Quotation Explorer - 'Faster'

Rumor travels faster, but it don't stay put as long as truth. - Will Rogers
A bore is a fellow talking who can change the subject back to his topic of conversation faster than you can change it back to yours. - Laurence J. Peter
Washington is the only place where sound travels faster than light. - C. V. R. Thompson
Everything with no exception is a choice. The choice can be either conscious or unconscious depending on the level of self-awareness. The more self-aware we become, the faster we can make our unconscious choices known to us. - Raphael Zernoff
I believe in the 20/80 rule. That's where working an extra 20% faster, harder, or smarter gets you an extra 80% of the rewards. - Brandon David Hastings
The faster you go, the idler you get. - Ferreira Gullar
Why aren’t the thinks I’m thinking getting thunk on the page any faster?!? (from Stop Lying: Writing Is Hard on ChristopherLehman.com) - Christopher Lehman
Faster, Faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death. - Hunter S. Thompson
Are you in love? What makes your heart beat faster? What do you want people to think about when they hear your name. - Charlotte Eriksson
If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster. - Isaac Asimov
Life is a cross roads, you have a choice to choose your path and run faster. - Sivaprakash Sidhu
Time is running faster than watch.Life is running faster than Time.We are running faster than Life.In this race, relations are being left behind - Pankaj Gupta
It is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light, and certainly not desirable, as one's hat keeps blowing off. - Woody Allen
If you want to know the one thing that will allow you to grow faster than anything else, it is the belief that you may be wrong about absolutely everything you believe. When you can question your beliefs at every possible turn, your opportunities for growth expand exponentially. - Kelle Sparta
You think maybe if you just work harder and faster, you can hold off the chaos, but then one day you’re changing a patio light bulb with a five-year life span and you realize how you’ll only be changing this light maybe ten more times before you’ll be dead. - Chuck Palahniuk
In life the faster u learn the better! U won't ask much of....& u won't allow Ur brain to suck any crap - Wilson M Rubaihayo
Work It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster, Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterOur Work Is Never Over-Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, lyrics and music by - Daft Punk
Trying to get more learning out of the present system is like trying to get the Pony Express to compete with the telegraph by breeding faster ponies. - Edward Fiske
Once constituted, capital reproduces itself faster than output increases. The past devours the future. - Thomas Piketty
Making mistakes simply means you are learning faster. - Weston H. Agor
The highway of grace will get you somewhere a whole lot faster then the freeway of spite. - Aaron Lauritsen
Don’t be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. Death is always at our side.When we show fear. it jumps at us faster than light, but if we do not show fear, it casts its eye upon us gently and then guides us into infinity… - Gackt
The only thing that compounds faster than interest is learning. - Orrin Woodward
Time is running faster than watch.Life is running faster than Time.We are running faster than Life.In this race, relationships are being left behind - Pankaj Gupta
The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The faster way to capture the dream is getting started what you believe - Tagor Manroo
Our faster than ever evolution has resulted in our undermining certain incredibly important aspects of humanity—like our sleep. - Pawan Mishra
Shit rolls downhill. Bureaucracy rolls faster. - David Wellington
Financial and Personal success, come your way faster when You work each weekday and night at realizing your dreams to be successful, such achieving a personal goal and dream, OR your dream of running your own business and being your own boss. - nick catricala
Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them: A desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill. - Muhammad Ali
Your equipment DOES NOT affect the quality of your image. The less time and effort you spend worrying about your equipment the more time and effort you can spend creating great images. The right equipment just makes it easier, faster or more convenient for you to get the results you need. - Ken Rockwell
Anger is the feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind. - Evan Esar
Time is going really faster than you think. That second just passed now, get up, pack the bag, get lost… - Jerril Thomas Abraham
Anger is an agro-chemical that makes self-destruction to grow faster. Like a stone thrown upward, all angry people eventually fall down into the dirty ditch of sorrowful self-harm and a pathetic loss of real-self. - Israelmore Ayivor
The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom. - Isaac Asimov
Come on! We've had too many dead heroes. Being a coward increases your odds of survival-that's my motto. I'm counting on bieng faster than them. - Cinda Williams Chima
The flowers' beauty drew her closer to them like a magnetic force. She felt compelled to walk a little faster. - H. L. Balcomb
Power is a delicate thing. The most powerful storms on earth intensify rapidly, but dissipate just as fast if not faster. - Anonymous
In some neighborhoods, faces mature faster than bodies. - Brandon Stanton
Officer, I know I was going faster than 55MPH, but I wasn't going to be on theroad an hour. - Steven Wright
Doing better is creativity, doing faster is creativity, doing smarter is creativity, doing right is creativity. - Amit Kalantri
People may say it is better to face problems in life but I say run if you believe you can run faster. - khoshdast
Good. Illegal is always faster. - Eoin Colfer
[S]tart at the turn of the last century, in 1901, with the celebration of Detroit’s bicentennial. That was the Detroit that came before--before all the racket that attended the making of the modern world, which happened here first and faster than anywhere else on this planet. - Jerry Herron
Doing better is creativity,doing faster is creativity,doing smarter is creativity,doing right is creativity.doing Exclusive is creating identity. - Mohit Manke
The more he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
There are benefits in confrontation. Even though we don’t like it most of the time, but people who obey this demand of life, live in peace better than the others. They avoid conflict and fights, better than others. They are able to identify their friends and enemies faster than others. - Sunday Adelaja
If you move faster than the music, it will look strange; if you move slower than the music, it will look strange! Be like autumn leaves which follow exactly the rhythm of the wind! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Mother nature pushes you back the faster you go, same way people will full you back, the faster you succeed. - Arlin Sailesh Kapadia
Ill gotten power, money knowledge and qualifications will vanish faster than realized - Dr.T.V.Rao MD
You were like fine wine, but cheap wine gets you drunk faster. - Dominic Riccitello
There is no shame in failing; it is a better way to get stronger faster. - Debasish Mridha
Ever notice that anyone going slower than you is an idiot, but anyone going faster is a maniac? - George Carlin
Excellence is the jet engine, that pushes you faster and higher to success. - Mark F. LaMoure
Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac? - George Carlin
Live in the moment... where everything is just right, take your time and limit your bad memories and you'll get wherever it is you're going a lot faster and with less bumps in the road along the way. - J.A. Redmerski
You see an army running after you, every minute they become more and more you run as much faster as possible, you leave everything behind your back to safe your ass... and after all you are alone silence is with you. - Deyth Banger
I focus all my energy into become a faster, stronger, and better version of myself. - Georgia Clark
An intelligent woman is a goldmine! She has the ability to learn, reason and understand things better and faster than her contemporaries. She is competent, alert and can reason out stuffs easily. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
A straightforward answer to a straightforward question will move you that much more forward in this world, that much faster. - Loren Weisman
If the programmer can simulate a construct faster then the compiler can implement the construct itself, then the compiler writer has blown it badly.
Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws. - Douglas Adams
Nothing makes your sense of humor disappear faster than having somebody ask you where it is.
God Please help Man find his lost Freedom faster. So that the rest of the creatures on earth who deserve it more can have theirs back. - Surabhi Dhar
Let go of everything that you hold onto, which does not serve you anymore. Be light, walk faster. - Raphael Zernoff
When intent is rooted in pure love, you dreams will grown and manifest faster than you could ever imagine. - Dawn Gluskin
Every year it minus or subtract a percentage of your life. Thats why when we grow , The time is more faster, the months are faster, days are faster. We are hardly able to keep track of time. We are also getting closer to death than we were . - De philosopher DJ Kyos
Never fight any progressive moves unless you can move faster to achieve something different. - Ferdinard S. Lawson
Firing of Energy does it faster than pumping, but the latter is under better control, and much more resource efficient - Priyavrat Thareja
The brightest candles burn out faster - Kaelo Setogang
Nobody works better under pressure. They just work faster. - Brian Tracy
Nothing will make you look like an idiot faster than the fact that you don't know what you doing. - Auliq Ice
Next to a circus there ain't nothing that packs up and tears out faster than the Christmas spirit. - Kin Hubbard
A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history, with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila.
Sometimes when I'm talking, my words can't keep up with my thoughts. I wonder why we think faster than we speak. Probably so we can think twice. - Bill Watterson
Walk the path your heart beats faster on. - Nikki Rowe
Some ages are lukewarm and complacent, and then it is our business to soothe them yet faster asleep. Other ages, of which the present is one, are unbalanced and prone to faction, and it is our business to inflame them. - C.S. Lewis
It is an ironic habit of human beings to run faster when they have lost their way. - Rollo May
Innovation has beauty in it. The speed of innovations is getting faster and faster. Remember that ideas are the seeds of innovation. - Debasish Mridha
If it weren't for my lawyer, I'd still be in prison. It went a lot faster with two people digging. - Joe Martin
Advancements in technology have provided us the wonderful freedom to procrastinate faster than ever before.
VICTORY - Champions have it deep inside of them - a dream, a desire, a vision. They have the last minute stamina. They have to be a little faster. They have to have the will and the skill. But the will must be greater than the skill.
And he whom you cannot teach to fly, teach to fall faster. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Love is the most powerful force on this world. You can't touch it but feel it. You can bind together the whole world with it, you can win the war with it. It is faster than light, sharper than laser knife. It is softer than puffer candy but can melt your heart. - Debasish Mridha
The moment you think you know something inside out, is the moment you stop listening. That's when you go backwards faster than you progressed - Hadi Farnoud
There are several paths to success; We are given multiple opportunities to achieve our potential throughout our lives. Some get there a little faster than others. But one thing is for sure; NO ONE gets there without first having a goal then taking action and LOTS of it! - Rachael Bermingham
Nothing shines up a halo faster than death Matthew. But funerals are for the living... and revising history... only dilutes the lessons we should learn from it. - Father Lantom, Daredevil
I don't believe in intuition. When you get sudden flashes of perception, it is just the brain working faster than usual. But you've been getting ready to know it for a long time, and when it comes, you feel you've known it always. - Katherine Anne Porter
He whom you cannot teach to fly, teach to fall faster! - Friedrich Nietzsche
My pen beats faster as I write with my heart - Munia Khan
World trends are changing at an increasing pace.Does that mean you need to move faster to achieve your goals? No...you don't have to match the speed of your prey. You just need to stop chasing and start anticipating. Don't aim for where your target is...focus on where it will be. - Sola Kosoko
In economics, things take longer to happen than you think they will, and then they happen faster than you thought they could. - Rudiger Dornbusch
You can't move so fast that you try to change the mores faster than people can accept it. That doesn't mean you do nothing, but it means that you do the things that need to be done according to priority. - Eleanor Roosevelt
His closeness makes my heart beat faster, my skin tingle, my body want things it doesn't even know. - Teri Terry
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