Quotation Explorer - 'Wield'

Beware of fame; for when they come for you, they come not to give, but for to gain.Whoever is needed, wields the most power.Whoever is needy, seeks to wield that power. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
I don't write to chase away my demons ~I wield my pen as a weapon...calling those bastards to war! - Muse
Kids are never the problem. They are born scientists. The problem is always the adults. They beat the curiosity out of kids. They outnumber kids. They vote. They wield resources. That's why my public focus is primarily adults. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
We will restore science to its rightful place and wield technology's wonders to raise health care's quality and lower its cost. - Barack Obama
We write or we are written upon. The whole of our lives is the clumsy attempt to wield the pen with grace. - Vincent Louis Carrella
I long to embrace, to include in my own short life, all that is accessible to man. I long to speak, to read, to wield a hammer in a great factory, to keep watch at sea, to plow. I want to be walking along the Nevsky Prospect, or in the open fields, or on the ocean wherever my imagination ranges. - Anton Chekhov
Memories are strange things. Without being something I can hold in my hand, they wield a beguiling power over me. Like a mirage in the noontime heat of summer they dance before my inner eyes and beckon me to find water where there is no water. - Joy Sikorski
We are too prone to make technological instruments the scapegoats for the crimes of those who wield them. The products of modern science are not in themselves good or bad; it is the way they are used that determines their value. - David Sarnoff
...an ambitious array of dishonorable intentions that he intended to wield upon the Countess’s nether regions. BATS 2015 - Fred Barnett
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