Quotation Explorer - 'Losing'

When you love and already have someone,you should keep the promise you take!Because you don't know, how dangerous or weak can love do.-when you hurt someone's heart.You don't notice but suddenly you losing that person. - Redzel Romulo
Losing your love hurts more than playing with fire. - Leydi Morfa
We losers don't fear death. For us it's the end of a lifelong losing spell. - Dakota Dawn
If you like who you are then losing yourself isn’t a choice! But if you don’t like yourself, get lost. - Stephen Richards
Winning or losing achieves the same result--change. - Shannon L. Alder
We are more sensitive to losses than to gains; the pleasure of winning is less than the pain of losing. - John A. Daly
Use what you have or risk losing it. - Ademiju Ige
The idea of losing control is one that fascinates controlled people such as ourselves more than almost anything. - Donna Tartt
When you are worried about thinking why you can't, you are losing the reasons why you should. - Ameya Agrawal
Without judgments life loses its hierarchical quality of being a choice between preferences and by losing that, it loses it's savor. - Auliq Ice
Growing up is losing some illusions, in order to acquire others. - Virginia Woolf
Life is about trusting your feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories, learning from the past, and realizing people change. - Atul Purohit
You know, I think it's important to keep a balance in things. Yeah, balance, that's the right word. Cause the guy who wants too much risks losing absolutely everything. Of course, the one who wants too little from life, might not get anything at all. - Thomas Angelo
Losing someone doesn’t scare me. Death doesn’t scare me. What scares me is the inability to no longer feel the touch of the one you love. - Dominic Riccitello
Losing path is a magic! If you can enjoy with the unknown path, you shall find the exit much quicker! - Mehmet Murat ildan
There are few things better than losing yourself in a book. And if you're lucky enough to have that adventure continue in a series, it's like chocolate ganache on the icing on the cake. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Sadly, when a person's possessions distract him from his purpose, he usually ends up losing both. - Orrin Woodward
I’ve always wondered why women are expected to deny their true age. Why? To be a woman of 50 and up is a badge of triumph—a hard-earned certificate that says you survived the shallowness, the violence, the meanness, and the caprice of a male-dominated society without losing your mind! - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
Get out of your own way... What we call 'lack of willpower' is actually just losing an argument with an outdated version of yourself. - Steve Maraboli
Losing one feather does not prevent a bird from flying. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence. - Robert Frost
Maybe is wasn't love so much as a fear of losing everything I'd accomplished. I was afraid to let go. - Dee Williams
All too often, we mask truth in artifice, concealing ourselves for fear of losing the ones we love or prolonging a deception for those we wish to expose. We hide behind that which brings us comfort from pain and sadness or use it to repel a truth too devastating to accept. - Emily Thorne
When a memory dies, the truth takes its place. Losing a memory is more painful than losing an arm. Because memories cannot be amputated. In familiarity, we find a sense of security. When this security leaves, the unfamiliar remains. - P. Wish
Keep your standards even when everyone around you is losing theirs. - Habeeb Akande
Failure is when you give up. A real winner is someone that doesn't give up, even when it feels like they are losing. - Joshua Hartzell
Freedom is the natural state, acceptance of bonds is a choice we make. We prefer to accept loss of freedom to losing something much less valuable but which we are not willing to sacrifice. - R.N. Prasher
A woman will buy anything she thinks the store is losing money on. - Kin Hubbard
We are afraid of losing what we have, whether it's our life or our possessions and property. But this fear evaporates when we understand that our life stories and the history of the world were written by the same hand. - Paulo Coelho
Veganism is not about giving anything up or losing anything; it is about gaining the peace within yourself that comes from embracing nonviolence and refusing to participate in the exploitation of the vulnerable - Gary L. Francione
Education is the only currency which you can spend in every country of the world without losing its value. - Debasish Mridha
If you think training is hard...try losing. - Davee Jones
While you're saving your face, you're losing your ass.
