Quotation Explorer - 'Chase'

If you chase two rabbits, both will escape. - Anonymous
Some people are so talented that they have the millions that they are chasing for within, blinded by the chase. - Goitsemang Mvula
We chase wild dreams and long for all that eludes us, when the greatest joys are within our grasp, if we can only recognize them. - Ben Sherwood
There is nothing more powerful than this moment your living, now, more powerful than your convictions and truths, spend time with what your heart desires and souls screams for. Life ends a day before we know it, it's so important to chase everything that matters to you. - Nikki Rowe
...I got to chase my dream for a while, see what it's like, but this—" He stood and swept his arms wide. "This, and my family, is worth any price. - J.L. Langley
Chase your dreams and see how far you can reach. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Go chase your dreams. Give it a try. And see how far you can go. - Lailah Gifty Akita
When we give up the chase, we give up our wishing. - Stephen Richards
Love is an energy that is addictive, contagious and free. Earn it, chase it, give it to those in need. - Aaron Lauritsen
don't follow your dreams, chase them - Portia Sarris
I can chase you, and I can catch you,but there is nothing I can do to make you mine. - Morrissey
We chase dreams and embrace shadows. - Anatole France
Life is not a Race to Chase, but we realize it only when Death comes face-to-face . - RVM
If you do not chase success, you will be overtaken by failure. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I like the chase, scavenging and how we unravel. Standing naked with all my pores at the door. Waiting for a response, a love, someone to call my home. Where my emotions graze the air and I’m lying half past gone. - Dominic Riccitello
I chase goals, not girls. - Amit Kalantri
Women are like shadows; when you chase them, they run from you; when you run from them, they chase you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Chase your dreams, even if you trip. - Ashley Brooke Robbins
If you pursue happiness, you are an ordinary person. If happiness pursues you, you are an extraordinary person. Do not chase happiness; let it chase you. - Petar Dunov
A dream can be remarkable and alluring, that is why I chase it hoping that one day something good would happen! - Maddy
He who cannot swim should neither chase the dolphins nor play with sharks. For him disaster awaits like sunrise. - J. Loren Norris
Women should never chase elevators, buses or men, because there will always be another one! - Anonymousmale1
Never chase a person that doesn't know your worth because the moment you catch him you will always feel you were never good enough. - Shannon L. Alder
When you're confident in what you bring to the table, you don't have to chase and beg anyone to sit down and eat. - Stephan Labossiere
When you are having a really crappy day, and life seems to be kicking your ass, try to force your self to laugh. If you can achieve a smile and a laugh, you can chase any demons away - L.F. Young
I never had to chase 7 women but always and whenever there was only one. - Kent Lamarc
Chase your dreams and your nightmares will grow tired of chasing you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The fate of man does not chase him as much as he chases his fate. - Raheel Farooq
Don't be soo afraid to fall, that you don't even chase for success. - Auliq Ice
You can chase love. If you are lucky enough to catch it…is it really yours? - Brian MacLearn
Far more than the shield is the Pleasure I get on the field . . . the Joy of the chase is greater than the result of the race. - RVM
Darkness does not leave without the light to chase it away. You need to have spiritual strength to pull you through the rough times. - Keith Shaver
Maybe we feel empty because we spend so much of our own time watching other people live their lives, chase their dreams, express their love, and navigate their relationships. And when we turn off our TV or put down our phone... We've nourished nothing of our own. - Steve Maraboli
Children teach us how to chase without overrunning. - Darnell Lamont Walker
Confidently chase your dreams. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I don’t chase after anyone, If you wanna walk out of my life, then I’ll hold the fucking door open for you. - Wiz Khalifa
Chase your dreams with all your strength, soul land sprit. - Lailah Gifty Akita
People know the value of money so they chase it. I wonder if they know the worth of love. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Don't chase people. Be yourself, do your own thing and work hard. The right people - the ones who really belong in your life - will come to your. And stay. - Will Smith
Be fearless in the chase of your dream. - Harsh Malik
Time can burn. Time can hurt. But it can also purify. It can chase away shadows. It can melt the coldest heart.
