Quotation Explorer - 'Ground'

America is the most fertile ground of opportunity. - Debasish Mridha
Victory, is like a boxer that hangs his gloves, after the consecutive losses; sometimes walking away is what builds character, than the actual fight. As humble fruit on a tree that falls to the ground and rots, never finding appreciation in the taste of mouths. - Anthony Liccione
With fear, you crawl on the ground; without fear, you fly in the skies! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Heaven is high and earth wide.If you ride three feet above ground than other men,you will know what that means. - Rudolf C. Binding
Science is a first-rate piece of furniture for a man's upper chamber, if he has common sense on the ground floor. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
The tension between what is, and what we dream of, is important. Not to discount what we have, but to hold onto that middle ground, because it's in there that the magic happens. - Susan Branch
When life's got you down, keep your head up... you can't see the ground anyway - Nicole Rae
Mavis' bear sailed through the air in Cassie's room, falling onto the bed. 'What's he in aid of?' 'He's reconnaissance expert. He wouldn't hear of me enterin' potential hostile ground without testin' for fire. Has his sacrifice been in vain? - Christine M. Knight
It’s important to understand that at every point of opposition to who we are or to what God has called us to do, we are presented with the options of either conforming and giving in, or standing our ground and becoming stronger in who God has made us to be - Gabriel Wilson
The Moon always finds an opportunity to turn our attention from the ground beneath our feet to the sky above our head! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A good mind is the mind which leaves no one on the ground when rising! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Heaven wheels above you, displaying to you her eternal glories, and still your eyes are on the ground - Dante Alighieri
Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars, but remember to keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt
In the most intimate, hidden and innermost ground of the soul, God is always essentially, actively, and substantially present. Here the soul possesses everything by grace which God possesses by nature. - John Tauler
NEWTONIAN, adj. Pertaining to a philosophy of the universe invented by Newton, who discovered that an apple will fall to the ground, but was unable to say why. His successors and disciples have advanced so far as to be able to say when. - Ambrose Bierce
Fear leads to no where but to ground zero. - Auliq-Ice
Mind the ground, oh yes check the land before you build that mansion. It is only a fallacy to build a great mansion on a waterlogged land without first attending to the land. You shall only sleep in a mansion with problems! Mind the ground! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Whenever you take a step forward you are bound to disturb something. You disturb the air as you go forward, you disturb the dust, the ground. - Indira Gandhi
You can't grasp the wonderful and keep your feet on the ground. - The Afters
But even though there´s no more hope, again there´s no need to harm yourself, despite your feeling as if there´s no ground beneath you and no choice in any direction. But when we do let go, how wonderful. We discover that the darkness is actually full of light. - Jakusho Kwong
How shall a society remember its miners underground while it cannot even remember its homeless above ground? - Mehmet Murat ildan
It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell
Putting heart & soul & contributing to what you are good at... is only for that movement. All is forgotten & people sitting far a distance knowingly wouldn't accept the same. Ultimately we make no difference & ground zero reality is never taken into account. - Stephen Manoharan
In the desert of the heart, tears do not touch the ground. (Dans le désert du coeur, - Les larmes ne touchent la terre.) - Charles de Leusse
Tears are a river that takes you somewhere…Tears lift your boat off the rocks, off dry ground, carrying it downriver to someplace better. - Clarissa Pinkola Estés
Computers are heaven-sent when they work and hell-spawn when they don't.There's just not much middle ground when it comes to technology. - Dani Harper
In tough and desperate times when your creativity begs to be birthed, loose the confines of the ground; stand up in your faith and walk atop the waves… - Stanice Anderson
You can't kick me down, I'm already on the ground. No, you can't, but you couldn't catch me anyhow.Blue skies, but the sun isn't comming out, no. Today, it is like I'm under a heavy cloud." (Runaway) - Avril Lavigne
Pain is holy ground in a person's life. - Jason Gray
I need you like a blossom needs rain, like the winter ground needs spring-to soothe my parched soul. - Solange nicole
Hope is like air if not built on a fertile ground. A ground that requires attention and nurturing. You cannot stop working on that ground even if the hope is sprouting higher into the sky. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The fact of God is necessary for the fact of man. Think God away and man has no ground of existence. - A.W. Tozer
Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt
The only use of a knowledge of the past is to equip us for the present. The present contains all that there is. It is holy ground; for it is the past, and it is the future. - Alfred North Whitehead
If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet renounce controversy are people who want crops without ploughing the ground.
