Find the window of unconditional love in your heart and liberate yourself from the prison of judgemental and conforming thoughts. - Debasish Mridha
Be kind. Only feelings of kindness can purify our ever judgemental minds. - Debasish Mridha
Retain your peace by refusing to respond to rude, judgemental, or prying people. They won't understand anyway. - Manprit Kaur
The more you know yourself, the less judgemental you become - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
When you show compassion instead of being judgemental. You will not undergo your own judgement, but you will receive your own love - Guus Gelsing
A Man who has the confidence to not feel the need to defend his point of view and at the same time possess the openness to accept other's point of view, without being judgemental, yet managingto stay true to his convictions - Is the Man of Real Substance! - Wordions
Everything is Not Lost, We always judge the present situation the way it is and we become judgemental rather than trying to analyse. We need to keep hopes,circumstances may change. Its true that life throws us in some tough situations and that is not the end, in short Everything is still not lost. - Nitesh Kammar