i loved him, every inch of his being, but i realised one day; if loving him meant losing me, than loving him was not enough anymore. - Nikki Rowe
Dwelling among shipwrecked dreams and losing oneself in wishful thinking cannot be a solution to tribulations. Identifying cracks and apprehending the defaults in one's life is essential to find a way to get out of a ghetto and to start a search for a new haven. ("The world was somewhere else" ) - Erik Pevernagie
I'm scared of losing this web we're in. This elusive, indefinable, opposite of loneliness. - Marina Keegan
He kissed and held her like it was the last time, but then again, he always did that, because there had always been that possibility of him losing her. - Daniele Lanzarotta
I treat winning and losing exactly the same. I see them both as necessary steps to get us where we are going. Big failures big lessons little failures little lessons. - Bob Proctor
What is worse losing love or never finding it at all? - Vanshika Dhyani
Losing will not always amount to a loss, sometimes you have to lose those toxic relationships and bad habits to create a space for better things. - Gugu Mona
Madness is too glamorous a term to convey what happens to most people who are losing their minds. That word is too exciting,too literary, too interesting in its connotations, to convey the boredom, the slowness, the dreariness, the dampness of depression. - Elizabeth Wurtzel
A river continues to flow despite losing a few drops at each turn. - Matshona Dhliwayo
If you love someone, they leave you. But if you don't love someone, they leave you, too. So your choice isn't between loving and losing but only between loving and not loving. - Steve Rasnic Tem
Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper. - Robert Frost
Maybe the thing that we’re losing is the very thing that has caused us to lose everything else in the first place. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The Nolimitly.com, is a blog where you can find many information about products on the health, beauty, losing weight and fitness, which will help you improve your body but also your appearance. - Adongelo4567
In the world of business, being slow is a losing move. - Shawn Casemore
A fear of losing, of failure is a fear of success. - T Jay Taylor
One chance missing, makes losing more chances. - Abdulsalam Unshur
When someone tries to make life miserable for you, remember, they are fighting a losing battle with themselves. - Amitav Chowdhury
...And her tears turned into blood, because what she was losing was thicker than water. - Anonymous
Enjoy losing weight. Enjoy eating healthy, delicious food. Do not wait until you reach your destination to feel good. Take as much happiness and joy as you can from your weight loss journey. - Harry Papas
The worst thing you can do is make money at the expense of losing your time. - J.R. Rim
We can allow ourselves to pass through the darkest valley without losing our light. One candle can lit millions of other candles, which are willing to receive the light. - Raphael Zernoff
The reason we have such a difficult time losing weight permanently is not because we are making bad choices, but because we are not stopping our automatic subconscious programmed behaviors in their tracks. - Elaine Moran
And so, wish becomes pang; the crave, an ache; pleasure, pain. Losing all its pleasure, anticipation cuts the opposite direction and becomes merely a constant, painful reminder of what they’ve lost, forever. - Geoffrey Wood
The more my dream are fulfilled the quicklier they become realities losing their shine. - Ai Yazawa
Love is An invited deal for losing peace - Seema Gupta
He who pursues fame at the risk of losing his self is not a scholar. - Chuang-tzu
No matter how many losing seasons you might have had in the past with your marriage, the good thing is that all teams get a fresh start once September begins - Shon Hyneman Love And Football How to play on the same team with your spouse
I want to die.I want die by drowning in love.I want to die by becoming drunk, by drinking the pure wine of love.I want to die in an accident, By falling in love andbreaking my heart. I want to die by losing in the game of love. - Debasish Mridha
If you can react the same way to winning and losing, that is a big accomplishment. That quality is important because it stays with you the rest of your life. - Chris Evert
