Quotation Explorer - 'Billion'

There's a reason why I've spent one-third of my life doing this. My dream is to meet and connect 3 billion young people of the world to information and opportunities in my lifetime. - Sharad Vivek Sagar
There are 7+ Billion People on Earth, but How many of them are Humans? - Amit Gupta
If you can count your money, you don't have a billion dollars. - J. Paul Getty
According to inflation, the more than 100 billion galaxies, sparkling throughout space like heavenly diamonds, are nothing but quantum mechanics writ large across the sky. To me, this realization is one of the greatest wonders of the modern scientific age. - Brian Greene
Could a being create the fifty billion galaxieseach with two hundred billion starsthen rejoice in the smell of burning goat flesh? - Ron Patterson
If you're "one in a million", and the world is full of seven billion people, that means there are seven thousand people just like you. - Jeff Goins
The western average human lifespan is 2.5 billion seconds (or 77 years). Here are 2 time-dilating perception strategies to enhance one's allocated living time: 1.Make choices. 2.Focus on your best qualities. - Nodas
Life is a whim of several billion cells to be you for a while - Groucho Marx
For those who talks about the perfection of god in making human.....Its his success after billion years of experiments out of millions of other useless creatures - er.teji
Hell, we spent $200 Billion to get a scared guy who needed a shave out of a fox-hole! And he may even die of prostate cancer before we even get a chance to try him, dammit! - Ted Turner
If one billion of you watch and do not intercede as one million of you assent to the one thousand who participate in the murder of a child, then one billion of you are a billion times guilty. - Compton Gage
You're my Star, a stargazer too,and I wish that I were Heaven,with a billion eyes to look at you! - Plato
Im not going to change my ways, just to please you or appease you, inside a crowd five billion proud willing to punch it out, right, wrong, weak strong, ashes to ashes all fall down. - Dave Matthews Band
The universe is a million billion light-years wide, and every inch of it would kill you if you went there. This is the position of the universe with regards to human life. - Martin Amis
She was a universe holding a billion galaxies in her heart. - Pradeep Kumar
What civilization is, is 6 billion people trying to make themselves happy by standing on each other's shoulders and kicking each other's teeth in. It's not a pleasant situation. - Terence McKenna
The phone company handles 84 billion calls a year --- everything from kings, queens, and presidents to the scum of the earth.
How is it that we have over 6 billion people in the world and half of them feel alone? - Nikki Rowe
God has given us more than fourteen billion cells and connections in our brain. Why would God give us such a complex organ system unless he expects us to use it? - Ben Carson
I independently produce scientific advancements to share with everyone, and that is over seven billion people! - Steven Magee
It takes writing a billion bad words before you get to the good ones. - Ray Bradbury
We have won the time lottery of the last 4 billion years. - Stefan Molyneux
The universe is more than thirteen billion years old. What is the value of a single kiss compared to that? - Shaun David Hutchinson
Oh, I don't blame Congress. If I had $600 billion at my disposal, I'd be irresponsible, too. - Lichty and Wagner
Remind me to write an article on the compulsive reading of news. The theme will be that most neuroses can be traced to the unhealthy habit of wallowing in the troubles of five billion strangers.
I'm the only person I know that's lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year.... It's very character-building. - Steve Jobs
Unrequited love is a billion times less intolerable than unrequited hate. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
In my relationship, she is my woman and I am her man. This designation is not one of ownership, but of passion. It is a loving and passionate expression that reflects the truth that out of over seven billion people in the world, she is my ONE. - Steve Maraboli
The odds of finding the one you truly love above all else, is about 1 in 4 billion. The odds that the person you love, loves you back... don't even dream about it, it's not going to happen. Most couples today do not revolve around real love. - Dylan West
Out of the seven billion people sharing the planet with her, not one of them knew what was going through her head. Not one of them knew she was lost. Not one of them asked. - Amy Zhang
Dear billion dollar eyes they are a paupers dream - Amit Abraham
A billion stars above us coat the sky white. It would have been beautiful back home, but not here. Here it is the ever present reminder that we are all alone and insignificant. - Jennifer Arnett
The most extensive computation known has been conducted over the last billion years on a planet-wide scale: it is the evolution of life. The power of this computation is illustrated by the complexity and beauty of its crowning achievement, the human brain.
Is it not careless to become too local when there are four hundred billion stars in our galaxy alone? - A. R. Ammons
You are judged more by what you do passively than by what you do actively. If one billion of you watch and do not intercede as one million of you assent to the one thousand who participate in the murder of a child, then one billion of you are a billion times guilty. - Compton Gage
We are one species out of a billion - Hiba Fatima Ahmad
Most of the seven billion people in this world suffer from malnutrition. Half do not have enough to eat and the rest of us eat too much. - Earle Gray
Organized crime in America takes in over forty billion dollars a year and spends very little on office supplies. - Woody Allen
There are 10^11 stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge number. But it's only a hundred billion. It's less than the national deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers. Now we should call them economical numbers. - Richard Feynman
It is possible to stand beneath the light of a billion stars and still be in the dark. - Marty Rubin
There’s 6.5 billion people curled up like fists protesting death, but every breath we take has to be given back; a nine year old boy taught me that. - Shane L. Koyczan
A billion stars go spinning through the night, / glittering above your head, / But in you is the presence that will be / when all the stars are dead. - Rainer Maria Rilke
A billion here, a billion there - pretty soon it adds up to real money. - Senator Everett Dirksen
if there are many choices of 3.4 billion women/men in this world (2010 statistic: 65% from overall population or 2,2 billion are 15-64 years old women/men) , why should be narrowed with only view to the same beliefs ? - cG9sYXJhZGl0aWE=
Over seven billion people exist and not one has your set of fingerprints. That sets you apart from anyone who has or ever will walk the face of this earth. You bring something to the table of life that no one else can, so bring it! - DeWayne Owens
In any sane society, a farmer is a billion times more important than an economist. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Night was spreading slowly around the spinning Earth. It should have been full of pinpricks of light. It was not. There were five billion people down there. What was going to happen soon would make barbarism look like a picnic - hot, nasty, and eventually given over to the ants. - Neil Gaiman
If I had the power to burn evil over 6 billion people wouldn't be alive today. - Daniel Marques
A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon it adds up to real money. - Senator Everett Dirksen
There are a billion people in China. It's not easy to be an individual in a crowd of more than a billion people. Think of it. More than a BILLION people. That means even if you're a one-in-a-million type of guy, there are still a thousand guys exactly like you." - A. Whitney Brown
The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent. - Bill Gates
The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one. - Erma Bombeck
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