Quotation Explorer - 'Rock'

ISIS and these kinds of extremists are a death cult. We’re a life cult. Rock ’n’ roll is a life force, and it’s joy as an act of defiance. - Bono
He studied with the guru of rock n’ roll, Baba Oom Mow Mow, who taught his own version of the Golden Rule: "Do wop unto others as you would have them do wop unto you. - Swami Beyondananda
Poetry must be as new as foam, and as old as the rock. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
May you never know hunger May you love with a full heart The light burn in your eyes May the fire be your friend And the sea rock you gently May the moon light your way Till the wind sets you free
The religionist is a living fossil, embedded in that rock called faith. - Robert G. Ingersoll
Some guy said to me: Don't you think you're too old to sing rock n' roll?I said: You'd better check with Mick Jagger. - Cher
As a HARD ROCK hit the wolf, he crawled back to his favorite beach to gathered sources from his 3S of happiness, sea, sand and sun... A triangle with HER inside - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
Sisyphus, I. I cling to my rock, you don’t have to chain me. Stand back! I roll it up—up, up. And down we go. I knew that would happen. See, I’m on my feet again. See, I’m starting to roll it up again. Don’t try to talk me out of it. Nothing, nothing could tear me away from this rock. - Susan Sontag
On Jesus' rock, my life abounds; all other floors are slippery grounds. His love for me, is mercy band; any other love is sinking sand. - Israelmore Ayivor
A diamond is just a rock that refused to break under heat and pressure. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Hitting rock bottom is the most precious level of our lives: because then we can choose which foundation to build, direction to take, and mental programs to embrace. - Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D, MBA
When we try to focus our thought upon One who is pure uncreated being we may see nothing at all, for He dwelleth in light that no man can approach unto. Only by faith and love are we able to glimpse Him as He passes by our shelter in the cleft of the rock. - A.W. Tozer
I think I have a kind of Tourette's syndrome where if you're not supposed to say something, it becomes very attractive to do so. You're in a rock band what can't you talk about? God? Okay, here we go. You're supposed to write songs about sex and drugs. Well, no I won't. - Bono
I'm sickened by all religions. Religion has divided people. I don't think there's any difference between the pope wearing a large hat and parading around with a smoking purse and an African painting his face white and praying to a rock. - Howard Stern
May the music rock and the guys be hot - Brenda Pandos
When you're at rock bottom, strap on a different pair of boots and start climbing - The New Mrs D - Heather Hill
The only way I can describe the extent of my anxiety is to say that I felt as if I were pregnant with a rock. - Katharine Graham
Rock and roll was my favorite, but before long I grew to enjoy Shinamoto's brand of classical music. This was music from another world, which had its appeal, but more than that I loved it because she was a part of that world. - Haruki Murakami
We're more popular than Jesus now; I dont know which will go first; rock 'n' roll or Christianity. - John Lennon
Honour bought of coin is but grass in the wind. When the wind blows south it leans south; when the wind blows north so does it lean. Hardly solid rock upon which to forge sturdy trust nor imperishable friendship - JJ Matebesi
Your Real Self is the permanent atom of your identity, the rock of ages that remains unmoved by the restless tides of life. - Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Y'know, when I first started listening to punk rock music, I used to get my fucking ass kicked for it! I was known as a fucking freak! But now I'm amongst many many many freaks here with me tonight! - Billie Joe Armstrong,Stay The Night, Reading Festival 2013 - Green Day
a promise that the rock of the world was founded securely on a fairy's wing - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Fortune's fool! How we humans lie upon beauty like lizards upon a sun-baked rock. - Roman Payne
I will say nothing against the course of my existence. But at bottom it has been nothing but pain and burden, and I can affirm that during the whole of my 75 years, I have not had four weeks of genuine well-being. It is but the perpetual rolling of a rock that must be raised up again forever. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Solitary confinement is rock bottom, it’s absolute unfreedom. - Arthur Koestler
Petra is a brilliant display of man's artistry in turning barren rock into a majestic wonder. - Edward Dawson
We're all princes and princesses, at 5, 50, or 100! It's never too late, we're never too old to rock the world and contribute! Reaching for intimacy in all relationships? Delicious. - Pamela Taeuffer
When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
Success is measured on how high you bounce once you've hit rock bottom.