The ground's generosity takes in our compost and grows beauty! Try to be more like the ground. - Jalaluddin Rumi
When you jump for joy, beware that no one moves the ground from beneath your feet. - Stanisław Jerzy Lec
If you fall down to the ground, you're in the perfect position to pray. It definitely humbles you and if you're humble it's easier for God to get Closer to You. - Jeanette Coron
You'll notice you don't have both feet on the ground when you don't have any friends around - Stanley Victor Paskavich
When you seek first to develop relationships based on personal and human ground, you will surely gain interest of another party. - Julieanne O'Conner
The man who has nothing to boast of but his illustrious ancestry is like the potato - the best part under ground. - Thomas Overbury
Resolve then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tinny blast on tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us. - Walt Kelly
When there's snow on the ground, I like to pretend I'm walking on clouds.
Memory is not an instrument for exploring the past but its theatre. It is the medium of past experience, as the ground is the medium in which dead cities lie interred. - Walter Benjamin
We meet like sovereign princes of independent states, abroad, on neutral ground, freed from our contexts - C.S. Lewis
Reach for the sky but keep your feet on the ground - Phil Limbert
When wisdom gives way to whimsy and ethics fall to excitement, it is highly likely that the ground beneath me will ‘give way’ and it is I who will ‘fall. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Food is our common ground, a universal experience. - James Beard
When your dreams are reaching for the stars, there's no point in keeping your feet on the ground. Take a chance and leap!!! - A.M. Sawyer
Aim at the ground, you'll never miss. - Kristine Thomas
When you sling mud, you lose ground. - Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.
If this long island story of ours is to end at last, let it end only when each one of us lies choking in his own blood upon the ground. - Winston S. Churchill
Faced with so much ignorance and prejudice currently I can only comment that Facebook is a breeding ground for the worst fruits of our coarse personality. - J.B.Alves
When mankind is drowning in a multitude of problems, swimming is not the solution. The solution is reaching higher ground which is the ultimate salvation. - Debasish Mridha
I'm not irreplaceable ... I'm nothing but grass growing on the ground; when the grass dies, another one replaces it ... - Chico Xavier
Truth is the only safe ground to stand upon. - Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Born on the ground. Live in the air! - Armin Houman
Any day above ground is a good day. - Robert Gerus
We often confuse determination with its evil twin: fixation. While determination is our ability to stand our ground while pursuing our goals. Fixation, on the other hand, is an unhealthy attachment to an ideal. - Venugopal Gupta
Be like seeds; do not see dirt thrown at you as your enemy, but as ground to grow. - Matshona Dhliwayo
If there comes a little thaw, Still the air is chill and raw, Here and there a patch of snow, Dirtier than the ground below, Dribbles down a marshy flood; Ankle-deep you stick in mud In the meadows while you sing, "This is Spring." - Christopher Pearce Cranch
I'm falling apart, one part after another. Falling down on the world like snow. Half of me is already on the ground, watching from below. - Ashly Lorenzana
Wadsworth MoorWhere the millstone of skyGrinds light and shadow so purple-fineAnd has ground it so longGrinding the skin off the earthEarth bleeds her raw true darknessA land naked now as a woundThat the sun swabs and dabsWhere the miles of agony are numbnessAnd harebell and heather a euphoria - Ted Hughes
I do not think he (Chester Arthur) knows anything. He can quote a verse from poetry or a page from Dickens or Thackeray, but these are only leaves springing from a root out of dry ground. His vital forces are not fed,and very soon he has given out his all. - Harriet Blaine
If the Good Lord meant men to use percussion caps, he wouldn't have strung flint all over the ground. - Taylor Anderson
A man’s main purpose in life is to find his ground, till it and care for it, bringing the Kingdom ofGod there and establishing the Lordship of Jesus Christ over it. - Sunday Adelaja
something about feet and ground and keeping cool. - Baba Krissypoo
This world is the playing ground of our thoughts and imaginations which create our perceptions. - Debasish Mridha
Every oak tree started out as a couple of nuts who decided to stand their ground. - Unknown
A human being has so many skins inside, covering the depths of the heart. We know so many things, but we don't know ourselves! Why, thirty or forty skins or hides, as thick and hard as an ox's or bear's, cover the soul. Go into your own ground and learn to know yourself there. - Meister Eckhart
I loved a woman whose beauty Like the moon moved all the humming heavens to music till the stars with their tiny teeth burst into song and I fell on the ground before her while the sky hardened and she laughed and turned me down softly, I was so young. - Peter Meinke
There's only one way to fall down, but you won't know till you hit the ground.
