Quotation Explorer - 'Prone'

Adoration drives obedience, but throughout history people are prone to forget the faithfulness of God yesterday. - Matt Chandler
They say blood is thicker than water. It's also more treacherous, prone to betrayal, full of shit and quite honestly, I wouldn't put much weight into it at all. - Ashly Lorenzana
I am prone to envy. It is one of my three default emotions, the others being greed and rage. I have also experienced compassion and generosity, but only fleetingly and usually while drunk, so I have little memory. - Augusten Burroughs
If I ever conceive any original idea, it will be because I have been abnormally prone to confuse ideas ... and I have thus found remote analogies and relations which others have not considered! Others rarely make these confusions, and proceed by precise analysis. - Kenneth J.W. Craik
Humour sustains us during failure; more so after success, when we're prone to fail that much more, daring abyss, pumped up with success. - Fakeer Ishavardas
I am what I might term an unprejudiced sceptic. I am not given to either believing or disbelieving things 'on principle,' as I have found many idiots prone to be, and what is more, some of them not ashamed to boast of the insane fact. - William Hope Hodgson
When you Love.. you Expect.. Once u start Expecting.. u have Hope.. Hopes in return makes you to put Trust.. and Trust makes u prone to Betrayal.. and whn u r Betrayed.. Hell falls over U...!!! - Abhijeet Sawant
I shall never be very merry or very sad, for I am more prone to analyse than to feel. - H.P. Lovecraft
Some ages are lukewarm and complacent, and then it is our business to soothe them yet faster asleep. Other ages, of which the present is one, are unbalanced and prone to faction, and it is our business to inflame them. - C.S. Lewis
Refrain from doing ill; for one all powerful reason, lest our children should copy our misdeeds; we are all too prone to imitate whatever is base and depraved. - Juvenal
All things may corrupt when minds are prone to evil. - Ovid
I still notice the burned house, mornings, when I walk along the beach. "Well, obviously I do not notice the house. What I notice is what remains of the house. One is still prone to think of a house as a house, however, even if there is not remarkably much left of it. - David Markson
Measure yourself by your best moments, not by your worst. We are too prone to judge ourselves by our moments of despondency and depression. - Robert Johnson
We are too prone to make technological instruments the scapegoats for the crimes of those who wield them. The products of modern science are not in themselves good or bad; it is the way they are used that determines their value. - David Sarnoff
The greatest and the best Christians when they are physically weak are more prone to an attack of spiritual depression than at any other time and there are great illustrations of this in the Scriptures. - Martyn Llyod-Jones
They had an ugly look to one as prone to disgust and fear as the changes of a few hours had made me. - Charles Dickens
How prone to doubt, how cautious are the wise! - Homer
If you do not wish to be prone to anger, do not feed the habit; give it nothing which may tend to its increase. - Epictetus
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