Quotation Explorer - 'Cycle'

The geologic cycle is a bunch of balarky. - Arthur C. Howard
The more I lived with Jan, the more I loved her, the more I made her miserable. It was a vicious cycle (page 209)……The more I loved her the more I hated her. And the more she loved me, the more I harmed myself (page 269). - Marvin Gaye
If the automobile had followed the same development cycle as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone inside. - Robert X. Cringely
As we look deeply within, we understand our perfect balance. There is no fear of the cycle of birth, life and death. For when you stand in the present moment, you are timeless. - Rodney Yee
When a cycle in your life repeats, you should troubleshot where the glitch is. Find the glitch and you will find your purposed journey. - Tanya R. Liverman
Before creation I alone was, there was no other existence of the nature of cause and effect different from Me. After the creative cycle ends also, I alone exist. For, this universe is also Myself, and when everything is dissolved in its cause in Pralaya, what remains is only Myself. - Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa
I went to Guatemala to help build a school but left wondering what "help" would really look like... I hadn't prepared myself for how humbled I'd feel, or how hard it would be to find my footing when witnessing a cycle of poverty that seemed to defy any sort of help. - Dee Williams
People who say, it is not my fault, continuously fail. People who say, I’ve done no wrong, have not done enough right. People who say, I am done! are never done repeating the cycle. Even in the privacy of our own thoughts, we can’t sow lies and reap truth. - Katina Ferguson
Education is the best way to end the cycle of poverty and the exploitation of Children - Radwan Chowdhury
Bad peoples often hunts past un-resolve haunted projection in other people's life and great peoples forgives haunted instinct nature of bad peoples let go and save the society but this war cycle will never ends. Human forgiveness will have limit. - Atif Iqbal Khan
In it's purest form, an act of retribution provides symmetry. The rendering payment of crimes against the innocent. But a danger on retaliation lies on the furthering cycle of violence. Still, it's a risk that must be met; and the greater offense is to allow the guilty go unpunished. - Emily Thorne
Those who know you, don’t know you. Those who don’t know you, want to know you; and the cycle goes on. - Vinita Kinra
My words shouldn’t be trophies to look at, but seeds to continue the cycle of Life. - Amy Layne Litzelman
Education in the key to preventing the cycle of violence and hatred that marred the 20th century from repeating itself in the 21st century. - Elie Wiesel
There is a mysterious cycle in human events. To some generations much is given. Of other generations much is expected. This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
For their menstrual cycle, women subconsciously want to punish men. - Daya Kudari
Then let's cheat god!!!!!Let's cut the cycle of Rebirth, let's Distort Nature!!The Himan technique that challenges the second law of thermodynamicts head on!!!!Thai is know as Medicine!!!!!As if i'd give my precious friend away to some god!!! - Syun Matsuena
Worrying about worrying is a dangerous cycle to fall into. People who get caught up in worry when they try to force themselves to stop worrying may want to try a different strategy acceptance. - Amanda L. Chan
It's a cycle... Religion is a source of relief for those who seek to anesthetize the pain that comes from following its beliefs. - Steve Maraboli
Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song, A medley of extemporanea; And love is a thing that can never go wrong; And I am Marie of Romania. - Dorothy Parker
Regrets are a waste of time and waste of time brings about regrets. It's the best ironic cycle after life and death! - Adhish Mazumder
Doesn't it seem more reasonable to take action to heal the social pathology that generates crime than to use gun control to blow another political toe off American liberalism during each election cycle? - Joe Bageant
Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song, A medley of extemporanea; And love is thing that can never go wrong; And I am Marie of Romania. - Dorothy Parker
When we repay unkindness with unkindness, we perpetuate the cycle of negativity within which our world is embroiled. We have the right and responsibility to choose differently. - Christopher Earle
Baba always used to say that as we age, things change, we become more rigid, and then eventually, most of us, become forgiving again. He called it the cycle of life. - Yasmine El Rashidi
Why wait for later when there might not be a later? Why wait for next time when there might not be a next time? We all have just today to express our love. If no one ever told you they loved you, then now’s the perfect time liberate yourself, break that cycle and express yourself. - Ron Baratono
We live in wonder, blaze in a cycle of passion and apprehension. - Carolyn Kizer
All we think about in the cycle of violence is men. If we miss the oestrogen factor we cannot solve the cycle of violence. We cannot bring peace to the world unless we hold women accountable and morally responsible, particularly for their attacks upon children. - Stefan Molyneux
To my own demise, I rarely ask why I’m hungry because I’m focusing all of my energies on getting fed. And if I persist in such a diminishing cycle, in all probability I will eventually starve to death because I have chosen to gorge myself on the very things that will keep me empty. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
A positive attitude leads to a positive action, which then yields a positive result. That’s how the cycle always goes. Nothing seems to be too difficult for people blessed with positive mindsets. - Kevin J. Donaldson
To focus solely on endings is to trade conclusions for the very beginnings that created them. And if this cycle should persist, we will likewise miss the beginning that will follow this ending. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The Cycle of True Love: First I see and think I love, then I say I know I love, today and forever more I decide to love. - Michael Sweeney
You can’t eat coconut without breaking its shell; you can’t succeed without breaking the cycle of failure. - Vinita Kinra
You have to pay for this view (onto which he looks while writing), so our expenses keep us pretty motivated to write. It's a vicious cycle. - Pat Conroy
The meaning of pain is different for different people ... It depends on their age, their experience and their knowledge. But the intensity of it is the same, young or old ... and unfortunately it is inevitable ... just like failure, that results in more pain ...It's a vicious cycle. - Shreyas Tripathy
We're a divided country on sexual issues. That's why every news cycle brings more controversy. - Russell D. Moore
When I left, they were stuck with the burden of finding someone else to blame for their life... Pointing their anger everywhere, but never looking in the mirror... Continuing the cycle that led to their misery. - Steve Maraboli
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