Quotation Explorer - 'Warmth'

The best thing you can ever have is peace of mind, it is a basking fire to keep a cold heart in warmth, and a fortified confidence to be proud of. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Sunflowers hellos from gate to gate. The hour at the square. Candy, art, books, look. A warmth given. Beauties with rain forest hair Walk by the clock tower. Sunlight of neon, the keys inside their eyes. No storms. Traffic sounds, salt air. Salt that moves the thirst and destroys all the fears. - Gwen Calvo
Don't mire up in self despair of your losses, learn from them and move on to other good things in life. Don't stop allowing the sunshine in because of the fear that winter will come and engulf the warmth. Hold it close to you to help you through those cold winter days. - Belinda Taylor on "Loss"
As the sun lives on when it sets in the warmth it has given to others, you too will live on in the hearts of those whose lives you have touched. - Matshona Dhliwayo
You cannot get before you give. Wood cannot give you warmth before you start the fires. - Debasish Mridha
I have not disregarded them... He knows the source of energy... He feels the warmth of the path... He acknowledges his destiny... He embraced his FAITH…THE ONE THE UNIVERSE DEFINED…LONG BEFORE THEY MET - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
If Its Cold Outside Then Let The World To See The Warmth of Your SMILE.... - Muhammad Imran Hasan
I ordered a coffee and a little something to eat and savored the warmth and dryness. Somewhere in the background Nat King Cole sang a perky tune. I watched the rain beat down on the road outside and told myself that one day this would be twenty years ago. - Bill Bryson
Every morning, wake up with the warmth and the light of the rising sun in your heart. - Debasish Mridha
A sense of security, of well-being, of summer warmth pervades my memory. That robust reality makes a ghost of the present. The mirror brims with brightness; a bumblebee has entered the room and bumps against the ceiling. Everything is as it should be, nothing will ever change, nobody will ever die. - Vladimir Nabokov
In the morning, celebrate the beauty and warmth of sun light,in the evening, celebrate the song of silence and love of night. - Debasish Mridha
Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home. - Edith Sitwell
Wake up,dance with the light of the morning sun.Enjoy the warmth of her love,fell the joy of life,feel the joy of deepest gratitude. - Debasish Mridha
The sky can never be frozen because its vastness has chosenall warmth of our lives as we look abovewith unbreakable hearts armoured in love - Munia Khan
Memories are just a spark from the fire that you have in your heart from the love you have for the person you shared them with. A flash of warmth that comes with the knowledge that at that very moment life is perfect, a glimmer of hope that this happiness will last forever. - Stephen Skolnik
Like the sun, a teacher enlightens a mind with his love, warmth, and light. - Debasish Mridha
Like the sun, touch someone with the warmth of your kindness. - Debasish Mridha
Only mountains can feel the frozen warmth of the sun through snow's gentle caress on their peaks - Munia Khan
Savor the warmth of every sun-filled day, and the chill wind of every raging storm, weeds as much as flowers, the bitter and the sweet.
From the warmth of her fondness for her horse she constructed a fragile and changeable thing that almost resembled courage. She hoped it would be enough. - Kristin Cashore
If you keep chasing shooting stars, you'll never feel the warmth of the sun. - Ann Marie Frohoff
SMILE Is Not Just A Word.... It Means A Lot, Love, Trust, Warmth, Tenderness Etc, In Fact It Means WORLD.... So SMILE ALWAYS.... That Means, YOU Are Giving A WORLD To SOMEONE.... - Muhammad Imran Hasan
Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and a richness to life that nothing else can bring. - Oscar Wilde
A whole tree of lightning stood in the sky. She kept looking out the window, suffused with the warmth from the fire and with the pity and beauty and power of her death. The thunder rolled. - Eudora Welty
As the sun has endless lights, endless power, endless warmth, so do you also have endless love with endless power and, even better, your power of love and capacity to give grows by giving. - Debasish Mridha
To find the meaning of life, enjoy the journey, the beauty of the nature, the glint of a dew drop, the warmth of the morning sun, the songs of the wind, and smiles of flowers. These are all there to make your journey worthwhile and make your life meaningful. - Debasish Mridha
At the end of the day, all I have to cherish are human relationships. Your worldly wealth you can't take away with you, your life has been lived. It is the friends you have made, your family ties, which sustain your spirit with a certain warmth and comfort.-LKY at 80: 80 quotes from a life (2003) - LKY on LIFE