So many birds sitting around, on a dead wire, a bare branch, a cold ground, a drifting seashore; never realizing the glory in their wings and where it can take them, nor the envy as we look on them. - Anthony Liccione
I am praying that the issues from the last 12 generations go into the ground with me so I have NEW issue is to pass on to my son. - Matt Chandler
A horse loves freedom, and the weariest old work horse will roll on the ground or break into a lumbering gallop when he is turned loose into the open. - Gerald Raftery
I wanted to stand on the kind of holy ground that wasn't curated by church professionals, where a burning bush could blaze forth in defiance of safety regulations and outside of regular office hours. - Sara Miles
Each of us is the real star. We all are so close but still so far i this sky called ground. We all shine, though the light the others see is the one that our actions left in the past. - Christos K
A tree does not despair when its fruit falls to the ground, because it knows in due time, its seeds will rise. - Matshona Dhliwayo
A tree growing out of the ground is as wonderful today as it ever was. It does not need to adopt new and startling methods. - Robert Henri
If you're stuck in a puddle, it means there's higher ground all around you, you just have to step onto it. - Emilyann Girdner
Beneath her self-control, though he did not guess it, was the impatience of the keen brain watching a slower brain laboriously cover the ground it had already traversed in a flash. - Agatha Christie
Feet on the ground, head in the clouds. That's how giants walk. - Andrea Pomelli
Her endless, futile attempts to make her feelings known fell on stony ground. Slowly she retreated into the darkness where her dreams became reality and reality faded into the deep recesses of her soul.... - Virginia Alison
I went down to Safeways, and I bought her a packet of best ground sirloin. - Neil Gaiman
I took a chance, I took a shot And you may think I’m bullet-proof, but I’m not. You took a swing, I took it hard. And down here from the ground I see who you are - Taylor Swift
There is no need to sally forth, for it remains true that those things which make us human are, curiously enough, always close at hand. Resolve then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tiny blasts of tiny trumpets, we have met the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us. - Walt Kelly
If we are serious about climbing to higher ground, we will be found in church every Sunday—attending all of our meetings, partaking of the sacrament, participating in Sunday School, and contributing to the spirit found in Relief Society, Primary, and priesthood meetings. - Robert L. Millet
Making a dream come true is like taking control of an airplane high up in the stratosphere and landing it safely on the ground a measure of forethought, skill and courage is definitely required. - Silvia Hartmann
The first and most important thing an individual can do is to become an individual again, decontrol himself, train himself as to what is going on and win back as much independent ground for himself as possible - William S. Burroughs
As the soil of a garden is richer and as the harvest of the garden bears healthier nourishment from the decay of leaf matter and banana peel and egg shell and human hair and chicken bone and fireplace ash, so the accumulation of death in teh ground of a city implants therein energies and powers. - Tim Gilmore
Autumn is the hardest season. The leaves are all falling, and they're falling likethey're falling in love with the ground. - Andrea Gibson
Love is not an equation, it is not a contract, and it is not a happy ending. Love is the slate under the chalk, the ground that buildings rise, and the oxygen in the air. It is the place you come back to, no matter where your headed - Jodi Picoult
Mama exhorted her children at every opportunity to 'jump at de sun.' We might not land on the sun, but at least we would get off the ground. - Zora Neale Hurston
Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road. - Dag Hammarskjold
Man can now fly in the air like a bird, swim under the ocean like a fish, he can burrow into the ground like a mole. Now if only he could walk the earth like a man, this would be paradise.
