I wouldn't say I'm happy, but I look at things in a soft way. I try to convey more personal interaction, rather than huge injustices. - Oliver
There are things known—things experienced, felt, and understood—that words hold no power to convey. Attempting to do so only dilutes their substance and does them injustice. - Richelle E. Goodrich
The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants. - Johnny Depp
There are certain truths that occurs to us, which we cannot convey in words, but requires a personal experience to grasp more vividly. - Michael Bassey Johnson
You can only convey that which you're not, for what you're you only EXPERIENCE! - Ramana Pemmaraju
The job of a writer is not to convey emotion but to invoke it. - Eric T. Benoit
Life should be like a good Tweet - short, pithy, convey a message and inspire others to follow. - Ashok Kallarakkal
In India we never distinguished between history and myth. Our Puranas as well as Itihasas contain fantastical tales. They are lies that convey deeper truths. - Ashwin Sanghi
A fine dress on a homely maiden is never enough of a distraction. It can convey a sense of wealth and its accompanying attractions, but it can never truly compensate for a plain face. - Laura Moncur
What words cannot convey ... the mind can read. - Stephen Richards
Be passionate about what you write, believe in your ability to convey timeless ideas, and let no one tell you what what you're capable of. - Christina Westover
It becomes a question of 'How do we convey our differentiation instantaneously?' and drive a wedge between any apparent (or assumed) sameness in the marketplace. - David Brier
[W]hen one has a religious experience, what is 'true' is only that one has had that experience, not that its contents convey anything about reality. To determine that, one needs a way to verify the contents of a revelation, and that means science. - Jerry A. Coyne
Madness is too glamorous a term to convey what happens to most people who are losing their minds. That word is too exciting,too literary, too interesting in its connotations, to convey the boredom, the slowness, the dreariness, the dampness of depression. - Elizabeth Wurtzel
Wealth, in even the most improbable cases, manages to convey the aspect of intelligence. - John Kenneth Galbraith
The sonnet, a lyrical poem, the beauty and magic... convey with our hearts the truth of the universe in a single moment briefly. - R.M. Engelhardt
There is more to sex appeal than just measurements. I don't need a bedroom to prove my womanliness. I can convey just as much sex appeal, picking apples off a tree or standing in the rain. - Audrey Hepburn
I wish there was a word more than ‘love’ itself to convey what I feel for you. - Faraaz Kazi
All in all, I'd heard people do a lot of things with words. I'd heard them not say what they meant and I'd seen them not do what they said, but I'd never met a person who could speak so simply and still convey so much. - Rachel Joyce
Let us be honest we have praised Angulimala, will make no difference If you convey my salute to Amrapali. - Suman Pokhrel
The word 'Terror' is so generally and universally used in connection with everyday trivial matters that it is apt to fail to convey, when intended to do so, its real meaning. - Jim Corbett
You do not examine legislation in the light of the benefits it will convey if properly administered, but in the light of the wrongs it would do and the harms it would cause if improperly administered.
Do we use thoughts as a medium to convey our emotions, or use our emotions to convey thoughts! - Ramana Pemmaraju
A work of fiction should be, for its author, a journey into the unknown, and the prose should convey the difficulties of the journey. - Anthony Burgess