Quotation Explorer - 'Jump'

I don't look to jump over 7-foot bars; I look around for 1-foot bars that I can step over. - Warren Buffett
If tonight is my last, I would run towards the sea, wildly swim the tides, the jump up the hills, flounder the cliffs and take all big strides, for I am a wanderer, awed by nature's charm who would love to breathe his last in its embracing arms. - Arvind Parashar
An entrepreneur is someone who will jump off a cliff and assemble an airplane on the way down. - Reid Hoffman
He asked, "What makes a man a writer?" "Well," I said, "it's simple. You either get it down on paper, or jump off a bridge. - Charles Bukowski
I will Construct thyself in a box & challenge thyself to jump out of it...... - Wilson M Rubaihayo
Sometimes you just have to jump out the window and grow wings on the way down. - Ray Bradbury
The flea that doubts doesn't jump nearly as high. - Marty Rubin
Sometimes we have one chance, to ride that wave, one opportunity to jump on, take a deep breath and feel the rush of adrenaline. . . don't miss your chance. - Heidi Reagan
Those with calling also find wealth, so jump and start swimming towards your true self. - Ryan Lilly
Why so eager to jump in and direct someone else's life when you can't stick to your own goals and resolutions? - Richelle E. Goodrich
Whenever you jump off a cliff at GOD's command, be sure that you will fly! Either by soaring on the palm of His hands or on the parachute of that command or you will suddenly have wings pop out and sustain you in the air. Either way, you will be flying and He'll be the one behind it all. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
To do anything in this world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in, and scramble through as well as we can. - Sydney Smith
CAT, n. A soft, indestructible automaton provided by nature to be kicked when things go wrong in the domestic circle. This is a dog, This is a cat. This is a frog, This is a rat. Run, dog, mew, cat. Jump, frog, gnaw, rat. Elevenson - Ambrose Bierce
There are two kinds of teachers: the kind that fill you with so much quail shot that you can't move, and the kind that just gives you a little prod behind and you jump to the skies. - Robert Frost
This kiss was better than any climb or bungee jump or zip line. Better than any other kiss. Damn him. - Robin Bielman
the source of a river is narrow. If you could jump over it in a twinkle of an eye at the source, be sure to ponder before you jump over it at its mid or its estuary. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
If [you're asked] what you think, tell. If you have a preference, voice it. If you have a question, ask it. If you want to cry, bawl. If you need help, raise your hand and jump up and down. - Kristin Richter
Jump high brother!! So high that if you fall, then people should remark on not how far you fell but how high you jumped - Anubhav Mishra
You’re so eager to jump into something you’ve barely begun to understand. Things don’t just get handed to you. You have to fight. Prove that you are worthy and then maybe the answers will be found." - Mr. Creepy - Candace Knoebel
True role models don't stand on a pedestal and tell you how to climb up; they jump down and help push you up.
Success is really about being ready for the good opportunities that come before you. It's not to have a detailed plan of everything that you're going to do. You can't plan innovation or inspiration, but you can be ready for it, and when you see it, you can jump on it. - Eric Schmidt
Listen with an open mind, gather all the incoming information, both verbal and non-verbal and be careful not to ignore things you don’t wish to hear. Don’t make assumptions or jump to conclusions. The punchline usually comes at the end! - Graham Speechley
Life is like an ocean; an endlessly elegant dance between serenity and chaos. And while idly watching this can be so beautiful, that’s not what life is for. Don’t just stand on the shore… jump in! - Steve Maraboli
Pull back the curtain and jump down the rabbit hole. - Brad Jensen
Fear leads to death as the window to the courtyard. Jump! - Grigoris Deoudis
The Yorubas have a saying, here, my translation in English--a poor fool is a bigger fool rich. In other words, money only allows and enables you to be more of who you are. My bigger translation? You don't jump essence, you jump environs! - Dew Platt
Do you want to make your Life exciting? Then find a purpose that will make you jump out of bed each day with Enthusiasm, Power and Excitement.- - RVM
Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off. Build your wings on the way down.--Ray Bradbury - T.K. Thorne
Risk - If one has to jump a stream and knows how wide it is, he will not jump. If he doesn't know how wide it is, he'll jump and six times out of ten he'll make it.