Finding who you are means losing yourself, and letting the Creator put you back together! - Mary Kate
Love is circumstantial; we can love anyone if need be; and losing the one we love is the singular catastrophe. Time does not heal it. Every present moment yearns for even the roughest past. - Andrew Solomon
I have sometimes thought of the final cause of dogs having such short lives and I am quite satisfied it is in compassion to the human race; for if we suffer so much in losing a dog after an acquaintance of ten or twelve years, what would it be if they were to live double that time? - Walter Scott
When nature suffers because it is destroyed by human activities, the notion of beauty is really losing its meaning, because nothing is more aesthetic than the natural beauty. - Marieta Maglas
It was curious what trying to speak English had done lately to his mind; it reminded him of studying poetry in college, words gaining and losing their meaning, overlapping with images, the curious echo of ideas behind the words people used. - Jess Walter
For me, sleep equaled death. How was closing your eyes and losing consciousness any different from death? What separated temporary loss of consciousness from permanent obliteration? - Lena Dunham
The nicest thing about being lost is that you get rid of the fear of losing your path! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The more we have, the more we realize can be taken from us, and that’s when our lives border on insanity. We live in fear of losing what we think we possess. Once we let go and let God, then we gain a peace that surpasses understanding. - Toni Sorenson
If you won't live for yourself than do it for me. If you don't want to live for me than choose something else. Anything is better than losing another person to that fake paradise that comes after death. - Arely Martinez Garcia
The only thing worse than losing a battle is winning one
Having been here before and lost, to be here and win, I've got to tell you, winning is really a lot better than losing. Really a lot better. - Kate Winslet
There is no loss bigger than losing your manuscript, not even love. - Himanshu Chhabra
Those who possess nothing and yet enjoy everything have no fear of losing anything. - Debasish Mridha
We should not allow ourselves to be deceived by our outward show of ‘civilized’ manners and ‘cultured’ social behavior into believing that self-concern, desirous attachment, aversion, and indifference are steadily losing their hold over us. - Stephen Batchelor
When we focus on winning the battle for material gains,we end up losing spiritual war.If we had a better self of ethics we would be better prepared to deal with the complicated world in which we find ourselves. - David V. Gaggin
I am losing precious days. I am degenerating into a machine for making money. I am learning nothing in this trivial world of men. I must break away and get out into the mountains to learn the news - John Muir
Having a dream, living that dream, losing that dream, dreaming again and then having that dream come true again is one of the greatest feelings ever because I`m stronger. - Aaron Carter
Freydolf worried that the stone might have been [stolen], but he finally found it safe and sound in one of the many drawers that were better for losing things than organizing them. - C. J. Milbrandt
Love will hurt. If it doesn't hurt you are not doing it right. To truly love someone you must open yourself up to the pain that would be losing them. - Teresa Mummert
Do you really enjoy living a life that's so hateful? 'Cause there's a hole where your soul should be, you're losing control of it, and it's really distasteful. - Lily Allen
A real woman's blood pressure will go up when another man touch her, in anger of me losing my dignity and not because she likes it. - Unarine Ramaru
If you can keep your wits about you while all others are losing theirs, and blaming you. . . . The world will be yours and everything in it, what's more, you'll be a man, my son. - Rudyard Kipling
Most people see themselves a certain way their entire lives. When they go through a massive change, such as losing weight, they have to learn to see themselves in a new way. It is one of the biggest struggles her members deal with on their journey.