May the Spirit lead us to walk on sacred ground. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Great imaginations are the breeding ground for great accomplishments!Great imaginations are like horses, they need guidance and proper nurturing, only then do they offer the world of adventure they promise. - Marilynn Dawson
In your most desperate moments where you crawl on the ground like worms, sometimes you suddenly hear the voice of a savior, the voice of the Music which immediately carries you away to the stars! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Physical elegance, which is what I am talking about here, comes from the body. This is no superficial matter, but rather the way that man found to honour the way he places his two feet on the ground. - Paulo Coelho
Wise sayings often fall on barren ground; but a kind word is never thrown away. - Sir Arthur Helps
The best hope is that one of these days the ground will get disgusted enough just to walk away - leaving people with nothing more to stand on than what they have so bloody well stood for up to now.
Now would I give a thousand furlongs of sea for an acre of barren ground. - William Shakespeare
Power and glory are two dialectic energies working in common ground. Taking a glimpse of the meandering under swell of glory in the shade of power, can be very inspiring and illuminating. ("The power and the glory" ) - Erik Pevernagie
For waters break forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert; the burning sand shall become a pool, and the thirsty ground springs of water - Isaiah Bible ESV
We are all dust passing through the air, the difference is, some are flying high in the sky, while others are flying low. But eventually, we all settle on the same ground. - Anthony Liccione
Until a seed falls to the ground and dies, it does not become a tree that later yields many fruits and multitude of seeds. We must embrace the thought of death for us to have greater lives. - Sunday Adelaja
No man is justified in doing evil on the ground of expediency. - Theodore Roosevelt
Her smile, I'm sure, burnt Rome to the ground. - Mark Z. Danielewski
Gravity. It keeps you rooted to the ground. In space, there's not any gravity. You just kind of leave your feet and go floating around. Is that what being in love is like? - Josh Brand and John Falsey
There is no middle ground for the selfless and the selfish. - Tara Estacaan
You cannot reach the stars feet on the ground. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Life is a beautiful thing. Plant it in the ground, and it blooms into opportunity, capice? - Gasmaskman
I am charting a course that will become a seed which may fall to the ground and die. But out of it shall arise many seeds and trees that shall become a plantation of light, which would usher in a new dawn of Gods righteousness to the church, Nigeria, and to Africa. - Sunday Adelaja
Do you have to make me feel like there's nothing left of me? You can take everything I have, you can break everything I am, like I am made of glass, like I am made of paper.Go on and try to tear me down I will be rising from the ground like a Skyscraper... - Demi Lovato
Whenever the cloud of ego threatens to engulf me, I remind myself of my roots. It helps keeping my feet on the ground. - Faraaz Kazi
The house does not rest upon the ground, but upon a woman. - Mexican Proverb
You will never reach the stars without courage to lose sight of the ground. - Matshona Dhliwayo
At moments when life is at its worst there are two things you can do: 1.) break down,lose hope and refuse to go on while lying face down on the ground banging your fists and kicking your legs, or 2.) laugh. Bobby and I did the latter. - Cecelia Ahern
It doesn’t take long for your fortunes to turn. One second you’re fluttery as a bird, the next you’re on the ground with your wings clipped. - Saim Cheeda
The Soul's sacred ground of being is the foundation for your doing. -- from the book, Doing a 360, page 135 - Nancy Ash
Atheism deprives superstition of its stand ground, and compels Theism to reason for its existence. - George Holyoake
Just because your feet are on the ground, doesn't mean you weren't born to fly. - Justin Young
And I'm not going to get any thinner or any younger, my ass is going to hit the ground, if it hasn't already--and I want to be with somebody who can still see me in here. I'm still in here. And I don't want to be resented or despised for changing...I'd rather be alone. - Zadie Smith
Language is not an abstract construction of the learned, or of dictionary makers, but is something arising out of the work, needs, ties, joys, affections, tastes, of long generations of humanity, and has its bases broad and low, close to the ground.
