Quotation Explorer - 'Trusting'

It is all about trusting your choice that you have already made. - Jasz Gill
The only way to find out how far you can trust a person is by wholeheartedly trusting him or her. - Debasish Mridha
Pride is lacking in wisdom and not trusting Him (Proverbs 28:25-26). - Steven Chopade
Most of life’s big steps require a certain muddling through, a trusting that no one really knows the magical formula for the big firsts in life [Cram, Cusi, "‘One Life to Live’ and 14 Beautiful Boys to Kiss," Cafe, January 14, 2015]. - Cusi Cram
Loving someone but not trusting them is a spiritual emergency. - S. Kelley Harrell
I came trusting them. They beat me with rods of dullness. They don't know, they don't understand how agonizing their complacent dullness is. Like ants and August sun on a wound." - Carol Kennicott - Sinclair Lewis
Nobody can feel better than the man who is completely taken in. To be intelligent may be a boon, but to be completely trusting, gulible to the point of idiocy, to surrender without reservation, is one of the supreme joys of life. - Henry Miller
The greatest help oft comes in harm's disguise, to those with trusting hearts and open eyes. - William D. Burt
A trusting heart will follow, only those who truly follow their heart. - Anthony Liccione
The biggest mistake is trusting the wrong people who generally are also the dumbest. - Marino Baccarini
A person who is truly worth trusting hardly appreciates the praise from the people on own dress or face, but sadly most have craze to find one or the other ways to get only the same from all in own network. - Anuj Somany
There are two ways of thinking. One is living life based on fear. The other is trusting. Letting go and allowing trust to control our lives takes mental gymnastics. - David W. Earle
If people don't appreciate your REAL self it's hard to be with them, but you only find TRUE friends by SHOWING that self & TRUSTING. - Jay Woodman
I can only say that I am nothing but a poor sinner, trusting in Christ alone for salvation. - Robert E. Lee
I don't really know them, but I know this: they're just like your kids were. Or are. Sweet, trusting, good in ways we adults hardly even remember. We have to look out for them. Not because of the tattoos, or in spite of them, but because they're kids and we're supposed to look out for kids. - Sabrina Vourvoulias
Praying is not telling God what to do. It’s trusting that God knows what to do. - Stormie Omartian
historical arguments; traditional apologetics breaks down here. Since man is here dealing with God and this by definition means with the invisible, impalpable, uncontrollable, only one attitude is appropriate and required : believing trust, trusting faith. - Hans Küng
Anyone who goes through life trusting people without making sure they are worthy of trust is a fool. Yet there are people who may be trusted, men as well as women. There are are as many difference in their natures as there are flowers in these meadows. - Elizabeth Aston
I realize no matter how smart you are, you’ll end up trusting people and get hurt. This world is full of pretenders and you’ll never know. - Manasa Rao Saarloos
Quit questioning God and start trusting Him! - Joel Osteen
Trusting helps you suffer less. - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
The journey has many bumps, twists and turns. But one day you will reach your destination. You'll know for sure then that it was all worth it. So keep on trusting and keep on walking. The end will be more glorious than you can imagine. - Anusha Atukorala
One must somehow find a way of loving the world without trusting it; somehow one must love the world without being worldly.
Stop trying to change someone who does not want to change. Stop giving chances to someone who abuses your forgiveness. Stop walking back to the place where your heart ran from. Stop trusting their words and ignoring their actions. Stop breaking your own heart. - Trent Shelton
Sometimes in life we take a leap of faith. Remember, the leap is not about getting from one side to the other. It's simply about taking the leap....and trusting the air, the universal breath, will support your wings so that you may soar. - Kristi Bowman
Maybe it's not finding a reason, it's trusting that there is one. - Anonomyous.
Loving someone is giving them the power to break your heart, but trusting them not to. - Julianne Moore
Find a place you trust and then try trusting it for a while. - Corita Kent
When I'm trusting and being myself... everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously. - Shakti Gawain
As Americans, we want peace -- we work and sacrifice for peace. But there can be no peace if our security depends on the will and whims of a ruthless and aggressive dictator. I'm not willing to stake one American life on trusting Saddam Hussein. - George W. Bush
The strange part about a person’s lack of trust is that it often comes from not trusting themselves. - David W. Earle
What is love after all but trusting in the unknown. - Marty Rubin
I have learnt that trusting another takes a leap of faith; taking a risk and putting emotions on the line. This is in the hope that the other will accept and understand you. - Aisha Mirza
Don’t let less-than-perfect circumstances keep you from trusting God. - Jim George
God is at the helm even when you think your ship is sinking. Just keep trusting that the captain knows more about where you're heading than you do, and eventually you'll get where you need to be. - Kevin Alan Milne
We must cease striving and trust God to provide what He thinks is best and in whatever time He chooses to make it available. But this kind of trusting doesn't come naturally. It's a spiritual crisis of the will in which we must choose to exercise faith. - Charles R. Swindoll
Faith is trusting, that no matter what plan you had, God has a better one. - Chris Burkmenn
We are born brave, trusting and greedy, and most of us remain greedy.
You're supposed to trust friends. You have no reason to be his friend? That is part of the pleasure of friendship: trusting without absolute evidence and then being rewarded for that trust. - David Shore
When you believe someone at work for anything & everything... remember someone else is also trusting & following you. If you find fault on others; know that it's not theirs, but yours... What you do others follow. - Stephen Manoharan
Free from gross passion or of mirth or anger constant in spirit, not swerving with the blood, garnish'd and deck'd in modest compliment, not working with the eye without the ear, and but in purged judgement trusting neither? Such and so finely bolted didst thou seem. - William Shakespeare
What is love after but trusting in the unknown. - Marty Rubin
Faith is trusting yourself to believe in uncertainties. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
To react, is to be A slave to someone else's actions. Sometimes, A warrior is faced with the decision to strike pre-emptively, trusting his intuition, wisdom and years of training - Soke Behzad Ahmadi
Life is about trusting your feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories, learning from the past, and realizing people change. - Atul Purohit
Your words don't match your vibe, & im trusting my gut this time. - Nikki Rowe
Things will start changing for the better when you begin trusting yourself. - Robert Tew
Truly Falling In Love With you is not one of the greatest mistake of my Life but Trusting you madly is one of the biggest mistake of my life ever . :( - Kashi khan
The way to conquer sin is not by working hard to change our deeds, but by trusting Jesus to change our desires. Follow Me, pg. 111. - David Platt
No one can destroy the love God has for you. When you abide in truth, you also abide in love. And truth is evidence of love. Nothing can destroy the power of trusting and loving unconditionally. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Trust is a difficult thing, whether it's finding the right people to trust...Or trusting the right people will do the wrong thing. But trusting your heart...is the riskiest thing of all.In the end,the only person we can truly trust... is ourself. - Emily Thorne
If you follow the will of God, you know that in spite of all the terrible things that happen to you, you will never lose a final refuge. You know that the foundation of the world is love, so that even when no human being can or will help you, you may go on, trusting in the One that loves you. - Pope Benedict XVI
But they promised us everyone would return someday…when it was safe. Her voice cracked at the end.You’re being stupid again. Trusting in what they say. Disdain dripped from his words like pus from an infected wound. - TC Avey
Trusting the resolve in my heart is but a stepping stone to the future I now see clearly. - S.K. Logsdon
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