Quotation Explorer - 'Concrete'

The real struggle in political life is between abstract ideas and concrete realities. - Marty Rubin
why do people pour water on concrete expecting something to grow from it" AP - Alexis Pettway
The very first law in advertising is to avoid the concrete promise and cultivate the delightfully vague. - Bill Cosby
You've got your phenomenon on one hand. Concrete and knowable. On the other hand you've got the incomprehensible. You call it God, but to me, God or no, it remains just that, the unknowable. - Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess
Language is made out of concrete things. General expressions in non- concrete terms are a laziness, they are talk, not art, not creation. They are the reaction of things on the writer, not a creative act by the writer. - Ezra Pound
When you're in the city, trapped among the cubic structures, it's easy to forget that you're connected to the earth, because you're so separated from it by layers and layers of protection - the soles of your shoes, sandals, or slippers, sheets of asphalt, concrete, linoleum tiling. - Vicente García Groyon
God has permitted the great lie for a short time only. That time is now coming to an end. Believers in the lie! You have been raised on the milk of your concrete beliefs. Now it is time for you to be weaned to partake of the solid food of the new age, the "New World Order. - Compton Gage
Is the ash in trees, babies, flowers, and visions of Godbetter than the visions themselves? Then you think,none of this is tangible or concrete. So you have another cigaretteand think about the (not one) but many ghosts you keep tucked away,under sheets, under beds, in notes, within other ghosts. - Derek Keck
Love is like slamming into a wall of concrete and asking to do it all again once the rubble is cleared. - Alexandra Toscano
Discover the fulfillment of intimate relationships with flesh-and-blood neighbors and teammates in concrete place and time, and we escape the pressure of mainstream media to channel intimacy only as virtual embrace. - Jose Panate-Aceves and John Hayes
The major concrete achievement of the women's movement of the 1970's was the Dutch treat. - Nora Ephron
A flower can only grow through concrete if it believes in itself, not its obstacles. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Unique feelings are so unique that they can not be popularized. Feelings without words in the dictionary disappear. Every year thousands of feelings disappear for lack of a concrete form. - Isidore Isou
A set and concrete term of attaining a plan mobilizes a man to fulfill it. - Sunday Adelaja
In the end, history proved the Jews correct. Across time and place, memory lives on the tenacity of a people’s resolve never to forget—not just with words—but with an endless stream of concrete actions rushing every day, every hour, every minute, every second. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
I like it when a flower or a little tuft of grass grows through a crack in the concrete. It's so fuckin' heroic. - George Carlin
That really was NOT fun, though. Well, the hitting-her-with-a-stick part, that was fun. But crashing into a concrete bear? NOT fun. - Rick Riordan
The little dove, in her nest, in my kitchen window, still awake, all scared, waiting for the storm to pass and we humans are sleeping peacefully, believing that our concrete houses will save us... - Nauman Khan
Dealing with pain for surviving on this thirsty concrete - Kjiva
In the very existence of this book we have a most concrete example of the manner in which at least one of these marvellous creatures [cats], acquiring both an editor and a publisher, has advanced the eventual complete feline take-over of the human race. - Paul Gallico
The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards -- and even then I have my doubts.
None but ourselves will put the concrete on our road to success. - T.A
In order to adopt any religion or philosophy, one has to ignore certain basic concrete realities. - Marty Rubin
Liberty, taking the word in its concrete sense, consists in the ability to choose. - Simone Weil
In the non-material scenario, both temple or total quality gets raised, deploying communication as mortar, culture as reinforcement, and commitment as concrete. - Priyavrat Thareja
Libraries, museums, universities, everything we designed and built over six thousand years. Cities are more than the sum of their infrastructure. They transcend brick and mortar, concrete and steel. They're the vessels into which human knowledge is poured. - Rick Yancey
If a flower perseveres through concrete, you can persevere through anything. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Her characters tend to err when they reject the grubby and complex circumstances of everyday life for abstract and radical notions. They thrive when they work within the rooted spot, the concrete habit, the particular reality of their town and family. - David Brooks
No matter how full a reservoir of maxims one may possess, and no matter how good one's sentiments may be, if one has not taken advantage of every concrete opportunity to act, one's character may retain entirely unaffected for the better. With mere good intentions, hell is proverbially paved. - William James
The city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo. - Desmond Morris
Zen is a liberation from time. For if we open our eyes and see clearly, it becomes obvious that there is no other time than this instant, and that the past and the future are abstractions without any concrete reality. - Alan W. Watts
Music is the most abstract of the arts; dance, the most concrete. - Marty Rubin
In the enjoyment of a great myth we come nearest to experiencing as a concrete what can otherwise be understood only as an abstraction. - C.S. Lewis
Our national flower is the concrete cloverleaf. - Lewis Mumford
We cannot seek or attain health, wealth, learning, justice or kindness in general. Action is always specific, concrete, individualized, unique. - John Dewey
Your dreams are like the cement. If you water it with actions, it becomes a hard concrete mass. But if you leave it exposed and unwatered, the air will easily blow it away! - Israelmore Ayivor
The physical reinvention of the world is endless, relentless, fascinating, exhaustive; nothing that seems solid is. If you could stand at just a little distance in time, how fluid and shape-shifting physical reality would be, everything hurrying into some other form, even concrete, even stone. - Mark Doty
They swore by concrete. They built for eternity. - Günter Grass
all his prayers of the past had been simple concrete requests: God, give me a bicycle, a knife with seven blades, a box of oil paints. Only how, how, could you say something so indefinite, so meaningless as this: God, let me be loved. - Truman Capote
A concrete love is a mass of emotion formed into a compound mixture of affection, care, desire and expectation. - Munia Khan
Please don´t drown into his fears, his concrete fists don´t let him again, break the bridge of your nose with his cruel born hits. Then disappear into that mask of misery. - Anthony Liccione
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