Yet, no matter how deeply I go down into myself, my God is dark, and like a webbing made of a hundred roots that drink in silence. I know that my trunk rose from his warmth, but that's all, because my branches hardly move at all near the ground, and just wave a little in the wind. - Rainer Maria Rilke
Never curse a fall. The ground is where humility lives. - Yasmin Mogahed
A tactical retreat is not a bad response to a surprise assault, you know. First you survive. Then you choose your own ground. Then you counterattack. - Lois McMaster Bujold
Plants turn their face to the Sun; Animals, to the ground; and Men, to the darkness! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If you fall from a plane onto a river, and survived, it is luck, but if you fall from a plane onto asphalt ground, and survived, then that is a miracle. - M.F. Moonzajer
Roots creep under the ground to make a firm foundation. Shoots seems new and small, but to reach the light they can break through brick walls. - Jane Goodall
I love the ground under his feet, and the air over his head, and everything he touches and every word he says. I love all his looks, and all his actions and him entirely and all together. - Emily Brontë
It won't do to be afraid of failure. Failure is the mother of success; a long journey begins from the ground beneath his feet. - Gen Urobuchi 虚淵 玄
OBLIVION, n. The state or condition in which the wicked cease from struggling and the dreary are at rest. Fame's eternal dumping ground. Cold storage for high hopes. A place where ambitious authors meet their works without pride and their betters without envy. A dormitory without an alarm clock. - Ambrose Bierce
Once it gets off the ground into space, all science fiction is fantasy. - J.G. Ballard
When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, "Why god? Why me?" and the thundering voice of God answered, "There's just something about you that pisses me off. - Stephen King
When you choose your life, ignore people, when you make it in life, remember some friends, when you sing a song, praise your source, when predicaments arises, stand your ground. - Michael Bassey Johnson
We stand before a burning bush whenever other human beings share with us something of their relationship with God or something of the movements of their hearts. In such moments may we always realize that we stand on holy ground - Margaret Silf
It's completely okay to sediment and live a life on the base of the earth and not up high.--Like the pearls of sea found in its bottom, the pearls of life are also found in the niches of ground. - raja shakeel mushtaque
You are my ground and you are my rainbow. You are my butterfly and you are my ecstasy. You are the start of my journeys and always my destination. You are my home - the place to which I always return. - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, we will never lose our value in God’s eyes. - Joyce Meyer
As you look up to see the stars,keep watching the ground with your feet. - R. N. Prasher
We shouldn't be fearful of failure because is not a monster as we think it is. It's just a training ground for those who are really striving for excellence in life. - Euginia Herlihy
When we are able to offer to the other something of ourselves that can engage, nourish or sustain spirit then we most fully speak. Likewise, the forest is a bit more beautiful. The light finds its way in; reaching out to the ground guiding us to a heavenly place. - Ishan Khatri
The work an unknown good man has done is like a vein of water flowing hidden underground, secretly making the ground green.
