Quotation Explorer - 'Sweeping'

We notice our evolution when we realize that sweeping our problems under the rug is useless. - Keith Dussia
The traveller must, of course, always be cautious of the overly broad generalisation. But I am an American, and a paucity of data does not stop me from making sweeping, vague, conceptual statements and, if necessary, following these statements up with troops. - George Saunders
Human feelings are queer things -- I am much happier -- black-leading the stove's -- making the beds and sweeping the floors at home, than I should be living like a fine lady anywhere else. - Charlotte Brontë
Children don't understand, when things aren't given. The single parent struggling to provide; how they sacrifice themselves, by sweeping their dreams and goals under the table, just to bring bread and beans on the table. - Anthony Liccione
When you muster the courage to processes reality as it is instead of sweeping feelings or emotions under the rug, you become stronger. - Mayra Mejia
It takes strong, sound leadership, that correspondingly rare commodity, which is afflicted with neither an excess of pity nor callousness, to stand against the insipid tide of superficiality that is sweeping the world. - Tim Macartney-Snape
Identity politics divides us; fiction connects. One is interested in sweeping generalizations, the other in nuances. One draws boundaries, the other recognizes no frontiers. Identity politics is made of solid bricks; fiction is flowing water. - Elif Shafak
Big, sweeping life changes really boil down to small, everyday decisions. - Ali Vincent
The present assault upon capital is but the beginning. It will be but the stepping-stone to others, larger and more sweeping, till out political contests will become a war of the poor against the rich, - a war constantly growing in intensity and bitterness. - Stephen Johnson Field
A star shoots bleeding across the skyline, a companion to the black wind. Silence comes sweeping across everything. - Joë Bousquet
The bustle in a houseThe morning after deathIs solemnest of industriesEnacted upon earth,--The sweeping up the heart,And putting love awayWe shall not want to use againUntil eternity - Emily Dickinson
Just like sweeping the streets, sweep the unnecessary things from your mind too; keep your mind clean! - Mehmet Murat ildan
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