Quotation Explorer - 'Opposition'

Character is a choice whatever the circumstance; In the NRM you can choose to be a Hon. Ruhakana Rugunda, an Ofwono Opondo or a Tamale Mirundi. And in the Opposition you can choose to be a Gen. Mugisha Muntu, a Munyagwa or a Kato Lubwama. - Allan Amanyire
There will always be dissident voices heard in the land expresing opposition without alternatives, finding fault but never favor, perceiving gloom on every side, and seeking influence without responsibility. - John F. Kennedy
It is not through fighting the opposition that will win you dignity. It is when you fight the fear in yourself that asks you why you don't feel you have it, regardless if you win or lose. - Shannon L. Alder
If the nation had strong willpower people as party in opposition, then no person in ruling party could ever misuse own powerful position to cause pain to general population. - Anuj Somany
We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it. - Edward R. Murrow
The greater the humiliation, the greater the accolades.The greater the opposition, the greater the triumph.The greater the pain, the greater the blessing.The greater the loss, the greater the gain.The greater the danger, the greater the glory. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Opposition stood in my way, but I persevered against all odds and in the process gained my freedom as well as became a man whose future is like the universe/cosmos...INFINITE - Pierre Richard Lauture
MANICHEISM, n. The ancient Persian doctrine of an incessant warfare between Good and Evil. When Good gave up the fight the Persians joined the victorious Opposition. - Ambrose Bierce
NOMINATE, v. To designate for the heaviest political assessment. To put forward a suitable person to incur the mudgobbling and deadcatting of the opposition. - Ambrose Bierce
The same state of the passions which fits the multitude, who have not sufficient stock of reason and knowledge to guide them, for opposition to tyranny and oppression, very naturally leads them to a contempt and disregard of all authority. - Alexander Hamilton
The real purpose of the opposition is to minimize the amount of money the ruling party will have stolen from the people at the end of its term. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The central feature of pride is enmity—enmity toward God and enmity toward our fellowmen. Enmity means hatred toward, hostility to, or a state of opposition. It is the power by which Satan wishes to reign over us. - Ezra Taft Benson
Are your convictions so fragile that mine cannot stand in opposition to them? Is your God so illusory that the presence of my Devil reveals his insufficiency? - Marquis de Sade
The imaginary is not formed in opposition to reality as its denial or compensation; it grows among signs, from book to book, in the interstice of repetitions and commentaries; it is born and takes shape in the interval between books. It is the phenomena of the library. - Michel Foucault
A good intention but fixed and resolute - bent on high and holy ends, we shall find means to them on every side and at every moment; and even obstacles and opposition will but make us "like the fabled specter-ships," which sail the fastest in the very teeth of the wind. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. - Albert Einstein
When you star arises, your cloud of opposition awakens - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The real opposition is that between the ego-bound man, whose existence is structured by the principle of having, and the free man, who has overcome his egocentricity. - Erich Fromm
Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly. - Albert Einstein
Oppose vigorously any tendency to sadness ... You must persevere. By means of sorrow the enemy tries to make us weary of good works, but if he sees that we don't give them up and that being done in spite of his opposition they have become very meritorious, he will stop troubling us. - Francis de Sales
Despite my height, ignorance, heartbreaks, insecurity, criticism, competition, my skin color, that voice in my head that says 'No way', bad luck, a tight budget, insults, fear, flaws, failure and opposition. I believe in myself. - Manasa Rao Saarloos
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence. - Albert Einstein
No government can be long secure without formidable opposition. - Benjamin Disraeli
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence and fulfills the duty to express the results of his thought in clear form. - Albert Einstein
To you, I'm an atheist.To God, I'm the loyal opposition. - Woody Allen
Sometimes new opportunity means new opposition. Not everything God asks us to do will be comfortable. - Joyce Meyer
It is the vocation of the Christian in every generation to out-think all opposition. - Elton Trueblood
The fame is birthed through the opposition. The success through the dynamism of fighting the despair. No fight, No lift! - Paul Gitwaza
The cry has been that when war is declared, all opposition should be hushed. A sentiment more unworthy of a free country could hardly be propagated. - William Ellery Channing
Pursuing your dreams in spite of opposition is a revolution against mediocrity. By challenging yourself, you transform those around you. - M.J. Stoddard
God blesses you when you stand up for what you believe in despite opposition. - Jim George
To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition. - Woody Allen
Good coaches teach respect for the opposition, love of competition, the value of trying your best, and how to win and lose graciously. - Brooks Clark
I'm having a glorious old age. One of my greatest delights is that I have outlived most of my opposition. - Maggie Kuhn
[They] pervert the course of nature [by saying] the sun does not move and that it is the earth that revolves and that it turns.[ illustrating his opposition to heliocentrism in a sermon due to the Bible's support of geocentrism] - John Calvin
Don't shun oppositions. They are there to position you well. Opposition is the great valley between great men and they that give up because of the arduous journey they may have to take through the valley. Don't shun oppositions; Position yourself with oppositions! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Opposition should never keep you from the work God has called you to do. - Jim George
It’s important to understand that at every point of opposition to who we are or to what God has called us to do, we are presented with the options of either conforming and giving in, or standing our ground and becoming stronger in who God has made us to be - Gabriel Wilson
Here, fire turns into water;Here, the dancing of the rain declares the sun.There's no opposition in existence, no contradiction;Everything supports everything else. - Osho
Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear. - Harry S Truman
A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a man; it is what he wants and must have to be good for anything. Hardship and opposition are the native soil of manhood and self-reliance. - John Neal
The ruling power is always faced with the question, ‘In such and such circumstances, what would you do?’, whereas the opposition is not obliged to take responsibility or make any real decisions. - George Orwell
Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils. But if God be for you, who can be against you? Are all of them together stronger than God? O be not weary of well doing! - John Wesley
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