOT where you come FROM that matters,But where you are GOING. - Nomthandazo Tsembeni
[As a very young man, I thought] of Europe as a place that could not exist except in the imagination, in glorious dreams, and through the careful lies of the silver screen. - Roman Payne
Qualities too elevated often unfit a man for society. We don't bring ingots with us to market; we take silver or small change. - Chamfort
Every silver spoon is tarnished. - Beverley Sylvester
Too many people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold.
Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. - Bible
When well told, a story captured the subtle movement of change. If a novel was a map of a country, a story was the bright silver pin that marked the crossroads. - Ann Patchett
War is food and drink and disease and patience and anger and hate and cold and stealth and terror as well as sweet silver and bitter iron and the glitter of arms in the sun or under the moon. - Miles Cameron, The Dread Wyrm
Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold. - Bob Marley
The silver trump of freedom had roused my soul to eternal wakefulness. - Frederick Douglass
In the depth a light will grow,A silver shine no shadows know, Like wings unfolding in the sky,That circle 'round a gleaming eye,Turning darkness all away,Even depths will know their day,For every shadow has its end,In light!Life will return again! - Robert Fanney
Magic. I draw with silver and it turns red. - Anonymous
You were never born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Don't think that way. You were born with a diamond spoon in your palm. Carry it by your own hand. Now, feed yourself - Israelmore Ayivor
Jane stood beside silver platters of cucumber sandwiches and smoked salmon sandwiches and savory-sweet ham sandwiches and open-faced sandwiches with thickly spread butter and fresh mint. - jessic lawson
There’s no silver bullet solution with cyber security, a layered defense is the only viable defense - James Scott
The silver flask called to him.Blue Coyote Motel - Dianne Harman
Like the appearance of silver in mother of pearl, the world seems real until the Self, the underlying reality, is realized. - Adi Shankaracarya
Genius is a bend in the creek where bright water has gathered, and which mirrors the trees, the sky and the banks. It just does that because it is there and the scenery is there. Talent is a fine mirror with a silver frame, with the name of the owner engraved on the back.
Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate.
There's always Gold amongst Silver but they don't know it and there's always Silver amongst Gold but they don't show it. - Goitsemang Mvula
A shaft of sunlight pierced the dark cluds and she looked up to see a silver lining. It was a sign, she thought. - Diane Grifith
you can find all the gold and silver you will ever need at - christhebusman
Every crowd has a silver lining. - Phineas Taylor Barnum
Beauty is a form of genius--is higher, indeed, than genius, as it needs no explanation. It is of the great facts in the world like sunlight, or springtime, or the reflection in dark water of that silver shell we call the moon. - Oscar Wilde
Every silver lining has a touch of grey. - Jerry Garcia
Grandparents are extremely rich folks with silver in their hair and gold in their hearts. - Mamur Mustapha
Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold. - Bob Marley
Take Care Of Your Tongue Like The Way You Take Care Of Gold & Silver. - Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu-Talib A.S
When griping grief the heart doth wound, and doleful dumps the mind opresses, then music, with her silver sound, with speedy help doth lend redress. - William Shakespeare
The moon, like to a silver bow, new-bent in heaven. - William Shakespeare
Like threads of silver seen through crystal beadsLet love through good deeds show.
Rejoice with glitters of ashes tonightSparkling for moon's spiced silver biteUpon skin of darkness, loving night moreStorm begins unlocking cold wind's door - Munia Khan
Hammer the iron that lies on your anvil instead of daydreaming about working silver.
When we make appreciation the central theme of our value system, then all the painful elements of our past become meaningful lessons we could not have done without. Acceptance becomes natural when we become adept at finding the silver lining, even in the most challenging circumstances. - Pooja Ruprell
I am a diamond But people see me as goldHonestly, I wanna be silver - M
End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it. - J.R.R. Tolkien
More than once, the broken moon would cast through the window a silver light and remind me of independent events yielding to their own momentum and interacting under natural laws while my mind would impose happiness, grief, beauty, ruin, justice and chaos. - Leonard Seet
Every cloud doesn't have a silver lining but making time to look at the beauty of clouds gives you peace of mind. - C.L. Bennett
I carry the Sun in a Golden Cup, the Moon in a Silver Bag. - W.B. Yeats
O words of love, O words divine! The silver thought, the golden line! Of all men's words, there's none so fine, As these three words: 'I've got mine!' - Hagar the Horrible
Look, moonI turned silver for you. - Sanober Khan
Dream for life; dream for love; dream for a better world. The purpose of life should not be only to achieve silver and gold. - Debasish Mridha
The day she was born,her grandfather made her a ring of silver and a polished stone, because he loved her already. - Aliki
When I sell liquor, it's bootlegging. When my patrons serve it on a silver tray on Lakeshore Drive, it's hospitality. - Al Capone
You’re talking about gold and silver, cash and securities. I’m talking about the sheer beauty of the land, the value of unpolluted parkland made wild and staying wild forever. - Jasper Fforde
When I thought I felt better, grief shot its silver tip arrow at my heart to remind me that it was still there.Excerpt From: Holster, S.G. Thirty Seconds to Die. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.Check out this book on the iBooks Store - S.G. Holster
A golden opportunity may turn into silver if you wait too long to take advantage of it. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Split the Lark—and you'll find the Music, Bulb after Bulb, in Silver rolled. - Emily Dickinson
Do not blame your parents for not working hard enough to birth you with silver spoon in your mouth because tomorrow you will be a parent and your children will in turn blame you for not giving birth to them with the desired silver spoon. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Genius without education is like silver in the mine. - Benjamin Franklin
The only tension that gets my attention, is when I stick a fork too close to my silver filling. - A Kalon Writer
If the bombs go off the sun will still be shining, because I've heard it said thatevery mushroom cloud has a silver lining. - Adam Young Owl City Cave In
My friend is my friend, even if he wears rag, even if he wasn't born with a silver spoon, even if nobody wants to be his friend, i will hurt his critics by remaining his friend. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Success comes from a thousand little things done well, rarely from a silver bullet, even though we'd all like to believe that as our actions betray." - L. R. W. Lee, Andy Smithson: Blast of the Dragon's Fury - L.R.W. Lee
Silver knives! Painful and sometimes deadly to all paranormals!''Tasey!' I counterd 'Hot pink and sparkly! - Kiersten White
I do not have silver nor gold to give you, but i have a heart of gold to keep you. - Fabulous Godwin
Murphy is a writer's best friend, but you have to keep an eye on him, or he'll steal the silver. - Patricia C. Wrede
Live. Do whatever possible to stay alive. I'll be waiting. Praying, faithful. Just live. - Jo Marie Rose, Silver Linings - Debbie Macomber
DISOBEDIENCE, n. The silver lining to the cloud of servitude. - Ambrose Bierce
How stubborn life is,It clings like silver in our souls. - Scott Hastie
Anyone who offers their heart on a silver platter deserves what they get. - Holly Black
We all want to do something to mitigate the pain of loss or to turn grief into something positive, to find a silver lining in the clouds. But I believe there is real value in just standing there, being still, being sad. - John Green
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