Quotation Explorer - 'Vicious'

I'm telling you a lie in a vicious effort that you will repeat my lie over and over until it becomes true - Lady Gaga
1919Voglio essere cremata, le mie ceneri mischiate alla polvere da sparo di un fuoco d’artificio e sparate nel cielo sulle note di My way di Sid Vicious, così che amici e colleghi, ormai imbottiti d’alcol come stoppini di una molotov, esclamino estasiati: Alexandra Zahradnik ha fatto il botto. - J. Tangerine
This new world was a vicious, sleek world made of street lights and tight jeans, sharp smiles and fast cars. This was a city, edited. A city, pared down to its bare minimums, beautiful and abusive. - Maggie Stiefvater
A vicious circle develops in which the people around you expect you to be there for them all the time and comply with their wishes. - Auliq Ice
University politics are vicious precisely because the stakes are so small. - Henry Kissinger
Though the vicious can sometimes pour affliction upon the good, their power is transient and their punishment certain; and that innocence, though oppressed by injustice, shall, supported by patience, finally triumph over misfortune! - Ann Radcliffe
The meaning of pain is different for different people ... It depends on their age, their experience and their knowledge. But the intensity of it is the same, young or old ... and unfortunately it is inevitable ... just like failure, that results in more pain ...It's a vicious cycle. - Shreyas Tripathy
Your greatest dreams will always slumber within the vicious depths of fear. - Robert M. Drake
A few alligators are naturally of the vicious type and inclined to resent it when you prod them with a stick. You can find out which ones these are by prodding them. - Will Cuppy
The more I lived with Jan, the more I loved her, the more I made her miserable. It was a vicious cycle (page 209)……The more I loved her the more I hated her. And the more she loved me, the more I harmed myself (page 269). - Marvin Gaye
Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious. - Oscar Wilde
Yesterday was the fucking history... the "Now" is the most vicious part of all... as for tomorrow it's the fucking mystery. - Deyth Banger
Vicious actions are not hurtful because they are forbidden, but forbidden because they are hurtful. - Benjamin Franklin
It hapens very often that parents think they are worred about the progress a boy is making. they do not realise that all boys are numskulls with o branes which is not surprising when you look at the parents really the whole thing goes on and on and there is no stoping it it is a vicious circle. - Geoffrey Willans
All married couples should learn the art of battle as they should learn the art of making love. Good battle is objective and honest - never vicious or cruel. Good battle is healthy and constructive, and brings to a marriage the principle of equal partnership. - Ann Landers
Human nature is not of itself vicious. - Thomas Paine
ASPERSE, v.t. Maliciously to ascribe to another vicious actions which one has not had the temptation and opportunity to commit. - Ambrose Bierce
Whoever desires to found a state and give it laws, must start with assuming that all men are bad and ever ready to display their vicious nature, whenever they may find occasion for it. - Niccolo Machiavelli
I’m tired of ignorance held up as inspiration, where vicious anti-intellectualism is considered a positive trait, and where uninformed opinion is displayed as fact. - Philip Plait
Vigilantes who executed some of the most vicious and ignoble acts of lawless brutality in U.S. history nevertheless considered those very acts to be the work of citizenship and in many cases elicited wide popular approval. - Linda Gordon
Another source of fallacy is the vicious circle of illusions which consists on the one hand of believing what we see, and on the other in seeing what we believe. - Thomas Clifford Allbutt
Richard Papen: As it happened, I knew Gartrell. He was a bad painter and a vicious gossip, with a vocabulary composed almost entirely of obscenities, gutteral verbs, and the world "postmodernist. - Donna Tartt
Little, vicious minds abound with anger and revenge, and are incapable of feeling the pleasure of forgiving their enemies. - Lord Chesterfield
You can't expect a boy to be vicious till he's been to a good school.
Societies have a peculiar way of relating, or more accurately non-relating, to rape maybe because it is so vicious, they choose to live in denial about it. - Aysha Taryam
You have to pay for this view (onto which he looks while writing), so our expenses keep us pretty motivated to write. It's a vicious cycle. - Pat Conroy
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