The middle class were invented to give the poor hope; the poor, to make the rich feel special; the rich, to humble the middle class. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
When I feed the poor, they call me a saint, but when I ask why the poor are hungry, they call me a communist. - Dom Helder Camara
The poor want to be rich, the rich want to be God. - Marty Rubin
It's okay to be proud of your good English. But don't be proud of being poor at your Mother tongue. Only the scum of the earth do that. - Manasa Rao Saarloos
Nothing is really beautiful unless it is useless; everything useful is ugly, for it expresses a need, and the needs of man are ignoble and disgusting, like his poor weak nature. The most useful place in a house is the lavatory. - Théophile Gautier
When you live your life by poor standards, you inflict damage on everyone who crosses your path, especially those you love. - Jordan Belfort
Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the general prey of the rich on the poor. - Thomas Jefferson
(Parody that is often falsely believed to be a true quote of Mariah Carey's) Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that but not with all those flies and death and stuff. - MAD Magazine
Good name in man and woman, dear my lord, Is the immediate jewel of their souls: Who steals my purse steals trash; 'tis something, nothing; 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands; But he that filches from me my good name Robs me of that which not enriches him And makes me poor indeed. - William Shakespeare
You can rob from the poor to give to the rich. It's legal. - Marty Rubin
It is as difficult for most poor people to truly believe that they could someday escape poverty as it is for most wealthy people to truly believe that their wealth could someday escape them. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
And please return it. You may think this a strange request, but I find that although my friends are poor arithmeticians, they are nearly all of them good bookkeepers. - Walter Scott
If your expenditure brings you poverty, then you may call yourself a poor but the world will call you a fool. - Amit Kalantri
History is written by the rich, and so the poor get blamed for everything. - Jeffrey D. Sachs
Alone.Yes,that's the key word, the most awful word in the English tongue. Murder doesn't hold a candle to it and hell is only a poor synonym. - Stephen King
The affluence of the rich excites the indignation of the poor, who are often both driven by want, and prompted by envy, to invade his possessions. - Adam Smith
From what I could see, men or women, children or adults, young or aged, rich or poor, war was making everyone equal. - Alephonsion Deng
The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by small children and large nations. - David M. Friedman
The rich spend their life living; the poor spend their life making a living. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Be rich to yourself and poor to your friends. - Juvenal
The game of life is not much in holding a good hand, as in playing a poor hand well.
The truth is sometimes a poor competitor in the market place of ideas – complicated, unsatisfying, full of dilemmas, always vulnerable to misinterpretation and abuse. - George F. Kennan
I believe, and I say it is true Democratic feeling, that all the measures of the government are directed to the purpose of making the rich richer and the poor poorer. - William Henry Harrison
If you understand this basic concept, it becomes clear that every spending decision is a spiritual decision. Waste, for example, is not a squandering of our resources. It is a poor use of His. - James C. Dobson
Poor parents tend to follow[...] a strategy of "accomplishment of natural growth". - Malcolm Gladwell
Nothing humbles a rich man better than a poor man that isn’t willing to do ‘anything’ for money. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. - John F. Kennedy
All my businesses are scrupulously legal. Not because I have any moral problems with crime. It just makes my life easier to obey the law. Crime is for poor people; you don't need to rob the bank if you own it. - Josh Lieb
Calamity with us, is made an excuse for doing wrong. With them, it is erected into a reason for their doing right. This is really the justice of rich to poor, and I protest against it because it is so. - Charles Dickens
Feeding the starving poor only increases their number.
I am tired of the sickening sight of the battlefield with its mangled corpses & poor suffering wounded. Victory has no charms for men when purchased at such cost. - Civil War general George McClelland, quoted in Surgeon in Blue
Leadership or being a leader is not measured on our power, rich or poor, the age and status in life. It is about the willingness to be able to help and inspire others. - Kiarra Neri
To learn why a country or society is developed or poor, don’t study their financial condition but do a psychoanalysis of them. Most often, the development of a country or society depends on thoughts and ideas and not on their financial condition. - Debasish Mridha
The greater evil who is in-When both in wayward paths are straying? The poor sinner for the painOr he who pays for the sin? - Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Markets cannot meet the needs of the very poor. The desperately poor are not consumers who will create an immediate profit. - Jeffrey D. Sachs
Miss Brooke had that kind of beauty which seems to be thrown into relief by poor dress. - George Eliot
You must welcome bounty whenever it comes, hunti man. It is often inconvenient. But if you insist on accepting it only when it suits your schedule, you will find yourself very poor. - Sharon Shinn
As usual, in every scheme that worsens the position of the poor, it is the poor who are invoked as beneficiaries. - Vandana Shiva
We are all poor in the face of God's majesty. Not all of us realise it. - Radhe Maa
You've no idea what a poor opinion I have of myself-and how little I deserve it. - W. S. Gilbert
Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs. - Zig Ziglar
If our church is not marked by caring for the poor, the oppressed, the hungry, we are guilty of heresy. - Ignatius of Loyola
Luck's the word those with poor hearts use for ka... - Stephen King
One kernel is felt in a hogshead; one drop of water helps to swell the ocean; a spark of fire helps to give light to the world. None are too small, too feeble, too poor to be of service. Think of this and act. - Hannah More
Content makes poor men rich; discontentment makes rich men poor. - Benjamin Franklin
He possessed an unflinching belief that all people — the poor, children, the elderly — were human assets, waiting to be developed so they could earn their success. - Arthur C. Brooks
The poor fool hadn't realized that if all mankind shares a folly or an illusion, and likes to share it even knowing what it is, then the illusion is much more valuable and fine a kind of thing than the ass who wants to upset it. - John Dickson Carr
The rich will make temples for Siva. What shall I, a poor man, do? My legs are pillars, the body the shrine, the head the cupola of gold. - Basava
The surest way to remain poor is to be honest. - Napoléon Bonaparte
Spike (to Giles) : Oh, poor Watcher. Did your life pass before your eyes — 'Cuppa tea, cuppa tea... almost got shagged... cuppa tea'? - Marti Noxon, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Poor people do not go on holiday; they go home. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I cannot rest, I must draw, however poor the result, and when I have a bad time come over me it is a stronger desire than ever. - Beatrix Potter
Jesus never says to the poor: ‘come find the church’, but he says to those of us in the church: ‘go into the world and find the poor, hungry, homeless, imprisoned. - Tony Campolo
The poor on the borderline of starvation live purposeful lives. To be engaged in a desperate struggle for food and shelter is to be wholly free from a sense of futility. - Eric Hoffer
O, she is rich in beauty, only poor that, when she dies, with beauty dies her store. - William Shakespeare
How poor are they that have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees? - William Shakespeare
People are not poor because they do not have money; they are poor because they do not have knowledge. - Bidemi Mark-Mordi
It is very expensive to give bad medical care to poor people in a rich country. - Paul Farmer
Outside show is a poor substitution for inner worth. - Aesop
Life is a banquet, and most poor bastards are starving to death.
