A peasant and a philosopher may be equally satisfied, but not equally happy. Happiness consists in the multiplicity of agreeable consciousness. - Samuel Johnson
The emperor is naked!"The parade stopped. The emperor paused. A hush fell over the crowd, until one quick-thinking peasant shouted:"No, he isn't. The emperor is merely endorsing a clothing-optional lifestyle! - James Finn Garner
The greatest sorrow in the life of a peasant is that his donkey is lost. And the greatest happiness is that he finds it back. - Khalid Farooq
But to a Vietnamese peasant whose home means a lifetime of back-breaking labor, it will take more than presidential promises to convince him that we are on his side. - Morley Safer
The peasant is the only species of human being who doesn't like the country and never looks at it. - Jules Renard
Dig anywhere in the earth and you will find a treasure, only you must dig with the faith of a peasant. - Kahlil Gibran
All men are by nature equal, made all of the same earth by one Workman; and however we deceive ourselves, as dear unto God is the poor peasant as the mighty prince. - Plato