Quotation Explorer - 'Salute'

I never meet a ragged boy in the street without feeling that i may owe him a salute, for I know not what possibilities may be buttoned up under his coat. - James A. Garfield
We salute the Brain, that made the Plane and the Train…But who made the Brain?-RVM - R.v.m.
On World Humanitarian Day 2014, thanks to ALL aid workers who carry or have carried out lifesaving work. Salute to our champions - Widad Akreyi
Wellness Salute! - SupaNova Slom
Salute to the Smiling Faces of the 21st Century. - Daisaku Ikeda
for the disproportionate fear that the statistically and historically minimal group of women who were both angry and had hairy legs have inculcated both in their detractors and in their wannabe-successors, we should salute them as often as possible - Nina Power
We salute the Brain, that made the Plane and the Train…But who made the Brain? - RVM
Every budding dictatorship begins by muzzling the artists, because they're a mouthy lot and they don't line up and salute very easily. - Margaret Atwood
Let us be honest we have praised Angulimala, will make no difference If you convey my salute to Amrapali. - Suman Pokhrel
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