You can repeat lies of others without hesitationBecause, you don’t have to give justification But, saying truth you have to be fearless and courageousBecause, you have to defend your viewsYou can not say truth without hurting sentiments of many people - Sammy Toora
Religious sentiments are many a times much above reality. All are aware of reality but blinded by faith and faith has always led to many a myths become reality". - Amit Abraham
I guess I haven’t mentioned it before but I was, I am and I think I might always remain in love with you, he said with such passion that I froze in surprise. He went on. And just so you know, I am prepared to fight for you, regardless of whether or not you share my sentiments. - Farrah Naseem
No matter how full a reservoir of maxims one may possess, and no matter how good one's sentiments may be, if one has not taken advantage of every concrete opportunity to act, one's character may retain entirely unaffected for the better. With mere good intentions, hell is proverbially paved. - William James
People call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute. - Rebecca West
I...have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is. I only know that people call me a feminist when I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat, or a prostitute. - Rebecca West
All the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action. - James Russell Lowell
I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is; I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat. - Rebecca West
He is dripping such good feelings that he slides over. (Il dégouline de si bons - Sentiments qu'il glisse dessus) - Charles de Leusse
We are social and political creatures but foremost we are a biological one. Our feelings, sentiments, emotions and attractions are generally because of our biological structure and appearance. - M.F. Moonzajer
Les sentiments de l'effort, correspondant à l'accélération, le sentiment de la fatigue correspondant au freinage, le sentiment de souffrance ou d'angoisse qui correspond au recul, enfin le sentiment de la jouissance qui correspond à l'arrêt avec décharge. - Pierre Janet
Isolation, for him, had become a basic sine qua non for existence and loneliness, his sole companion like a perfectly faithful twin. He was someone for whom even happiness would cry for, mourning the death of his sentiments and murdering the existence of his soul. - Faraaz Kazi
No nation ancient or modern ever lost the liberty of freely speaking, writing, or publishing their sentiments, but forthwith lost their liberty in general and became slaves.
If a man remembers what is right at the sign of profit, is ready to lay down his life in the face of danger, and does not forget sentiments he has repeated all his life when he has been in straitened circumstances for a long time, he may be said to be a complete man. - Confucius
A young lady who faints may awake chivalrous sentiments in gentleman; a young lady who weeps engenders only a strong desire to be elsewhere. - Judith Brocklehurst
It is not the strength, but the duration, of great sentiments that makes great men. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Always try to come back to your senses when in love, because that's the moment you become almost carried away by sensuality and sentiments. - Michael Bassey Johnson
People call me feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute. - Rebecca West
I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat. - Rebecca West
The author relates George Bernard Shaw's sentiments that polite conversation excludes the only two subjects that matter, religion and politics. - Lyle Wesley Dorsett
From social intercourse are derived some of the highest enjoyments of life; where there is a free interchange of sentiments the mind acquires new ideas, and by frequent exercise of its powers, the understanding gains fresh vigor. - Joseph Addison
Yet I am not more sure that my soul lives, than I am that perverseness is one of the primitive impulses of the human heartone of the indivisible primary faculties, or sentiments, which give direction to the character of Man. - Edgar Allan Poe
The emotions that good hunters need to cultivate are love and service more than courage. The sentiments of the hunt then become translated into art. - James Swan