It's impossible to walk through solid rock... You have to walk between the molecules that make up the rock. - J.M. Dattilo
we can look underneath a rock or we can gaze upward into the skywe may choose to hear the whisper, or only turn to feel the warmth of a breathall to grasp the moment a message is passing bye, knowing all the time that we are not alone by chance... - levi paul taylor
Authentic kindness has a power greater than rock, paper and scissors combined. - Toni Sorenson
You know you've reached rock bottom when you're standing on the beach, looking to the horizon, and you don't notice you'r ankle-deep in dead fish. - Peter Lerangis
Rock 'n' roll is not red carpets and MySpace friends, rock'n'roll is dangerous and should piss people off - Gerard Way
Laws are sand, customs are rock. Laws can be evaded and punishment escaped but an openly transgressed custom brings sure punishment. - Mark Twain
Weird Al Yankovic is the closest thing America has to Punk Rock. - Kurt Cobain
Stand firm on the solid rock! - Lailah Gifty Akita
Don’t beat yourself up, son. I’m sure there is a culture on this spinning ball of dirt where you can be pretty. If not, do rock ‘n roll, or practice words. That shit’s pretty as well. - R.X. Bird
A small rock holds back a great wave. - Homer
A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral. - Antoine De Saint-Exupery
One can fight money only with money! from my Tale Of The Rock Pieces. - Ivan Stoikov
a soldier's mind is made of rock; the heart of a candle. - Srinivas Shenoy
I told you that I needed you. But now I need you to survive. Forever. I won’t live through this without you, and I’m selfish for telling you that, but it’s the truth. You’re my rock, Danika. I can’t ever lose you, or I’ll follow Jared, I know I will. - R.K. Lilley
Rock journalism is people who can't write interviewing people who can't talk for people who can't read. - Frank Zappa
In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. - Thomas Jefferson
Nothing in life is stronger than perseverance; time only promotes it, failure is afraid of it, negative people hide from it, and disease is affected by it. Even rocks give way to perseverance: because if water perseveres its impacts on the surface of a rock long enough, the rock starts to wither. - Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D, MBA
I wanna show that gospel, country, blues, rhythm and blues, jazz, rock ‘n’ roll are all just really one thing. Those are the American music and that is the American culture. - Etta James
As a HARD ROCK hit the wolf, he crawled back to his favorite beach to gathered sources from his 3S of happiness , sea, sand and sun to refresh his battle faced body ... A triangle with the SHE wolf inside, the ONE that combined all the above to rejuvenate his soul - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
It’s not a bad lesson to learn in the bleaker months: how you view a storm is a question of perspective; provided you find the right rock to watch it from, it could be the most incredible thing you’ll ever witness. - Dan Stevens
I got a rock. - Charlie Brown
I am very proud of the fact that 20 years [sic] on people tell me they became a vegetarian as a result of 'Meat is Murder'. I think that is quite literally rock music changing someone's life - it's certainly changing the life of animals. It is one of the things I am most proud of. - Johnny Marr
Every known thing used to be unknownAnd every rock could become a stone Someday nature will have to atone When soul sees dead flesh leaving the bone - Munia Khan
…Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I don't know what will go first, rock 'n' roll or Christianity. We're more popular than Jesus now. Jesus was all right, but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me. - John Lennon
I've always been spiritual but I've never had a proper context, and it took me a while to find the proper context. It's hard to realize you can have any kind of relationship with God you want... and so I now have a punk rock relationship with God - Billy Corgan
It was a slow fall, through warm experiences and good laughs. It didn't even feel like love until I got to the end. Even then, it was not the hard surface of rock, but the scorching embrace of more. - Hubert Martin
Thousands of cars and a million guitarsScreaming with power in the air!We've found the place where the decibels raceThis army of rock will be thereTo ram it downRam it down!Straight to the heart of this town.Ram it down.Ram it down.Razing the place to the ground,Ram it down! - Rob Halford
There's no half-singing in the shower, you're either a rock star or an opera diva - Josh Groban
Have not all races had their first unity from a mythology that marries them to rock and hill? - William Butler Yeats
I have graven it within the hills, and my vengeance upon the dust within the rock. - Edgar Allan Poe
The rock and roll business is pretty absurd, but the world of serious music is much worse. - Frank Zappa
Suppose your whole world seems to rock on its foundations. Hold on steadily, let it rock, and when the rocking is over, the picture will have reassembled itself into something much nearer to your heart's desire - Emmet Fox
