The road to success leads through the valley of humility, and the path is up the ladder of patience and across the wide barren plains of perseverance. As yet, no short cut has ever been discovered.
View life through a wide angle lens attitude and see your horizons broaden. - Stephen Richards
Learning must be like a house with its door always wide open; let everything enters the house! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Happily ever after could be waiting in a field a mile wide. Or a window as narrow as seven minutes. - Kiera Cass, The Crown
No matter what life throws at you, fight with your eyes wide open to fight a good fight. - Valencia Mackie
The wide awake man seizes opportunities or makes them, and thus those who are widest awake usually come to the front. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Whenever, therefore, people are deceived and form opinions wide of the truth, it is clear that the error has slid into their minds through the medium of certain resemblances to that truth. - Socrates
A wide screen just makes a bad film twice as bad. - Samuel Goldwyn
There is a wide world out there, my friend, full of pain, but filled with joy as well. The former keeps you on the path of growth, and the latter makes the journey tolerable.
Why are you so determined to keep your wild silently inside you? Let it breathe. Give it a voice. Let it roll out of you on the wide open waves. Set it free - Jeanette LeBlanc
She's young and the world's wide open. - Jason Aldean
Beautiful sunrise in the far away mountains, painting the wide horizon with vibrant warm colors, among the chill from the morning breeze. ☥ - Luis Marques
If you have a big ego put it to wide and wise use so that it benefits and enriches everyone not just you - Rasheed Ogunlaru
The point of simple living, for me has got to be:A soft place to landA wide margin of errorRoom to breatheLots of places to find baseline happiness in each and every day - Leo Babauta
It is only a poor sort of happiness that could ever come by caring very much about our own pleasures. We can only have the highest happiness such as goes along with being a great man, by having wide thoughts and much feeling for the rest of the world as well as ourselves. - George Eliot
Oh my Valentine! I was waiting for you next to my wide open window just as a flower bud waits for the spring air to bloom. - Debasish Mridha
Trees emit a wide variety of electromagentic radiation and it is regarded as healthy to live in a natural area that is surrounded by trees due to these beneficial emissions to human health. - Steven Magee
We've become a nation of wolves, ruled by sheep.Owned by swine, overfed, and put to sleep.While the media elite declare what to think,I'll be wide awake, on the edge, and on the brink. - Otep Shamaya
The nearest thing we have to a defence against [the gods] (but there is no real defence) is to be very wide awake and sober and hard at work, to hear no music, never to look at earth or sky, and (above all) to love no one. - C.S. Lewis
Fantasy is totally wide open; all you really have to do is follow the rules you've set. But if you're writing about science, you have to first learn what you're writing about. - Octavia E. Butler
If the future historians were to digitally unearth our generation, they would decipher the facial expressions on the "Selfie's" as the generation of people suffering from wide spread constipation! - Vishwanath S J
I think that my job is to observe people and the world, and not to judge them. I always hope to position myself away from so-called conclusions. I would like to leave everything wide open to all the possibilities in the world. - Haruki Murakami
There's something intrinsically therapeutic about choosing to spend your time in a wide, open park- like setting that non-golfers can never truly understand. - Charles Rosin
If you are stealing people's thunder just by being around and standing there; you really can't expect people to like you. People want their own thunder to be heard loud and wide, not yours! Swans should never despair over ducks not liking them. - C. JoyBell C.
I will take all the action there is, and even if I fail and fail and fail and fail and fail, I know like I know, that the door to this opportunity will one day get weakened by the forces of my attempts, and break wide open for me to get in. - Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D, MBA
When the Earth basks in the Sun's brilliance, you'll find me there with my arms spread wide and my face with a smile. - Saim .A. Cheeda
Depth of understanding involves something which is more than merely a matter of deconstructive alertness; it involves a measure of interpretative charity and at least the beginnings of a wide responsiveness. - Stefan Collini
Most of us are living in a prison of our fixed, false beliefs and never try to find the door to get out to see and feel the beauty of life, even when the door is wide open and welcoming. - Debasish Mridha
There’s a small window of opportunity to apologize sometimes after you’ve terribly wronged someone. It closes. Sometimes forever, but it never opens wide enough again for a good breeze. - Darnell Lamont Walker
Open wide the mind's cage-door,She'll dart forth, and cloudward soar. - John Keats
It has been my personal experience that the government engages in a wide range of frauds with the common people. - Steven Magee
Heaven's net is wide, but its mesh is fine - Lao Tzu
Spread your courtesy across the door posts of everyone you know, but reserve your intimacy with the little trustworthy friends who are going where you are going. Get it simply: wide courtesy, narrow intimacy! - Israelmore Ayivor
Good is good and bad is bad, and nowhere is the difference between good and bad so wide and so fateful as in human character. For character makes destiny in the individual and in the race. - Edward O. Sisson
America is the land of wide lawns and narrow minds. - Ernest Hemingway
