Quotation Explorer - 'Perfectly'

No one can be perfectly free till all are free; no one can be perfectly moral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy. - Herbert Spencer
It's perfectly normal that extraordinary things happen to me. I'm an exceptional person. Oh, don't think I'm boasting. I mean to say that, unfortunately, I'm exceptional and that, unfortunately, I can't live by the rules. I must make my own. - Cocteau
To be perfectly honest, I enjoy thinking dangerously - Jimmy Henderson
Children know perfectly well that unicorns aren’t real, but they also know that books about unicorns, if they are good books, are true books. - Ursula K. Le Guin
People are perfectly capable of ruining their own lives by very themselves without taking any wrong guidance from outside! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live - Lin Yutang
For man, as for flower and beast and bird, the supreme triumph is to be most vividly, most perfectly alive.
A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
What we’re searching for will determine where we arrive, or if we arrive. And right in the middle of such risky choices, Christmas is God perfectly solving the problem by showing us what to search for and then bringing it to us. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
You are perfectly cast in your life. I can't imagine anyone but you in the role. Go play. - Lin-Manuel Miranda
To make things 'perfectly clear' is reactionary and stupefying. The real is not perfectly clear. - Avital Ronell
Don't canonize me too soon. I'm perfectly capable of fathering a child. - Francis of Assisi
Don't worry about not doing "it" perfectly right now. It's ok, just keep at it, you will soon settle in it and then you'll be glad you didn't give up. All you need is to be sure that GOD's hand is in it. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
God doesn't work on our timetable. He has a plan that He will execute perfectly and for the highest, greatest good of all, and for His ultimate glory. - Charles R. Swindoll
Siblings: children of the same parents, each of whom is perfectly normal until they get together. - Sam Levenson
Ethan: "Abstaining definitely doesn't work."Beth: "what do you suggest?"Ethan: "We're obviously going to have to make love often, but keep the encounters from getting too intense." He sounded perfectly serious, like he really believed what he was saying. - Lucy Monroe
There is no beauty in sadness. No honor in suffering. No growth in fear. No relief in hate. It’s just a waste of perfectly good happiness. - Katerina Stoykova Klemer
You shouldn't say it is not good. You should say, you do not like it; and then, you know, you're perfectly safe.
Insanity -- a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world.
Bureaucracy develops the more perfectly, the more it is 'dehumanized', the more completely it succeeds in eliminating from business love, hatred, and all purely personal, irrational, and emotional elements which escape calculation. - Max Weber
Where you are and what you have been through has you perfectly placed to move forward. Stronger, braver, wiser. - Tony Curl
People who logically examine their relationships cannot sustain them. Two bodies, two minds, two emotions can never fit perfectly. - Sadghuru
The great secret of true success, of true happiness, is this: the man or woman who asks for no return, the perfectly unselfish person, is the most successful. - Swami Vivekananda
I’m not beholden to the confirmation of your prejudices; to be perfectly frank, the prospect of confining the female characters in my story to placid, helpless secondary places in the narrative is so goddamn boring that I would rather not write at all. - Scott Lynch
No instance exists of a person's writing two languages perfectly. That will always appear to be his native language which was most familiar to him in his youth. - Thomas Jefferson
The teacher pretended that algebra was a perfectly natural affair, to be taken for granted, whereas I didn't even know what numbers were. Mathematics classes became sheer terror and torture to me. I was so intimidated by my incomprehension that I did not dare to ask any questions. - Carl Jung
Real happiness comes from loving you're inner self and excepting the things you can't change. Flaws perfectly imperfect. - Shellie Palmer
I kept getting the odd sensation that I was in fact perfectly stationary, and that I was pushing the world around under my feet. - Robyn Davidson
It’s perfectly understandable, in my opinion, to find good things in the teachings of Jesus Christ or any other figure, mythical or otherwise. But to base your life on the teachings of Jesus as they are portrayed in the Bible and claim that you are not religious is disingenuous. - David G. McAfee