I'd rather be poor to my bones than be rich with your money, that is like a trigger, ready to be pulled in my face. - Nema Al-Araby
Though men can cover crimes with bold stern looks, poor women's faces are their own faults' books. - William Shakespeare
Leadership or being a leader is not measured on our power, rich or poor, the and status in life. It is about the willingness to be able to help and inspire others. - Kiarra Neri
The presence of even a single poor child on the street means a million defeats for mankind. - Mehmet Murat ildan
Spontaneous insanity is the real bliss! It's sad that we are honored for playing sane, serious, safe, miserable and controlling in this poor world. - Saurabh Sharma
Democracy is the process to elect government of the upper-class people, by the poor people and for the corporate people. - Nilesh (Neil) jain
Back in Russia we were dirt-poor. Here in the West we are still poor but have risen above the dirt to tower alongside stalks of grass! - Vera Nazarian
One honest John Tompkins, a hedger & ditcher, Although he was poor, did not want to be richer;For all such vain wishes in him were preventedBy a fortunate habit of being contented. - Jane Taylor
The onion is the truffle of the poor. - Robert J. Courtine
Outside show is a poor substitute for inner worth. - Unknown
In a materialistic society, the dead body of a rich man’s dog is regarded as a corpse; that of a poor man, a carcass. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A country is poor not because they have no wealth but because they have no good ideas. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
Unnecessary spending makes another man rich and another man poor. - Cyc Jouzy
By giving away we feel rich; by hoarding we feel poor. - Debasish Mridha
Our Beasts and our Thieves and our ChattelsHave weight for good or for ill;But the Poor are only His image,His presence, His word, His will; -And so Lazarus lies at our doorstepAnd Dives neglects him still. - Adelaide Anne Procter
But it was not the poor who ate the zoo animals in Paris. - Ceridwen Dovey
If we stand passively by while the centre of each city becomes a hive of depravation, crime and hopelessness…if we become two people, the suburban affluent and the urban poor, each filled with mistrust and fear for the other…then we shall effectively cripple each generation to come. - Lyndon B. Johnson
The honest poor can sometimes forget poverty. The honest rich can never forget it. - G. K. Chesterton
I don't care how poor and inefficient a little country is; they like to run their own business. I know men that would make my wife a better husband than I am; but, darn it, I'm not going to give her to 'em. - Will Rogers
Lie: A very poor substitute for the truth, but the only one discovered to date. - Unknown
Anyone who seesbeauty and doesnot look atit will soonbe poor. - Yoruba Proverb
You can NEVER be poor by giving and showing love to others. - Kemi Sogunle
When shit becomes valuable, the poor will be born without assholes. - Henry Miller
A commitment to sexual equality with men is a commitment to becoming the rich instead of the poor, the rapist instead of the raped, the murderer instead of the murdered. - Andrea Dworkin
A business that makes nothing but money is a poor kind of business. - Henry Ford
Then I made her understand that, where she was concerned, I was only a poor dog, ready to die for her. But that she could marry the young man she pleased because she had cried with me, and mingled her tears with mine. ~ Erik - Gaston Leroux
Look too on this poor planet of ours,Torn by the storms of mysterious powers,Evil contending with good from its birth,Wrenching in battle the heartstrings of earth,—Ah! what infinities circle us here,Strangeness and wonderment swathing the sphere! - Martin Farquhar Tupper
There is a kind of virtue that lies not in extraordinary actions, not in saving poor orphans from burning buildings, but in steadfastly working for a world where orphans are not poor and buildings comply with decent fire codes. - Randy Cohen
We were not born into this life knowingthat we were going to becomerich or poor, striving or with a celeb status, sick or healthy.But one thing that I know is thatthe human mind is a powerful tool to achieve success. No matter the circumstances,greatness is when you pushyourself above the odds. - Henry Johnson Jr
poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master. - Leonardo da Vinci
The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning and inhibit clarity. - Bill Watterson
Poor people have been voting for big government liberalism for 50 years... and they are still poor. - Charles Barkley
By helping the poor, we must be able to remove their poverty. By extending help to one here and one there in the form of providing food will not remove poverty. - Periyar E.V. Ramasamy
An honorable man has a heart for the poor and vulnerable in our society. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
How poor you are, September. You make my heart groan. I know about Homesickness. It begins with H. What will you do? - Catherynne M. Valente
The rich, the poor, the high professor and the prophane [sic], seem all to be infected with this grievous disorder, so that the love of our neighbor seems to be quite banished, the love of self and opinions so far prevails. - Christopher Marshall
A poor person isn't he who has little, but he who needs a lot. - German Proverb
Strange, to see what delight we married people have to see these poor fools decoyed into our condition, every man and wife gazing and smiling at them. - Samuel Pepys
Leftovers are less tasty if they were left over by someone else, unless you are poor. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Love makes you the richest person in the world, no matter how poor you are. - Matshona Dhliwayo
A clear conscience is due to a poor memory. - R.J. Newman
The paperback is very interesting but I find it will never replace the hardcover book -- it makes a very poor doorstop. - Alfred Hitchcock
When I feed the poor, they call me a saint, but when I ask why the poor are hungry, they call me a communist. Dom Helder Camara – one of the great prophets of Christian "Liberation theology". - Dom Helder Camara Archbishop of Recife in Brazil
No man is poor in real terms, because every man owns a great treasure: Existence! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Efficiency was just a measurement of how fast money moved from the poor to the rich. We prefer the opposite of efficiency, which is to say, justice. - Kim Stanley Robinson
No one is too poor to give a smile - a gift, often, of greater consequence than any sum of money. - Vironika Tugaleva
There's only one thing worse than being sick...and that's being sick and poor. - Lou Silluzio
It is a poor critic who says that a lack of effect on them implies all others are insincere in their love. - Kieron Gillen
Whomsoever I love and hate, my principle is the same. That is, the educated, the rich and the administrators should not suck the blood of the poor. - Periyar E.V. Ramasamy
Do not waste your time on Social Questions. What is the matter with the poor is Poverty what is the matter with the rich is Uselessness. - George Bernard Shaw
Take it from Richard, poor and lame, what's begun in anger ends in shame. - Benjamin Franklin
These days, it's better to look poor and be safe, than look rich and be a victim. - Anthony Liccione
You are only a poor person if you are not happy with what you have. - Debasish Mridha
The heart of a Christian, who believes and feels, cannot pass the hardships and deprivations of the poor without helping them. - Louis Guanella
Perhaps these pages are more particularly addressed to poor students. As for the rest of my readers, they will accept such portions as apply to them. I trust that none will stretch the seams in putting on the coat, for it may do good service to him whom it fits. - Henry David Thoreau
There is a fascination here that holds rich and poor, strong and weak captive,not with chains and fetters but by an almost touchable solace... - Barbara Woodall
But I, being poor, have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.
Religion without humanity is poor human stuff. - Sojourner Truth
Education...beyond all other devices of human origin, is a great equalizer of conditions of men --the balance wheel of the social machinery...It does better than to disarm the poor of their hostility toward the rich; it prevents being poor. - Horace Mann
A thousand pounds for clothes--when on thinks how long poor people could live on it! When one thinks how long we could live on it, for that matter! - Dodie Smith
The poor complain that they are governed badly. The rich complain that they are governed at all. - G. K. Chesterton
By desiring little, a poor man makes himself rich. - Democritus
It is the consumers who make poor people rich and rich people poor. - Ludwig von Mises
The road to wealth is sown with false starts and failures that should in no way discourage the poor who make good or our neighbors with new found riches. We have to give it our all. - Roberto Bolaño
Income inequality has no necessary connection with poverty, the lack of material resources for a decent life, such as adequate food, shelter, and clothing. A society with great income inequality may have no poor people, and a society with no income inequality may have nothing but poor people. - Robert Higgs
It's better to be poor but rich in love than rich but poor in love. - Debasish Mridha
Who says that money don't matter?If you are Rich all the world will know about you, if you are poor no one give a crap about what it's happening to you!"Life It's Short, enjoy this moment. - Ebelsain Villegas
Pain does not differentiate between rich and poor or Christian and Buddhist. It brings the same feelings to everyone. - Debasish Mridha
I can only say that I am nothing but a poor sinner, trusting in Christ alone for salvation. - Robert E. Lee
The poor lack much, the greedy everything. - Publilius Syrus
She held out a small voice recorder. 'By the way, could you describe exactly how you felt at the moment of impact? I'm writing this short story--''Put that away, Hazel,' hissed Mam. 'The poor boy is in pain.'Hazel persisted. 'Would that be a white-hot pain? Or more of a dull throbbing pain? - Eoin Colfer
Nations are not poor or rich because of their wealth but exceptional morality. - M.F. Moonzajer
The tragedy of the poor is that they can afford nothing but self denial. - Oscar Wilde
Life… For some it is battle for others its dance...For rich it is party for poor it is chance! - Nino Varsimashvili
He had so much money that he could afford to look poor. - Edgar Wallace
Those who are rich cannot see reasons for poor becoming poorer and those who are poor cannot see reasons for rich getting richer. - Santosh Kalwar
I am a gentleman: I live by robbing the poor. - George Bernard Shaw
No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable. - Adam Smith
The meekest of animals will fight bravely when it is backed against a wall, for it has nothing left to lose. A poor man is more deadly than a rich man because he puts less value on his own life.