Far more than the shield is the Pleasure I get on the field . . . the Joy of the chase is greater than the result of the race.- - RVM
Results for "A man is like a cat; chase him and he'll run; sit still and ignore him and he'll come purring at your feet - Helen Rowland
Chase after the truth like all hell and you'll free yourself, even though you never touch its coat-tails. - Clarence Darrow
With courage, you can confidently chase your dreams. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Chase your dreams even with the last breath. - Lailah Gifty Akita
In life, think outside the box, chase your dreams, then follow your own path undeterred by those naysayers. - Aaron Lauritsen
Life is not a Race, but we still continue the Chase and try to be an Ace. It’s time to get out of this Maze and Truly Live with Grace. - - RVM
The true cost of following your dreams isn't what you sacrifice when you chase them, it's what you lose when you don't - Simon S. Tam
There was a brown substance inside and Chase had no doubt: it was heroin. Only a tiny amount, but very pure." - Cutting Right to the Chase Vol.2 - Stefania Mattana
Begin to chase your dreams with great passion. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If we don't chase our dreams then we will be ran over by our fears. - Chris Burkmenn
A woman has but two loves in life: the one who broke her heart and the one she spends the rest of her life with."- Carolyn Chase, former Broadcast Journalist and heroine Kate Theodore's mother - Liz Newman
And you finally get there, you reach a point where you refuse to feel anymore pain and the desire to chase happiness out weighs any choice that gives you reason to question where you're headed. - Nikki Rowe
Let our love chase all clouds awayHold my hand and feel the dayYour footsteps guide my steps all alongBeneath my skin your veins belong. - Munia Khan
No matter how scary the road ahead may seem, never be afraid to chase your dreams. - Melaina Rayne
Neurotics chase after people and jobs they don't really want, just to prove that they are like everybody else - which is the last thing they really want.
Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence. - Vince Lombardi
Yes, we know you are a graduate with PhD. But when was the last time you chase after a book shop to buy and read a book at your own volition to obtain an information for your self-development? Knowledge doesn't chase people; people chase knowledge and information. - Israelmore Ayivor
I don't write to chase away my demons ~I wield my pen as a weapon...calling those bastards to war! - Muse
Happiness in this world, when it comes, comes incidentally. Make it the object of pursuit, and it leads us a wild-goose chase, and is never attained. Follow some other object, and very possibly we may find that we have caught happiness without dreaming of it. - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Be the Light you seek so desperately in your life and chase away that darkness. - Solange nicole
It's only human nature for dogs to chase motorbikes - Peter Tinniswood
Don't refuse to go on an occasional wild goose chase -- that's what wild geese are for. - Anonymous
You can always chase a dream but it will not count if you never catch it. - Malcolm X
If we don't chase things--sometimes the things following us can catch up. - L. M. Montgomery
Success does not chase after you; you have to chase after it. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness - it's right in front of me if I'm paying attention and practicing gratitude. - Brené Brown
Chase after the truth like all hell and you’ll free yourself, even though you never touch its coat tails. - Clarence Darrow
Okay. Chase paused for a beat. But can I give you a word of advice? No. Chase grinned and went on. If you make Bridget unhappy, you’re gonna make Maddie unhappy. And that’s going to make me very unhappy. - J. Lynn
It’s when you acquire the knowledge to listen to your inner voice and patiently chase your goals, that all that you were afraid of can be seen in different shining colors. - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
Enjoy the rainbow while it lasts and don't chase it when it's gone. - Marty Rubin
May you find the strength to chase your dreams - Lailah Gifty Akita
Chase your dreams with all your strength, soul and spirit. - Lailah Gifty Akita
My final word: don't follow your dreams . . . chase them. With a stick, or a shovel, or whatever you have handy. Get that [bleep]ing dream! - Maureen Johnson
I say, "You a kind girl," and she nod, repeat it back to me. But before I can do another one, she get up and chase that poor dog around the yard and laugh and that's when I get to wondering, what would happen if I told her she something good, ever day? - Kathyrn Stockett
Chase opened the mini fridge. Wanna drink? He asked.No thank you and you shouldn’t either.Oh I definitely need one, besides it numbs the hunger. He grabbed a few of the tiny bottles from the door shelf.Then by all means get your drink on. Samuel chuckled. - S.L. Ross
The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters. - Genghis Khan
Happiness is a shadow. If you chase it, it moves further away. But if you turn to make others happy, it will follow you. Make others Happy and be Happy. - RVM
You must be determined to chase your dreams. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If the sound of your voice is not so loud it cannot be ignored, you aren’t quite there yet. You’ll continue to try this for a little while and then switch to that. You’ll chase everything that boasts of success but never truly find fulfillment in it. - Suzette Hinton
Some are drawn to the light of your strength but can't handle the darkness of your weaknesses. If they run when the light gets dim, don't chase them. They have no understanding of how dark is necessary for light to shine its brightest. - Sanjo Jendayi
Chase after truth like hell and you'll free yourself, even though you never touch its coat-tails. - Clarence Darrow
The pleasure of the sportsman in the chase is measured by the intelligence of the game and its capacity to elude pursuit and in the labor involved in the capture. - John Dean Caton
Begin to chase your dreams. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Don't ever run away from your problems. Chase after them like a crazy person till they're too afraid to come near you again. - Zanib Mian
Dreams must be chased, for if we wait for them to chase us we will live a life of waiting. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I wouldn't describe myself as lacking in confidence, but I would just say that - the ghosts you chase you never catch. - John Malkovich
We will continue to chase rainbows unless we recognize that they are rainbows and there is no pot of gold at the end of them. - Diane Ravitch
If you chase a butterfly, it will escape;if you feed it, it will come. - Matshona Dhliwayo
If you must chase make certain its with passion so you may reap a worthy reward. - Eyob M. A.
