Quotation Explorer - 'Attractions'

The mind is the center of all attractions. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The power of imagination is the center of all attractions. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Fantasy love is much better than reality love. Never doing it is very exciting. The most exciting attractions are between two opposites that never meet. - Andy Warhol
We are social and political creatures but foremost we are a biological one. Our feelings, sentiments, emotions and attractions are generally because of our biological structure and appearance. - M.F. Moonzajer
It's an odd thing, but anyone who disappears is said to be seen in San Francisco.It must be a delightful city and possess all the attractions of the next world - Oscar Wilde
It is an odd thing, but everyone who disappears is said to be seen at San Francisco. It must be a delightful city, and possess all the attractions of the next world. - Oscar Wilde
A fine dress on a homely maiden is never enough of a distraction. It can convey a sense of wealth and its accompanying attractions, but it can never truly compensate for a plain face. - Laura Moncur
Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions. - Albert Einstein
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