ACQUAINTANCE, n. A person whom we know well enough to borrow from, but not well enough to lend to. A degree of friendship called slight when its object is poor or obscure, and intimate when he is rich or famous. - Ambrose Bierce
i had a dream that there were these huge indoor swimming pools called 'lobbies' that poor people used to do mass amounts of laundry - Megan Boyle
When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the edges of your field or pick the fallen fruit. Leave these for the poor and the stranger. - Leviticus 19:10
We now in the United States have more security guards for the rich than we have police services for the poor districts. If you're looking for personal security, far better to move to the suburbs than to pay taxes in New York. - John Kenneth Galbraith
The meaning of life. The wasted years of life. The poor choices of life. God answers the mess of life with one word: 'grace. - Max Lucado
The walls are the publishers of the poor. - Eduardo Galeano
In war, the strong make slaves of the weak, and in peace the rich makes slaves of the poor. - Oscar Wilde
For the poor always ye have with you. - Bible
To see a man’s true colors, tell him you’re saving yourself for marriage. To see a woman’s true colors, tell her you’re poor. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Alone. Yes, that's the key word, the most awful word in the English tongue. Murder doesn't hold a candle to it and hell is only a poor synonym. - Stephen King
A rich person is just a poor person with a crown and elaborate clothing, and a poor person is just a rich person with a crownless head and ragged clothing. - Zanjabil
Only poor people know the true meanings to feelings. - - Jessiie Mahadeo
Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind. - William Shakespeare
He who desires is always poor. - Claudianus
Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.
If you have nothing but compassion, you are still very wealthy; if you have everything but compassion, you are still very poor! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I would rather belong to a poor nation that was free than to a rich nation that had ceased to be in love with liberty. But we shall not be poor if we love liberty, because the nation that loves liberty truly sets every man free to do his best and be his best. - Woodrow Wilson
Poor animals! How jealously they guard their pathetic bodies…that which to us is merely an evening’s meal, but to them is life itself. - T. Casey Brennan
After staring at the poor in the eyes, my thoughts on how best to help people have dramatically changed. - Moutasem Algharati
You don't need great faith to move mountains, you only need to use the poor faith you say you have. - Neil Velez
Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson
He had learned over the years that poor people did not feel so poor when allowed to give occasionally. - Lawana Blackwell
The Gospel takes away our right forever, to discriminate between the deserving and the undeserving poor. - Dorothy Day
When I was earning, saving, and spending, I felt poor. When I started to give away some of my earning for good purposes, abundance filled my heart. - Debasish Mridha
[Memory is] a man's real possession...In nothing else is he rich, in nothing else is he poor. - Alexander Smith
God has always been hard on the poor. - Jean-Paul Marat
For once in life i want no one to judge me ,not my parents not my friends no one..For once in life i want to do what i want and live everyday like no tomorrow will come .For once in life i want to know the purpose we are here . I know its not money, no religion ,no rich and poor - kanav sharma
No one is poor who has an abundance of love to share with others. - Debasish Mridha
The death-knell of the republic had rung as soon as the active power became lodged in the hands of those who sought, not to do justice to all citizens, rich and poor alike, but to stand for one special class and for its interests as opposed to the interests of others. - Theodore Roosevelt
Let your work speak for itself:If poor, it will remain silent.If average, it will whisper.If good, it will talk.If great, it will shout.If genius, it will sing. - Matshona Dhliwayo
A rich man who robs from the poor is really a pauper in the land of morality. - Dennis Adonis
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy. - Edgar Bergen
The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets and to steal bread. - Anatole France
I would rather be a poor man in a garret with plenty of books than a king who did not love reading. - Thomas Babington Macaulay
Anger makes dull men witty, but it keeps them poor. - Elizabeth I
A free and prosperous society has no fear of anyone entering it. But a welfare state is scared to death of every poor person who tries to get in and every rich person who tries to get out. - Harry Browne
You're very beautiful, dear', she said, 'what nationality are you, Indian?''No', I smiled, 'I'm Aboriginal.'She looked at me in shock. 'You can't be,' she said.'I am.''Oh, you poor thing,' she said, putting her arm around me, 'what on earth are you going to do? - Sally Morgan
Rich or poor, money rules with an iron fist. - Gary Hopkins
Pay attention… How a person handles poor cell service, traffic, and spotty wifi is a good indicator of how they’ll behave during relationship challenges. - Steve Maraboli
Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defense of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all. - Adam Smith
Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity over humanity, nothing exceeds most of the criticisms made on the habits of the poor by the well-housed, well- warmed, and well-fed. - Herman Melville
O God! I ask You for the means to do good, to avoid evil and to love the poor.
