Quotation Explorer - 'Agenda'

Kita itu negara rapat yang isinya membahas agenda yang akan dirapatkan pada rapat berikutnya - Kholiq Arif
Your love for me is transparent, no hidden agenda, no ulterior motive. - Euginia Herlihy
As a leader, 1st, work on yourself- increase your self-awareness. There shouldn't be any other urgent agenda than this. Get enlightened! Know very well who you're including your strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots! - Assegid Habtewold
If your heart is not in God, you are not in Him.Our heart is the issue of life; Affliction is God's last card through which your supernatural eyes can connect to access divine agenda as it relates to your life. - Prince Akwarandu
Everyone has a hidden agenda. Except me! - Michael Crichton
The agenda of the roadblock is the philosophy of the stop sign. - George W. Bush
A crisis does not always appear to a policymaker as a series of dramatic events. Usually it imposes itself as an exhausting agenda of petty chores demanding both concentration and endurance. - Henry Kissinger
People grow when they are loved well. If you want to help others heal, love them without an agenda. - Mike McHargue
Ultimately, I hoped the tiny-house guy was similar to me: a sane person without a big agenda, who simply wanted a way to make sense of the world, to create a new map with a big X in the middle labeled "Home," even if that meant shrinking his world down to the size of an area rug. - Dee Williams
If I assume the ‘truth’ to be negotiable based on whether or not it serves my agenda, then my agenda has become my ‘truth.’ And the ‘truth’ of the matter is, when I do this I’ve chosen to take a treacherous path through some very deep woods where neither path nor woods exist. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I think there needs to be a meeting to set an agenda for more meetings about meetings. - Jonah Goldberg
Poets, with no sponsors, no agenda, are the truest form of freedom today, bleeding out every drop of themselves for the world to either hate or devour. - Jason E. Hodges
Good tells us that our agenda is the agenda of the person next to us. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
It is not blindly pushing your own agenda that will enrich the world. It’s is your ability and willingness to understand, appreciate, anticipate, address, serve and support the lives of others that will. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Prayer is in essence rebellion—rebellion against the world in its fallenness. Prayer is the undying refusal to accept as normal what is pervasively abnormal. It is the refusal of every agenda, every scheme, every interpretation that is at odds with the norm as originally established by God. - David G. Wells
I don't care what your liberal agenda is, you'll never accomplish anything if the people don't trust us with their money, and they don't trust us Democrats.
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