Mastery is the breeding ground of fresh, creative passion. - Mollie Marti
The breeding ground of fear is procrastination and inaction. We overcome them not by preparation, but by taking action. - Debasish Mridha
Home is the nesting ground for goodness to spring forth. Schools, churches and society influences but home is essential in the development and growth process. - Eveth Colley
Instead of falling to the ground like a heavy doll, as Kermin had seen the prisoners do at the Chetnik executions, his mother shrank into herself, a reverse blossoming, coming to rest in a sitting position, like a ruminative Buddha - Reif Larsen
Perhaps stars were supposed to be viewed from the ground. - Becky Chambers
No matter how fast weapons and technology evolve in the 21st century, one thing remains constant is that war is a human endeavor, a grueling contest between two learning and adaptive forces. Victory, therefore rests on how smart, how tough, and how dedicated our boots on the ground. - Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono
A generation of men is like a generation of leaves; the wind scatters some leaves upon the ground, while others the burgeoning wood brings forth - and the season of spring comes on. So of men one generation springs forth and another ceases. - Homer
Meditate, Clear, Calm, Center, Ground, Empty your mind, Stillness. Be receptive to a new approach. Believe in the possibilities of new opportunities. - Akiroq Brost
Tears are the souls raindrops softening the hard ground life can produce. - Mary-Ellen Peters
A knowledgeable curious mind is the bridging ground for ideas. - Debasish Mridha
The human mind is like a fertile ground were seed are continually being planted. The seeds are opinions, ideas, and concepts. You plant a seed, a thought grows, and it grows. The word is like a seed and the human mind is so fertile! - Miguel Ruiz
Every dreamer knows that it is entirely possible to be homesick for a place you've never been to, perhaps more homesick than for familiar ground. - Judith Thurman
The ground was silvery, as if some stars had fallen there. - Heather O'Neill
A man's attraction towards a woman is propelled by his innate feelings, while a woman is more sort of involved in a mental game, an impossible preposition of sorts, its like playing soccer in a cricket ground! - Ramana Pemmaraju
How will you know the difficulties of being human, if you are always flying off to blue perfection? Where will you plant your grief seeds? Workers need ground to scrape and hoe, not the sky of unspecified desire. - Jalaluddin Rumi
He is Running and Shouting and teasing around ,people know that he is just a vamp on the ground. people no more fear him . But the one sitting silent with no sigh of talky move,people simply fear him because no one knows what destruction he can bring to one in the this bushy grass of violence. - yash hoskere
Go where thou wilt, thou canst not go out of thy Father's ground. - Thomas Boston
The greatest oak was once a little nut who held its ground.... - Unknown
Policeman says, "Son you can't stay here"I said, "There's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year"Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snowsIf she changes her mind this is the first place she will go - The Script
Oh,' said a very white body as it threw a wrist watch to the ground which broke without attracting anyone's attention, 'Oh, how can anyone not love poetry, natural machines, large white houses, the brilliance of steel, crimes and wild passions? - Robert Desnos
For example, it is only by work we extract gold from the soil. It takes work to discover the oil that is already deposited in the ground. It is work that turns a hill of coal into karats of diamond. - Sunday Adelaja
Man himself is a great deep, whose very hairs Thou numberest, O Lord, and they fall not to the ground without Thee. And yet are the hairs of his head easier to be numbered than his feelings, and the beatings of his heart. - Augustine of Hippo
Dreams must be ground into bread, and the bread eaten. - Marty Rubin
Can you believe we still around?after so many hit the ground and we ain't gon' stop now until we get that wisdom - knight mayor
There is no den in the wide world to hide a rogue. Commit a crime and the earth is made of glass. Commit a crime, and it seems as if a coat of snow fell on the ground, such as reveals in the woods the track of every partridge, and fox, and squirrel. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Though I am grateful for the blessings of wealth, it hasn't changed who I am. My feet are still on the ground. I'm just wearing better shoes. - Oprah Winfrey
A person defines own nature only through the people around him/her on the physical ground and not via those found on his/her social media platform. - Anuj Somany
You don't have to disrespect and insult others simply to hold your own ground. If you do, that shows how shaky your own position is. - Red Haircrow
Trust is like a block of ice, once it melts into the ground, you can never get it back. - Captain Chief
The trouble with leaving your feet on the ground is you never get to take your pants off.
To conceal ignorance is to increase it. An honest confession of it, however, gives ground for the hope that it will diminish some day or the other. - Mahatma Gandhi
In dwelling, live close to the ground. In thinking, keep to the simple. In conflict, be fair and generous. In governing, don't try to control. In work, do what you enjoy. In family life, be completely present. - Lao Tzu
If they love they know not why, they hate upon no better ground, they hate upon no better a ground. - William Shakespeare
It is hard to look up to a leader who keeps his ear to the ground.