No matter how rich or poor you are, all life will come to an halt with two types of destinations; Heaven and Hell. - Callum Illman
If the rich could hire other people to die for them, the poor could make a wonderful living. - Yiddish Proverb
The difference between the rich and the poor, is finding true love. - Anthony Liccione
A species to consider the rich soil to be poor than the refined Gold, Humans - Goitsemang Mvula
O love! Poor love! How did you pierce my heart? How did touch my soul?How did you win my mind?The judgmental ever-complaining mind. - Debasish Mridha
It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor. - Seneca
No matter how rich or poor you are, all life will come to a sudden halt to travel into two types of destinations; Heaven and Hell. - Callum Illman
The poor wish to be rich, the rich wish to be happy, the single wish to be married, and the married wish to be dead. - Ann Landers
Katie shook her head in dismay. I thought being poor was the worst thing that could happen to a girl.No, Katie, the countess said in a clear voice. The worst thing is to be in love with one man and have to marry another.Katie O'Reilly to the Countess of Marbury in "Titanic Rhapsody - Jina Bacarr
When rich, being poor seems *adventurous.* - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Some steal, earn a lot of money, but lose their honour and become very poor; some work, earn a little money, but gain a good honour and become very rich! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I really wonder what gives us the right to wreck this poor planet of ours. - Kurt Vonnegut
Whether it is big or small, the size of a poor man’s yard incessantly reminds him that he is poor. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
. . . anyone who wants to elaborate relevant liberation theology must be prepared to go into the 'examination hall' of the poor. Only after sitting on the benches of he humble will he or she be entitled to enter a school of 'higher learning. - Leonardo Boff and Clodovis Boff
No society can surely be flourishing and happy of which by far the greater part of the numbers are poor and miserable. - Adam Smith
It is also in the interests of the tyrant to make his subjects poor... the people are so occupied with their daily tasks that they have no time for plotting. - Aristotle
He who despises a poor man’s wisdom has turned away great riches. - Matshona Dhliwayo
It is good for a student to be poor. Getting and spending, the typical American college student lays waste his powers. Work and contemplation don't mix, and university days ought to be days of contemplation. - Russell Kirk
Perfection is a faux. It’s a mask carved by our own poor esteem to hide who we really are and make others see what really isn’t us. - Chinonye J. Chidolue
Whether rich or poor, following the Should Life will lead to heartache and struggle. Leading your life will lead to places you never thought you'd be, people you never thought you'd meet, knowledge you never thought you'd gain, and a life of adventure and growth. Lead your life; not the Should Life. - Tirumalai S. Srivatsan
Mad and sad is a good mix for poor decisions. - Hart of Dixie
Other than the promise of life after death, nothing consoles the poor better than the fact that rich people are also subject to death. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Poor is the man who does not know his own intrinsic worth and tends to measure everything by relative value. A man of financial wealth who values himself by his financial net worth is poorer than a poor man who values himself by his intrinsic self worth. - Sidney Madwed
my mother, poor fish,wanting to be happy, beaten two or three times aweek, telling me to be happy: "Henry, smile!why don't you ever smile?"and then she would smile, to show me how, and it was thesaddest smile I ever saw - Charles Bukowski
It is a damn poor mind that can think of only one way to spell a word. - Andrew Jackson
I was out of salt so I threw pepper over my left shoulder for luck and the poor guy behind me almost sneezed himself to death. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
I care for riches, to make giftsTo friends, or lead a sick man back to healthWith ease and plenty. Else small aid is wealthFor daily gladness; once a man be doneWith hunger, rich and poor are all as one. - Euripides
Greedy people are poor in the mind. - Yusuf Musa
It strikes me as unfortunate that this approach - affording the same dignity to and investing in the same quality for a poor child as you would for your own - is so often received as provocative. - Jacob Lief
If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it. - Stephen Colbert
You could become rich if you were born financially poor, But you can't stay rich if you are poor minded. - Rafaa Khiari
When I hear a man say that his childhood was the happiest time of his life, I think (puff) my friend, you have had a pretty poor life. - Winston S. Churchill
People live in different worlds. There's a rich world, there's a poor world, and there's an extremely poor. The one you dwell is determined by the outcome of your sacrifice. - Michael Bassey Johnson
As you grow up, always tell the truth, do no harm to others, and don't think you are the most important being on earth. Rich or poor, you then can look anyone in the eye and say, 'I'm probably no better than you, but I'm certainly your equal. - Harper Lee
Sister? Jessie Kay scowled. Do I really look like his sister? I clearly come from grade-A stock while his ancestors made a few poor choices along the way. - Gena Showalter
In an era of global abundance, our world has the resources to reduce dramatically the massive divides that persist between rich and poor, if only those resources can be unleashed in the service of all peoples.
Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor. - Sholem Aleichem
Literature is a mountain made of gold in this poor world! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Juice is a poor man’s dessert. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
When the poor give to the rich, the devil laughs. - Benvenuto Cellini
You can be clumsy yet clever. You can be classy yet poor. It's not tearing a leaf off a calendar which will make you a better or a worse man but the attitude that you have from dusk till dawn every day. - Indeewara Jayawardane
Lord help my poor soul. - Edgar Allan Poe
There is little to be said in favour of poverty, but it was often an incubator of true friendship. Many people will appear to befriend you when you are wealthy, but precious few will do the same when you are poor - Nelson Mandela
Though poor in this world's goods, though grieving the loss of loved ones, though suffering pain of body, though harassed by sin and Satan, though hated and persecuted by worldlings, whatever be the case and lot of the Christian, it is both his privilege and duty to rejoice in the Lord. - Arthur W. Pink
One kernel is felt in a hogshead; one drop of water helps to swell the ocean; a spark of fire help to give light to the world. None are too small, too feeble, too poor to be of service. Think of this and act. - Hannah More
Poor and content is rich, and rich enough; but riches fineless is as poor as winter to him that ever that ever fears he shall be poor. - William Shakespeare
For the blind poor, Rx: bleed. For yourself; Rx: love nothing.Sow rows of onions only. Plant turnips in the dark of the moon. - T.R. Hummer
Go ragged then, but pride makes a poor covers; once one man laughs you're naked. - Geraldine Harris
Life is but a walking Shadow, a poor Player That struts and frets his Hour upon the Stage, And then is heard no more; It is a tall Tale, Told by an Idiot, full of Sound and Fury, Signifying nothing." - William Shakespeare
What's the matter, you dissentious rogues,That rubbing the poor itch of your opinionMake yourselves scabs? - William Shakespeare
Humor the sons of the poor, for they give science its splendor. - The Talmud
A faint hearted man will always be poor - Bangambiki Habyarimana
Fifty year old wealthy man resents twenty five year old middle class man, without recalling that 25 years back even he was a poor man. - Amit Kalantri
Raise your children with right values and education. You may end up living frugal but you will die rich; else you will live rich but die poor. - Aditya Ajmera
A poor but confident man is as hard to find as a rich but shy man. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
We are rich only through what we give; and poor only through we refuse and keep.
DISTANCE, n. The only thing that the rich are willing for the poor to call theirs, and keep. - Ambrose Bierce
Our purses shall be proud, our garments poor; for 'tis the mind that makes the body rich - William Shakespeare
Renounce poor work.Shun trivial work.Entertain respectable work.Welcome superior work.Honor transcendent work. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Poor people are those who do not have Dreams rather do not have Money… - Jagabandhu Jena
If you disclose your alms, even then it is well done, but if you keep them secret, and give them to the poor, then that is better still for you; and this wipes off from you some of your evil deeds.
When any two young people take it into their heads to marry, they are pretty sure by perseverance to carry their point, be they ever so poor, or ever so imprudent, or ever so little likely to be necessary to each other's ultimate comfort. - Jane Austen
A poor original is better than a good imitation. - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Poor is the man whom is not content with what he has. - Rita Gonzalez
The Indian may seem poor to we rich Westerners but in matters of the spirit it is we who are the paupers and they who are millionaires. - Mark Twain
So, Slade, the swearing, the poor english and everything else is just a facade. You're really quite a deep and intelligent man, aren't you? - Dianne Harman Coyote in Provence
Man must be happy, as happy as a poor child cheerfully playing with his poor toy! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Purpose is but the slave to memory, of violent birth, but poor validity. - William Shakespeare
Wherever there is great property, there is great inequality... for one very rich man, there must be at least five hundred poor. - Adam Smith
Artists are never poor, they just don't get enough time to make money ! - Brahmananda Patra
To the rich, the really poor don't know that the level of comfort you experience exist at all, so you see, they don't need your sympathy, and you should not feel guilty, just teach them how to fish. - Peter Ojo
Everyone is poor in one way or another, so there is no need to worry of where you belong, we are all rich and poor at the same time. - Auliq Ice
War and drink are the two things man is never too poor to buy. - William Faulkner
The fields were fruitful and starving men moved on the roads. The granaries were full and the children of the poor grew up rachitic. - John Steinbeck
When the rich wage war it's the poor who die. - Jean-Paul Sartre
the poor dog, in life the firmest friend, the first to welcome, the foremost to defend. - George Gordon Byron
[When asked what was the proper time for supper] If you are a rich man, whenever you please; and if you are a poor man, whenever you can. - Diogenes the Cynic
It is a common condition of being poor... you are always afraid that the good things in your life are temporary, that someone can take them away, because you have no power beyond your own brute strength to stop them. - Rick Bragg
Life enslaves the poor by giving them problems that money can resolve, or, dissolve - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich. - Napoléon Bonaparte
When the poor steal, it's the rich who profit. - Marty Rubin
In one important respect a man is fortunate in being poor. His responsibility to God is so much the less.
