It is ironic that even today men are judged by how much they have and women by how they look while both should be judged by how they act. - Sabine Shah
A man's worth can be judged through those who dislike him. - Bill Loguidice
She was wise enough to hold her tongue. As this is the only instance known of a Woman's ever having done so, it was judged worthy to be recorded here. - Matthew Lewis
The world is unbearably ugly when beauty is judged purely by what is seen on the outside. - Sarah Brownlee
Saints should always be judged guilty until they are proved innocent. - George Orwell
The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons. - Fyodor Dostoevsky
Beauty isin't judged by the size of your jeans. - Jack Barakat
In the end, people will not be judged by the darkness they lived in, but by the light they rejected. - Anthony Liccione
In god we trust.. everyone else will and shall be judged.. make peace with it - Prabhu Subramanian
Art finds her own perfection within, and not outside of, herself.She is not to be judged by any external standard of resemblance. - Oscar Wilde
A country can be judged by the quality of its proverbs. - German Proverb
Every advantage in the past is judged in the light of the final issue. - Demosthenes
I think that, as life is action and passion, it is required of a man that he should share the passion and action of his time at peril of being judged not to have lived - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
Man is seldom judged on the basis of his good deeds. If bad in past the good in present doesn’t matter ; if bad in present the good done in past is forgotten. That's human!! - Mehnaz Ansari
On a planet where for thousands of years, even today, a woman's worth has been judged exclusively by the productivity of her womb, what the hell is the point of a barren woman? - Elissa Stein and Susan Kim
Be jealous of fellow men, but of those men who are pious - your fellow men who are honest, sincere and loyal with their friends, family and teachings of their Creator. See everyone as equal and wish no harm on anyone - who are we to judge each other when we are being judged by our Creator. - Mizan Chaudhury
You are judged many times more by what you give assent to others doing than what you do yourself. If one million of you give assent to the one thousand who participate in the murder of a child, then one million of you are a million times guilty. - Compton Gage
OUTCOME, n. A particular type of disappointment. By the kind of intelligence that sees in an exception a proof of the rule the wisdom of an act is judged by the outcome, the result. This is immortal nonsense; the wisdom of an act is to be juded by the light that the doer had when he performed it. - Ambrose Bierce
I have always felt that a politician is to be judged by the animosities he excites among his opponents. - Sir Winston Churchill
Advice is judged by results, not by intentions. - Cicero
In the end, people should be judged by their actions, since in the end, it was actions that defined everyone. - Nicholas Sparks
He judged the instant and let go; he flung himself loose into the stars. - Annie Dillard
A civilization must be judged by its standards not by its expenditure. - Amit Kalantri
Try to be "good", you'll be judged. Try to be yourself, you'll be criticized. Therefore, choose the second option. Evil uses the "nice good people" as puppets. It appears dressed as a poor guy, telling them that he needs help...When these people realize they have been used, it is already too late. - Paulo Coelho
We tend to be judged because of our actions. - Roxy Writer
In the words of Agatha Swanburne, founder of Swanburne Academy, "Every book is judged by its cover until it is read. - Maryrose Wood
It will be the kiss by which all others in your life will be judged... and found wanting. - Anthony Hopkins
When you are being judged by someone that has no idea who you are always remember this: Dogs always bark at strangers and usually there is always some wacko neighbor that wants to try out their new gun on an intruder. - Shannon L. Alder
Feel pity for the person who judged you rudely. For they are selfish in their judgment, trying to make their life feel just a little bit better. It was never about you it was all about them. - Ron Baratono
A man should never be judged by his skill, talent, colour, financial or political status, facial beauty and level of education but by the quality of his character. - Paul Bamikole
Don't live to be judged for what you haven't done. Live to be judged for what you have done. - Stephen Richards
A man is judged by his deeds, not by his words. - Russian Proverb
You are judged more by what you do passively than by what you do actively. - Compton Gage
The reason you are suffering now, Is because you judged wrongly people whom you should be asking help from. You have judged them based on your own personal past experience and others you have shame them and look down unto them because of your pride. - De philosopher DJ Kyos
One's past is what one is. It is the only way by which people should be judged. - Oscar Wilde
When One judges another, they unconsciously allow themselves to be judged. - Steven Farmer
You are judged many times more by what you give assent to others doing than what you do yourself. - Compton Gage
A novel must be judged on its merits, not on how hard the journey was to write it. - Johnny Rich
I’ve often said a man’s character is not judged after he celebrates a victory, but by what he does when his back is against the wall. So no matter how great the setback, how severe the failure, you never give up. - John Cena
The majority of everything has always been judged and manipulated by and on a minority's deeds - Deon Potgieter
Beauty of trees is not judged by shape, size and species, then why ours? - Vinita Kinra
A man should not be judged by his fame, power, or money, but rather by how much love he gives to others. - Sandranil Biswas
It's not the nineteenth century; I'm not meant to be judged on how good a housekeeper I am. Getting down on the floor with a lemon and a bucket of vinegar does not make me a better person. - Emily Matchar
You are judged many times more by what you do in groups than for what you do as individuals. - Compton Gage
You are judged more by what you do passively than by what you do actively. If one billion of you watch and do not intercede as one million of you assent to the one thousand who participate in the murder of a child, then one billion of you are a billion times guilty. - Compton Gage
I don't like to sit around and judge others as I don't like to be judged myself. - Britney Spears
You are not judged by your success, but rather, how you respond to your failures. - T.W. Brown
A man's final query is determined by how well he acts under pressure. If man can control his demeanor under extreme stress, he will be judged in a positive way. - Angela Khristin Brown
Appreciation and enjoyment of the creatures are the hallmark of God's dominion and therefore the standard by which our own attempt to exercise dominion must be judged. - Ellen F. Davis
Now hear of the new judgement. You are judged many times more by what you do in groups than for what you do as individuals. - Compton Gage
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. - Mahatma Gandhi
More often than not, you will never be judged by your intentions because the world can't read minds and very few will know the heart of a person they have not given time to know personally. - Shannon L. Alder
A true opium of the people is a belief in nothingness after death - the huge solace of thinking that for our betrayals, greed, cowardice, murders we are not going to be judged. - Czesław Miłosz
You are judged many times more by what you do in groups than for what you do as individuals. If one thousand of you participate in the murder of one child, then one thousand of you are a thousand times guilty. - Compton Gage
You must know that it is by the state of the lavatory that a family is judged. - Pope John XXIII
At the end of your lives you will not be judged by academic successes, the degrees or diplomas earned, the positions held, the material wealth acquired, or power and prestige, but rather on the basis of what you have become as persons and what you are in conduct and character. - Howard W. Hunter
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. I hold that the more helpless a creature the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of humankind. - Mahatma Gandhi
Judge not lest ye be judged yourself. - Metallica
When you have left your life, you will be judged not for your possessions but for your contributions. - Debasish Mridha
We cannot consent to be judged by someone who has suffered less than ourselves. And since each of us regards himself as an unrecognized Job... - Emil Cioran
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. - Martin Luther King Jr.
They judged me like they would judge themselves and that's what they could never understand, we are all human but we are not the same. - Nikki Rowe