Wisdom of a person is his ability to see beyond the visible ground and never let an unsound, cunning people to hang around. - Anuj Somany
The question our century puts before us is: is it possible to regain the lost dimension, the encounter with the Holy, the dimension which cuts through the world of subjectivity and objectivity and goes down to that which is not world but is the Mystery of the Ground of Being. - Paul Tillich
Intellect takes us along in the battle of life to a certain limit, but at the crucial moment it fails us. Faith transcends reason. It is when the horizon is the darkest and human reason is beaten down to the ground that faith shines brightest and comes to our rescue. - Mahatma Gandhi
Throughout the house one could detect the good sense and care of a woman whose feet were planted firmly on the ground. - Gabriel García Márquez
Forgive your past because it the vehicle through your process and from this point forward your life is made of 100% future; Caterpillars always look up despite having no wings... and butterflies don't waste time crying over the legs they lost or dwelling on on the ground. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
Even in the darkness, every color can be found. And every day of rain brings water flowing to things growing in the ground.
Sorrow is a sanctuary as long as self is kept outside. [...] let us not foster, embrace, rekindle and indulge our grief. For then our sorrow is a selfish and luxurious fiction, a ground in which the Holy Spirit will not dig. - Frederick William Faber
I could never understand what was going on in my dreams I couldn’t control the happenings, it’s like I just stood there glued to the ground watching everything around me move and evolve into different scenarios. I was a ghost of myself watching life unravel before my own eyes... - JaszCab.
Sensitive people either love deeply or they regret deeply. There really is no middle ground because they live in passionate extremes. - Shannon L. Alder
Happy the man, whose wish and careA few paternal acres bound,Content to breathe his native airIn his own ground. - Alexander Pope
Man is now able to fly through the air like a bird, he is able to swim under the sea like a fish, he is able burrow beneath the ground like a mole. Now if only he could walk the earth like a man, this would be paradise. - Tommy Douglas
A Rival Can Become an Important Ally If WE Find A Common Ground - Izey Victoria Odiase
Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful,people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground. - Wilfred Peterson
The grass as bristly and stout as chives and me wondering when the ground will break and me wondering how anything fragile survives - Anne Sexton
Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.
A groundless rumor often covers a lot of ground. - Anonymous
To touch the soul of another human being is to walk on holy ground. - Stephen R. Covey
Every year, back come Spring, with nasty little birds yapping their fool heads off and the ground all mucked up with plants. - Dorothy Parker
The moral virtues, then, are produced in us neither by nature nor against nature. Nature, indeed, prepares in us the ground for their reception, but their complete formation is the product of habit. - Aristotle
The opinions that are held with passion are always those for which no good ground exists; indeed the passion is the measure of the holders lack of rational conviction. Opinions in politics and religion are almost always held passionately. - Bertrand Russell
You seem to look upon depression as the hand of an enemy trying to crush you…Do you think you could see it instead as the hand of a friend, pressing you down to the ground on which it is safe to stand? - Parker J. Palmer
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. - Douglas Adams
Wounds are the fertile ground where flowers of kindness and wisdom will grow and thrive. - Debasish Mridha
Bicyclist's Philosophy of Life..."It's a matter of faith. You can keep upright only by moving forward. You have to have your eyes on the goal, not the ground. - Susan Vreeland
Immediately after his re-election [Cameron] announced: For too long we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens so long as you obey the law we will leave you alone. A statement so far to the right that it conceded the political centre ground to Judge Dredd. - Frankie Boyle
pulling a great substance from a higher height whilst leaning on a slippery ground with the mentality of having the substance whilst standing is a thought of fantasy. You may only result in falling with the substance - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
When I appear in public, people expect me to neigh, grind my teeth paw the ground and swish my tail --- none of which is easy.