When a dog acts viciously we assume the reason is poor treatment and training by its owner. When a person acts criminally we look for the explanation in his brain, blood, and urine. When will psychiatrists begin testifying to the incompetence of schizophrenic pit bulls?
If the rich could hire the poor to die for them, the poor would make a very nice living. - Jewish Proverb
Nothing is really so poor and melancholy as art that is interested in itself and not in its subject. - George Santayana
To recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less. - Oscar Wilde
There’s no snobbery like that of the poor toward one another. - Dorothy Salisbury Davis
A man’s real possession is his memory. In nothing else is he rich, in nothing else is he poor. - Alexander Smith
Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business. - Tom Robbins
If the misery of our poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin. - Charles Darwin
Statements of ordinary people are ignored like poor freebies, statements of great people are accepted like profound philosophy. - Amit Kalantri
You know it's funny when it rains it pours They got money for wars, but can't feed the poor. - Tupac Shakur
The rich are poor without the poor's acknowledgment of money. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
One proof of the inspiration of the Bible is that it has withstood so much poor preaching. - A.T. Robertson
Make this poor self grow less and less, Be Thou my life and aim ; Oh, make me daily, through Thy grace, More worthy of Thy name. - Johann Kaspar Lavater
You will not be poor for giving away love. But you will be a poor soul if you don't give away love. - Debasish Mridha
Life humbles the rich by giving them problems that money can’t resolve, or, dissolve. Life enslaves the poor by giving them problems that money can resolve, or, dissolve. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself, tell yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches. - Rainer Maria Rilke
If rich people could hire other people to die for them, the poor could make a wonderful living. - Yiddish Proverb
Emile Zola was a poor student at his school at Aix. We are all so different largely because we all have different combinations of intelligences. If we recognize this, I think we will have at least a better chance of dealing appropriately with many problems that we face in the world.
silence is the language of god, all else is poor translation. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Proverbs 22:7 "The rich rule over the poor and the borrower is slave to the lender."Galatians 5:1 "do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. - The Holy Bible
I may not have money, but I am not poor. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The rich eat life, the poor eat death; so what is the problem they ask? - Anthony Liccione
I was glad to be made awarethat Veimke (jeune fille au pair),is subject to natural law,and can be made fat,by such things as poor diet,and alcohol. - Roman Payne
They say money is the rude of all evil, however I know poor people that can quite fit the bill. - Anthony Liccione
Respect everybody you meet either Rich or Poor | Cute or Ugly | Locally or Internationally | Famous or Infamous.. afterall we're all sand - Goals Rider
There are two things needed in these days; first, for rich men to find out how poor men live; and second, for poor men to know how rich men work.
We are not concerned with the very poor. They are unthinkable, and only to be approached by the statistician or the poet. - E.M. Forster
The ever more sophisticated weapons piling up in the arsenals of the wealthiest and the mightiest can kill the illiterate, the ill, the poor and the hungry, but they cannot kill ignorance, illness, poverty or hunger. - Fidel Castro
ERUDITION, n. Dust shaken out of a book into an empty skull. So wide his erudition's mighty span, He knew Creation's origin and plan And only came by accident to grief -- He thought, poor man, 'twas right to be a thief. Romach Pute - Ambrose Bierce
The rich take life one financial year at a time. The poor take life one meal at a time. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Poverty does not always prevent a rich person from dating someone who is poor, unless the man is the one who is poor. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Better a good journalist than a poor assassin. - Jean-Paul Sartre
There is a terrible hunger for love. We all experience that in our lives - the pain, the loneliness. We must have the courage to recognize it. The poor you may have right in your own family. Find them. Love them. - Mother Teresa
A big hole in a poor child’s shoe is the simplest evidence to condemn the society he lives in. - Mehmet Murat ildan
Do not presume, well-housed, well-warmed, and well-fed, to criticize the poor - Herman Melville
Poor Mexico - so far from God and so close to the United States.
The present assault upon capital is but the beginning. It will be but the stepping-stone to others, larger and more sweeping, till out political contests will become a war of the poor against the rich, - a war constantly growing in intensity and bitterness. - Stephen Johnson Field
It's only the poor who can't get away with murder. - Marty Rubin
Whenever justice to ordinary men, widows, orphans, poor, disadvantaged and the general mass is delayed or denied, that leads to God’s frustration. At a time like that, God laments, WHERE IS A MAN - Sunday Adelaja
I don't want to be rich yet live a life of unhappiness, but I also don't want to be poor because I have never seen happiness in poverty. - Gugu Mona
I would love to become a poor writer as per my choice then a billionaire businessman as per them... - shivangi lavaniya
The money is the only source of smile for the poor. - Tanmaya Guru
If you achieve good results using a poor method, isn't that a much greater achievement than starting from better methods. - Gen Urobuchi 虚淵 玄
Death be not proud, though some have called theeMighty and dreadfull, for thou art not so,For, those, whom thou thinkst, thou dost overthrow, die not, poor death, nor yet canst thou kill me. - John Donne
I don't care if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Simple as that. - Robert Michaels
Religion is the opium of the poor - Ernest Hemingway
Rich people is people who only cares for themselves, and their money but, poor people doesn't care how much money they have because they have a big heart - Emanuelle Rivet
Those who cannot see Christ in the poor are atheists indeed. - Dorothy Day
Poor or rich, black or white, quiet or naughty, mentally defective or sharp-witted, thin or fat, all children are great! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Shallow understanding accompanies poor compassion, great understanding goes with great compassion.
Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure , than to take rank with those poor spires who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory or defeat. - Theodore Roosevelt
Without travels, our existence, our memories, our literature, our dreams, our everything would be very poor, very boring, very limited! - Mehmet Murat ildan
How often do the poor in the US get to stand in front of their nation's Marie Antoinette's and shove the stale, mass-produced cake of lower class reality back into their mouths? - M.B. Dallocchio
A happy childhood is poor preparation for human contacts. - Colette
AIR, n. A nutritious substance supplied by a bountiful Providence for the fattening of the poor. - Ambrose Bierce
It's a poor sort of memory that only works backward. - Lewis Carroll
Even a poor translator couldn't kill a style that moves with such narrative clarity. - William Zinsser
One must be poor to know the luxury of giving. - George Eliot
Fear not because your prayer is stammering, your words feeble, and your language poor. Jesus can understand you. - J.C. Ryle
Yet this thou art alive, but if ye soar,My poor frail heart will have beat out its cryAnd sadly miss thy sweet form all the moreWhile helplessly I stand and watch you die. - Timothy Salter
If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free. If our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed. - Edmund Burke
Islam is the only religion that gives dignity to the poor. - Ramsey Clark
Live free , die young or stay weak , die poor . - Ankit Samrat
To the poor memories of drunks,' she said. 'To all the lovely nights forever lost. - S. Fitts
I have such poor vision I can date anybody. - Garry Shandling
People who go broke in a big way never miss any meals. It is the poor jerk who is shy a half slug who must tighten his belt. - Robert Heinlein
I have fooled life and life has fooled me. We are quits. I say good-bye. Think sometimes in the hour of happiness of your poor, comical fool who loved you truly and so well. - Richard von Krafft-Ebing
I am far too often the author of terribly poor decisions. Yet I must rest in the unalterable fact that God says I am far better than what the sum total of those decisions would ever suggest. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The quality of American life must keep pace with the quantity of American goods. This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor. - John F. Kennedy
I don't want my own son to die, but this is a war and we must be in it together. High and low. Rich and poor. There can be no special cases because every man at the front is a special case to someone. - Julian Fellowes
When you look for a man- what you want to look for is a man with the heart of a poor boy and the mind of a conqueror. - C. JoyBell C.