Praise is declaration, a victory cry, proclaiming faith to stand firm in the place God has given you. Praise is a proclamation that the enemy's intent to plunder you will not rock you. Praise declares that you will not be moved by the enemy's attempt to snatch you away. - Darlene Zschech
...landscape is a work of the mind. Its scenery is built up as much from strata of memory as from layers of rock. - simon schma
The drive to Black Rock City from San Francisco leads through the Nevada flatlands, past the jittering neon sadness of Reno. - Daniel Pinchbeck
Opportunity is not a rock, it is a bird! You either catch it or you miss it! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I have a rock garden. Last week three of them died. - Richard Diran
Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind, so are the wise unshaken by praise or blame. - Gautama Buddha
I consider a dream like I consider a shadow, answered Caeiro, with his usual divine, unexpected promptitude. A shadow is real, but it’s less real than a rock. A dream is real if it weren’t, it wouldn’t be a dream but less real than a thing. That’s what being real is like. - Álvaro de Campos
If the rock band U2 had been born in Orange County, California, would they have become just another church worship band? - Steve Turner
One of the most amazing things that we often forget is this: God never forgets us! Face it; you could hide under a rock, BUT, God will still be beside you saying, "Rock bottom, already? - Mary Kate
My name is , and I'm an Arkansas Razorback. My father is a Jew from Little Rock, Ark., my mother was a Christian from Harrison, Ark., and somehow I'm an atheist now living in L.A. I am a Razorback living in the Razorback diaspora. - Matt Besser
I don't want'a die... I have other plans!" -Fraggle Rock - Jim Henson
..... this isn't some LA country rock jam reminiscing on the pyschtotropic pot pansies of Haight Ashbury . This is the soot and smut of London mate ! - Saira Viola
If Music is a Place -- then Jazz is the City, Folk is the Wilderness, Rock is the Road, Classical is a Temple. - Vera Nazarian
Punk rock should mean freedom, liking and excepting anything that you like. Playing whatever you want. As sloppy as you want. As long as it's good and it has passion. - Kurt Cobain
A writer is like a stick of rock - the words go right through. - Sara Sheridan
Marriage is a long conversation, someone once said, and maybe so is a rock band's life. A few minutes later, both were done. - Kim Gordon
I'm waiting for the piece of shit to crawl out from under his rock. If it is who she said it is, then I'll be there to kick the throne from beneath his filthy, lying, murdering backside. - Nik Driver - A.Z.Green
You rock a sobbing child without wondering if today's world is passing you by, because you know you hold tomorrow in your arms. - Neil A. Maxwell
In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins, not through strength but by perseverance. - H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Sealing your lips makes your eyes talk Truth creeps beneath your lame feet’s walk Knees stiffen when blood vessels stalk A pounding heart’s lies hard as rock - Munia Khan
want people to rock out in the car and not care that people are watching, I love that feeling when the sequences are all perfect and you can just press play. I want the music to take you on a journey. - Blake Lewis
A Horse Lover's Guide To Music: Rock = Hoof Beats, Blues = Nostrils Flaring, Country = Pawing & Neighing, And You Could Keep Going... - Emma Bullington
When a rock transforms into a diamond, lesser stones will not speak of its beauty, but speak of its unpolishedness. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Once you hit rock bottom, that's where you perfectly stand; That's your chance of restarting, but restarting the right way. - Justin Kanayurak
Integrity is a high rock above which the stormy ocean of worldly troubles cannot rise. - Alan Cohen
The Lord is my rock, shield and great defender. - Lailah Gifty Akita
There is no rule on how to write. Sometimes it comes easily and perfectly; sometimes it's like drilling rock and then blasting it out with charges. - Ernest Hemingway
Come ye viewless ministers of this dread hour! Come from the fenny lake, the hanging rock, and the midnight cave! The moon is red the stars are out the sky is burning and all nature stands aghast at what we do! - William Mudford
RETALIATION, n. The natural rock upon which is reared the Temple of Law. - Ambrose Bierce
Water is fluid, soft and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong. - Lao-Tzu
You make me understand how wonderful it is for little lizards when they find that one special rock that's perfect for sunning themselves on. You make me lizard-happy. - Randy K. Milholland
The all-victorious Christ is like a great rock in a weary land, to whose shelter we may flee in every time of sorrow or trial, finding quiet refuge and peace in him. - J.R. Miller
The Slave master named Mahmel Was a nasty kind of thug, so Stiggy dropped a rock on him and squashed him like a bug. - John Flanagan