One of the most stupid things in life is not to enter the door which is wide open just because of the fear that this door will be shut and going back will be impossible! Have some courage, because even a harvest mouse leaves his hole to discover new places! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I cannot marry the facts of William Shakespeare to his verse: Other men had led lives in some sort of keeping with their thought, but this man is in wide contrast. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The only path wide for us all is love. - Kamand Kojouri
Be a Freaky world wide contagious spread - P.Arunashree
Sometimes thinking isn't thinking, it's dreaming with eyes wide open. - Goitsemang Mvula
He spoke in polished honesty free of liar's filth. He said the hardest words with an unshakable voice, a wide smile, with fear and doubt freezing over his core. The truth was the best route, but the truth could always be costly... another truth. A sad truth. - Hubert Martin
In the desert a fountain is springing, In the wide waste there still is a tree, And a bird in the solitude singing, Which speaks to my spirit of thee. - Lord Byron
First we thought the PC was a calculator. Then we found out how to turn numbers into letters with ASCII — and we thought it was a typewriter. Then we discovered graphics, and we thought it was a television. With the World Wide Web, we've realized it's a brochure. - Douglas Adams
Destiny itself is like a wonderful wide tapestry in which every thread is guided by an unspeakable tender hand, placed beside another thread and held and carried by a hundred others. - Rainer Maria Rilke
At least that was what she had told me. You never know with women. What they tell you and what they don't tell you is a very long bridge across a very wide river with all kinds of fish. - Philip Kerr
Mother's ways are higher than others, even when everyone rejects, mother accepts with her arms open and wide. - Amit Ray
...I got to chase my dream for a while, see what it's like, but this—" He stood and swept his arms wide. "This, and my family, is worth any price. - J.L. Langley
There is a wide difference between speaking to deceive, and being silent to be impenetrable. - Voltaire
No one else can speak the words on your lips Drench yourself in words unspoken Live your life with arms wide open Today is where your book begins The rest is still unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield
Smile wide to receive many smiles in return. But if you want a good laugh, smirk like a wicked, little imp and watch the range of expressions you're flashed. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I was always an unusual girl.My mother told me I had a chameleon soul, no moral compass pointing due north, no fixed personality; just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean. - Lana Del Rey
I will NEVER allow fear of the unknown to stop me from progressing forward with my life. All things are knowable. All it takes is wide open eye's, a disciplined mind and a calm heart to get anyone through the storms of life.Fear can be a tool to make you STRONGER and WISER. - Levon Peter Poe
Better to get up late and be wide awake than to get up early and be asleep all day. - Anonymous
They say it is a wide road that leads to war and only a narrow path that leads home again. - Bob Massie
The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum. - Frances E. Willard
Sometimes two people will regard each other over a gulf too wide to ever be bridged, and know immediately what could have happened, and that it never will. - Roger Ebert
Understand that sexuality is as wide as the sea. Understand that your morality is not law. Understand that we are you. Understand that if we decide to have sex whether safe, safer, or unsafe, it is our decision and you have no rights in our lovemaking. - Derek Jarman
No one knows very much about the life of another. This ignorance becomes vivid, if you love another. Love sets the imagination on fire, and, also, eventually, chars the imagination into a harder element: imagination cannot match love, cannot plunge so deep, or range so wide. - James Baldwin
The secret of happiness is this: Let your interests be as wide as possible, and let your reactions to the things and persons that interest you be as far as possible friendly rather that hostile. - Bertrand Russell
God’s genius is as wide as the cosmos, while by comparison our intelligence can find room on the head of a pin. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I was attracted to science fiction because it was so wide open. I was able to do anything and there were no walls to hem you in and there was no human condition that you were stopped from examining. - Octavia E. Butler
And it seemed at last that there were two musics progressing at one time before the seat of Ilúvatar, and they were utterly at variance. The one was deep and wide ad beautiful, but slow and blended with an immeasurable sorrow from which its beauty chiefly came. - J.R.R. Tolkien
I'd discovered that the range of beauty in breasts is wide; while one should never lightly say that a pair is ugly, one can easily say that a pair of breasts is beautiful. Hedgehogs are beautiful sometimes; so are baby pigs. - Mo Yan
A life without a VISION is a like a man who can see but does not know where he is going. That is what I call psychological blindness. Eyes wide open but does not know his destination. - Oscar Bimpong
A bit of adviceGiven to a young Native AmericanAt the time of his initiation:As you go the way of life,You will see a great chasm. Jump.It is not as wide as you think. - Joseph Campbell
Why should I cumber myself with regrets that the receiver is not capacious? It never troubles the sun that some of his rays fall wide and vain into ungrateful space, and only a small part on the reflecting planet. Let your greatness educate the crude and cold companion. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