If money is all that a man makes, then he will be poor — poor in happiness, poor in all that makes life worth living. - Herbert N. Casson
One of the Great Rules of Economics According to If you are rich, you have to be an idiot not to stay rich. And if you are poor, you have to be really smart to get rich. - John Green
The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all. - G.K. Chesterton
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat. - Theodore Roosevelt
The great can protect themselves, but the poor and humble require the arm and shield of the law. - Andrew Jackson
There is only one class in the community that thinks more about money than the rich, and that is the poor. - Oscar Wilde
I say, "You a kind girl," and she nod, repeat it back to me. But before I can do another one, she get up and chase that poor dog around the yard and laugh and that's when I get to wondering, what would happen if I told her she something good, ever day? - Kathyrn Stockett
How often do the poor daydream of a better life? Plenty, no doubt, and where does it get them? It is the poor who begin with a daydream and realize at some point that they have to get up, roll their sleeves, and start doing something about those day dreams who succeed. And there are many who have. - Stephen Richards
You say you care about the poor? Tell me their names. - Craig Greenfield
This paperback is very interesting, but I find it will never replace a hardcover book - it makes a very poor doorstop. - Alfred Hitchcock
What is the matter with the poor is poverty; what is the matter with the rich is uselessness. - George Bernard Shaw
The average man's judgement is so poor, he runs a risk every time he uses it.
You have this and this, soon it will come and this and you are still at this level of knowledge... so poor for you! - Deyth Banger
I am the poet of the poor, because I was poor when I loved; since I could not give gifts, I gave words. - Ovid
Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another. - Madonna
Hope is the poor man's bread. - George Herbert
Not every poor or unemployed person who has one wears a political party’s t-shirt to reveal their political affiliation; some use it merely to conceal their nipples. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A rich person who has no love in his heart is poorer than a poor person who has no money in his pocket. - Debasish Mridha
The astounding natural beauty of the USA is offset by its extremely poor social security system that is clearly apparent when driving around the country. - Steven Magee
Is food a substitute for love? No, love is a substitute for food. And a pretty poor substitute at that. - Rohan Candappa
No sword Of wrath her right arm whirl'd,But one poor poet's scroll, and with his word She shook the world. - Alfred Tennyson
There is a noble manner of being poor and who does not know it will never be rich. - Seneca
We all too often have socialism for the rich and rugged free market capitalism for the poor. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Everyday is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we've got 24 hours each. - Christopher Rice
Because she was so beautiful the huntsman took pity on her, and he said, "Run away, you poor child. - Wilhelm Grimm
The real cause of hunger is the powerlessness of the poor to gain access to the resources they need to feed themselves. - Frances Moore Lappé
We must powder our wigs; that is why so many poor people have no bread. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Money is not a problem, your poor mentality is. - Moosa Rahat
The very old and the very young have something in common that makes it right that they should be left alone together. Dawn and sunset see stars shining in a blue sky; but morning and midday and afternoon do not, poor things. - Elizabeth Goudge
A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death. - Albert Einstein
The sense of death is most in apprehension; and the poor beetle, that we tread upon, in corporal sufferance feels a pang as great as when a giant dies. - William Shakespeare
If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.[Inaugural Address, January 20 1961] - John F. Kennedy
The measure of a country’s prosperity should not be how many poor people drive cars, but how many affluent people use public transportation. - Michael Hogan
The joy of learning is as indispensable in study as breathing is in running. Where it is lacking there are no real students, but only poor caricatures of apprentices who, at the end of their apprenticeship, will not even have a trade. - Simone Weil
When a rich man's dog died, everyone commiserated. When a poor man lost his mother, no one noticed.
I am for the largest liberty for the poor man -- for the oppressed. - Lewis Tappan
You can never fill your life with prosperity if you walk with a poor person’s mentality. - Debasish Mridha
If you choose money over love, you will always be poor. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Look at him now, poor fellow. That's what a dose of reality does for you...Never touch the stuff myself, you understand. Find it gets in the way of the hallucinations. - Alan Moore
The game of life is not so much in holding a good hand as playing a poor hand well.
The poor will provide you what they don't have and what you need while the rich will give you what they have and what you want. - Lik Hock Yap Ivan
In effect, the poor person is a rich person left to fend for him or herself, without the support of institutions that help the person to take 'good' decisions. - Daniel Cohen
No man is poor who has a Godly mother. - Abraham Lincoln
politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other. - Oscar Ameringer
Poor people are those who does not have Dreams rather does not Money... - J Jena
Poverty should first be addressed in the mind because even if you give millions to a poor person, until there's a change of mindset, they will still remain the same. - Gugu Mona
The day you forget about the poors, you become the poorest of the poor! - Mehmet Murat ildan
They [Harvard academia] liked the poor, but didn't like the smell of the poor. - Chris Hedges
Rich must thank poor; if poor unite, rich will have no place to hide. - Vinita Kinra, it's never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name. It just shows how poor that person is, it doesn't hurt you. So don't let Mrs Dubose get you down. She had enough troubles or her own. - Harper Lee
The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread. - Anatole France
Fortune, that arrant whore, ne'er turns the key to the poor. - William Shakespeare
Democracy is the process to elect the Government of the Upper class or caste people, by the poor people and for the corporate people - Idiotneil - Neil Jain
Of all the self-fulfilling prophecies in our culture, the assumption that aging means decline and poor health is probably the deadliest. - Marilyn Ferguson
Feeding the poor will not eradicate poverty, but feeding the mind with true education will. - Debasish Mridha
If a bloke gave you a hundred quid for a book you can bet your life it’s his way, but if all the poor and suffering people raise their hats to you for writing it - that’s different; it makes it worthwhile then. - Alan Marshall
It was humbling to admit that I wasn't living the simple life because I was spiritually committed to it. I was living the simple life because I was poor. - Paul David Tripp
We call ourselves poor, that's why we're poor. When we will start calling ourselves rich then we will become rich, even it won't look like that. Self trust is freedom. - Arefin Bashar Arif
No more apologies! So we're poor! All right, we're poor! This is America! And America is one place in this sorry world where people Shouldn't have to apologize for being poor. The question in America should be, 'Is this guy a good citizen? Is he honest? Does he pull his own weight? - Kurt Vonnegut
In the treatment of poverty nationally, one fact stands out: there are twice as many white poor as Negro poor in the United States. Therefore I will not dwell on the experiences of poverty that derive from racial discrimination, but will discuss the poverty that affects white and Negro alike. - Martin Luther King Jr.
The poor are not a problem but rather an opportunity to show unconditional love. - Dillon Burroughs
I cannot pretend to feel impartial about colours. I rejoice with the brilliant ones and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns. - Sir Winston Churchill
Having been poor is no shame, but being ashamed of it, is. - Benjamin Franklin
True religion must raise to work at the bar and the bench, on the couch and on the streets, in the cottage of the poor man and in the penthouse of the entrepreneur, with the fisherman that is catching fish and with the students that are studying. - Abhijit Naskar
Whatever you’re not telling me, let it go. Emotion leads to poor decisions. Poor decisions lead to scrutiny. Scrutiny is our greatest threat. - Ken Cruickshank
Most often a country is poor when its educational system is poor and individuals do not strive to become educated. - Debasish Mridha
Is it reasonable to assume that the jarring nature of a particular consequence might be the very thing that strong-arms us away from making the poor choice that we didn't see as a poor choice? - Craig D. Lounsbrough
If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself, tell yourself that you are not a poet enough to call forth its riches; for to the creator there is no poverty and no poor indifferent place. - Rainer Maria Rilke
Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving.