All things seek for comfort and no one wants discomfort. A sound mind does not just improve speed; it increases efficiency and joy, and bond the body and the soul perfectly as well! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
God, grant me the serenity to stop beating myself up for not doing things perfectly, the courage to forgive myself because I’m working on doing things better, and the wisdom to know that You already love me just the way I am. - Eleanor Brownn
Insanity: a perfectly rational adjustment to the insane world. - R. D. Laing
People are not born perfect.We make them perfect,By loving them perfectly. - Vanshicca Dhyani
There are no perfectly honorable men; but every true man has one main point of honor and a few minor ones. - George Bernard Shaw
Pray patiently.Pray purposefully.Pray painstakingly.Pray perfectly. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The great virtue of my radicalism lies in the fact that I am perfectly ready, if necessary, to be radical on the conservative side. - Theodore Roosevelt
I tried to gather all the pieces… I picked each one and fixed them so perfectly. No one could say that I was broken once but they saw my hands, lacerated by the splinters of my heart… - Jasmine Kiyani
I am perfectly convinced that I have both seen, and heard in a manner which should make unbelief impossible, things called spiritual which cannot be taken by a rational being to be capable of explanation by imposture, coincidence, or mistake. - Augustus De Morgan
Feel no guilt. Getting married and giving birth does not mean that you have sold your life away to perfectly healthy people who can get their own damn socks. - Jennifer Crusie
MUSIC. It’s in my heart! It’s in my mind! It’s in my soul! Music has a way of taking control of my entire being, and I’m perfectly okay with that! Music is Life! Music is LOVE. Music makes life extra special! Music is a GIFT to the world! - Stephanie Lahart
Insanity - a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world. - R.D. Laing
A perfectly normal person is rare in our civilization. - Karen Horney
Most people think that if you do not love yourself fully, no one else will. That is not true. People are perfectly capable of giving love even if they feel less confident about themselves. - Anna Agoncillo
I'm perfectly happy to know the world at secondhand. It's a lot safer. - Cornelia Funke
Nobody's perfect. I'm perfectly flawed. - Evanescence
He lifts her breasts, which fit perfectly into his hands, though he knows this is no promise that he gets to keep them. A million things you can't have will fit in a human hand. - Barbara Kingsolver
I know death is coming, and I do not fear it. I was perfectly content before I was born, and I think of death as the same state. I am grateful for the gifts of intelligence, love, wonder and laughter. You can't say it wasn't interesting. - Roger Ebert
World knows I am pathetic in remembering dates. I really wonder how I perfectly remember all the dates on which we met - Anamika Mishra
The peace of the celestial city is the perfectly ordered and harmonious enjoyment of God, and of one another in God. (City of God, Book 19) - Augustine of Hippo
Everything made by human hands looks terrible under magnification--crude, rough, and asymmetrical. But in nature every bit of life is lovely. And the more magnification we use, the more details are brought out, perfectly formed, like endless sets of boxes within boxes. - Roman Vishniac
The more you have, the more you are occupied, the less you give. But the less you have the more free you are. Poverty for us is a freedom. It is not mortification, a penance. It is joyful freedom. There is no television here, no this, no that. But we are perfectly happy. - Mother Teresa
Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.
Don't worry about not doing "it" perfectly right now. It's ok, just keep at it, you will soon settle in it and then you'll be glad you didn't give up. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
As for you, your happiness is complete; it remains merely to enjoy it. And to become perfectly happy you are in need of nothing more than to know how to be satisfied with being so.
She has lived and loved! There is no folded petal, no latent dewdrop, in this perfectly developed rose! - Nathaniel Hawthorne
He had occasional flashes of silence, that made his conversation perfectly delightful. - Sydney Smith
Why have many saints been so perfectly contemplative? Because they always studied to mortify themselves from worldly desires, that they might freely, with all the power of their heart, tend to our Lord.
