Quotation Explorer - 'Depths'

I know I have this judgmental side that I'm often fighting against. But today I recognized the depths of my assumptions about people. What I envision is nothing remotely similar to the reality. Humility hurts. Coming home is disturbing. - Cindy McCormick Martinusen
I detest that man who hides one thing in the depths of his heart, and speaks for another. - Homer
Your heart is the size of an ocean. Go find yourself in its hidden depths. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Sometimes Füsun yawned so beautifully that I would think that she had forgotten the entire world and that she was drawing from the depths of her soul a more peaceful life, as one might draw cold water from a well on a hot summer day. - Orhan Pamuk
The truth is always an abyss. One must as in a swimming pool dare to dive from the quivering springboard of trivial everyday experience and sink into the depths, in order to later rise again laughing and fighting for breath to the now doubly illuminated surface of things. - Franz Kafka
They who reach down into the depths of life where, in the stillness, the voice of God is heard, have the stabilizing power which carries them poised and serene through the hurricane of difficulties. - Spencer W. Kimball
It is strange how you shall hate a man, and yet pity him from the depths. - Richard Llewellyn
There is nothing more helpless and irresponsible than a man in the depths of an ether binge.
Moments of suffering are meant to empty us so that we may have the potential to tap into our truest depths. - Kamand Kojouri
I blinked at her, suddenly loathing her to the depths of my soul. Not only was she probably rather evil, and definitely thoroughly unpleasant, but she also didn't read. - Nicole Peeler
Beneath beautiful appearances I search out ugly depths, and beneath ignoble surfaces I probe for the hidden mines of devotion and virtue. It's a relatively benign mania, which enables you to see something new in a place where you would not have expected to find it. - Gustave Flaubert
The concept of 'home' is not just where one resides, but where the heart resides; in the purest depths of the soul.♥ - Michelle Cruz-Rosado
Dance as the narration of a magical story; that recites on lips, illuminates imaginations and embraces the most sacred depths of souls. - Shah Asad Rizvi
The personal screenplay- where you dive into the terrifying depths of your soul, unearth the most intimate details about yourself, and put it on paper for the world to see. Proceed with caution, for madness lies ahead. - A.D. Posey
Such was a poet and shall be and is-who'll solve the depths of horror to defend a sunbeam's architecture with his life: and carve immortal jungles of despair to hold a mountain's heartbeat in his hand. - E.E. Cummings
Is life worth living? Aye, with the best of us, Heights of us, depths of us - Life is the test of us! - Corinne Roosevelt Robinson
I have good reason to be content,for thank God I can read andperhaps understand Shakespeare to his depths. - John Keats
Beauty is a treasure grove within. Beauty has different layers and depths. Peel and and look beyond the surface deep into the heart, the soul, and the mind - Angie karan
There’s no other way but work, work and work. Read widely, live wildly, plumb the depths of your­self, turn your­self inside out until you find your voice - Claire Meadows
Humans, I finally decided after a few more minutes of watching him, are paradoxically capable of both unattainable depths of kindness and unimaginable depths of cruelty, sometimes within the same body... - Kiley MacLeod
She is made up of depths even the ocean couldn't fathom. - Jessica Katoff
Nestled in the valley of darkness, in the deepest depths of depression, are the priceless gems of; creativity, intuition and sensitivity. The trick is learning how to navigate the dark, so these precious gems can be unearthed and their beauty beheld. - Jaeda DeWalt
I don't have a method of stepping into the depths of your heart without getting it dirty." -Kuchiki Rukia - Tite Kubo
The mind is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us into the depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy. Learn to use the power wisely. - David Cuschieri
We have been to the moon, we have charted the depths of the ocean and the heart of the atom, but we have a fear of looking inward to ourselves because we sense that is where all the contradictions flow together. - Terence McKenna
Love and Friendship, when you have them or lose them they are much like the Greek story of Icarus...You can make you feel like you're soaring above the clouds with happiness when you have them or feel like you are plummeting to the depths of hell with despair when you lose them. - Anonymous
My poems - they sprang from the depths of my being. - Roseville Nidea
Though I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure harmony and music inside me. I see paintings or drawings in the poorest cottages, in the dirtiest corners. And my mind is driven towards these things with an irresistible momentum. - Vincent Van Gogh
My storm is my own...Enter if you dare. However, bear in mind that the tempest of desire is fraught with unpredictability from the highest peaks to the depths of the abyss. Do not expect a smooth ride, but expect a true and passionate one... - Virginia Alison
Though I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure harmony and music inside me. - Vincent Van Gogh
Fury...sexual, Oedipal, political, magical, brutal....drives us to our finest heights and coarsest depths - Salman Rushdie
So it is more useful to watch a man in times of peril, and in adversity to discern what kind of man he is; for then at last words of truth are drawn from the depths of his heart, and the mask is torn off, reality remains. - Titus Lucretius Carus
To have a deeper understanding of life one must pause from looking outward and travel inward into the depths of consciousness. - Jiulio Consiglio
We must go beyond textbooks, go out into the bypaths and untrodden depths of the wilderness and travel and explore and tell the world the glories of our journey; - John Hope Franklin
In the depth a light will grow,A silver shine no shadows know, Like wings unfolding in the sky,That circle 'round a gleaming eye,Turning darkness all away,Even depths will know their day,For every shadow has its end,In light!Life will return again! - Robert Fanney
Love has no limits, which is why we fall impulsively into the depths of our feelings. - Tyconis D. Allison Ty
In the depths of my heart I can't help being convniced that my dear fellow men, with few exceptions, are worthless. - Sigmund Freud
