Quotation Explorer - 'Convictions'

A Man who has the confidence to not feel the need to defend his point of view and at the same time possess the openness to accept other's point of view, without being judgemental, yet managingto stay true to his convictions - Is the Man of Real Substance! - Wordions
In religion and politics, people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second hand, and without examination. - Mark Twain
What counts now is not just what we are against, but what we are for. Who leads us is less important than what leads us-what convictions, what courage, what faith-win or lose. A man doesn't save a century, or a civilization, but a militant party wedded to a principal can. - Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.
He was grand in his convictions. He would stride forward to meet his own destruction. - Natsume Soseki
A man must be prepared not only to be a martyr, but to be a fool. It is absurd to say that a man is ready to toil and die for his convictions if he is not even ready to wear a wreathe around his head for them. - G.K. Chesterton
Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. - Winston Churchill
Out of fear, out of the desire for approval, out of misguided notions of duty, people surrender themselves--their convictions and their aspirations--every day. There is nothing noble about it. It takes far more courage to fight for your values than to relinquish them. - Nathaniel Branden
There is nothing more powerful than this moment your living, now, more powerful than your convictions and truths, spend time with what your heart desires and souls screams for. Life ends a day before we know it, it's so important to chase everything that matters to you. - Nikki Rowe
What hinders me from hearing is that I am taken up with other things. It is not that I will not hear God, but I am not devoted in the right place. I am devoted to things, to service, to convictions, and God may say what He likes but I do not hear Him. - Oswald Chambers
The most important scientific revolutions all include, as their only common feature, the dethronement of human arrogance from one pedestal after another of previous convictions about our centrality in the cosmos. - Stephen Jay Gould
Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. - Sir Winston Churchill
Every man, wherever he goes, is encompassed by a cloud of comforting convictions, which move with him like flies on a summer day. - Bertrand Russell
The people who are the most bigoted are the people who have no convictions at all. - G. K. Chesterton
Convictions are prisons. - Friedrich Nietzsche
It is a Blessed thing that in every age someone has had the individuality enough to stand by his own convictions - Robert Ingersoll
Doubt is to certainty as neurosis is to psychosis. The neurotic is in doubt and has fears about persons and things; the psychotic has convictions and makes claims about them. In short, the neurotic has problems, the psychotic has solutions. - Thomas Szasz
Whatever confronts your faith can be a test but if it stands to oppose the content of your personality and the validity of your convictions then it's threat. - Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
Invest in yourself. Invest in self-discipline. Invest in self-satisfaction. Have complete control over your own thoughts and convictions, and never stop aiming to outdo yourself. - Lionel Suggs
No opionions, just strongly held convictions. - Anonymous
The phrases that men hear or repeat continually, end by becoming convictions and ossify the organs of intelligence. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A very popular error: having the courage of one's convictions; rather it is a matter of having the courage for an attack on one's convictions! - Friedrich Nietzsche
Fortunately for themselves and the world, nearly all men are cowards and dare not act on what they believe. Nearly all our disasters come of a few fools having the courage of their convictions. - Coventry Patmore
But then with me the horrid doubt always arises whether the convictions of man's mind, which has been developed from the mind of the lower animals, are of any value or at all trustworthy. - Charles Darwin
The height of your accomplishments is determined by the depth of your convictions. - William F. Scolavino
Don't sacrifice your political convictions for the convenience of the hour. - Edward M. Kennedy
It is the duty of every citizen according to his best capacities to give validity to his convictions in political affairs. - Albert Einstein
Out of passions grow opinions, mental sloth lets these rigidify into convictions. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Are your convictions so fragile that mine cannot stand in opposition to them? Is your God so illusory that the presence of my Devil reveals his insufficiency? - Marquis de Sade
Have your own convictions. Believe in the laws of your conscience because if you believe in everything, you become nothing. - - RVM
I understand you, and I shall not attempt to make you change your mind. I am too old to want to improve the world. I have told you what I think, and that is all. I shall remain your friend even if you act contrary to my convictions, and I shall help you even if I disagree with you. - Milan Kundera
One needs to be slow to form convictions, but once formed they must be defended against the heaviest odds. - Mahatma Gandhi
No more important duty can be urged upon those who are entering the great theater of life than simple loyalty to their best convictions.
PESSIMISM, n. A philosophy forced upon the convictions of the observer by the disheartening prevalence of the optimist with his scarecrow hope and his unsightly smile. - Ambrose Bierce
At 18 our convictions are hills from which we look; At 45 they are caves in which we hide. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Convictions are more dangerous enemies of the truth than lies. - Friedrich Nietzsche
The object of poetic activity is essentially language: whatever his beliefs & convictions, the poet is more concerned with words than what these words designate. - Octavio Paz
Pass on it if you’re not passionate; for convictions create clear choices. - Ryan Lilly
Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Is it faith to understand nothing, and merely submit your convictions implicitly to the Church? - John Calvin
A mistake made by many people with great convictions is that they will let nothing stand in the way of their views, not even kindness. - Bryant McGill
Convictions are the more dangerous enemy of truth than lies. - Friedrich Nietzsche
The aim of totalitarian education has never been to instill convictions but to destroy the capacity to form any. - Hannah Arendt
I wish for you a more difficult life, somewhere in the complicated center, where the courage of your convictions blends with humility and respect for others. - Kenneth Patrick Ruscio
Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies. - Friedrich Nietzsche
A 21st century poet is a woman who can speak her mind and stand upright like a mountain with her convictions, but can adapt like water in an ever changing season without losing her genuine elements. - Roseville Nidea
(Vice President) Garner has taken his personal smallness, his lack of generosity, and forged it into a political principle. He has no imagination, no convictions, and he substitutes political cynicism for social understanding. - Hamilton Basso
What matters is your convictions. - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
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