Quotation Explorer - 'Raised'

I was raised almost entirely on turnips and potatoes, but I think that the turnips had more to do with the effect than the potatoes. - Marlene Dietrich
The child's existence turned a plain world to riches. Her life raised up like this, the child giving point and purpose to each day, the care of him transforming her, widening and deepening her. - Mary Costello
Having been raised in a poor family makes part of who i am, but it determines not my future nor my destiny,it doesn't define who i will become, i am a rich man, i am a winner, i am the author of my own success or failure-God forbid failure, i shall prosper-so help me God. - Kgosietsile Martin Timothy
Maybe the internet raised us, or maybe people are jerks. - Lorde
Part of me was afraid that if I raised my fist to the sky and demanded an answer now, I would hear a thundering and calloused, 'Because I said so," from God in heaven. And I may not ever want to speak to Him again. - Sarah Thebarge
Muslim children should be raised with the understanding that once they hit puberty they are adults and Mukallaf (responsible for their actions). This understanding is crucial to assist them in passing the tests of youth. - Abu Muawiyah Ismail Kamdar
When all you know is pain you don’t know that that is not normal. It is not a woman’s lot to suffer, even if we’ve been raised that way."(Address, 2011 Endometriosis Foundation of America Blossom Ball) - Susan Sarandon
Two friends raised their heads up to the sky on a dark evening.-Look at the stars.--Let us make a wish.They each took a moment of silence.-What did you wish for?--For you to have peace with your wish. - J.R. Rim
If I hadn't started painting, I would have raised chickens.
I will say nothing against the course of my existence. But at bottom it has been nothing but pain and burden, and I can affirm that during the whole of my 75 years, I have not had four weeks of genuine well-being. It is but the perpetual rolling of a rock that must be raised up again forever. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
At every turn, girls - even the most carefully raised and deeply loved - are surrounded by a popular culture that exhorts them to think of themselves as sexually disposable creatures. - Caitlin Flanagan
God raised Christ up to the highest position possible. Jesus is now our great high King, and we should not allow anyone to take His place in our lives, usurping His Throne room in our hearts, and minds! - brother Billy
Life may be lived with a veil vainly attempting to hide its truth. The Painted Veil, as Somerset Maugham called it, does fade with time, if not raised earlier. If anything is more pathetic than its former self, it is the faded veil. - R. N. Prasher
One single grateful thought raised to heaven is the most perfect prayer. - G. E. Lessing
John raised an eyebrow. So you wouldn’t date someone like you?Oh, hell, no. I’m insane, but that would be nuts. - Forrest Carr
I was raised to believe that God speaks in the language of sacrifice," he told me, "You are expected to sacrifice because it is the measure of the depth of your belief... - Neil Abramson
It is not in giving life but in risking life that man is raised above the animal; that is why superiority has been accorded in humanity not to the sex that brings forth but to that which kills. - Simone de Beauvoir
Have we raised the threshold of horror so high that nothing short of a nuclear strike qualifies as a 'real' war? Are we to spend the rest of our lives in this state of high alert with guns pointed at each other's heads and fingers trembling on the trigger? - Arundhati Roy
Do not raise your children the way your parents raised you; they were born for a different time. - Abi bin Abi Taleb
In the non-material scenario, both temple or total quality gets raised, deploying communication as mortar, culture as reinforcement, and commitment as concrete. - Priyavrat Thareja
Once you've recognized your own limits, you've raised yourself to a higher level of being, since you're closer to the real you... - Banana Yoshimoto
Unhappiness where's when I was young, And we didn't give a damn, 'Cause we were raised, To see life as fun and take it if we can. - Dolores O'Riordan
I was born a strong, powerful woman, but was raised to be a victim. - Sharon Law Tucker
It's traditional for an heiress to be raised in a sheltered way. No one thinks that's true of me, but it actually was. - Paris Hilton
I will say nothing... against the course of my existence. But at bottom it has been nothing but pain and burden, and I can affirm that during the whole of my 75 years, I have not had four weeks of genuine well-being. It is but the perpetual rolling of a rock that must be raised up again forever. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The truth is, every son raised by a single mom is pretty much born married. I don't know, but until your mom dies it seems like all the other women in your life can never be more than just your mistress. - Chuck Palahniuk
I'm raised from gutter to protect another gutter - Kjiva
I raised my three teens with love, perseverance, tenacity, sweat, tears, prayers, lighting candles, and the list could go on. - Ana Monnar
No one ever thinks about the guy who was raised by the guy who was raised by wolves. - Demetri Martin
As a parent who raised his children in dysfunction, I know the parental wounds my children received were not intentional; often they were my best expression of love, sometimes coming out sideways, not as I intended. - David W. Earle
He is the Firstfruits of God's harvest, and millions have followed Him. The same power that raised Him from the dead lives in them, giving them life everlasting. - Ron Cantor
My father never raised his hand to any one of his children, except in self-defense. - Fred Allen
[George Bush] has raised taxes on the people driving pickup trucks and lowered taxes on the people riding in limousines. We can do better. - Bill Clinton
A bitter awareness that everything is a sensation of mine and at the same time something external, something not in my power to change. Ah, how often my own dreams have raised up before me as things, not to replace reality but to declare themselves its equal - Pessoa
So as I shivered, naked and damp, in front of the bathroom mirror, I raised my eyes skyward. "I hope we're still okay."I got no answer, but then, I didn't really expect one. Answer or not, it didn't matter. That's the thing about faith, I guess. - Chloe Neill
Low and grovelling thoughts of God must be given up; doubting and despairing must be removed; and self-seeking and carnal delights must be forsaken. Across these deep valleys a glorious causeway of grace must be raised. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Television has raised writing to a new low. - Samuel Goldwyn
No level raised without reading, is like a body trying to live without breathing. - Ilias Oumarri
History is conjecture raised to the level of an art. - Marty Rubin
Some people say I raised a good child. I like to think of it as my child raised a good parent. - Clifford Cohen
Opportunity for all means making taxes fair. I'm not out to soak the rich. But I do believe the rich should pay their fair share. For twelve years, the Republicans have raised taxes on the middle class. It's time to give the middle class tax relief. - Bill Clinton
Ronald Reagan and George Bush pushed through programs that raised taxes on the middle class. I think it's time to cut them. And in my administration I'll offer a middle-income tax cut that will cut rates on the middle class. - Bill Clinton
We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, so that we can see more than they, and things at a great distance, not by virtue of any sight on our part, or any physical distinction, but because we are carried high and raised up by their giant size.