Try to be "good", you'll be judged. Try to be yourself, you'll be criticized. Therefore, choose the second option. Evil uses the "nice good people" as puppets. It appears dressed as a poor guy, telling them that he needs help...When these people realize they have been used, it is already too late. - Paulo Coelho
The poor will will provide you with what they don't have and what you need. The rich will give you what they have and what you want. - Lik Hock Yap Ivan
Everything has an advantage and disadvantage but, choose an option that will bring you back to the track. Even if you see a poor man on the street choose an option that will left you up, but don't just choose, apply action. - Ben Bereng
Most people which died poor or rich or other types of people knew something they written it and in the near future when they revive they will somehow reach to this knowledge and will start looking from this view... - Deyth Banger
By walking on the path of unhappiness you can learn the things that can never be learned on the path of happiness! He who knows well only the light is very poor; he who knows well the darkness besides the light is very rich! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Good judgment comes from experience, and experience - well, that comes from poor judgment. - A.A. Milne
A poor man in this world can be done to death in two main ways, by the absolute indifference of his fellows in peacetime or by their homicidal mania when there's a war. - Louis-Ferdinand Céline
I'd rather be rich and healthy than poor and sick. - kevin mcpherson eckhoff
OYSTER, n. A slimy, gobby shellfish which civilization gives men the hardihood to eat without removing its entrails! The shells are sometimes given to the poor. - Ambrose Bierce
Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity over humanity, nothing exceeds most of the criticisms made on the habits of the poor by the well-housed, well-warmed, and well-fed. - Herman Melville
Never underestimate the determination of a kid who is time rich and cash poor. - Cory Doctorow
Neither every rich person is noble nor miser.Neither every poor person is humble nor wicked. - Salsabeel
Life is a gift for the wise, a playground for the foolish, a heaven for the rich, and a hell for the poor. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Hungry people are always thinking about food; poor people are always thinking about wealth. Obsessive thinking can kill your dreams! - Stephen Richards
And there was that poor sucker Flaubert rolling around on his floor for three days looking for the right word. - Dorothy Parker
I don't think anybody cares about unwed mothers unless they're black or poor. The question is not morality, the question is money. That's what we're upset about. - Toni Morrison
Poor Ike. He'll say do this and do that and nothing at all will happen. - Harry Truman
History will judge societies and governments — and their institutions — not by how big they are or how well they serve the rich and the powerful, but by how effectively they respond to the needs of the poor and the helpless. - César Chávez
I'd like to live as a poor man with lots of money. - Pablo Picasso
Books appear to be frail and disposable, but they are sacred. You can burn the paper, but the stories live on. In the same way, a poor man or woman is not a burden on society, they are those who survive despite the odds—and when they don’t, they still represent those who tried. - Mohammad Zayer
It is a poor wit who lives by borrowing the words, decisions, inventions and actions of others.
When you feel life is getting too cruel and insensitive…Look for a newspaper or poor streets…You will automatically gain perspective and start loving your Life.~Kritika Sharma - Kritika Sharma
The effects of lack of democracy and the rule of law is a problem that does not discriminate, whether you are a corporation or a start-up, rich or poor, educated or illiterate, employed or unemployed. - Allan Amanyire
It is a melancholy truth that even great men have their poor relations. - Charles Dickens
Crime is an attitude learnt overtime and can be as a result of condition of place one has found himself. Crime can be graded, so it's possible environment can affect high class rich and low class poor. Therefore criminal justice system is supposed to be graded as to achieve equity in result. - Chidiebere Prosper Agbugba
Maria, it sounds like he was insane. Rational people don't intentionally addict people. I feel sorry for those poor people who were unsuspecting victims. - Dianne Harman Cornered Coyote
We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse.
In a materialistic society, man is likely to value the opinion of a rich man over that of a poor one; even when coming to opinions that have absolutely nothing to do with moneymaking. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I am very poor - for a know nothing, understand nothing. It is not a calamitous condition until it is realized. - Rafael Sabatini
I dislike arranged marriages. There are some mistakes for which one should not be able to blame one's poor parents. - Salman Rushdie
You can't be a good writer in the States anymore because to be a good one you have to have a country where you can be poor and still eat, and still make your living standard secondary to your writing. Thoreau himself couldn't do that in the States today. - Nelson Algren
If we lose all of our wealth and are only left with love then, indeed, we shall never be poor. - Stephen Richards
A poor man knows the true value of money and will not dare waste it, but a rich man is extravagant and always looking for an opportunity to empty his pockets. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Making the best of things is a damn poor way of dealing with them. My life has been a series of escapes from that quicksand. - Rose Wilder Lane
The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread. - Anatole France
P3- every simple need to which an institutional answer is found permit the invention of a new class of poor and a new definition of poverty - Ivan Illich
I want to live like a poor man with lots of money. - Pablo Picasso
Ask the poor. They'll tell you who the christians are. - Mahatma Gandhi
Far better is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. - Theodore Roosevelt
I've been rich and I've been poor. Rich is better. - Sophie Tucker
Nobody in Colonial America, to be sure, believed that society owed every child the ultimate in education, but intelligence, industry, and thrift combined with ambition got many a poor man's son into the colonial colleges. - Louis B. Wright
It is no disgrace to be poor, but it might as well be.
The Yorubas have a saying, here, my translation in English--a poor fool is a bigger fool rich. In other words, money only allows and enables you to be more of who you are. My bigger translation? You don't jump essence, you jump environs! - Dew Platt
Being wealthy isn't just a question of having lots of money. It's a question of what we want. Wealth isn't an absolute, it's relative to desire. Every time we seek something that we can't afford, we can be counted as poor, how much money we may actually have. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Don't ever feel sad about who you are. Don't wish to be a daughter or son to a wealthy home, just because you think you're poor. Look! Everybody's poor, i discovered it when i realized that its not everything that President Barrack Obama has. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Who, being loved, is poor? - Oscar Wilde
Poverty advances discrimination and corruption because society classifies the rich and poor. Poverty augments anger, selfishness, hatred and envy among the people.Poverty entwined with desperation ends up in violence." - , an excerpt from If I Could Tell You - Angelica Hopes
Pretend to be poor in reality and you'll notice a decrease in your friends list and request. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Our speech is poor interpretation of our perception. - Debasish Mridha
A lot of people say there's a fine line between genius and insanity. I don't think there's a fine line, I actually think there's a yawning gulf. You see some poor bugger scuffling up the road with balloons tied to his ears, he's not going home to invent a rocket, is he? - Bill Bailey
Reading is poor man's way of travelling not just around the world but into the minds of people. - Anonymous
It is the mind that maketh good or ill, that maketh wretch or happy, rich or poor. - Edmund Spenser
Anyone who had ever struggled with poverty knows how extremely expensive it is to be poor. - James Baldwin
Having been raised in a poor family makes part of who i am, but it determines not my future nor my destiny,it doesn't define who i will become, i am a rich man, i am a winner, i am the author of my own success or failure-God forbid failure, i shall prosper-so help me God. - Kgosietsile Martin Timothy
It's not about being liberal or conservative, it's about being human.It's not about being rich or poor, it's about being alive and happy.It's not about being right, it's about being considerate and compassionate. - Karen L. Syed
Apparently, my hopes, dreams and aspirations were no match against my poor spelling, punctuation and grammar. - Red Red Rover
It seems that the fiction writer has a revolting attachment to the poor, for even when he writes about the rich, he is more concerned with what they lack than with what they have. - Flannery O'Connor
Being poor in the Spirit means you are humble, gentle, meek, God-fearing,kind and exhibit the fruits of the Spirit but being Spiritually poor is lacking in every thing that pertains to life and godliness. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Bengal is poor not because of lack of capital but lack of ideas and vision. - Debasish Mridha
Those who fight for food will die in hunger, those who fight for wealth will end up poor heated, only those who seek knowledge and freedome will succeed even at there past. - Hamzat haruna Ribah
The man who says he is willing to meet you halfway is usually a poor judge of distance. - Laurence J. Peter
The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time. - Willem de Kooning
All men are by nature equal, made all of the same earth by one Workman; and however we deceive ourselves, as dear unto God is the poor peasant as the mighty prince. - Plato
A smaller government reflecting the needs of the middle class and poor is superior to a big government reflecting the needs of the privileged and powerful. - Robert B. Reich
As a spiritual leader, you are here to serve; not to be served. Stop robbing the poor. Jesus came to serve. - Felix Wantang
The life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. - Thomas Hobbes
For their holidays: the rich go see the world; the poor go see their parents. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
No one asks poor people if they want war. Nor had anyone asked these poor people if they wanted to die of thirst and exposure on the coastal sea, or if they wanted to be robbed and raped by their own soldiers. - Viet Thanh Nguyen
Wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows. - Martin Luther King Jr.