I'm not here to win the rat race of materialism. I am here to experience the depths of my soul in form. - Erin Fall Haskell
You have to learn to recognize your own depths. - Joseph Campbell
Do not judge men by mere appearances; for the light laughter that bubbles on the lip often mantles over the depths of sadness, and the serious look may be the sober veil that covers a divine peace and joy. - Edward Chapin
Reading takes the reader to faraway lands, new cultures, new and exciting adventures; you meet new friends and enemies; it takes the reader from the heights of the imagination to the depths of human emotions; all without taking a single step. - Carlos Salinas
Man screams from the depths of his soul; the whole era becomes a single, piercing shriek. Art also screams, into the deep darkness, screams for help, screams for the spirit. This is Expressionism. - Hermann Bahr
I must be a mermaid, Rango. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living. - Anaïs Nin
Man cannot measure the bounds nor fathom the depths of divine forgiveness... - James E. Talmage
Happy people know suffering more than anyone else, and that’s how they can see just how damn beautiful their lives are. It’s because they’ve seen the depths. - Brianna Wiest
When we have reached the depths of despair, only then can we look up and see the light of hope. - Stephen Richards
The true, prescriptive artist strives after artistic truth; the lawless artist, following blind instinct, after an appearance of naturalness. The one leads to the highest peaks of art, the other to its lowest depths. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Secrets are a part of life. Their mysteries make our world beautiful. Their depths inspire our hearts, intrigue our minds, and embrace our very souls. - Imania Margria
Life's lessons aren't always new. Often they're the same old worn-out truths offering us greater depths of wisdom and understanding. - Richelle E. Goodrich
The beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths. - Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love. - George Eliot
Women are gifts, open them with care, judge them with leniecy, test and weigh their depths, then accept those with true worth and value. - Michael Bassey Johnson
But you want a placid pond, a glassy surface to reflect your own casual desires and nothing more. You will never fathom the depths of my savage ocean. - Sherri Gaillard
I have ascended to the highest in me, and look, the Word is towering above that. I have descended to explore my lowest depths, and I found Him deeper still. - Bernard of Clairvaux
I am the brightest light beaming from the darkest depths. A dichotomy, i am . . . illumination. - Jaeda DeWalt
He loved to meditate on a land laid waste, Britain deserted by the legions, the rare pavements riven by frost, Celtic magic still brooding on the wild hills and in the black depths of the forest, the rosy marbles stained with rain, and the walls growing grey. - Arthur Machen
But she bravely kept her eyes open; she was both lost and found in the soft, burning depths of his eyes. - Julie Anne Long
My love for you reaches beyond the borders of continents, so vast in scope that I would cross oceans to be with you.Yes, but does that same love penetrate so deep as to dare thee to sink to the oceans' depths to find me?"-from "My Aquarius - Richelle E. Goodrich
Your greatest dreams will always slumber within the vicious depths of fear. - Robert M. Drake
In the serenity and quiet of this lovely place, touch the depths of truth, feel the hem of Heaven. And when you leave, don't forget why you came... - Oksana Rus
A human being has so many skins inside, covering the depths of the heart. We know so many things, but we don't know ourselves! Why, thirty or forty skins or hides, as thick and hard as an ox's or bear's, cover the soul. Go into your own ground and learn to know yourself there. - Meister Eckhart
War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent. - George Orwell
People who comprehend a thing to its very depths rarely stay faithful to it forever. For they have brought its depths into the light of day: and in the depths there is always much that is unpleasant to see. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Mystery is what makes women, woman. A woman without mystery is no woman. She is a girl who has yet discovered the depths of her heart. - Imania Margria
All the same, a seductive voice from afar kept breaking into her conjugal peace: it was the voice of solitude. She closed her eyes and listened to the sound of a hunting horn coming from the depths of distant forests. There were paths in those forests... - Milan Kundera
Trying to keep up appearances is a signal of decay on the inside. Beware shallow living—in yourself and in others. It is only in the depths that life can thrive. - Vironika Tugaleva
True beauty is a rayThat springs from the sacred depths of the soul,and illuminates the body, just as lifesprings from the kernel of a stone andgives colour and scent to a flower. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean, Tears from the depths of some devine despairRise in the heart, and gather to the eyes, In looking on the happy autumn fields, And thinking of the days that are no more. - Alfred Tennyson
Sing to me a tune of patience; A dream borne of tenacity. Pervade unto my being, a cadence; Whisper to me the depths of eternity... - Marius
So much of a novelist’s writing takes place in the unconscious: in those depths the last word is written before the word appears on paper. We remember the details of our story, we do not invent them. - Graham Greene
A great book increases my heartbeat as if I’m prey, melts my insides in anticipation of a first kiss, immerses me in its depths. - Carmen DeSousa
Once the frontiers of horror have been crossed, one will pass from form to form beyond the human and from metamorphosis to metamorphosis to accomplish, in the anguish of an impossible return, the most terrible journey to the depths of darkness. - Georges Limbour
Cherish the fabulous, the fantastic, the beautiful, the graceful, the moments of abandon, laughter, quirkiness. Cherish the tiny incredible details, the gigantic & varied display, and the infinite depths - of life. - Jay Woodman
When a pebble is thrown into a lake, everything, down to the furthermost depths, moves with it. ... And if, afterwards, everything seems as it was, the level of the lake has none the less been raised by imperceptible, incalculable degree. The old order has been overthrown -- by a pebble. - Théophile Thoré
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