When faced with a hurdle then give it all you've got to jump over it because it can't be done in two stages. - Stephen Richards
I find the idea quite intolerable that an electron exposed to radiation should choose of its own free will not only its moment to jump off but its direction. In that case I would rather be a cobbler, or even an employee in a gaming house, than a physicist. - Albert Einstein
You could climb to the top of the world and jump into the deepest of ravines, but if you don’t have someone to share it with you’ll always be looking back. - Saim Cheeda
Patience is the inclination to control the racing mind, which wants to jump ahead. - Balroop Singh
It is truly time to inspire your mind, whatever your dreams may be! Don’t wait for tomorrow, whatever your sorrows. Today is the day to ‘believe’. Jump to it! written by , c2011. - Lee Bice-Matheson
Books allow one to jump into another person's imagination while also exploring their own! - Jen Selinsky
Making a decision to write was a lot like deciding to jump into a frozen lake. - Maya Angelou
I have to hold that up as a metaphor for everything, being prepared and then being brave enough to just be there. Just listen and follow, maybe jump. Everyone leans in, it brings them into your emotional vicinity because, you said "Risk creates intimacy - Mary-Louise Parker
Most people on the ledge of a tall building were not afraid they'd fall; they were afraid they'd jump. - Lauren Alego
Everything falls into place if you trust yourself enough to jump. - Teresa Marie Garcia
Many evolutionists today... continually promote the idea that 'Big Change = Small Change x Millions of Years'. This is logical fallacy... It is akin to saying "because a cow can jump over a fence, it it only a matter of time and practice for it to jump over the moon. - Dr. Donald Batten
Where'd the days go, when all we did was play? And the stress that we were under wasn't stress at all just a run and a jump into a harmless fall - Paolo Nutini
To do anything truly worth doing, I must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in with gusto and scramble through as well as I can. - Og Mandino
Okay, I’ll just jump right out and say it. I have anxiety issues. - Shannon Celebi
Opportunity always knocks the door with hurdles. It's up to you either jump the hurdle to grab or owing to hurdle miss the opportunity . - Akansh Malik
Here is how you know if it is love or lust. Push them in front of a bus. If you jump in the way and save them it is love. - Teresa Mummert
Don’t sit! Stand up and jump on the reality! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If you want to find out who your real friends are, sink the ship. The first ones to jump aren't your friends. - Marilyn Manson
It's difficult from one story to jump in another story, 2 stories are okay for one hour. But more and more characters you start losing the link. (Thriller 2) - Deyth Banger
Lovers jump into bed without thinking. It's the only way it can be done. - Marty Rubin
Jump every hurdle. If you feel like everything negative has happened to you, you were given these obstacles because the Universe knows that you are strong enough to handle it. - Karen A. Baquiran
That's all I wanted to do as a kid. Play a guitar properly and jump around. But too many people got in the way. - Syd Barrett
The most dangerous strategy is to jump a chasm in two leaps. - Benjamin Disraeli
Positiveness is not a god gift. Things are negative when you realize that frog inside you is not able to jump high. - Tanmay Patange
To be a leader you have to jump into the ocean of uncertainty and lead the followers toward the known or unknown destination. - Debasish Mridha
At some point you have to stop crossing oceans for those who wouldn't jump puddles for you. - Nick Dee
the train is moving, so either jump in or jump out but i dare you to stand in front of it !! - Hisham Fawzi
Don’t jump on the bandwagon just because everyone’s doing so. - Auliq Ice
First you jump off the cliff and build your wings on the way down. - Ray Bradbury
When you jump for joy, beware that no one moves the ground from beneath your feet. - Stanisław Jerzy Lec
Jump in the ocean of loveto die and to save at the same time. - Debasish Mridha
No animal should ever jump up on the dining-room furniture unless absolutely certain that he can hold his own in the conversation. - Fran Lebowitz