Life is a game. Either you win or lose. Never allow the fear of losing prevent you from entering the game. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Her strategy for honoring the dead had always been to take action - solve the mystery, punish the criminal. But what did you do when there was no one to punish? When there were no answers to find? How do you assimilate that kind of loss without losing your mind? - Rob Thomas
I've never, nor shall I ever, mourn the loss of a fool. Losing a fool, is the same as gaining, retaining, and reaffirming my intelligence. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
One of the things you learn about being married is that being with someone day in and day out can make you so comfortable that you risk losing your tact. - Apol Lejano-Massebieau
Never forget why you should win or achieve your goals and dreams. Once you feel you are losing purpose in the process, remind yourself why you saw the need to begin in the first place, let that drive you. - Unarine Ramaru
Losing your life is not the worst thing that can happen. The worst thing is to lose your reason for living. - Jo Nesbø
It's difficult from one story to jump in another story, 2 stories are okay for one hour. But more and more characters you start losing the link. (Thriller 2) - Deyth Banger
Distress at losing an object can be as much a frustration at the intellectual mystery of the disappearance as about the loss itself. - Alain de Botton
There is a price for everything; the price of losing or winning it all. - David Alexandher
The question is whether any civilization can wage relentless war on life without destroying itself, and without losing the right to be called civilized. - Rachel Carson
You were on the other side of the world, but I often woke with the scent of you surrounding me. I ached for you, Kells. No matter how much Kishan thrashed me, it couldn’t diminish the pain of losing you. I’d dream of you and reach out to touch you, but you were always just out of reach. - Colleen Houck
After losing someone, the beautiful memories float wrenching the heart to bleed tears.بعدما تفقد أحدهم تطفو الذكريات الجميلة توخز القلب فيعصر دمعا - Wafaa Nowaihed
Winning or losing is a perception, but learning is beauty. - Debasish Mridha
Never regret losing time on reading good books - Kowtham Kumar K
We speak about losing our minds as if it is a bad thing. I say, lose your mind. Do it purposefully. Find out who you really are beyond your thoughts and beliefs. Lose your mind, find your soul. - Vironika Tugaleva
Words, with their multiple meanings and nuances are like trees and oral communication like a forest. Trees are good for hiding, forest for losing the path. When one is trying to contemplate the horizon of illusion and reality, trees and forests can offer no help. - R. N. Prasher
Learn as though you would never be able to master it; hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it. - Confucius
The pleasures of the world are deceitful; they promise more than they give. They trouble us in seeking them, they do not satisfy us when possessing them and they make us despair in losing them.
The toughest thing worth losing is Pride. - Unarine Ramaru
Ownership breeds slavery: with every single thing that you acquire, comes a new worry of not losing that thing. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The single greatest reason why we are losing a generation is because the home is no longer the place of the transference of the faith. We live in a day of ‘outsourcing’…Today, we have a generation of people that outsource their kids. - Tony Evans
When you win and the other fellow loses, what do you see? A losing face. There is great joy in losing and making the other person win and have a happy face. Who will be the happiest person? The one who brings happiness to others. - Swami Satchidananda
Do not be complacent about your achievements and not to strive for continual improvement when you get to the top. As soon as you let success go to your head, you sink into following familiar patterns and play it safe. In other words, you risk losing your edge. - Roy T. Bennett
Never mix business with religion, or you might end up losing your testimony when the business agreement is no longer something you or Christ would put up with. - Shannon L. Alder
Do not rest on your laurels when you get to the top; you risk losing your edge once you let success go to your head. - Roy T. Bennett
Honey, the sun rises and sets with that Bill of hers. Everything he says is Gospel. She loves her man.""Is that what loving your man is?""Has a lot to do with it."Jean Louise said, "You mean losing your own identity, don't you?""In a way, yes," said Henry. "Then I doubt if I shall ever marry. - Harper Lee
The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart. - Robert Ingersoll
