Quotation Explorer - 'Payment'

Gratitude is the payment for what we have received. It also opens our hearts to fill our lives with abundance. - Debasish Mridha
With or without payment, the work will be done. - Lailah Gifty Akita
So remember those who win the gameLose the love they sought to gainIn debitures of quality and dubious integrityTheir small-town eyes will gape at youIn dull surprise when payment dueExceeds accounts received at seventeen - Janis Ian
A sales person who makes no or less sales gets often the verbal bashing, but other sales people who make good sales keeping long payment outstanding get usually the tacit pampering. Such is the understanding of most higher-ups in an organisation about the sales & marketing. - Anuj Somany
A sales person who makes no or less sales gets often the verbal bashing, but other sales people who make good sales keeping long payment outstanding gets usually the pampering. Such is the understanding of most higher-ups in an organisation about the sales & marketing. - Anuj Somany
The man who was once starved may revenge himself upon the world not by stealing just once, or by stealing only what he needs, but by taking from the world an endless toll in payment of something irreplaceable, which is the lost faith. - Anaïs Nin
Worry is a down payment on a problem you may never have - Joyce Meyer
A client expects often the delivery of materials yesterday for the order placed to vendor today and the payment towards the despatch always on an uncertain tomorrow. - Anuj Somany
In it's purest form, an act of retribution provides symmetry. The rendering payment of crimes against the innocent. But a danger on retaliation lies on the furthering cycle of violence. Still, it's a risk that must be met; and the greater offense is to allow the guilty go unpunished. - Emily Thorne
I don't think each of us receives one harvest only--an after-death sort of payment for services rendered. I think we all get a lifetime full of little harvests--those small miracles that stand out from the rest of life, when we are one with nature, each other, and ourselves. - Janene Wolsey Baadsgaard
Worry is a down payment on a problem you may never have. It doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, just empties today of its strength. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
Economic power is exercised by means of a positive, by offering men a reward, an incentive, a payment, a value; political power is exercised by means of a negative, by the threat of punishment, injury, imprisonment, destruction. The businessman's tool is values; the bureaucrat's tool is fear. - Ayn Rand
A vacation is three times more work without the payment. - Debasish Mridha
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