I am convinced that we as adults must constantly cling to, affirm, and celebrate with our children those things we love, sunsets, laughter, the taste of a good meal, the warmth of a hickory fire shared by real friends, the joy of discovery and accomplishment, the constant surprises of life. - Eliot Wigginton
Vital lives are about action. You can't feel warmth unless you create it, can't feel delight until you play, can't know serendipity unless you risk. - Joan Erickson
Be noble like the sun; let even those who resent you for shinning benefit from your warmth. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The sad thing was in the knowing that all their nerve would get them nowhere in the world and that they were lost as all the people in Brooklyn seem lost when the day is nearly over and even though the sun is still bright, it is thin and doesn’t give you warmth when it shines on you. - Betty Smith
In my imagination, I can feel your presence. I can feel the warmth of your passionate hug. I can hear your sweet voice. I can hear the song of your beating heart. - Debasish Mridha
I could feel the warmth of his presence as if a soft blanket had been wrapped around my soul, around my heart. It held me and protected me. It sheltered me and I knew I wasn’t alone anymore. - Colleen Houck
The newborn has only three demands. They are warmth in the arms of its mother, food from her breasts, and security in the knowledge of her presence. Breatfeeding satisfies all three. - Grantly Dick-Read
Heart, we will forget him,You and I, tonight!You must forget the warmth he gave,I will forget the light. - Emily Dickinson
We were friends, never paramours. A lover who is enigmatic will most likely prove to be a cataclysm waiting to happen. But a charming friend whose usual warmth is raveled through moments of cool inscrutability can be an intriguing companion. - Dean Koontz
Love is the body's warmth; sex, its heat. - Marty Rubin
I love the morning sun because it enlightens my heart and teaches me how to love others with an abundance of warmth and kindness. - Debasish Mridha
In the morning, smile like the morning sun and give the best gift of a smile filled with the warmth of love. - Debasish Mridha
touchKindness never use harsh words its touch warmth the needy person. - Kishore Bansal
Arabella dangled her legs out of the bedroom window and closed her eyes. She felt a butterfly brush against her knee, rubbed her skin against the mortar and bricks, drank in the warmth of the morning sunshine on her face, her arms her feet. - Puline Fisk
When the beauty and warmth of summer is here,then dancing leaves with colors are not too far. - Debasish Mridha
Kindness never use harsh words its touch warmth the needy person. - Kishore Bansal
Adversity draws men together and produces beauty and harmony in life's relationships, just as the cold of winter produces ice-flowers on the window-panes, which vanish with the warmth. - Søren Kierkegaard
The two brothers who sought to get their only family back, to feel her warmth, one lost his last family member and the other could never feel warmth again.The one who wanted her baby back lost chance of having one again,And the one who had a vision to see his country change became blind. - Hiromu Arakawa
The deaf cannot hear wind,but can feel its touch.The blind cannot see the sun,but can feel its warmth. - Matshona Dhliwayo
All the statistics in the world can't measure the warmth of a smile. - Chris Hart
Suddenly, he felt a tremendous stirring of hope inside his heart; it filled his whole body with its warmth. I may not be that much of a broken man, he thought to himself. - H. L. Balcomb
Like the morning sun, add sparkle, beauty, and warmth to the lives of others. - Debasish Mridha
Oh! The morning sun, I am grateful for your light and warmth. Oh! The pristine nature, I am grateful for your beauty and life sustaining air. Oh! The river and oceans, I am grateful for your generosity and water for thirst. Oh! The vast sky, I am grateful for your vastness and deepness of love. - Debasish Mridha
He smiled then, and that smile was like the sunset, stretching from one end of her existence to the other, lighting her way not by sight, but with a slow kindle inside she knew would never leave her bereft for the sun's warmth. - Joey W. Hill
The warmth of my love will transform winter into spring and adorn you with floral blooms of my heart. - Debasish Mridha
The warmth of our bodies began to melt my frozen heart bit by bit. - Kirito
We learn our virtues from our friends who love us; our faults from the enemy who hates us. We cannot easily discover our real character from a friend. He is a mirror, on which the warmth of our breath impedes the clearness of the reflection.
We enjoy warmth because we have been cold. We appreciate light because we have been in darkness. By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness.