There are days we all live with defensive thoughts in our mind. Without losing these thoughts we can’t totally be ourselves, and enjoy life's freedom of the heart. - Ron Baratono
Losing your virginity is a lot like when you find out that Santa doesn’t exist… First you’re slightly disappointed, and then you’re happy because you’re in on the secret - Ben Mitchell
So when my cards are side of... I'm losing I need to suicide?? - Deyth Banger
Choose battles that you can win without losing your heart and your soul. - Kristin Cast
Losing something is difficult while gaining something is easier. So try to gain beauty and make your life prettier. - Debasish Mridha
Nothing amuses people more than a cocky guy who starts losing. - Criss Jami
I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing. - Anaïs Nin
No, she wasn't losing language. She was choking on it. - Gregory Maguire
We fought very hard for feminism, for women's rights. What I'm seeing today is a very opposite thing. I don't know why, but I see women being put back in the place. And I hate it. We're losing all we worked so hard for and it really bums me out. - Stevie Nicks
If I've learned one thing about a woman: they'll get over every damn single tragedy without losing the charm of their smile. - Sarvesh Jain
Winning and losing is not an external game. It is an internal battle over telling yourself the truth vs. lies regarding why you haven’t stepped into the life you dreamed of. - Shannon L. Alder
I had rather that the human race, having a certain quality in their lives, should continue for only a few centuries than that, losing freedom, friendship, dignity, and mercy, and learning to be quite content without them, they should continue for millions of millennia. - C.S. Lewis
Our goodness is our wealth and when we close our eyes to the tragedies of the hard lives, we start losing our wealth! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I'd heard it all the time, 'Live in the moment.' But if I did that, I'd weigh more than a dump truck. Losing weight wasn't about the moment at all; it was about having faith in the future. It was about knowing there would be another meal in a few hours. - Stephanie Klein
Losing an illusion makes you wiser than finding a truth. - Ludwig Börne
I have no fear of losing my life - if I have to save a koala or a crocodile or a kangaroo or a snake, mate, I will save it. - Steve Irwin
When I'm in a couple, I feel I'm disappearing, dying - losing my mind. - Stephen Grosz
Always beware of the fact, that the only thing hindering an all out revolution is your fear of losing the scraps they throw at you.--Twitter post, July 29, 2012 - Gore Vidal
I have found a way to beat myselfI win by losing, something like thatI'm told that I'm stupidSo ok, I'll be stupidIf I can't register the painThen it's not thereI'm not so stupid after allI'll show them - Henry Rollins
Sometimes I just say that to read one thing more than twice is just a losing of time, but some stuff are used a lot of times, are read a lot of times until the meaning is get... - Deyth Banger
Clive was losing sensation in his feet, and as he stamped them the rhythm gave him back the ten note falling figure, ritardando, a cor anglais, and rising softly against it, contrapuntally, cellos in mirror image. Her face in it. The end. - Ian McEwan
Your youth is certainly finished and old age has definitely arrived if you feel that you are losing enthusiasm, excitement and energy towards your dreams and goals. - Amit Kalantri
Inner peace has no correlation with success or failure—winning or losing. - Debasish Mridha
For me the experience of writing is really an experience of losing control.… I think it’s very much like dreaming or like surfing. You go out there and wait for a wave, and when it comes it takes you somewhere and you don’t know where it’ll go. - Margaret Atwood
A huge part of losing weight is believing you have the power to do it. - Debasish Mridha
I just keep losing. I mean, some people just...are supposed to lose? For balance in the universe? I mean, like, are there just some people on earth who...are supposed to be here just to make it easier for the winners? - Donald Glover
If a tie is like kissing your sister, losing is like kissing your grandmother with her teeth out. - George Brett
A library is a place where you can lose your innocence without losing your virginity. - Germaine Greer
Whenever we lose time we are actually losing our life. - Sunday Adelaja
There is no accountability in the public school system - except for coaches. You know what happens to a losing coach. You fire him. A losing teacher can go on losing for 30 years and then go to glory.
There is no pain greater than this; not the cut of a jagged-edged dagger nor the fire of a dragon's breath. Nothing burns in your heart like the emptiness of losing something, someone, before you truly have learned of its value.