The Dreamfencekittens wait to jump into my dreamseach time I visit heaventhey jump over a dreamfencered clouds are ready for lovingas I lovemy love paints my catsour minds are somehow stuck togetheras we dream togetherof our own heavenamd after tjeu cir; i[inside my sweaterwe knit our own heavens. - Akiane Kramarik
Do you want to make your Life exciting? Then find a purpose that will make you jump out of bed each day with Enthusiasm, Power and Excitement. - RVM
Life is a sea of vibrant color. Jump in. - A.D. Posey
Success is likened to a deep pit, you have to jump in to get it, then you'll need a ladder of grace to climb out to enjoy it. - Michael Bassey Johnson
When it comes to taking chances, some people like to play poker or shoot dice; other people prefer to parachute jump, go rhino hunting, or climb ice floes, while still others engage in crime or marriage. But I like to get drunk and drive like a fool. - P. J. O'Rourke
Our story is the raft we ride in our ocean of life. We cling to it even while we might lament our story because it feels safer to be on the raft than swimming in the currents of possibilities. When you are ready for change, jump off the raft and swim with a different story. - Jeanne McElvaney
Thoughts, like fleas, jump from man to man, but they don't bite everybody. - Stanislaw J. Lec
Stop waiting for the permission to do your life's greatest work, the earth isn't getting any younger. Jump into action knowing that you are either running by God's side or God is running with you in his arms towards your goals, your dreams, and your destiny. - Monika Zands
Every book is a safe heaven, many people don't see it but I do.I see my chance to escape and be safe, I see the choice to stop or jump over the yelling, I see the key to help me get a better person.I see not different worlds, no, I see my universe. - I wrote it
Sometimes you don't realize your fear of heights until you stand at the edge of the cliff, ready to jump. - BlueMystique
The jump is so frightening between where I am and where I want to be... because of all I may become I will close my eyes and leap! - Mary Anne Radmacher
You can’t always get it right, if you fail, and it will happen, accept it, jump back on and try again - Federico Pablo Dana
Don't jump on a man unless he's down. - Finley Peter Dunne
The keys of happiness and success lie beyond your fear fences. Jump over the fences NOW - Mohammed Sekouty
Sometimes u have to hurt your loved ones just because you don't want to hurt yourself, it's like putting a step backward to jump forward .. - jagvir ji
The only reason I can’t jump in and engage life is that I’ve told myself I can’t. Yet I can’t helping wondering would happen if I told myself I could? - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Read. Everything you can get your hands on. Read until words become your friends. Them when you need to find one, they will jump into your mind, waving their hands for you to pick them. And you can select whichever you like, just like a captain choosing a stickball team. - Karen Witemeyer
You'd think, 'What if I make a mistake today, I'll regret it'. I don’t believe in regret, I feel everything leads us to where we are and we have to just jump forward, mean well, commit and just see what happens. - Angelina Jolie
Good literature is a lifeboat! Every time you feel you are sinking, jump on it! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Jump and let's build our wings on the way down - Ray Bradbury
If we listened to our intellect, we'd never have a love affair. We'd never have a friendship. We'd never go into business, because we'd be cynical. Well, that's nonsense. You've got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down. - Ray Bradbury
You can't jump down the stairs in one leap, however much you might wish to, and you even more surely can't jump up it, but one step and then the next and there you are, at the top or the bottom and not a bit out of breath or discomposed. - Elizabeth Aston
Walking out with the people, I didn't know which was more exciting, the air race, the parachute jump that failed, or the cunt. - Charles Bukowski
None of us get to choose our race but we all get to choose how we overcome its hurtles. Whether we jump or stumble...what matters most is that we take each moment in stride. Compassion, love, forgiveness and empathy will always win the human race. - Jason Versey
Jump in the urinal and stand on your head. I'm the one that's alive. You're all dead. - Philip K. Dick
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