Quotation Explorer - 'Bustle'

The bustle in a houseThe morning after deathIs solemnest of industriesEnacted upon earth,--The sweeping up the heart,And putting love awayWe shall not want to use againUntil eternity - Emily Dickinson
Women share their sadness, thought Edith. Their joy they like to show off to one another. Victory, triumph over the odds, calls for an audience. And that air of bustle and exigence sometimes affected by the sexually loquacious - that is for the benefit of other women. No solidarity then. - Anita Brookner
I begin to think, that a calm is not desirable in any situation in life....Man was made for action and for bustle too, I believe. - Abigail Adams
They were untouched by modern education, but their government was striving with might and main to procure this inestimable benefit for them; anticlericalism and American bustle would soon free them from belief in miracles and holy likenesses. - Robertson Davies
But the dull and stupid masses will continue in their sluggish bustle. - Jehan Sylvius
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