It was nothing but a hole, a mouth open wide. You could lean over the edge and peer down to see nothing. All I knew about the well was its frightening depth. It was deep beyond measuring, and crammed full of darkness, as if all the world’s darkness had been boiled down to their ultimate density. - Haruki Murakami
Like never before the trajectories of wealth, business, and poverty can be altered in unexpected ways by women. The field of dreams is being reconstructed by technology and the knowledge economy so that the gates, ceilings, doors, and portals are wide open for all who want to play. - Lillian Gregory
Libraries can in general be too narrow or too wide for the soul. - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
Sometimes there aren't words. The silence between us is flung wide as an ocean. But I manage to reach across it, to wrap my arms around him. - Jodi Picoult
A great piece of music make people to close their eyes but a great magic effect make their eyes wide open. - Amit Kalantri
The greatest gift is the passion for reading.It is cheap, it consoles, it distracts, it excites,it gives you knowledge of the world and experience of a wide kind.It is a moral illumination. - Elizabeth Hardwick
I'd rather write poetry than watch TV it allows me to share the wide screen in me. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The universe is a million billion light-years wide, and every inch of it would kill you if you went there. This is the position of the universe with regards to human life. - Martin Amis
Anyone could see that this woman is living a nightmare. Except that she goes through her daily life wide awake, knowing that she could make a mistake at any moment. - Núria Añó
I will take all the action there is, and even if I fail and fail and fail and fail and fail, I know like I know, that the door to this opportunity will one day get weakened by the forces of my attempts, and breaks wide open for me to get in. - Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D, MBA
Look for excuses to celebrate others, and life will find a way to celebrate you.Make your life a prayer and be the light that touches lives far, wide and beyond. - Pooja Ruprell
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task. - Virgil
We have eyelids but not earlids, for the ears are the portals of learning, and Nature wanted to keep them wide open. - Baltasar Gracián
I trust people with my eyes and ears wide open. - Amit Abraham
The only path wide enough for us all is love. - Kamand Kojouri
Out upon it, I have loved Three whole days together! And am like to love three more, If it prove fair weather. Time shall moult away his wingsEre he shall discover In the whole wide world again Such a constant lover - John Suckling
Smart people still enjoy wide open spaces, much more even than their less bright neighbors, but when they hang with friends they're less happy. One theory as to why is that they feel like they're wasting time. - Satoshi Kanazawa
What she had long believed was not true, and now the world was wide open to discover what was.It is like all my life I thought the sky was green. - Shannon Hale
By nature, men are nearly alike; by practice, they get to be wide apart. - Confucius
Even though this world is narrow, it is wide... to those who understand. This world isn't the only one. - CLAMP
Risk - If one has to jump a stream and knows how wide it is, he will not jump. If he doesn't know how wide it is, he'll jump and six times out of ten he'll make it.
In my wide association in life, meeting with many and great men in various parts of the world, I have yet to find the man, however great or exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than he would ever do under a spirit of criticism. - Charles M. Schwab
As a photographer you have a deep love for light, life and yourself. You know that the eyes of love aren’t blind, they are wide open. Only when your eye, heart and soul shine brighter than the sun, you realize how ordinary it is to love the beautiful, and how beautiful it is to love the ordinary. - Marius Vieth
Compassion is like mother giving love to her children. Mother’s ways are higher than others, even when everyone rejects, mother accepts with her arms open and wide. - Amit Ray
The grandest of all laws is the law of progressive development. Under it, in the wide sweep of things, men grow wiser as they grow older, and societies better.
Those who study a wide variety of things realize that they don't know everything whereas specialists think they do. - V. R. Roadifer
If your looking for help with your weight loss, look no further. We have a wide range of diet pills & weight loss supplements to give you the boost you need. - bauernutrition
ERUDITION, n. Dust shaken out of a book into an empty skull. So wide his erudition's mighty span, He knew Creation's origin and plan And only came by accident to grief -- He thought, poor man, 'twas right to be a thief. Romach Pute - Ambrose Bierce
Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards. - Benjamin Franklin
It is books that are a key to the wide world; if you can't do anything else, read all that you can. - Jane Hamilton
We got a fightin' side a mile wide, but we pray for peace 'cause it's mostly us that end up servin' overseas. - Josh Thompson
This is new territory; a bridge between the conservative and conventional lit mag tradition and those colourful speculation-driven pamphlets that you find in stacks by the coffee-shop door, full of zombies and vampires and crashing space ships. This is a serious journal with a wide aesthetic. - The Review Review
Vigilantes who executed some of the most vicious and ignoble acts of lawless brutality in U.S. history nevertheless considered those very acts to be the work of citizenship and in many cases elicited wide popular approval. - Linda Gordon
There is no den in the wide world to hide a rogue. Commit a crime and the earth is made of glass. Commit a crime, and it seems as if a coat of snow fell on the ground, such as reveals in the woods the track of every partridge, and fox, and squirrel. - Ralph Waldo Emerson