There is a way that the men speak to women that reminds me too much of Pa. They listen just long enough to issue instructions. They don’t even look at women when women are speaking. They look at the ground and bend their heads toward the ground. - Alice Walker
Truth is the only safe ground to stand on. - Elizabeth Cady Stanton
I am grateful for the blessings of wealth, but it hasn't changed who I am. My feet are still on the ground. I'm just wearing better shoes. - Oprah Winfrey
A few simple tips for life: feet on the ground, head to the skies, heart open...quiet mind - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground. Let their spirit ignite a fire within you to leave this world better than when you found it... - Wilferd Peterson
The idea of a vision is revolutionary and ground breaking but achieving it may be back breaking. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
If you fall still stand your ground and strive for that new start. - Jonathan Anthony Burkett
There are some men who lift the age they inhabit, till all men walk on higher ground in that lifetime. - Maxwell Anderson
My art is an attempt to reach beyond the surface appearance. I want to see growth in wood, time in stone, nature in a city, and I do not mean its parks but a deeper understanding that a city is nature too-the ground upon which it is built, the stone with which it is made. - Andy Goldsworthy
...no pain ever takes full leave of its person. That pain is greedy and doesn't give ground. That a body remembers what hurts it and how. Old pains get swallowed by new pains. But newer pains always follow suit. - Jill Alexander Essbaum
To you I am neither man nor woman. I come before you as an author only. It is the sole standard by which you have a right to judge me--the sole ground on which I accept your judgment. - Charlotte Brontë
Electrical earth (ground) cables are all energized with radio frequencies (RF). Generally the further away from the ground rod you go, the more RF that you will find. - Steven Magee
To go through hurt, you have to stumble on the rocks in order to walk on solid ground. - Alyssa Tillmon
A person is known by his own action, but even better by the deeds of the people often hanging around him on the physical ground than merely with his sweet words or sound. - Anuj Somany
Other people's stories may become part of your own, the foundation of it, the ground it goes on. - Ursula K. Le Guin
God gave us ground we created a city, God gave us time we need to create a future. - Amit Kalantri
I'm only up when you're not downDon't wanna fly if you're still on the ground - Taylor Swift
A person can never realize as how difficult it is to get even one ground support or an online like vote from the people unless and until he starts saying or doing consistently something of his own - Anuj Somany
Faith and reason are indeed complementary faculties that we use to think about the truth. When any winged creature (or mechanism) tries to fly on just one wing, it falls to the ground. In a similar way, when we human beings try to wing it with just one faculty, we crash. - Scott Hahn
You need peace to ground you and courage to act from the centre of yourself. - Jay Woodman
Think not forever of yourselves, O Chiefs, nor of your own generation. Think of continuing generations of our families, think of our grandchildren and of those yet unborn, whose faces are coming from beneath the ground.
A person’s true intention behind his/her nice & advisory word manifests itself through the ground action shown by the people who follow him/her like a herd. - Anuj Somany
Whether you lay cold in the ground or warm in an urn the turmoils of life aren't a concern. For some this may be the perfect rhyme except for those you leave behind... - Stanley Victor Paskavich
He started hammering the ground with all his might and the sky opened up, raining heavily on him. He looked at the sky, heard that thunder and saw that lightning. He laughed maniacally before raising the hammer again. - Akshay Vasu
As soon as we left the ground I knew I myself had to fly! - Amelia Earhart
Of all creatures on earth, in proportion to their size and weight, humans have the smallest footprint on the ground and the largest on the environment. - R. N. Prasher
Pale winter sun Is beatin' the ground Why'm I throwin' away The best thing that I've found My young heart's in tatters and I'm sureThat it will be a long time healing It's so hard to see what I'm doing this forWhen loneliness is all that I'm feeling - David Gray
How you ever gonna reach the starsIf you never get off the ground? - Big Time Rush
Those who pray for your downfall are concentrating negative thoughts towards you, without taking cognisance of the slippery ground in which they are standing, which could lead to their downfall. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Everybody Communicate, but few Connect.Why? because finding a common ground to build a connection is a matter of knowledge and perception! - Lydor Brunice
Let happiness bloomIn the freshness of your mind,In the gentle wind of your thoughts.On the ground of kindness and compassion. - Debasish Mridha
If you feel that you have boy feet planted on the ground, then the university has failed you. - Robert Goheen
Untilled ground, however rich, will bring forth thistles and thorns; so also the mind of man. - Teresa of Ávila
There's no fuzzy middle ground. You either believe that women are people or you don't. It's that simple. - Joss Whedon
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