Completely and perfectly and incandescently happy... - Jane Austen
All organizations are perfectly designed to get the results they are now getting. If we want different results, we must change the way we do things. - Tom Northup
The true secret of giving advice is, after you have honestly given it, to be perfectly indifferent whether it is taken or not, and never persist in trying to set people right. - Hannah Whitall Smith
A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who has never learned to walk. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
You will make a perfectly rational mistake: You will assume that sooner or later the paradigm you are presently practicing (which has been mostly successful) will solve all the rest of your problems. - Joel Barker
Don't worry about how something is going to happen, just know that it is all unfolding perfectly, whether you can see it or not. - Mike Basevic
I know perfectly well he's a god, too. But what I think is he'll be much godlier after he's dead. - Ursula K. Le Guin
What job a fascinating view does, apart from fascinating you? It does this: It perfectly motivates you to love existence much more than you can love! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for. - Oscar Wilde
A perfectly evil Devil makes even less sense than a perfect God. - Anne Rice
I have been to lots of partiesand acted perfectly disgracefulbut I never actually collapsedoh Lana Turner we love you get up - Frank O'Hara
Often we can achieve an even better result when we stumble yet are willing to start over, when we don't give up after a mistake, when something doesn't come easily but we throw ourselves into trying, when we're not afraid to appear less than perfectly polished. - Sharon Salzberg
A society can be Pareto optimal and still perfectly disgusting. - Amartya Sen
Embrace being perfectly imperfect. Learn from your mistakes and forgive yourself, you’ll be happier. - Roy Bennett
It is possible for a Christian to be perfectly orthodox and yet to be defeated, and to be living a defeated and a useless life. - D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
I try to be perfect but I'm not. I'm perfectly imperfect in every way. - James Weston
I tried to gather all the pieces… I picked each one and fixed them so perfectly. No one could say that I was broken once, unless they see my hands, lacerated by the splinters of my heart. - Jasmine Kiyani
The Dictionary defines Soul Mate as: A person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament. Before I met mine, I didn't know I was bonkers! - James Hauenstein
My flaws and imperfections make me perfectly incomplete. - Aisha Mirza
The times are too difficult and the crisis too severe to indulge in schadenfreude. Looking at it in perspective, the fact that there would be a financial crisis was perfectly predictable: its general nature, if not its magnitude. Markets are always inefficient. - Noam Chomsky
HEALTHY EATING isn't about counting fat grams, dieting, cleanses, and antioxidants; Its about eating food untouched from the way we find it in nature in a balanced way; Whole foods give us all that we need to perfectly nourish ourselves. - Pooja Mottl
Doubting God's existence is okay and perfectly acceptable within Christianity as long as the person doubting remains obedient and committed to the Christian path. - Gordon Atkinson
It is the action of an uninstructed person to reproach others for his own misfortune; of one entering instruction, to reproach himself; and one perfectly instructed, to reproach neither others nor himself. - Epictetus
Love is pure; love is eternal. Love is perfectly divine.You're my love; you're my joy.You're my valentine. - Debasish Mridha
You are perfectly right in making some slight alteration. Indeed, no woman should ever be quite accurate about her age. It looks so calculating. - Oscar Wilde
Once you hit rock bottom, that's where you perfectly stand; That's your chance of restarting, but restarting the right way. - Justin Kanayurak
Woman, don't you know, is such a subject that however much you study it, it's always perfectly new. - Leo Tolstoy
Isolation, for him, had become a basic sine qua non for existence and loneliness, his sole companion like a perfectly faithful twin. He was someone for whom even happiness would cry for, mourning the death of his sentiments and murdering the existence of his soul. - Faraaz Kazi
Being perfectly well-dressed gives a feeling of tranquility that religion is powerless to bestow. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
When in prayer, there is no need to implore, beg or repeat. You have been heard, and your wishes will be granted perfectly at the right time. Relax, be patient and do not fret. - Pooja Ruprell
I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it. - Groucho Marx
