Quotation Explorer - 'Odds'

There is nothing displays the quickness of genius more than a dispute - as two diamonds, encountering, contribute to each other's lustre. But perhaps the odds are against the man of taste in this particular.
Even against the greatest of odds, there is something in the human spirit- a magic blend of skill, faith, and valor- that can lift men from certain defeat to incredible victory.
Creating a family in this turbulent world is an act of faith, a wager that against all odds there will be a future, that love can last, that the heart can triumph against all adversities and even against the grinding wheel of time.
The odds are stacked against you until you realize: You make the odds. - Tehya Sky
Life however is teeming with vitality and is likewise terribly tenacious; holding on against impossible odds in impossible situations over impossible lengths of time. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
No matter what the odds say, be even with who you truly are. - Unarine Ramaru
If you can love at all odds you are gifted. - Luffina Lourduraj
Even when the odds are overwhelming, you can believe in God and His promises. - Jim George
We were not born into this life knowingthat we were going to becomerich or poor, striving or with a celeb status, sick or healthy.But one thing that I know is thatthe human mind is a powerful tool to achieve success. No matter the circumstances,greatness is when you pushyourself above the odds. - Henry Johnson Jr
If we defy the odds and ask, GOD will defy the odds and answer. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Opposition stood in my way, but I persevered against all odds and in the process gained my freedom as well as became a man whose future is like the universe/cosmos...INFINITE - Pierre Richard Lauture
The pain you endure today will lead to a better tomorrow. Don't dwell so much on the pain but focus on the lessons learned. There in lies your strength to rise above all odds. Your best is yet to come. - Kemi Sogunle
The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one. - Erma Bombeck
When we believe we can, we do even when it seems all odds are against us. - Kristen Clark
In your absolute defiance against tyranny, lies and all odds; lies therein, your true moral strength. Rise! - Mamur Mustapha
Love is a wild child, always at odds with society. - Marty Rubin
In the face of impossible odds, people who love this country can change it. - Barack Obama
We are never more creative than when we are at odds with the world and there is nothing so artistically destructive as comfort. Princess Leia taught me that. - Simon Pegg
BE an accomplisher against all odds. - Stephanie Gilzene
I had learned that every patient has the right to hope, despite long odds, and it was my role to help nurture that hope. - Jerome Groopman
Fairy Tales give you more than just smile. They give you Hope. Hope that at the end true love conquers all odds and slays every dragon. - Ameya Agrawal
There is so much power in choosing to love yourself against all odds and I hope with every kind of painful experience you become more aware who you are and what you are truly capable of. Life hurts but it's also remarkabley beautiful if you look past the chaos. - Nikki Rowe
This was the book I read over and over. I really felt so in tune with them- I knew all the dates of their lives, what they had been doing, whre they had been. They were always my heroes, creating something fantastic against all odds, and against their real life. - Christian Tetzlaff
A wise woman knows when to stay silent. However, a wiser woman of faith knows that sometimes words can win the battle, when all odds stand against her. - Shannon L. Alder
There is a correlation between one’s estimation of the odds of finding a new lover who is, at the least, of the same standard as they one they’re currently in a dead relationship with, and, their attempting to revive a dead relationship. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The past has been there all along, reminding us: This time--maybe, hopefully, against all odds, we will get it right. - Leslie T. Chang
When honor and truth are at odds, let truth prevail.
A face-lift is a woman’s attempt to lower the odds of the next person accurately guessing her age. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
the next time you hear someone in a workshop remarking on how good a particular free-verse line or passage sounds, scan it. The odds are that it will fall into a regular metrical pattern. - Annie Finch
The odds against there being a bomb on a plane are a million to one, and against two bombs a million times a million to one. Next time you fly, cut the odds and take a bomb.
I have learned that as soon as you introduce controls on human behavior, you lose the game, particularly when those controls are at odds with the work. - John Seddon
Come on! We've had too many dead heroes. Being a coward increases your odds of survival-that's my motto. I'm counting on bieng faster than them. - Cinda Williams Chima
Victory must be real. It must be earned. That means it must be rare and difficult, against steep odds, and defeat must be the other. - Rick Riordan
Women share their sadness, thought Edith. Their joy they like to show off to one another. Victory, triumph over the odds, calls for an audience. And that air of bustle and exigence sometimes affected by the sexually loquacious - that is for the benefit of other women. No solidarity then. - Anita Brookner
The intrinsic and extrinsic heart is always at odds, so which heart is yours? For one will bask in true joy, while the other lives in self-loathing misery. - Joel T. McGrath
Nothing is so at odds with prayer as vanity. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The average buyer in bookshop spends 8 seconds on the front cover and 15 seconds on the back cover before deciding whether to purchase the book or not. On average, he does not get past page 18. See? The odds are stacked against us writers! - Ashwin Sanghi
Reason and memory are nearly always at odds. - Paul Auster
Do not be sad that all odds are against you; be happy that your real purpose is by you - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Some of the greatest masterpieces of art are created against the odds of reality.from the book: stuff i think about - Sondra Faye
Rise above storms.Sail against tides.Succeed against the odds. - Matshona Dhliwayo
By their essential nature triumphs can't be given. They must be taken, and the worse the odds and the fiercer the resistance, the greater the honor. Victories can't be gifts. - Lois McMaster Bujold
Anything is possible.""You really believe that?""It's what the great love stories are about, right?Beating the odds. - Richard Castle
When we don’t have way to express our feelings then at odds in choosing way and every path of life shows gloomy image. - Faisal Hafeez Mughal
Prayer is in essence rebellion—rebellion against the world in its fallenness. Prayer is the undying refusal to accept as normal what is pervasively abnormal. It is the refusal of every agenda, every scheme, every interpretation that is at odds with the norm as originally established by God. - David G. Wells
Closing one’s eyes when praying doesn’t increase the odds of the prayer being answered. It merely decreases the odds of being distracted. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
One needs to be slow to form convictions, but once formed they must be defended against the heaviest odds. - Mahatma Gandhi
The odds are, you highly underestimate how awesome you are. Stop doing that. - Rob Liano
Do not fixate on the odds against you but on victory ahead of you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I cannot tell whether diamonds appeared in his eyes or mine as the shine of adoration became the icon one sees in history, a Byzantine sparkle, Medieval armor against all odds. - Alice Shapiro
You should never bet against anything in science at odds of more than about 10-12 to 1. - Ernest Rutherford
The odds of finding the one you truly love above all else, is about 1 in 4 billion. The odds that the person you love, loves you back... don't even dream about it, it's not going to happen. Most couples today do not revolve around real love. - Dylan West
What is it that makes a seemingly rational man set out on a perilous journey knowing full well that the odds of success are quite remote and the consequences of failure are likely to be devastating? Is it pride, stubbornness, a yearning for adventure, or just a reckless disregard of reality? - Stan Turner
If we write our dreams and goals down, we dramatically increase our odds of realization. If we share them with others, they become potent and alive. - Kristin Armstrong
The odds are stacked against us until we realize: We make the odds. - Tehya Sky
Against all odds, a seed rises from darkness and beautifies the universe. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Against all odds, beyond every logic, there is hope. - Shilpa Menon
If you want to find missing children put their photo's on Soda Cans, beer cans and cigarette packs and you'll increase the odds by millions some people are lactose in tolerate. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The heart of [J.G.] Ballard's vision [is] the object at odds with its function and abandoned by its time. - Tacita Dean
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