The brittle seeds remained inside my soul, my tears the water that begged them to grow. And though I hate to admit it, you are my sun. Your light and warmth the last variables needed to see the seedlings burst and anchor. The roots in my soul, the flower and fruit in yours. - Hubert Martin
My Dad is everywhere and he is nowhere. My world tilts on a different axis, orbiting the sun of my own family- but still, I feel his warmth. - Elisabeth Egan
Everything is light, everything is warmth, everything is electricity, everything is a magnetic field, everything is you. - L.H.
I can hear the songs of your eyes, I can feel the warmth of your glowing cheek, and I can get lost in the smile of your soul. - Debasish Mridha
There's no substitute for a mother's warmth on a wintry night!!! - Mukesh Kwatra
If you put out acceptance and warmth, you tend to attract the same. - Deborah Day
Each person has an ideal, a hope, a dream which represents the soul. We must give to it the warmth of love, the light of understanding and the essence of encouragement. - Colby Dorr Dam
The light within is a fire, whose flame does not burn, but brings warmth; and whose rays do not blind, but illuminate. Once kindled, it blazes a trail and lights our way. - Yasmine Sherif (The Case for Humanity: An Extraordinary Session)
we can look underneath a rock or we can gaze upward into the skywe may choose to hear the whisper, or only turn to feel the warmth of a breathall to grasp the moment a message is passing bye, knowing all the time that we are not alone by chance... - levi paul taylor
Sometimes I feel that what used to be once casual conversations between friends are now being substituted with forced conversations containing none of the warmth it possessed earlier. It's better to not have any conversation at all than have forced conversations. - Adhish Mazumder
A mother’s love is like an everlasting bed of roses, that continues to blossom. A mother’s love bears strength, comfort, healing and warmth. Her beauty is compared to a sunny day that shines upon each rose petal and inspires hope. - Ellen J. Barrier
No sun - no moon! No morn - no noon - No dawn - no dusk - no proper time of day. No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease, No comfortable feel in any member - No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees, No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds, November!
Kindness is gracious demonstrate sensitivity and human warmth. - Kishore Bansal
Happiness is a great big hug, hugging us from the inside. allow yourself to feel its warmth and grace - Micheline Jean Louis
Just at that moment she glanced towards him and saw him smiling at her, his eyes lingering on her with warmth and an indefinable something else. Her heart caught in her chest - Emily Arden
Understand is not the word; you are right, you can never really 'understand' about someone, anyone, even yourself. It is best to believe in them as human; feel that they are alive like you and need warmth, concern. - Rudy Wiebe
I’m quietly sipping my coffee,sitting on the deck,settled in to my little jungle of herbs and buzzing bees,letting my thoughts wander, soaked in the warmth of the rising sun.Breathing in and out the soft air filling the moment with fluids of peace. - Anna Asche
His eyes are covered by impermeable marble, a solidity that can never be breached. You think there is gold and warmth behind the facade of cold, but if only you could see your reflection in the marble. You would see how you burn, how brightly you glow, enough to incinerate anyone else whole. - Hubert Martin
My love is like the light and warmth of the sun. It never changes. It never disappears even when you change your positions and perceptions. - Debasish Mridha
I do not want anything on this earth except the warmth of your pure love. - Debasish Mridha
To fill our lives with joy, the morning sun touches our hearts with the warmth of her kindness and the light of her love. Let us be like the sun touch someone’s life with kindness every morning. - Debasish Mridha
One does not go near the sun without feeling its warmth. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Kindness has the warmth in it and it can melt a hateful heart. - Debasish Mridha
Happy is the man who enjoy warmth of the sun and refresh in the breeze, who is secure within and say I have lived to-day. - Kishore Bansal
When a miracle happens, even if not to you, its nature is to naturally expand. You can almost feel the warmth on your face. - Hugh Elliott
The appreciative smile, the chuckle, the soundless mirth, so important to the success of comedy, cannot be understood unless one sits among the audience and feels the warmth created by the quality of laughter that the audience takes home with it. - James Thurber
Yet, no matter how deeply I go down into myself, my God is dark, and like a webbing made of a hundred roots that drink in silence. I know that my trunk rose from his warmth, but that's all, because my branches hardly move at all near the ground, and just wave a little in the wind. - Rainer Maria Rilke
Out of worship and out of love he would let no one light the stove for her either, as if he would be the warmth and the fire to dry and warm her feet. - Anaïs Nin
If I would be given a chance to rewrite the dictionary, I would flip through the pages so quick and would replace India with, the land where beauty is redefined in itself, kindness has been touched, warmth has been spread and emotions has been felt. - Magith Noohukhan
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