I do not believe anyone can be perfectly well, who has a brain and a heart - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I got my heart checked, report says it's perfectly normal, there is no trace of love in it - Rushabh Patel
We gave you a perfectly good language and you f***ed up. - Stephen Fry
Have patience with all things but first with yourself. Never confuse your mistakes with your value as a human being. You are perfectly valuable, creative, worthwhile person simply because you exist. And no amount of triumphs or tribulations can ever change that. - Saint Frances de Sales
A perfectly healthy sentence, it is true, is extremely rare. For the most part we miss the hue and fragrance of the thought; as if we could be satisfied with the dews of the morning or evening without their colors, or the heavens without their azure. - Henry David Thoreau
I've always found paranoia to be a perfectly defensible position. - Pat Conroy
The couch and I were what I would describe as frenemies. I loved to hate it. It was too small for my frame. I had tried to tell my wife that fact when we bought it off of Craigslist, but she assured me that it went perfectly with our room decor and it was a good deal. - Anna M. Aquino
Most modern calendars mar the sweet simplicity of our lives by reminding us that each day that passes is the anniversary of some perfectly uninteresting event. - Oscar Wilde
The alarm in the morning? Well, I have an old tape of Carlo Maria Giulini conducting the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra in a perfectly transcendent version in Shubert's seventh symphony. And I've rigged it up so that at exactly 7:30 every morning it falls from the ceiling onto my face. - Stephen Fry
Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Everybody in the world ought to care for books, and if there are some who do not, why that is a perfectly convincing reason why books ought to be given to them, to be a rebuke to them and, perchance, to rescue them from the error of their ways. - Willis Johnson
She said that my good qualities were my bad qualities -- this I have come to realize is true of everyone. On the one hand, I was game, eager and perfectly ready to see what was in front of me. On the other hand, I had no sense of direction or destiny. - Laurie Colwin
There is no law against composing music when one has no ideas whatsoever. The music of Wagner, therefore, is perfectly legal
Will is nothing more than a particular case of the general doctrine of association of ideas, and therefore a perfectly mechanical thing. - Joseph Priestley
I can never be perfectly certain whether Helen was got with child by Leonard Bast or by his fatal forgotten umbrella. All things considered, I think it must have been the umbrella. - Katherine Mansfield
I would make a HORRIBLE outlaw. I can plan the crime perfectly, but I'd also need to plan the outcomes to make it work. - Michelle M. Pillow
There is no rule on how to write. Sometimes it comes easily and perfectly; sometimes it's like drilling rock and then blasting it out with charges. - Ernest Hemingway
She isn't the kind of girl that makes you wonder why she doesn't have someone, you just know that the kind of guy who is good enough for her is rare, and she projects the kind of strength that says she is perfectly happy to wait till he shows up. - Stacey Ballis
You don’t have to be positive all the time. It’s perfectly okay to feel sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, scared, or anxious. Having feelings doesn’t make you a ‘negative person.’ It makes you human. - Lori Deschene
Someone was going to die; of that he was perfectly sure.The only question was who. - Caroline Lawerence
Edgar Allan Poe’s writings showed me perfectly that there can be such fragile beauty and purity located in darkness and sorrow. - Nicholas Trandahl
My friend Annabel calls it "Reverse Perfectionism" - if a man thinks he can't do something perfectly, he'd rather not do it at all… - Shelli NT
There was a young woman named Jenny, Whose limericks weren't worth a penny. Her rhythm and rhyme Were perfectly fine But whenever she tried to write any, She always had one line too many. - Anonymous
Life is simply too short to live it less perfectly than it could be lived. - Jp Delaney
The sad truth about bigotry is that most bigots either don't realize that they are bigots, or they convince themselves that their bigotry is perfectly justified. - Wayne Gerard Trotman
Love' Two perfectly happy people ready to gamble - Karan Patade
I know that I’ve never been perfect. I think we determine what’s perfect to us. I think we understand perfect doesn’t come perfectly. If I was to be bare face or a face full of make up. I won’t be perfect until I determine what I see as perfect enough. - T.Taylor
Look athow deeply flawedwe areand yet capable of lovingso perfectly. - Sanober Khan
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