Quotation Explorer - 'Merits'

The person who knows one thing and does it better than anyone else, even if it only be the art of raising lentils, receives the crown he merits. If he raises all his energy to that end, he is a benefactor of mankind and its rewarded as such. - Og Mandino
A novel must be judged on its merits, not on how hard the journey was to write it. - Johnny Rich
Why the histories of states should have so persistently insinuated themselves in the place that might have been occupied by peoples merits reflection. - James C. Scott
Whatever we may think of the merits of torturing children for pleasure, and no doubt there is much to be said on both sides, I am sure we all agree that it should be done with sterilized instruments. - G.K. Chesterton
Nature evaluates a character on the basis of its merits, not demerits. - Raheel Farooq
Don't look for more honor than your learning merits. - Jewish Proverb
Riches and power are but gifts of blind fate, whereas goodness is the result of one's own merits. - Heloise
We ought not to judge of men's merits by their qualifications, but by the use they make of them. - Richard Cecil
It's better to find success through God, than finding it on one's own merits; some who usually find their own success become boastful, where through God it's with gratitude. - Anthony Liccione
If you wish in this world to advance, your merits you're bound to enhance; You must stir it and stump it, and blow your own trumpet, or trust me, you haven't a chance. - W. S. Gilbert
Jealousy would be far less torturous if we understood that love is a passion entirely unrelated to our merits. - Paul Eldridge
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