Take advantage of losing your job by making it an opportunity to find a better one.. - Hassan Choughari
The art wouldn’t complain if we leave her alone. Losing a touch with art, however, is losing a touch with our imagination. - Pawan Mishra
Do not fear, you mind may be criticizes for losing track. Enjoy the fact that most may not ride the same train of thought. - C. Jerry
We risk losing what nature is if we couch its value in human terms. - Richard Black
Some part of me knew that I could play this part well, or better than well. But I was almost afraid to play it. The line between stage and life was so fragile here that I felt a risk of losing myself somehow. - J.B. Cheaney
But how can one regret what, to the mind, has never existed? Even loss is an inaccurate description, for what loss is without the awareness of losing? - Nicole Krauss
While you're saving your face you're losing your ass.
Free is he who is reputable for not being fearful of losing his reputation. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
As long as you feel comfortable losing, you will never win! - Mignon' Talise Padilla
A 21st century poet is a woman who can speak her mind and stand upright like a mountain with her convictions, but can adapt like water in an ever changing season without losing her genuine elements. - Roseville Nidea
I just could not leave the people who ever fill my heart. But if people leave, well, like today myself. That's why I'm afraid to get acquainted with a lot of people because I'm afraid of losing a lot of people too. In reality I always get acquainted with many people, how is this? - Vea Dreamer
Winning may not be everything, but losing has little to recommend it. - Senator Dianne Feinstein
All he did all afternoon was calculate again and again how many hours of study time he was losing. Thinking about it now, he felt stupid, as we all do when we remember all the time we waste wishing we were somewhere else. - Paolo Giordano
I think there were times when I was so afraid of losing you that I forgot I even had you at all. - Ashly Lorenzana
The road that leads to heaven is risky, lonely, and costly in this world, and few are willing to pay the price. Following Jesus involves losing your life-and finding new life in him. Follow Me, pg. 11 - David Platt
Max, for some people there are no victories, just alternate forms of losing. - David Niven
To many people fall short of their goals because they mistakenly believe that losing is just another comfortable place to sit. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
You are so afraid of losing your moral sense that you are not willing to take it through anything more dangerous than a mud-puddle. - Gertrude Stein
The best defense is to change and adapt without losing values and morals. - Debasish Mridha
True love is sacrifice. It is in giving, not in getting; in losing, not in gaining; in realizing, not in possessing, that we love! - J.P. Vaswani
If ur laptop doesnt smell like fire then ur losing. - Genereux Philip
She had lost all our memories for ever, and it was as though by dying she had robbed me of part of myself. I was losing my individuality. It was the first stage of my own death, the memories dropping off like gangrened limbs. - Graham Greene
Most of us focus so much on 'capturing' the moment that we don't realize we keep losing it for the next which we will lose next:-) - Prashant Chopra
It is at the precise moment that I take something for granted that I have placed myself in the precarious position of losing that very thing. And if that thing I risk losing is liberty, taking it for granted is foolishness of the most foolish sort. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Just imagine what you are losing just because you are not reading! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else. - Mitch Albom
Losing your honor in a person's eye is tantamount losing it for entire humanity. - Anum Sattar
All this twaddle, the existence of God, atheism, determinism, liberation, societies, death, etc., are pieces of a chess game called language, and they are amusing only if one does not preoccupy oneself with 'winning or losing this game of chess. - Marcel Duchamp
Losing a baby is not a thing that you could ever get used to. - Erica Eisdorfer
Accept losing but never give up the hope of winning - Debasish Mridha
I don’t care about losing people who don’t wanna be in my life anymore. I’ve lost people who meant the world to me and I’m still doing just fine. - Karl May
You're never losing when you're learning ! - Knowledge Notes
I think that the habit of gloomy poetry is very funny. It’s like a special competition in losing. - Miroslav Holub
Almost nothing happens by accident. There’s no use getting upset and losing your peace. Sometimes out of your pain comes purpose. - Tony Warrick
He who acquired all his wealth by *being at the right place at the right time* is hypocritical by being angry for losing all his wealth because of his *being at the wrong place at the wrong time.* - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Hope is the fuel that raises our standards. Losing it deletes our most basic desires. - Doug Pedersen
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