MOUSQUETAIRE, n. A long glove covering a part of the arm. Worn in New Jersey. But "mousquetaire" is a might poor way to spell muskeeter. - Ambrose Bierce
A poor fool indeed is he who adopts a manner of thinking (meant) for others!
No poor bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making other bastards die for their country.
Peanut butter is a poor man’s marmalade. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Then Martine said: "So yuo will be poor now all your life, Babette?"Poor?" said Babette. She smiled as if to herself. "No, I shall never be poor. I told you that I am a great artist. A great artist, Mesdames, is never poor.We have something, Mesdames, of which other people know nothing. - Karen Blixen
I don't think of myself as a poor deprived ghetto girl who made good. I think of myself as somebody who from an early age knew I was responsible for myself, and I had to make good. - Oprah Winfrey
My new favorite quote is, "Feed kids Cokes and french fries and you get an obesity crisis. Feed them mental junk food and you get non-readers and poor thinkers. - Joy Hakim
Rich men use most of their money to get richer. Poor men use most of their money to look richer. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
We falsely attribute to men a determined character - putting together all their yesterdays - and averaging them - we presume we know them. Pity the man who has character to support - it is worse than a large family - he is the silent poor indeed. - Henry David Thoreau
Just because we’ve made poor or wrong choices in the past, does not limit us from making wise and good choices now. - Toni Sorenson
We are poor indeed if we are only sane. - D.W. Winnicott
How poor are they who have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees. - William Shakespeare
I am firmly of the opinion that people who can’t speak have nothing to say. It’s one more thing we do to the poor, the deprived: cut out their tongues … allow them a language as lousy as their life - William H. Gass
He who has a generous eye will be blessed, for he gives of his bread to the poor (Proverbs 22:9). - Anonymous
Nynaeve shook her head. She supposed it was one way to find money for the poor. Simply rob anyone who was not poor. Of course, that would just make everyone poor in the end, but it might work for a time - Robert Jordan
I was born Katie O’Reilly, she began. Poor Irish, but proud of it. I boarded the Titanic at Queenstown as a third class passenger with nothing more than the clothes on my back. And the law at my heels. Titanic Rhapsody - Jina Bacarr
Gambling promises the poor what property performs for the rich--something for nothing. - George Bernard Shaw
An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all republics. - Plutarch
Many a rich man’s bed is bigger than many a poor woman’s bedroom; his bedroom, her house. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
When the rich and the powerful rise they leave the powerless and the poor without possibility. - Auliq Ice
Be patient, you are in good company. Our Lord Himself, our Lady, the apostles, and countless saints, both men and women, have been poor. - Francis de Sales
The moment will arrive when you are comfortable with who you are, and what you are– bald or old or fat or poor, successful or struggling- when you don't feel the need to apologize for anything or to deny anything. To be comfortable in your own skin is the beginning of strength. - Charles B. Handy
A Very Short Poem for Poor LoversYou’ve got nothing,I’ve got nothing,And it’s not a good thing. - Arzum Uzun
How does a poor country defeat rich ones? Indeed, the answer is not by acquiring wealth in the sense that France has it. Meaning vineyards, farms, peasants, cows? But rather to play a sort of trick and redefine wealth to mean something novel. Currency! Indeed. - Neal Stephenson
Capitalist production...was necessary to develop the productive forces of society to a level which will make possible an equal development worthy of human beings for all members of society. All earlier forms of society were too poor for this. - Friedrich Engels
The poor themselves can create a poverty-free world. All we have to do is to free them from the chains that we have put around them! - Muhammad Yunus
Prayer makes your heart bigger, until it is capable of containing the gift of God himself. Prayer begets faith, faith begets love, and love begets service on behalf of the poor. - Mother Teresa
I'd like to live like a poor man with lots of money. - Pablo Picasso
The only difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that the Democrats allow the poor to be corrupt, too. - Oscar Levant
No, not rich. I am a poor man with money, which is not the same thing. - Gabriel García Márquez
If all of our sins, bad habits, and poor choices were permanently inked into our skin like tattoos, we would all dress quite modestly. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Oh, pity the poor gluttonWhose troubles all beginIn struggling on and on to turnWhat's out into what's in. - Walter de la Mare
All POOR wish to become RICH,BUT all RICH wish the POOR remain POOR. - shaikh mustafa
To be poor and dependent is very nearly an impossibility. - William Cobbett
Believe me I do understand and I am disgusted by the idea that we should aim for any less for a child from a poor background than a rich one. - David Cameron
There's many ways to be wealthy, and there's many wealthy people that are very poor. Success is not about money, it's happiness, inner peace, and loving yourself. Happiness and inner peace can come from your faith in God, and loving yourself is part of His plan. - Ron Baratono
A rich man's lie has more validity than a poor man's truth in a materialistc world - rassool jibraeel snyman
We who are liberal and progressive know that the poor are our equals in every sense except that of being equal to us.
Then none was for a party;Then all were for the state;Then the great man helped the poor,And the poor man loved the great;Then lands were fairly proportioned;Then spoils were fairly sold;The Romans were like brothersIn the brave days of old. - Thomas Babington Macaulay
We are rich in hearts, but poor with love. - Anthony Liccione
As I string, a swift rhythm is played out with my hands, a cadence known only to those who have strung tobacco. To many of the poor workers, the meter and rhythm of stringing tobacco is the only poetry they’ve ever known. - Brenda Sutton Rose
Life is hard, the earth stubborn, science rich in knowledge but poor in practical results. - Franz Kafka
A man's ethical behaviour should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death. - Albert Einstein
Morality is a matter of money. Poor people cannot afford to have morals. So they have religion. - Khushwant Singh
Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich. - Napoléon Bonaparte
D'you call life a bad job? Never! We've had our ups and downs, we've had our struggles, we've always been poor, but it's been worth it, ay, worth it a hundred times I say when I look round at my children. - W. Somerset Maugham
It is only a poor sort of happiness that could ever come by caring very much about our own pleasures. We can only have the highest happiness such as goes along with being a great man, by having wide thoughts and much feeling for the rest of the world as well as ourselves. - George Eliot
Pale Death with impartial tread beats at the poor man's cottage door and at the palaces of kings. - Horace
The petty economies of the rich are just as amazing as the silly extravagances of the poor. - William Feather
Grandmother's knee is a wonderful place to learn about the Bible, ghosts, and even Santa Claus, but a mighty poor place to learn about history. - L.B. Taylor Jr.