The cross has become a symbol in much of the Western world, misused by many rock stars and others who do not comprehend its significance. - Billy Graham
the grace is being able to like rock music,symphony music, jazz …anything that contains the original energy ofjoy. - Charles Bukowski
It's still horrible to wish the worst on anyone. I'm sure she had her reasons. Maybe people hurt her feelings, the same way I was hurt. A single word can feel like a rock being thrown at you. - Alice Hoffman
No one wants to die or even plans to die, at least not when you are young and living life on top of everything, stepping on gold, running the miles with hot chicks on tow, but even if I wasn’t a rock star, and just a normal civilian, I still wouldn’t plan to die young. Death is so boring. - Sofea Shah
I’m in a band. I don’t go to church every Sunday. I love punk rock music. Sometimes I use swear words a lot. I respect and admire gay men and women. I’m obsessed with horror films. I know what shame feels like. And guess what old man? Jesus is still my Savior. - Hayley Williams
One of the greatest pieces of advice I’ve ever gotten in my life was from my mom. When I was a little kid there was a kid who was bugging me at school and she said Okay, I’m gonna tell you what to do. If the kid’s bugging you and puts his hands on you; you pick up the nearest rock... - Johnny Depp
Women are aroused by the strangest things, like a rock going through their bedroom window - Josh Stern
Some little pieces of sand are so full of ego that they see themselves as a giant rock! But then the wind blows, the big ego flies in the air! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Men are afraid to rock the boat in which they hope to drift safely through life's currents, when, actually, the boat is stuck on a sandbar. They would be better off to rock the boat and try to shake it loose. - Thomas Szasz
Keep Smiling, Rock On! - Gaurav Prabhu
The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my savior; my God, my strength. - amy abarca
Be Grateful you are not like a rock that has no Choice. The Sun Shines on it, the Waves Splash at it. You have a Choice to move and to make your Dreams come true.- - RVM
Your motivation has to be rock solid. You have to want it so bad that even th threat of death won't take it from you. - Orson Scott Card
Those who row the boat don't have time to rock it while those who rock it don't have time to row it. - Orrin Woodward
I applied at Tower Records on Sunset Boulevard after my band broke up. I really wanted to work there because it involved the love of my life, music. It was also located on the world famous Sunset Strip, a place I dreamed of going to ever since I was a teenager in the 80's to become a rock star. - K.D. Sanders
Rock and roll is the hamburger that ate the world. - Peter York
In the topsy-turvy world of heavy rock, it's often useful to have a nice, solid piece of wood in your hands.
I have been thinking about what might happen if they installed clappers to turn on and off the lights in a concert hall. Maybe they could spare the cost of hiring some people for the next rock concert. - Linnea Gelland
Make sure you stand firm on the solid rock. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life. - J.K. Rowling
Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll is easy. True christianity…that's rebellion. - Alice Cooper
Step into the spotlight and rock the brand of you! - Catrice M. Jackson
Now that rock is turning 50, it's become classical itself. It's interesting to see that development. - Björk
Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
A jewel's just a rock put under enormous heat and pressure. Extraordinary things are always hiding in places people never think to look.
I will say nothing... against the course of my existence. But at bottom it has been nothing but pain and burden, and I can affirm that during the whole of my 75 years, I have not had four weeks of genuine well-being. It is but the perpetual rolling of a rock that must be raised up again forever. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
It's nice sometimes to be the river rather than the rock. - Jo Beverley
For rock solid friendship, never lie to your friends. - Saru Singhal
You may not be able to change the world for the better, but the world is able to change you for the worst, don't give them the rock you stand on. - Anthony Liccione
When you choose happiness be ready to be called a mad man. Don't waste a single moment of your life, live it, rock it because life's too short to pretend. - Desmond Oshifeso
Kids don't care about rock and roll as much as they used to, as the other generations have. It's already turned into nothing but a fashion statement and an identity for kids to use as a tool for them to fuck and have a social life. - Kurt Cobain
Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock. - Will Rogers
A rock that perseveres under heat and pressure soon becomes a diamond. - Matshona Dhliwayo
It's always almost Autumn, down here at Rock Bottom. - Ashly Lorenzana
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