Those who think life is money, chase it. But those who think life is sharing live to give. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Happiness is a shadow. If you chase it, it moves further away. But if you turn to make others happy, it will follow you. Make others Happy and be Happy.- - RVM
I am a happy camper so I guess I’m doing something right. Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder. - J. Richard Lessor
The more you chase money, the harder it is to catch it. - Mike Tatum
Leave your comfort-zone and begin to chase your dreams. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A fantasy is nothing more than a dream you were too scared to chase. - Shannon L. Alder
When you live life connected to purpose, you don't have to chase opportunities, they come to you. - Sue Fitzmaurice
Not asking questions: Giving up on your dreams: Settling for less than you deserve causes you pain, a pain owned by the majority. Be among the few who are inquisitive, forge plans to chase their dreams and take intentional action to live the life aligned with their potential. - Tony Curl
If you can believe in your dreams, you will find the strength to chase them. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Self confident is the courage to chase your dream. - Lailah Gifty Akita
It's only human nature for dogs to chase motrobikes - Peter Tinniswood
Chase a butterfly and you will discover the joys of wandering into uncharted trails. - Vinita Kinra
Never chase a lie. Let it alone, and it will run itself to death. - Lyman Beecher
Far more than the shield is the Pleasure I get on the field . . . the Joy of the chase is greater than the result of the race.-RVM - R.v.m.
Color has got me. I no longer need to chase after it. It has got me for ever. I know it. That is the meaning of this happy hour. - Paul Klee
If you're going to make a science fiction movie, then have a hover craft chase, for God's sake. - Joss Whedon
I do not love money to chase it. - Lailah Gifty Akita
We all have a vision, a dream to hope for. Some chase it and some wish upon it.. Who do you think, wins? the chaser finds ways to create it, regardless of the fight, the wisher finds way to excuse it, because courage doesn't fill their hearts. - Nikki Rowe
...it was so rich and exotic I was seduced into taking one bite and then another as I tried to chase the flavors back to their source. - Ruth Reichl
What is life if you don't have a dream to chase? - Joanne McClean
Life is not a Race to Chase, but we realize it only when Death comes face-to-face. -RVM - R.v.m.
The longer you chase the wrong person, the further you travel in the wrong direction. You're better than that. - Steve Maraboli
You can chase a bird from your porch, but you can not take away its ability to fly. - Dr. Myles Munroe
People who truly serve God actively look for darkness in order to chase darkness away, they run after darkness, they search for darkness in all its ramifications and destructive consequences. - Sunday Adelaja
quote from Chase the Moon- Some people are just downright wicked, and sometimes evil wins - but not always. - Lynn Hubbard
In life be your own person, think outside the box, chase your dreams, then follow your own path undeterred by the naysayers who follow the herd. - Aaron Lauritsen
Don't worry about the smallest size that light can be, it will chase away the darkness. - Bruce Mbanzabugabo
Two questions I'm pondering:1. If money didn't exist, would you still chase your dreams?2. If money didn't exist, would you still keep your job?If the answer is "YES" to both, you're on track. If the answer is "NO" to either, what needs to change? - Richie Norton
I love to chase my shadow to feel how it rests in the dark. - Munia Khan
The wolf turned to Rachel. She was afraid to run, afraid fleeing would make it chase her. Somewhere in the stored files of her mind, she remembered one should not look directly at a menacing dog, but she couldn’t take her eyes from it. - G.G. Collins
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