People in every nation behave and respond according to the values and virtues upon which they were raised. We all are a product of our environment. - Sunday Adelaja
The Annual Register for 1763 tabulated the casualty list for British sailors in the Seven Years' War with France. Out of 184,899 men raised or rounded up for the war, 133, 708 died from disease, primarily scurvy, while only 1,512 were killed in action. - Stephen R. Brown
Natural ability without education has more often raised a man to glory and virtue than education without natural ability. - Cicero
As ages passed we the people, were all blinded and misled in their ventures, by the heralds of the past. In the art of suppression apartheid and slavery were born and raised. In the final stage we established our earth as a drain of fuel and the religion of money made his appearance. - Nynke Visser
Magnus raised his hands above his head and clapped once. The room flooded with light. "You see? You think that would be possible without magic? "Actually," replied Simon, "It is. If you watched infomercials you'd know that. - Cassandra Clare
She raised her head and stared at the birds with him, caught in a web of awe and loneliness. - Siddharth Dhanvant Shanghvi
Libraries raised me. - Ray Bradbury
If I didn't start painting, I would have raised chickens. - Grandma Moses
God has permitted the great lie for a short time only. That time is now coming to an end. Believers in the lie! You have been raised on the milk of your concrete beliefs. Now it is time for you to be weaned to partake of the solid food of the new age, the "New World Order. - Compton Gage
Southern girls are God's gift to the entire male population. There is absolutely no woman finer than one raised below the mason-dixon line and once you go southern may the good Lord help you - you never go back - Kenny Chesney
I was raised right I talk about people behind their backs. It's called manners. - Kathy Griffin
The ego camouflages itself like a fox born and raised in a hen house. Its only worry is that you fail to notice its presence every so often and start acting without fear - Dean Cavanagh
After all, a woman didn't leave much behind in the world to show she'd been there. Even the children she bore and raised got their father's name. But her quilts, now that was something she could pass on. - Sandra Dallas
Complain and remain. Praise and be raised. - Joyce Meyer
Those who were raised in poverty and have been successful to overcome the shame of it, understands the hardship of those who are left behind. - Ellen J. Barrier
What alarms me most is the fact that, even when God has now raised up a voice to speak on these issues, many sincerely believe that I am in error or at worst that I am doing something utterly wrong - Sunday Adelaja
Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils. But if God be for you, who can be against you? Are all of them together stronger than God? O be not weary of well doing! - John Wesley
The prophet is always at the mercy of events; nevertheless, I venture to conclude this book with the forecast that at least half the illnesses of mankindwill disappear once our food supplies are raised from fertile soil and consumed in a fresh condition. - Albert Howard
Poetry is ordinary language raised to the nth power. Poetry is boned with ideas, nerved and blooded with emotions, all held together by the delicate, tough skin of words. - Paul Engle
His hand came out and captured her by the chin. She froze, finding it hard to breathe as he gently raised her face to meet his gaze. - Lia Davis
When people encounter the free market and they recoil or react negatively to it, they're merely confessing that voluntaryism, trade and negotiation are foreign and threatening to them, which tells you everything about how tragically they were raised. - Stefan Molyneux
When a pebble is thrown into a lake, everything, down to the furthermost depths, moves with it. ... And if, afterwards, everything seems as it was, the level of the lake has none the less been raised by imperceptible, incalculable degree. The old order has been overthrown -- by a pebble. - Théophile Thoré
What presents itself to us as bourgeois legality is nothing but the violence of the ruling class, a violence raised to an obligatory norm from the outset. - Rosa Luxemburg
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